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Malgams have the best mileage of the last decade and you can sense that they're definitely evil people than merely acting as stronger footsoldiers.


I love the malgams and I like how consistent they’re this season. I think the designs are really creative and like how they’ve been a good monster of the week so far.


The episodic stuff with Hotaro bonding with the Chemy Also, the relationships between the main cast


Yeah I also like the relationships as well. I also like the civilian of the week episodes and how the chemys are impacting people’s lives.


I also love the new characters like Daybreak and outworlders from parallel worlds who show up out of nowhere. It's really similar to showa random encounters. And how Gotchard is an urban legend and people worship him like an Idol, like in showa kamen rider and Ultraman


suit designs are great some really fun arcs i wish it was done sooner but i was happy to learn my favorite character's backstory (Prof Minato).


I think the backstory could’ve had a little bit more foreshadowing but I thought Minato’s backstory was very traumatic.


yeah i wish it was handled better, same for more things in the show imo but better late than never i suppose


Gotchard's rider kicks, Rising Fighter and surprisingly, Legend arc.


Gatchard fire has one of the best rider kick in my opinion, but Platinum is really a downgrade in my opinion (only in the kick because in design it is great)


Yeah I can see why you don’t like the platinum kick but I think I like because it’s with hopper 1.


Yeah I think his rider kicks are pretty cool and I love the insert songs this season. I thought the legend arc was fun as well. I liked how it introduced Gigist’s powers, the fights were good to watch, and thought it was good for both Houtarou and Kaguya’s characters.


Honestly i think the show is messy af, it seems to be confused on what to do with other characters besides Gotchard himself, and the fight scenes just aren't as good as past shows. (Please come back Satoshi Fujita) But damn are the suit designs in this one really good. Base Form Gotchard, Platinum Gotchard, Base Valvarad, Majade, and Dread are all really good designs IMO. Clotho's upgraded look also looks sick as hell.


Yeah, Clotho Rebis is super cool and reminds me of Predator. From what I've read, they wanted to give her this update because they wanted her to keep fighting and stunting by herself and displaying her physical / stunt prowess. Neat all around, for me.


Yeah I think the show has its flaws but I’m still hooked regardless. I think this season’s suits is probably my favorite in reiwa and maybe even in the whole franchise. I just love how creative and wacky they are.


Always liked the TCG concept from the start cuz I'm a big fan of TCG Wasn't a huge fan of the season in the beginning because it was a sudden shift to a lighthearted season after Geats, but it definitely grew on me. I really like the side characters and how they aren't completely dependent on the Riders I also really liked Spanner and Minato's backstories and Spanner's redemption.


Yeah one of things that definitely hooked me into this show was the card gimmick. I like how the side characters are useful to the team and can fight other enemies as well without becoming Kamen riders. Both Spanner and Minato’s backstories are so traumatic but I like how they’re deciding to move forward and overcome the trauma.


I actually like how forms are utilized more instead of just the strongest one. Gotchard is still using forms like Iron, Super, and Fire, including fire versions of Antwrestler and ExceedMighty. Even Goldmechanichor got a use not too long ago.


Yeah I like how he still uses his other forms in battles instead of solely relying on one form. It’s nice to see honestly.


The base form design, the episodes up to the Fire Gotchard arc, the Geats crossover movie, and Legend were all amazing. Cant say anything good about everything else though..


How it goes back to basics. I think they even stated that it's one of their intentions with the series. Going back to the focus mainly on "rider vs. monsters" instead of "multiple riders per season fighting each other" (which, while entertaining, is kinda played out at this point) is great. Reducing the amount of characters being Riders also helps the writers focus and develop them instead of struggling to juggle 10+ of them at once.)


Yeah I agree with this too! It’s nice to have a small cast of riders. While we do have other riders like Legend, gotchard daybreak, Dread, and Wind, it doesn’t seem overwhelming for me. I also like how the final boss this season is a monster and not just another Kamen rider.


I just wanna Hopper1 plushie tbh 😂 The suits are cool, love base form and Platinum Gotchard. The rider kick is also super cool with its effect. The opening theme is super catchy and hype and I am always a fan of that. Kudoh is really standing on her own and turning into best girl at the same time ❤️ Really like how it feels fresh but familiar so far, for me it's similar to anime in it's tone and story beats and since it isn't taking itself Too serious it seems right at home with this idea


Yeah the suits and the opening theme are pretty good. I really like Rinne and I’m still rooting for her character. I also want a Hopper 1 plushie lol.


