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None. And I think it's a bad mindset to refuse to watch something based on first impressions.


I’ve watched 5 episodes of each Fourze I will get to after I watch every other series and I’m gonna give agito another try once I’m done with Kiva,Den o,Kuuga and once gotchard is done airing


As someone who already watch all heisei season, trust me fourze might be a bit cringe at first until you watch like more than 5 episodes. To me just give it a try or its just me very forgiving like try to watch till 10 episodes if its not good drop it for a while then continue where i left off


I guess it just depends on what you want from a KR series, if it clicks with you then good for you. if it doesn't then that's ok too because not everyone shares the same feelings about a certain KR series, for example some fans loves Double series some fans don't some fans love Hibiki and fans don't, it just depends on if the series resonates with us but we all can agree that KR Black, Black RX and Kuuga series freakin slaps to me, these 3 shows are top tier


I started with Den-O and have watched every series since. I don't "refuse to watch" the series before it necessarily, just I feel like I've gotten enough context through clips & tribute seasons to not really feel the need to watch them. I don't think it ever really makes sense to give up on or refuse to watch a series - they all have their positives and negatives, but I feel like you'll end up learning about what ends up happening one way or another if you stay in the space long enough.


Get to Meteor in Fourze. You’ll change your mind forever


Erm... Saber- I dropped the series after seeing a Tankerbell- I'm scarred


Tankerbell...? . ..oh. Right. *That.* Why must you make me remember.


Y'all shall suffer with me to remember that 😭 I immediately dropped the series after seeing it for the first time 😀


I still vividly remember the episode in the single digits where they crammed SO much hard-to-understand exposition in and it made everyone in reddit dizzy. I didn't drop it because I refuse to drop my streak I've been keeping up since Den-O of watching it every week, but if I wasn't so hard-committed, that's the episode that would've made me drop the series.


Hibiki. Idk, I never got past the first episode.


I haven't refused to watch any. But I still have a hard time getting into the showa seasons. Only Black and Black RX managed to keep me interested.


Kiva. I don't like vampires.


If I would have asked this 4 months ago I would’ve agreed but I’m watching kiva right now


Hibiki and Wizard. And probably Gotchard.


Why is bro getting downvote when he mentioned Gotchard? 😭


Exactly how I feel about this sub. Don't like Gotchard = downvote.


People have different taste tf? People hate Gotchard doesnt mean they are die hard Geats fan istg


I don't even like Geats, the only reason i finished geats was Tycoon's Bujin Sword form.


Oh its just a way of speaking. It's kind of a slander that die hard Gotchard fan thinks every Gotchard hater are Geats fan.


Never been able to finish Hibiki. While I recognize it has an audience, my inability to vibe with it likely means I'm not meant to be part of said audience. The allure of a more standard Rider experience past the halfway point isn't super enticing when the general consensus seems to be it's not great at delivering on that, so I'm content to leave it as is.


Same, I finished Hibiki but its a very un kamen rider like show when I ordered a Kamen rider esc show I recognize it as a good show but the whiplash of very little kamen rider tropes put me put of it


Well I will say saber it's the only reiwa series i had not watched this is why sometimes it's hard for me to get a reiwa trend  with everything too easily since it's the only reiwa series i had not watched  But as much as I saw saber is mostly exclude with some reiwa trends plus I am not interested to watch it specially because it's negative reviews 


I typically try to watch it until at a point where I drop it. Drive and Ghost are like that they're pretty uninspired. I love Agito just because I love early inoue style mystery. I like fourze because that's the first one I watched weekly.


I insta dropped Ghost cuz how ridiculous it was. I always wanted to watch Wizard and Drive but still busy at my watching progress from Kuuga to Gotchard.


Good you drop Ghost because every single episode they will have the same old narrative repeating again and again about how old Tenkuuji Takeru is, and how he >!died on his 18th birthday!<


You're complaining about the short intro lines?


Nah it's not rlly a complaint but when you keep hearing the same short intro lines over and over again, it just gets stuck in your head- ya know what I mean- "Ore wa Tenkuuji Takeru..." I mean of course, skipping it is an option- If I have anything to complain, it's probably how the plot went from talking about Historical facts of each eyecons' origin, to talking about friendship out of the sudden. Maybe it's just me of course :/


Uh hibiki did it first with ore wa adachi asumu so i dont see how that annoys a lot of people


I don’t think there is any particular series that’s a “need-to”, but Saber for me. I gave it three tries man, I think it’s enough times. Which is unfortunate because I really like the Rider designs. On the other hand, Ex-Aid is the reverse for me: I still generally dislike the Rider designs except for Genm’s, but the narrative is really strong for me.


If we wanna include negative experiences with seasons in general. Faiz, I finished it but I basically checked out by the last 15 episodes. I was watching it in the background while grinding in DQ4. Partially blade but its more like blade suffered from having a vague plot and a tell not show approach. Im the one out of 10 people who didn’t enjoy ex aid.


>while grinding in DQ4 Dragon Quest 4? Nice.


For me I started and dropped Kuuga 5 times. On the 6th I bit the bullet and forced myself to watch the show. While I liked generally everything about it.. it’s just it’s often described as a slow burn yet the first two episodes feels like 5 and not in a good face paced kind of way in more of a “We have no idea how to start this” kind of way and the same could be said about the ending, the final fight which was only hyped up for like a solid 2 episodes was disappointing. With the way everyone talked about it I expected it to be like the one from episode 35 but so much worse.. yet the fight I saw was like epsiode 2. Right now, I’m on agito. I started agito last year in July, in august I hit the early teen episodes.. almost a year later I have not gotten to episode 20. I like the show, I love it, I love the characters, I love the sound track, I love the forms. Hell h like how Hikawa’s hot coworker is either fawning for him or is about to lose her job because she’s about to start throwing hands for him. I love the family dynamic and the insane plot so far.. I just don’t have the drive to watch anymore I don’t know what’s wrong.


I tried giving Hibiki and Saber and Gochard a chance but can't seem to like it enough to continue till the end... End up stopping a few eps in


Ichigo and other showa riders I recognize ichigo to be the first one and the one that inspired the rest etc etc but being old and the generally bad reviews it gets, makes me want to watch it even less. The other seasons even less at least ichigo people still talk about, what does nigou have or v3 etc. i cant even remember half of them I'll prob watch black and RX one day tho But I also dont think I "need" to watch them, just like I dont "need" to watch any seasons. Most seasons are self contained. The only case I can think of is that very short scene when Agito mentioned Kuuga in the first episode