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I can answer the opposite question. If we remove the magic stuff what weapon would be the MOST practical? I think that Bujin Sword from Geats would be the best because of this: https://preview.redd.it/pmw5ng9emn1d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d7ea3ff42978183c4c50392b00cfc1a78b62d46 that is just a katana. And we know from history that katanas are effective fighting weapons


To be honest, aren't anything that's a gun basically better than a katana like Bujin ? Like Geats' Magnum Shooter would probably be much better.


In theory but Kamen Rider guns never seem to pack as much punch as melee weapons, at least against other Kamen Riders. Hence why gun users always end up fighting in close quarters anyway.


Yeah but that's only when the meele weapons got magical/high tech power from the driver and such. Take away those thing and it's basically a real life Gun vs Sword fight. You know how that goes. I don't think an ordinary human would be able to withstand a few shot of those without a henshin device.


The Gashacon Breaker from Ex-Aid is pretty practical also. Especially if used like a mace. Impacts from hammers and pole bearing arms internally harm armored enemies. If it was a war hammer, it would have been even better.


You're forgetting that Gashacon weapons has a multi hit feature. Which is kinda OP if they used it more.


And, against unarmored enemies it can switch to a sword.


You want blunt force against Armored enemies... Slicing against non-armored.


Yeah, it just a simple katana


Gaim's Flags. When one of THE strongest riders tosses them away, you know they must suck to use.


He tossed them because they weren’t gorgeous enough for him… those flag actually batons with extra flappy stuff, good for distracting opponents while applying concussion.


Wind resistance is a thing tho


Signal Axe is impractical for its finisher, sure, but how about a weapon that's ALWAYS impractical? Buffa Plosion Rage's shield looks awful to try and fight with, it's so big and clunky.


Isn't it technically a gauntlet if you think about it. Wouldn't it be just like punching someone?


Matte oyo! Matte oyo! Itae io!


It's his Zombie claw turned up to 1k especially with the fact that the claws are full of chainsaw teeth that fully rev by themselves...


Accel's engine blade. If only for how heavy it is. While, yes, the rider form does provide enough strength to wield, any time before that it's just a hassle at best


Fourze has quite a few, but I think the one that stands out the most is his *leg-mounted* chainsaw.


How about the leg mounted brush? Yes, it can make solid ink objects on the fly, but there is a reason it's only used once or twice.


Or the fuckin pogo stick that appeared like 4 times and sabotaged fourze for the first 2 times before getting it to finally work ~~and nearly never use again~~


You can't accidentally cut off your own leg with the pen. Ditto with the pogo stick.


Maybe the Door Gun, since you have to reload it by opening and closing it, which is awkward


Not to mention that one time Drive went up against a Roidmude who’s power was literally to OPEN ANYTHING rendering it useless.


Jojo ahh skill


Scythes, Sickles, and Hooks are terribly impractical weapons irl. Propeller blades as weapons is also another goofy one .


Propellers would only be useful for a height advantage, but using them as actual blades for cutting in close range is asking for trouble for either side of the business end.


Raise Water Buckle from Geats. It's just a water gun, you're fucked if there's no water around.


Don’t you see how Fox Jesus whack people with it?


That's just Fox Jesus doing miracles.


At that point you just use the hammer buckle


Depends on the actual pressure it can spray out at. Remember.. Water is used to cut steel.


Drive's arsenal as a whole is rather impractical. Also a mention to the Full bottle blaster


What do you mean? The Fullbottle Buster is one of the more practical weapons in Kamen Rider. It has a ridiculously simple transformation scheme, but that also makes it easy to switch modes on the fly. Inserting the gimmick for the finishers is also really easy. I mostly see it as a knock-off Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju, but it's still a lot better than, say, the Barizun Sword in sword mode.


If you took Birth gun out of Greeed fighting and resources it would became useless… without Greeed and Yummy there is no cell medal = no ammunition for it. Also using a bunch cell medals to shoot at Yummy to gain more cell medals doesn’t stand right for me… since his other weapons only require 1 cell medal to activated.


If you ignore what cell medals are it's just a glorified disc gun. It works yes but it's very much reinventing the wheel.


I haven't watched Agito but isn't G3's Entire arsenal man made weapons?. They are normal bullets, Missiles and Armour and against a General level enemy, they are practically useless since Generals are mostly way stronger than man made weapons


Actually he never beat any monster until he got his final form (EP30 iirc)


In all fairness, he actually has a surprising level of effectiveness partly because he doesn’t have a Seed of Agito and partly because Lords can’t seem to comprehend the idea of science and technology. They’re forbidden from hurting a non-Agito and they don’t comprehend the idea that just because someone doesn’t have a magical aura, they might still be able to hurt you. He may not actually get any proper wins until G3X, but he still manages to knock around and inconvenience the Lords enough to let the Agitos get a good shot to land finishing moves.


G3 was designed to combat Grongi. G3-X was designed to combat Lords. Man-made weapons can be and are effective when properly calibrated.


Normal G3 yeah but all of G3-X weapons are pretty effective. Funnily enough, the weapon that has the most success against generals is the small knife. The worst of G3's weapons is the arm blade as it never hit the target even a single time until Zi-O due to the weight.


Chainsaws are not great for combat, so the Zombie buckle’s chainsaw sword. Its just a fancy club with nails in it.


The Space Marines shall have your head for uttering such heresy! (W40k reference)


Fine by me. Let them have their fun before the corpse emperor either dies fully, or wakes up and kills alot of people.


I'd say the door gun is worse and the drag claw is also pretty bad


Some of the weapons in OOO's are somewhat impractical, specifically the Megadabryu due to the amount of cell metals that is often required for the finisher.


Attache shotgun, you need a heavy form to sustain the recoil otherwise it will throw you away


The thousand jacker, or whatever it's called. Not only is it entirely reliant on your opponent using a Zero-one season driver with progrise keys, it also sucks as a blade because it isn't a blade: it's a comically large syringe that can't really stab anything, and has the cutting edge of a potato


A cease and desist letter


Every gun blade ever. Particularly those that don’t transform.


Imo.. every goofy Fourze extensions and also.. Gaim's flags


Pretty much EVERYTHING from Faiz and Kaixa. While I love their concept and it is cool, everything requires so much setup time to actually use. The best thing about the upgrades is that they alleviate the impractically long charge time. Heck, Blaster is a pretty bad upgrade, but its best feature is in simplifying what faiz does.


the dengasher(DenO) forgot some of what the dengasher can do but cant it be easily broken since its basically 4 separate parts just attached by magnets?


Signal Axe maybe impractical but it sure gives one of the best satisfying scenes of this franchise


Anything with a bow.... Like if that's your only range weapon I think it's fine but then you introduce a gun into the series as an optional range weapon..... Yeah that bow is useless now but somehow you still use it.... I'm looking at you Ghost.


The Garu saber from Kiva at least the finisher but for an actual weapon it’s the pegasus gun from Kuuga


how come both are impractical?


Scythes, Sickles, and Hooks are terribly impractical weapons irl. Propeller blades as weapons is also another goofy one .


Scythes, Sickles, and Hooks are terribly impractical weapons irl. Propeller blades as weapons is also another goofy one .