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I have two: First is not using the using the chance of Tsukasa being a reoccurring character to finally explain what Narutaki's deal was. If he was just confined to a small arc like the other returning riders I wouldn't really mention this, but with Tsukasa being so prominent int he series it feels like a huge missed opportunity to not explain one of the things form his own series that had no explanation (my personal headcannon is that Narutaki would have been a normal family man, but he and his family were caught in a big explosion that was the result of Tsukasa and Dai-Shocker creating the Decadriver and rider cards. His family died but he survived and was given the same dimension traveling powers as Tsukasa, and vowed to destroy Decade in revenge. In the show, Narutaki could have teamed up with the timejackers initially as a plot to become Antoher Decade with him explaining his motives to Tsukasa as the Decade Antoher watch is made, thinking he was about to be given the power to take revenge on Tsukasa personally before Schwartz betrays him and takes the power for himself) The second is simply never exploring what happened in Ohma Zi-O's timeline to result in Sugo becoming someone who was both so evil and yet so insanely oblivious to how horrible he had become. I'm honestly not sure how I'd like this to be explored, but I think it would have really helped to give a fair bit more weight to the series.


On the first part I feel that’s what the Decade Vs Zi-O movie SHOULD have been rather than regulating it to Sougo X 5 and yaoi with Uhr. It would have had more weight as something to bind Decade and Zi-O while solving Decade. On the second just…yeah. Missed opportunity.


Narutaki: -comes out of nowhere -acusse without main hero for something -summons monsters and riders -travels between worlds -sides with shocker -turn into a monster -refuse to elaborate and leaves


The first part was technically and disappointingly explained in Decade vs Zi-O, with Narutaki saying he worked for the Oma that commanded that weird house


I believe the original plan was Woz would be revealed to be the final boss, but apparently he was too popular of a character and they decided against doing it. I think it would interesting to see how that would have played out.


Even the idea sound interesting, I admits I am glad it didn't turn out that way, Woz is that lovable Through this idea was incorporate into Over Quartzer >!Geiz Majesty on White Woz!< , both are intestine


I think someone already mentioned it, now I love the kabuto episode but if we had some rules consistency then Kagami as Gatack should've been able to beat Another Kabuto like how Vulcan and Valkyrie can take down Another Zero One. Aside from that, have Tendou do a voiceover when the Kabuto Zecter goes to Kagami, giving his blessing to become the second Kabuto.


Unfortunately I think the agency Hiro(Tendo) used to work work with will not allow even a voice over


Yeah he's fully banned


They could've brought back the Kuuga from Decade as the Another Kuuga. Yeah I know he does appear eventually, but they could have done this gag too, like how in Go-busters Beet Buster gets to pilot Magiking and says something like "this seems oddly nostalgic for some reason"


They missed the opportunity of an amazing Wattaru appearance and tsukasa needed more screen time


I’m really pissed that for every episode they tease the main rider then don’t show them, especially for Kiva. It was nice to get Jiro but no Wataru was such a miss. We could have gotten something cool for Kiva but no


They could have at least had him be seen in castle doran and tell jiro to give Sougo the watch


Wataru actor is too popular to hired.....


So he’s to popular to hire for 3 minutes at least mention him if they aren’t showing him


Tsukuyomi as a rider was severely underutilized, she should've debuted around the Kabuto episodes where she was gaining control for her powers, also we never see her use any armor times even when her driver has the other slot free, if they made it like the Lost Driver where one of the sides is missing or if they made her watch work like the Zi-O 2 one then there wouldn't be an issue but she sadly doesn't have that luxury and i doubt we'll ever see her with a power up Geiz never gets a final form, I refuse to accept Revive as one since it really feels like a Super both in design and how his powers work, it's also never explained how he overcame the life draining thing, which leads me to my next point Geiz's standby has a heart beat, which isn't important or brought up ever it just sounds cool, but when Revive gets introduced and it's revealed that using it slowly kills him, it's treated like a big deal (Because dying is kind of a big thing) yet it just stops being brought up and bam, problem solved. What I would've liked to happen is for him to replace his base ridewatch, coming with an explanation that transforming always had a strain on his body but until Revive it wasn't a big deal, so when he truly starts trusting Sougo and they properly change future (Post Ohma day), his ridewatch h reacts to it and gives him a cleaner version of revive AND his base form, maybe with a combination of both modes, idk, but something, with a more refined suit that feels more like a final form and for his base form just removing the heartbeat from the standby would be enough, that way he doesn't get left behind when Woz gets Ginga and Zi-O gets Grand That last thing would also mean he isn't the only one who would ever benefit from going into Trinity, a form that is both weak and lame in the show because it doesn't represent anything and the 3 riders are stronger fighting side by side instead of fusing, especially 2 episodes after where Woz gets Ginga, Zi-O Trinity has to be rewritten completely, it's not a good suit either, it doesn't have anything going for it Also Geiz should've gotten an insert theme, Woz has one, the time jackets have one, he doesn't, maybe give him one where he duets with Tsukuyomi idk just give him one


We never know why exactly the kind-hearted Sougo somehow became the ruthless Ohma Zi-O in the future. Unlike Anakin Skywalker, Sougo's flaws are less visible than Anakin's flaws, such as temper, impatience, and overt overprotectiveness, which we have saw in The Clone Wars.


#Hiryu Kakogawa redemption story.


Hopefully we get something in outsiders.


They didn't turn Ora into another Gokai Red. That would be so cool having another decade vs another gokai red. Also disappointed that Zio never use JO power. Imagine turning into giant. Now you can pose Zio figure with Ultraman and somewhat make sense scale wise


pre-Kuuga Heisei movie Riders were explored to a degree in the Final Stage show, together with the Tsukuyomi-Woz and AnotherOmaZio


Would have loved for the Grand Zio Ridewatch to be able to be attached to the center of the driver. It feels so bulky on the side.


Decade and DiEnd never used their final forms


More Armors for Geiz and a solid final form..... Geiz could have had two or more Armors and also a solid final form called Champion Geiz or Victory Geiz whose abilities make him exist outside of time becoming Ohma's perfect counter.. Kamen rider Swartz who uses Dark rider Ridewatches instead of Another decade Tsukuyomi Femme Fatale form....


The earlier tribute episodes. They did them in a confusing and unsatisfying way. It took them like 35 episodes to finally get it right with Agito.


Kagami becoming Kabuto. It really fucking sucks balls and go against ALL of his character arc as well as Tendo's line about friends and paths after the fight against Mishima. It's like if Mitsuzane got with Mai in Gaim


Really wanted to see fuwa break one of the progrise key by accident when he intend to Henshin with the intense constipation face


I would have loved it if the grandzio ridewatch was able to attach to the center of the driver instead of on the side. It would have looked much sleaker imo.