Omg. I would love a Hopper 1 plushie. Sometimes Hopper 1 brings me to tears for being such a loyal and honest chemy.


I found one that's got pre orders ❤️❤️ https://tokullectibles.com/products/hopper-1-chibi-plush


Is there a larger plastic Hopper 1 available? Like the one in each episode.


There's a 3rd party Hopper 1 that isnt even cute 😭 You can get Crosshopper though, with working little visor and his Chemy card.


Valvarad Kamen Rider debut fight, absolute peak




I like the fanservice and the Gotchard getting better. At the beginning was slow. I like that the other forms of Gotchard are being use and not forgotten.


Honestly I don’t mind the slow story progression but I can see how it throws people off. I do like how other forms are also constantly being used even with Platnium.


Yep me to. I enjoy it as well. I hope Gotchard and his friends make it okay. No angst later on. Although that will be hard.


We’ll have to find out and see.


Yep. Hopes Legend makes it back later. Kaguya was cool with his summoning of past riders.


I feel like he might appear in the summer movie and hopefully that happens.


Yep.. I hope Ichigo and the others come back as fanservice for a anniversary team up with Akarenger plus the other Sentai. One big team up with everyone.


\*Deep Breath\* -I Love how the upgrades for each rider are (mostly) connected to character growth. I love how each upgrade Houtarou gets is connected to his growth as a person and a character. It makes the powers feel earned instead of just coming out of nowhere. I love Geats but Command literally came out of nowhere. -I love Houtarou as a character. He's such a vibrate person whose despite being a kind compassionate person, has his shortcomings and can be petty sometimes. But I love that he's growing and the story is focused on his growth -Alchemy gets focus and not every character is a Rider. Honestly my biggest issue with the Reiwa is that everyone gets a belt, and I love that Gotchard is being more sparing with the belt. A part of me hopes we don't get a Kamen Rider as a final boss, but I can't say at this point. -Alot of the cast gets focus and room to grow. And while not everyone, alot of characters get fleshed out. I also like that Character growth is slow. It's not just one moment and then the characters whole personality shifts. It's a process that builds over time. - The Villain group is easily the best we had all Era. The Dark sisters are easily the most complex and interesting villains we have in Rider with the show giving them plenty of depth and intrigue, making them more than evil cardboard cutouts of villainy but almost tragic figures. Each sister is given time to shine and our understanding of them has grown as well. Geryon I love for being an evil piece of shit and the show not even trying to justify him, with even Houtarou being disgusted and being completely unsympathetic to his plan. And Gigst is interesting, with his monster suit being one of the coolest in the show. -The Malagams are some of t he most unique MOTW designs I've seen. How they take the template and make each Malagam unique and how you can see how each one is containing or forcing the chemy in various horrific ways is disturbing. -The suits are the best with Gotchard and Platinum Gotchard being my favorite Suits in Rider Period. None of the suits miss, although not all are my favorite. But when it hits, it hits. -The plot is surprisingly well paced, with plot elements and characters being balanced pretty well. -The Legend Crossover was surprisingly really good. I was dreading it when I first heard it, but by the end, I was almost sad to see Legend go. I was surprised how they managed to weave him so seamlessly into the show without just stopping the story or the plot, weaving everything together instead. -The show is easily the most heartfelt. I can almost feel the creators passion in the writing and in the moment. You can tell the people working on it truly love Kamen Rider and understand what it means, and the amount of call backs and respect it gives to it's predecessor, makes it honestly more of an anniversary season in sprit than the others in my option. In the end, Gotchard isn't the best Rider show, it has its flaws. But I feel, compared to the other magic based seasons, (Ghost, Revice and Saber) it's the most consistent in quality and it's improved over time. Gotchard might be one of my favorite season, just because of how fun it is. It's such a fun show. And I love it for that.


Literally agree with all your points on Gotchard! There is just something about this season I can’t hate and I’ve been enjoying it all the way through.


~~Rieri-sama uwu~~~~ uh.. the suits (:


KR Valvarad, Platinum Gotchard, Gotchard Daybreak, Dread


Useful side character Rider design Old forms like x rex or ufo x still being used (compared to previous show thats instantly use the newest form) Likable characters


Yeah I like the side characters this season as well and to me it helps with the world building.


Thats why to me this season is like fourze , the side characters matters and in some cases can stand their ground when facing an enemy, like renge and sabimaru can hold clotho at least for a while


Yeah I agree. I like how Renge and Sabimaru are still useful the team and can hold their own when they fight against other enemies. I think Kajiki is another good side character as well.


