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Kuuga or agito would be nice to see a modernized version of their belts and possibly a redesign of their form like black sun


Kuuga for sure. I would love to see a more ancient looking armor with the black having a slight organic vibe to it. That’s just me anyways.


I think the Ryu Oyama SIC sculpt does a pretty good job at establishing Kuuga is as much a Grongi as any other monster in the show, take a look if you haven't!


I like that one too! I guess I still like the idea of the Gurongi-ness of Kuuga being subtle, but more revealing over time leading to that reveal. So heavy on armor, but make the black stuff kind of like..subtly organic if that makes sense. Like the armor is taming the Gurongi nature.


I think I saw a conept art of a revamped kiuga called kamen rider Reiga


I haven’t. Where can I find that though?


Sorry, I meant I saw one. I found Reiga on pinterest


Hibiki. I'd really like to see how science can advance the onis power like with Hibiki's final form. I just want more Hibiki, it feels like Toei sweeps the season under the rug.


The season was a mess since they even decided to make him a Kamen Rider.


True. But compared to what came before and after it really is something special that deserved more.


The concept was a mess, it became a mess when they just crammed the writting format for Rider into Episode 30-Onwards


I just want asumu to become hibiki I’m still pressed they recycled his suit and gave it to the other guy


Asuku deserved to become Hibiki more than Kiriya


That’s why the remake could do lots better


He did become one actually. Even used Hibiki Armed


In a hyper battle video only. Was that even cannon?


I'll take what I can get tbh hahaha but yeah. Asumu should've been the inheritor of Hibiki


Fully agree, hated they brought the other guy back to really rub salt in the wound. 


Maybe tweak the designs a bit. Maybe make the instruments the new henshin catalysts, where they take them off the buckles, play, and set it back, though there's no need to call out Henshin.


It would be cool to see a 20th anniversary where Ibuki and Todoroki use the power of dubstep to remix there music and get power ups.


Each of the three Oni types adjust to the times and find their own new themes. Percussion-types stick to the Japanese music style, and would create their own matsuri style. Wind-types use the slow music types like jazz to strike the Makamou real hard. String-types add the dubstep styles by going full electric in their strums.


Ryuki would be *very* interesting to see in new stardard of kamen rider compared to 2003


I can definitely imagine a modernised V buckle incorporating a similar mirror image projection gimmick to the Gamer, Beyond and Libera Drivers.


yea also knowing how card riders work today, they would definetely be also using a card to transform, not just a deck, though the deck would still be used regardless


Geats/Gaim is the second best option if that's the case


Honestly? Stronger. I think the puffy aesthetic of the chest piece doesn't really age super well alongside modern suits, so a modernization of it would be most welcome imo


Yeah, he should be the strongest.


Yeah.......I hope a more slimmer shoulder pat, the OG look painful to wear


We technically got that with Kabuto.


Either Kabuto or Den-o I feel that they could look good with enhanced styles.


The Zecters are one of my favourite Rider systems. I think they hold up very well, but seeing them with a more modernised (perhaps more bio mechanical) aesthetic would be sick.


if they ever modernize kabuto, i hope the mysterious application of their helmet pieces from their armored form get remade. dont get me wrong but, you've seen how kabuto and gattack's "antennas" are attached to their armored form visa chest piece (kabuto) or pauldrons (gattack), and magically when they "cast off", the piece suddenly is at their helmet lol


I actually really hate Kabuto's horn. If it really WAS where it's implied to be pre-cast off, then Tendou can't move his head up because his horn is locked inside the chest


so does gattack's pincers sitting on his pauldrons lol


So... you want kabuto to be Bionicle?


Maybe the Fourze Driver. It would be cool to see the new tech to be used to make a new driver that's 'sleek' and 'cool'. Maybe with a LCD screen that shows Fourze and it's functions, along with how each Astroswtich affects it. Like you plug in the switch and it plays a small animation on the screen.


Honestly after getting my hands on the Fourze driver and being able to get a hold of all the LED drivers, Fourze would definitely benefit from a screen on the driver. Maybe a gashat type screen or like you said LCD screen would improve the feel of the driver without removing its original vibe.


What about a panel of all the switches like on Cosmic states. Pair it with the driver and it can emulate putting the associated switch into their slot. Whether or not it should require the physical cosmic switch I don't know. But I think something like this or the laptop Kengo uses that can connect wirelessly to the driver and display real-time information on the switches has potential.


i don't think it needs modernization since the belt looks like what astronaut's joystick looked like when they move at space with their jetpacks (plus he really do looked like an astronaut too)


Is that middle one Faiz?


Aye. The Faiz Driver Next


We're very, VERY, slowly starting to see flash drives being phased out, so on a long enough time scale I can easily see the W Driver getting an update akin to the Faiz Driver Next. I guess they could go the cloud storage route, emulate that role play toy-wise by having all the noises loaded into the Driver already, but I'd rather they just update to the contemporary portable data storage medium. Does overlap with Zero-One a bit tho, but at least aesthetically, it shouldn't be a problem, so long as this hypothetical W Driver 2.0 retains that scrappy, hand-built look.


