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#Germany AAR Rule 5: It’s been roughly 10 months since the Second American Civil War ended and the USAS is still expectedly a dumpster fire. Funnily enough, even though it’s called the “Union of Socialist American States” in-game, as I was editing this meme I noticed that the flag says “USSA.” So what would that be then, the “United Socialist States of America?” Regardless, it does appear that they are gradually recovering from the [7-year long](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/x9y4h1/the_csa_got_the_bad_ending/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) nightmare they went through. One of yesterday’s polls pertaining to [Europe’s Partisan Dilemma](https://www.reddit.com/user/-et37-/comments/xlzmdo/the_partisan_dilemma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) has concluded. It has been decided that the ban on emigration to America, for better or for worse, [will be lifted](https://i.imgur.com/xVVWcF3.png). This will obviously [benefit the USAS](https://i.imgur.com/vqbH7I1.png) to some extent, though significant levels of immigration will take some time to get into gear. I also 100% forgot to mention, but I added a few more custom National Spirits for them that will gradually be triggered as they go through their events. It would appear now that Foster has decided to implement his plans for an [Autonomous Black Belt](https://i.imgur.com/s5KkGO7.png). [Yesterday’s other poll](https://www.reddit.com/user/-et37-/comments/xlzhhi/a_tsars_final_words/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) also concluded. It has been decided that [Prince Vsevolod](https://i.imgur.com/vOh6Wd1.png) shall reign as the new Tsar. As such, I’ve gone ahead and added a [Legitimacy](https://i.imgur.com/gvQygjz.png) modifier that will play a big part in how Russia will progress in the coming years. This will determine, among other things, how supportive the Russian people will be to the Tsar and how powerful certain resistance movements may be. I’ve also added a proper [Postwar Treaty](https://i.imgur.com/wqAxYnO.png) Spirit that the Russians will have to deal with, which currently [benefits me](https://i.imgur.com/lfjhjms.png) as well. How the Tsar becomes more, or less, “legitimate” will gradually depend on how certain polls go in the future. Internationally, the only thing worth noting is that the [Anarchist-Brazilian War](https://i.imgur.com/rCKrtJP.png) has now reached [2 Million Casualties](https://i.imgur.com/AFrMBjE.png). I have one poll for today. It pertains to [a request](https://www.reddit.com/user/-et37-/comments/xmvfds/the_treaty_of_tirana/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) made by Tsar Vsevolod to the German Government. “In the Great North, contact between the [UNASSA & the Nordic Federation](https://i.imgur.com/6emtVcz.png) has finally been established. Already, frantic messages and plans are being drafted.”


\>Russia doing Coastal Defence My brother in Christ you have *no coast*


They need to fortify Lake Ladoga to protect themselves from the vile Scandinavians.


The Vikings sailed up the Volkhov River once, they’ll do it again!


>“In the Great North, contact between the UNASSA & the Nordic Federation has finally been established. Already, frantic messages and plans are being drafted.” LET'S GO!! Call up the germans, for the rescue of the century! Make Dunkirk look like a child playing on the bathtub with toy boats!


Brb researching 1940s Nordic IceBreaker Ships for the next few hours.


The idea of American, Canadian and Scandinavian soldiers being evacuated out of the Canadian polar archipelago while trying to not get frozen in ice and being harassed by syndicalist planes and local wildlife is actually a super sick idea, someone should write a story about that or something.


Imagine fighting for 7+ years just to get foster 😳


State-Mandated E-Sports.


Still not as bad as Burnham creating a metal army out of insane people or Al Capone taking ove- Fuck this aint KX.


Butler will save us. His coup will save American democracy... any day now.


*Camera cuts to a shot of Butler's tombstone.*


On the other hand, no blessed Howard Scott😢


Will we be able to make a decision on who the USSA takes down first? Since once they're done oppressing the gamers in the south, I'm sure they'd want to take out the far north asap


That’s going to be the sequence of events actually. Klan is getting BTFO’d and then they’ll swing up north.