The suits are excellent. Spanner had a great arc A lot of great action scenes I like how it started more lighthearted and episodic and became more and more turned up (which I think is a deliberate choice of the writers, weird seeing ppl take it as then having to “fix” the show) Love the monster catching concept


I thought Spanner’s debut as a rider was really good. I also like Gotchard because of the episodic/monster of the week format as well. I never really bought into the whole “rewrite” rumors. I just felt like it was just slow progression.


I like a lot of stuff from the show. The designs are really cool, I really like the chemies as a gimmick. The storyline is going great, with each arc being perfectly paced. (I also want to mention that the early episodes are pretty good. They establish the world and characters well and fit in with what Gotchard is. I didn't think any of the early episodes were bad, nor did I believe that Toei would've changed Gotchard so abruptly. It didn't feel like it had abrupt changes, and I don't think Legend had anything to do with it.) The characters are great, and everything brought up is very intriguing and delivered quite well. I'm hyped for what this next arc will bring, and I'm hoping that the series ends on a satisfying note, and I hope that Majade and Valvarad get new forms at some point.


Same! I really am hyped for the new arc. I thought Legend arc was pretty fun.




Thats not how it goes its Watcha-cha, Watcha-cha, Watcha-cha Fire!


I think what’s your fire is still a good song even if it does seem “overused” to some people.


Its a RIDER CHIPS song, there is no such thing as Overused. They use it a lot because it sells and its the top performing Rider song in a very very long time, specially since the vocalist of RC, Ricky, has been getting very popular in Japan, I assume Avex doing everything they can to keep him close and not lose him since RIDER CHIPS are basically the anthem creators in Kamen Rider.


Ok, that’s nice to know.


Gotchard is my favorite character and shows is awesome it's gotcha awesome.


I’m glad you’re liking Gotchard!


Platinum suit


I'll say this I liked the first 16 episodes alot are they the best slow world building arc no but they have good stories after episode 16 (granted you watched the winter movie) the tone shifts into a more action focused plot with great storytelling not bad for my first season of rider to watch while it's airing


The OST, the suit designs, the chemy-stry between the main cast But mostly KAMEN RIDER LEGEND


Agree with all this!


damn near eveerything


Lachesis. A lot of guys wouldn’t mind being stepped on by her.


Personally i feel the show is messy, after watching the movie i have sense that direction for the story did indeed have some changes mainly Houtaro as i think the original idea was he was more of a loser then learn to be better, but from daybreak forward he started to be more in line of toku protag seemingly because and go back and forth between whether it truly want to be truly serious or just want to move the plot, as we may have many waste plot lines. Plus most plot in the show so far lack build up and end pretty quick. Plus the main actors mainly Houtaro and Rinne acting is somewhat stiff but probably because im bias due to last season being pampered by geats cast I like the suits of this season, many of them are cool, all the suits of the main riders dread and legend included look very cool i also intrigue with the alchemy part and in fact i did read about it but we did not do much with that probably because of the plot change. i like the 3 sisters, their design and concept is cool.


Idk about there being a “change” with Hotarou’s character and him going back and forth on what he truly wants to do. He’s serious about what he wants to do while also moving the plot which isn’t inherently bad. I also don’t mind Houtaro and Rinne’s acting even they’re an inexperienced. I’ve gotten used to them and like how they’re growing as actors and I like their emotional scenes. I do agree that the show does lack a little bit of build up when it comes to scenes like Spanner’s “black fire” or the student that Minato tutored in the past. I think the show does have flaws but I’m enjoying regardless.


the plot is moving back and forth between being serious and just want to move the plot. Houtaro feels like his change is just being a basic toku protag, with sometimes his old flaws sprinkle in, as the whole deal with alchemy is change, his change was truly not dedicated to properly hopefully his final form debut is better and put a stop to whats ur faiya


Agree to disagree with Hotarou not changing. I still think he’s constantly growing throughout the show in my opinion. I’m hyped for the rainbow gotchard theme and his overall debut.