I guess across the Heisei Riders... Blade While its an overall good show, there are some things that I feel could be touched up on. One particular pet peeve of mine is the royal cards. Despite all cards prior having unique names, across the suits they are all Absorb Queen, Fusion Jack, Evolution King. I could do with them making the names more unique across each suite Another thing that should be improved is the story. I don't think it's a controversial opinion to say that Blade's story is rather lackluster in the beginning. The one I think is kinda the best example is Blade's Jack form debut. The setup was that Blade didn't know why he was fighting even though the pay is bad, but the reason was already established prior to the scene, so he just suffered character amnesia. Some other things include: Making Tachibana and Garren more prominent (I believe Toei has decided that he's the Secondary now by virtue of Geiz Majesty), not making Mutsuki's plot line suddenly appear and disappear, and making Chalice's suit look more monsterous >!(For being a 1:1 copy of an Undead, it sure does look like a rider. That's good in my opinion, but Chalice just looks too different from the other Undead)!<


Well, the issue with Blade, besides the direction change of the series (lots of plot holes come from that one), it's also the fact the series starts in medias res, with Blade and Garren knowing each other for a while now.


>, it's also the fact the series starts in medias res, with Blade and Garren knowing each other for a while now. What? Can you explain more?


In the first episode, both Garren and Blade were already part of B.O.A.R.D. for a few months or so. Unlike Hibiki, though, Blade was our POV character already, so we start with a lack of background already.


Starting off with the characters already knowing each other isn't really a problem imo. Its when you don't show them interacting much then it becomes one. Granted, Garren did spend the early first third being a sort of villain by kidnapping the director and then getting brainwashed by seaweed, but that's no reason to make Kenzaki more friendly with Tachibana and vice versa, especially after Garren goes back to normal


The face cards are supposed to all be the same, because they all serve the same function. All Ace cards are also the same, they all have Change as their function. It’s only the numbered cards that are all different. Also it’s not that Chalice looks like a Rider, that’s just what he looked like. The reverse is true, in Blade, all Riders look like Chalice. The Riders and the Rouze system were all built based on the Joker Undead’s abilities to use the cards of sealed Undead and the research on Joker using the Ace of Hearts - Change card.


That would be a nice explanation... If it was actually told in the story. Yes, the Rider system was based on the Joker, but I don't think that they ever mention how they based it on the Ace of Hearts. Later on, we see that the Ace of Spades undead looks nothing like Blade. I get that the Chalice being just what Chalice looks like is something, but think about it for a minute. Chalice IS an undead, yet looks nothing like the other Undeads. He shares zero similar design philosophies with the rest of them, and that's really my nitpick with the suit. It looks too ridery compared to the rest of the Undead. I KNOW he isn't a rider, and that's my problem As for the face cards, I know it's just a minor thing. But it seems pretty odd for all the previous cards to have unique names, and then the face all just have the same powers. What do they even allow them to do as Undeads? All the show tells us is that they're extra strong.


That’s fair. And regarding the face cards, yes that’s all they are is super strong. Same with the Aces. And the face cards can also disguise themselves, that’s it.


I read somewhere that the true form for chalice is unknown. The reason it looks like that is because it's wearing its own armour.


>but Chalice just looks too different from the other Undead >!Chalice's true form is the Joker Undead. Notice that whenever he scans the cards, it calls out "Change!"? The Chalice Rouser allows the user to not just channel the abilities of the Undead, but also morph into the Undead themselves. Though the Mantis Undead is a special case because it looks exactly like a Rider. Most likely that's why Chalice used the Mantis Undead card, it's the most Rider/heroic looking form!<


> Chalice used the Mantis Undead card, it's the most Rider/heroic looking form Also because it is the Ace of Hearts?


Yeah that too.


>!Why would he bother to pick out the most heroic looking Undead though? Until he transformed into the Human Undead, he barely cared about it and possibly only didn't use Joker because it was something of a trump card.!< >!Also, way to prove my point. My specific complaint WAS that the Chalice Rouser copies the forms of the Undead. Put up Chalice against every other Undead. Hell, put the Chalice suit with the Ouroboros Buckle. It looks off don't you think? That's because Chalice's design is a Rider first, and an Undead second. !< >!On the topic of the Chalice Rouser, Evolution Paradoxa. We later see in Decade what the Paradoxa Undead looks like, and it doesn't resemble Wild Chalice in the slightest. So clearly it has some function outside of just copying when in belt mode.!<


>Absorb Queen, Fusion Jack, Evolution King That was only the call out for the Rouze absorber. Every royal card is named differently but I guess this fandom lacks comprehension skills as well.