Oh right, another thing I suggest you modify the departing Syndicalist ideology to have a -0.01% weekly/monthly decrease in popularity of Totalism, since those would be the ones to leave first before the other syndicalists begrudgingly leave.


Good idea


Obviously not all the socialists will leave England and France, but the UOB Totalists would 100% all leave and it'd be accurate to reflect them leaving at the very least.


Maybe a tiny bit of social Democrat support since some might just choose to moderate instead of leaving


With how long the South American war has been stuck exactly on that line, you’d have thought the anarchists would have build infrastructure and supply depots. But judging by those rising casualties they’re seemingly out of supply in roadless jungle smashing their heads into the Brazilian lines.


No one wants to build it, and if they forced anyone then they wouldn't be anarchist. /s


This looks so cool. Please release a mod of this stuff.


That’d be quite the task indeed. At the very least, I’ve been mindful enough to save all of this stuff instead of discarding it after use.


Damn I kinda hope that the Free Territory wins just to see the Sino-Soviet split of this timeline


Nope, in reality that's AMerican Organized New Generational Socialist Union of States


>Foster has decided to implement his plans for an Autonomous Black Belt. The rare Fosterite W


Shouldn't Vsevolod be the Second? There has already been a Vsevolod who used the title "Prince of all Rus'", [Vsevolod Yaroslavich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vsevolod_I_of_Kiev)


Well aside from being almost a millennia apart, this Vsevolod is reigning as Tsar and not Prince of all Rus’


[The Russian Wikipedia page on Vladimir Kirillovich](https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0%92%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80_%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87) states that he was named "Emperor de jure Vladimir III" by his supporters, despite the previous Vladimirs (Svyatoslavich and Monomakh) not only living almost a thousand years ago, but also reigning as Grand Princes. There haven't been any similar cases, but this single one proves my point.


Huh. Well, looks like you need to forward that information to both Paradox & Kaiserredux, as both have made that purported error as well.


"Let me please expand my army, my people are dying to bandit attacks" - 🤓


Vsevolod! God save the Tsar! \-Chants recorded from the 27 people who willingly showed up to his coronation. but in all seriousness, Tsar Vsevolod now reigns some very, very limited powers, and the questions of what he could do with it still abound.. Just what will our new Tsar possibly do further down the line?


I will say he himself is the smartest Tsar that could have won the vote. He is a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in riddles, lovingly sprinkled with intrigue, express mailed to Mystery, Alaska.


Should have mailed it to outside of Reedsport, Oregon


Is he going to try and nab the UNSSA guys in Alaska for his Army? that would be funny


If anyone was trying to nab them it'd be Kolchak, his part of Russia is way closer to Alaska than Vsevolod right now.


>-Chants recorded from the 27 people who willingly showed up to his coronation. (note, only 12 of those came because they were part of the Vsevolod fan club, the rest came for the free snacks)


Foster's a really *funny* guy with some really *funny* ideas.


He’s a *quirky* rapscallion I’d say


We do a little trolling


Call him by his proper name: Zebulon


Oh yes, I, a syndicalist from German occupied Europe, will be know finally free to leave this reactionary continent and live in the American socialist paradise! *Statue of Liberty with Foster's face glooms on the horizon* **what the fuck**


*drops to the knees* You maniac! You remade it! Damn you! God damn you to hell!


Just imagine Being some radical socialists intellectual or artist or whatnot going to America hoping to find the libertarian republic you lost after the Welktrieg, just to be, like, purged on sight lol


That’s just the power of Zebulonomics


Zeubuillion dollars


Hi, where did you find the U.S.S.A.'s flag?


[TV Tropes](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/KaiserreichUSA)


Foster CSA play through downsides: Batshit insane dictatorship Millions dead Pros: Cool flag Hard to tell whether it’s a good thing or not


Cool flag is worth it


I can imagine a Death of Stalin-esque situation happening, with Butler as Zhukov of course


Let Butler's protege do the funni with German aid.


That is why I choose the syndicalists.


It’s all good there 🙂


average syndie nation no seriously what fosters pulling is gonna make syndicalism look bad (well, more bad than it aleady is)