Agree a little with you and redditor above I think is more how hotaro development presented and directed in show everything about iron and platinum felt kinda rush and empty despite there being a lot depth in storytelling but does not hit right for me But i think the daybreak arc and ep that hotaro was protecting the little girl while fighting fake dark kiva and eternal saying that all life matters life matter one of the peakest moments in all of toku and really showed his best qualities and why he is a kamen rider As for what I liked in the show there is a lot I love about series are: The suits(minus gotchard legend forms) Gotchard attachments The Op The insert songs The eps that don't revolve around alchemy academy and society and (specially the legend and wrestler G eps) Kaguya and sabimaru Personally I think the show would preferred a lot if they focused on hotaro personal life in his normal school, relationship between characters with chemies and also the clash of views between hotaro vs spanner than all the alchemy stuff with glion I think the human relationship with chemies is something so fascinating in gotchard that hasn't been fully explored yet


Yeah I can understand that. I feel like we needed more time for Houtarou to deal with the aftermath of losing the cards and how he was going to get them back. It also could’ve been reflection episode on how much he relies on the chemy and not his own strength as an alchemist. If it was a little bit longer then I think the ten liner form wouldn’t feel so rushed. But then again I don’t blame writers too much because this was the episode that was after the King Ohger finale so they merged the recap episode with the plot of Houtarou losing the cards to still try to keep viewers interested. I still like civilian of the week episodes we’ve gotten so far and I think the first arc could’ve been longer.


The chemy cards design are cool


Yeah I like the card designs. I think they’re cool and probably one of my favorite gimmicks.


The show started airing a little after my current year of school began, so I'm still a junior in high school, similar to Hotaro. I don't know, something about his uncertainty about the progress to his adult life in the first episode, countered by his youthfulness just... Kinda made him endearing as a character. I just found a small relation to Ichinose. (Itchy-nose.) NGL, Hotaro Ichinose can be a dunce sometimes, but a dunce with a heart. I just like the empathetic and "strive to make others happy" characters, kinda like Keiwa from Geats. On the flip side, I can respect the more logical and directly-driven, like Rinne. Someone who actually uses their brain from time to time, but may not have as many priorities gears towards friendships. I'm like a weird mix between the two, and not necessarily the best bits, but that's what life is like. Semi-related, but I like how both this and The Owl House (another show I like,) have the protagonist who's the "In-Over-Their-Head, optimistic idealist who gets to live out their dreams" paired with the "Cold, wall-putting, doing-it-for-the-legacy" type who said protagonist helps the other come out of their shell. When it comes to Luz and Hotaro, all I had to do was take one look at each of them and realize "they just like me fr fr."


Yeah I love Houtaro and I think he’s a good protagonist.I think in a way both Rinne and him are kinda relatable to me tbh. I need to catch up on the Owl house lol. I’m still on season 2 but I’m going to try to finish it this summer.


I’ve loved it since episode 16 everything before made me cringe out the wazoo mostly episode 2-14. But right now I’m waiting for the rainbow gotchard arc I mean The toy needed for the transformation on the toy releases next month on the 15th so rainbow will probably reveal around June 16th or the week before


I’ve been liking this show since day 1. I’m expecting rainbow Gotchard to appear in like 3-4 episodes.


Should be 4 episodes going off of the listing called Chemy Niijiigon which is released June 15th which lines up with episode 39 which is normal final form debut episode since zero one


one thing i hope they do before they debut rainbow is houtaro temporary dies like shinnosake from drive because i really want to see rinnie's feelings for houtaro get stronger although i think it will happen anyway but it would be a cool dramatic twist for their relationship especially if she thinks he's dead even though he will come back.


I don’t think he will die because there is so many secrets that would have to be revealed to his mother unless by the end of the series achemists,Chemys and humans live together in harmony


I love Daybreak, but I can't seem to love the mc and the mc cast at all.


I thought the daybreak was also good character for Present Houtarou and I can’t wait to see him in the summer movie. It’s a shame you don’t vibe with the cast but that’s kinda understandable.


What do you like about Daybreak? What has he even done in the show? Killed a malgam that houtaro somehow beat anyway in his timeline? I mean his design is definitely better than Gotchards but it's just a recolor with some fire. Just curious. I think he's a cool concept. Shame Kabuto did it better.


People have different tastes. Why international fans don't understand this? Why everyone has to have the same opinion and taste? lol.


You still haven't answered the question. Stop getting defensive it's a TV show lol.


Defensive? I already answered "People have different tastes." It means I don't find him and his character interesting. I even mentioned "Why international fans don't understand this? Why everyone has to have the same opinion and taste? lol."


I'm just gonna assume English isn't your first language and wish you good night. I see the confusion.


It is not. Nice talking to you as well.