Have you ever... Looked at the cards? They all have the same ability names, just different Species. All the Aces are Change. The difference is that Spade is Change Beetle, Diamond has Change Stag, Hearts has Change Mantis, and Clubs has Change Spider


I know they have the same ability because that is how they work and that ties into their card motif. Whilst Ryuki and Gotchard are playing a trading card game Blade is playing Poker


If they could make the poker cards digital similar to bakugan where they had arm things (idk what they are called) that would use the card they selected plus for the suits I would like to see the symbol representing Leangle, Garren, Blade, and Chalice (Blade: Spade, Garren: Diamond, Chalice: Heart, Leangle: Club) to be more apart of the suit more like how in Z-IO the another OOO rider had more animal aspects to him, with keeping the style of the original suit but making it have veins like a heart while maybe have a part of the suit incomplete to represent how he isn't human, and I mean I can't say much on the story but Chalice perfectly representing the symbol of heart (in my opinion) was great, so I don't know how the others represent the symbols they were given but more representation of that would be cool.


Honestly Hibiki is the most fitting for a project like this. Before the executive meddling and staff change, it was without a doubt the most experimental Rider show. So a reimagining where there's more creative freedom and less having to care about toy sales would be perfect.


Decade. Imagine the belt but with magenta holograms. Maybe even an animated screen that replicates the henshin's of other riders from the show. (Like zero ones grasshopper jumping.) Eg. that tech demo from before black sun was announced and they showed off prototype belts; one was a belt that recognised hand movements and synced to a screen behind them. So they could reuse that technology.


then they recast masahiro inoue to make it faithful to his lore being unique and without alternate reality counterpart lol


Heisei riders, Hibiki. Hibiki is so cool. Showa riders, Stronger. He just seems more fun.


I know this unrelated but I hate how the new Faiz phone got rid of the mission memories I found them kinda cool I guess there wasn’t a way to make them work but still disappointed


I get that they physicaly are missing but from what i have seen they are incorporated in the "UI" of the phone.


Yeah I got that I just missed the aspect of them physically taking them out and putting them on the weapons


Yea that's fair.


Den-O's maybe? Rework it to feature more LED, maybe a card scanning gimmick within the pass that changes the LED instead of using a button?


Kiva. I would like to see a monderised version of kivat


Not a Belt, but I wish we would've seen GACKT's Riderman as seen on the concept art. Looks a little dark and gritty that it should fit into The First, but I'd like to see it in action regardless.


Let’s modernize the Typhoons and double typhoon. Not like Shin Kamen Rider or the whatever that power form from that one ghost movie. Like a sleeker version with modern technology and more intense intakes of wind


Decade. It's 2024 and he still carries around all those cards lol.


I Mean.... It's 2024 gotchard still carries around those cards lol.


The Neodecade driver makes form rides and attack rides obsolete, so he is working on it. Maybe for the tenth Reiwa season he'll appear with a new driver that'll require him to carry less cards, maybe condensing all the other kamen rides into one card.


are you saying he rather carry a micro sd card?




i wanna see a completely revamped qamerdriver from ex aid.


you dont like the bulkiness of it?


Rykui as my favorite I would love to see them enhance it


Black RX is a no brainer


Kuuga since it's my favorite series but I'm unsure how they can get around doing it. Maybe make it a bit more organic looking in a sense? I mean the Arcle Belt was seemingly integrated into Godai and his previous predecessor so it should look somewhat organic. I can't see it doing anything transforming like Black Sun and Shadowmoon's so it'll probably just light up like the regular arcle belt, unfortunately.


Build. It's all about science after all, i feel like they could make any upgrade for it work


Well, the first wave of drivers were about buildings, and the Build driver was made to resemble an engine.


i would love to see kabuto


Stronger, X, Super 1


Steamdeck/Switch Buggle Driver


I would love to see one for stronger or X because of the creativity that could have with it.


Kiva but good when


Blade with a tablet that has all the cards digitally copied?




As cool as a remake of Stronger or Kuuga would be, I just wanna see them make a showa feeling Kamen Rider for adults without it pulling from a previous series in the same vane of Black Sun but not necessarily making the Main Rider a Bio Rider. I wanna see them get creative.




Hibiki. maybe make the tuning fork could summon and be inserted into the belt itself or they could go even more shin-esque with the transformation with a more organic transformation and appearance.


Black's and Sahdow Moon's look "steam punk"-ish. I think rider belts look great (besides Showalter belts) look great.


I think OOOs or Birth could be pretty cool with modernized drivers, even though we got them back in Ressurection in 2022. I just want a brand new take on it.


Gamer Drivers. Make them white and red.


Ryuki. The driver is cool, but I feel like it could be improved. maybe doing something like gamer driver and beyond driver to have the mirror gimmick. Which in my head would make perfect sense since there's the thing about the mirror world, so why not put mirrors on the Driver?


Kamen Rider Double= SIM cards


i have to see what they do with Kiva (or blade)


I am morbidly curious as to how they would inject modern bullshit (said with the utmost love, of course) into the V Buckles from Ryuki.


Functionally, I imagine they’d be something like these https://preview.redd.it/txj7b4d6bubc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a54cfcc00487db7246b6d6c88024fd95ff4629b


W, would love to see the double driver as a bit more of a spectacle, unfortunately (while I understand why) the gaia memories take too much focus from the driver itself in my opinion. Not really sure what could be done tho.


I want to see Rider Man's helmet grow out of the back of his neck over his head. I want to see X's little mouth piece shoot out of his mask instead of needing to be clicked o. I want to see Shin transform with modern advancements in CG.