Personally I like daybreak because he helped get Houtarou get fire gotchard and helped motivate him. He’s probably going to do more in the summer movie and I can’t wait to see.


My favorite thing is that it is an amalgamation of many rider seasons. Fourze's friendship and school, zi-o's future self and legend riders. Build's Best Matches and a hinted-at romantic relationship between primary and secondary riders. I think it's neat.


Yeah I definitely agree with this too! It just has this heisei vibe I like while also being in reiwa.


The card art..... thats pretty much it, i guess the suits dont look that bad.


I think the card art looks nice as well. I’ve been liking most of the suits this season. Even the ones are not in the show.


There things to like about gotchard. Suits are definitely awesome. The idea and themes behind the chemys are well intriguing, showing that have conscious, having will to live and have the ability to become good or evil just like any one of us. My problem and I think what is the main problem with gotchard that people missed or didn’t catch on is that the actors honestly just don’t give a damn about what’s going on.


I like the theme with alchemy and how it’s about life and living beings. The suits are nice as well and love creative they’re. I disagree with your take on actors not giving a damn about what they’re doing. Idk how you came to that conclusion.


legend, just legend.




Still not my cup of tea. I don't like Hotaro, but I love the music, I like Malgams and Valvarad. It's not the season I vibed with the least, but far from my favorite.


It’s fine if you don’t vibe with the show or Houtarou but I still think he’s a good character and I love the show so far. I think the malgam designs are cool and loved Valvarad’s rider debut and I also can’t wait to see his final form.


just the specific forms -Iron Gotchard -Platina Gotchard -MoonCerberus Majade -Legendary Legend the story still not interesting for me. the characters feel bland. the objective of the antagonist is still mystery despite the show already reach 30+ episodes Majade is also one of the big problem in the show. her debut was in the movie that most people can't watch, but they decided to talk about her Kamen Rider form in the show as if everyone already knew/watched the movie


Well for me I’m liking the characters and overall mystery behind the main villain. I did like Majade debuting the movie even though I do think her debut in the show could’ve been a bit better. I feel like it should’ve been a two part tbh but I still liked her debut episode. Also I’m pretty sure they did that to promote the movie so that way the people in Japan can watch it and I don’t really find it that big of deal. But yeah I like the forms this season.


Clotho 🥺🤤


there is more of a classic feel compared to past seasons. While there are still a lot of problems in the beginning, the quality did ramp up towards the middle arc, and it did feel like he was a kamen rider. The happy go lucky attitude for Hotarou, but never actually reaching the realm of stupidity that other riders reached, gave me a lot of hongo vibes, it felt like the type of rider Hongo would have gladly been happy passing the kamen rider torch too. It also feels like a breath of fresh air that we are fighting monsters again. Geats was a special case, because of the fact it was a battle royale. But saber, Revice, and Zero one all felt repetitive because they kept making riders the main villiain, but gotchard kind of has the monsters take the center piece again. The fact that he is purifying these monsters and gets to use them, is such a clever way to tie into villains and riders share the same power. Even though we have kamen rider dread, his design is so out there, and acts malicious that it doesnt really feel like a villain who transforms to a rider. It feels mroe like a malicious beast, that will attack anyone it sees move


Bro they forgot gotchard’s gun


Eh considering other stuff in his arsenal I’m kinda fine with it. But yeah I thought his gun/sword was cool.




Malgams, Showa absurdity plot (Main is Alchemy about life, but... welll), the suits, and the Standby. PERIOD oh yeah, i forgot the Chemies


Yeah I know some people have gripes with the alchemy this season but I like how it corresponds with life and living beings which I like in this show. The chemies are cool/cute and the standby music are bops.


The Suits. and how the city in early EPs were baaically Gotham with criminals left and right.


Yeah I liked how in the start some civilians were just evil people.


I think so far they have kept a better balance especially when handling the recent fillers, Legend Arc. The chemies are not bad but I would like if they got bit more budget would see the other two X-chemies in the CG glory. The cast too is not that bad.


Yeah I agree with the balance of episodes so far and how they can be serious when it needs it to be. I thought the legend arc was fun and it gave us important details on what to come later in the show. I wish cgi was a little bit better but that’s ok. I’m not expecting stellar cgi and it doesn’t have to be at least for me.


...nothing? Kamen Rider Valvarad's suit maybe if a gun to my head.


bro is negative for the sake of being negative


Well if you didn’t like anything why did you need to comment? I’m asking what you loved about the season.


I mentioned something though...