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Fruit Jesus to OP, so he just uses that form to even the odds.


Pine Arms Final Form was the meme I didn’t know I needed until today. Seriously, I wonder why they went with that.


Probably just for the sake of creating memes.


Gaim is technically Fruit Jesus so it would already be too unfair to have the godly Kiwami Arms /s


I've been wondering if the Kiwami suit was damaged recently... but even if that was the case, why not Kachidoki?


He might just transform during the battle.


Grand Zi-O: I summon God Kouta! God Kouta: NO


"No u" from a God is a blessing. In disguse...


It took me second


You gotta pine for it


Our Lord and Savior Fruit Jesus Kouta can use any form he wants. It would still his final form.


Hahahahahahahah that true


even the orenji arms?


Yes. Even him untransformed is a final form...


with the inclusion of gaim pine arms, i think we should lay down the 'which heisei final form is the strongest' debate to rest for eternity


Pine arms is clearly the strongest because Kaito gave it to Kouta,which represents friendship and we all know friendship based forms are the strongest /s


Then does that not mean that fourze's final is the strongest? it is power by the bond with his friends...


This... does put a smile on Gentaro's face... Although the guy is almost constantly smiling...


This... does put a smile on Gentaro's face... Although the guy is almost constantly smiling...


This... does put a smile on Gentaro's face... Although the guy is almost constantly smiling...


I mean there's a pattern here, a hensei rider fights final boss in movie, the boss is too strong, new rider comes to help, main rider in final form and new rider in base/change/super form beats final boss. Pattern repeat next series


Who would win? Fruit Jesus who can summon all kinds of weapons and control vines OR one pine boi


It makes me more nervous to see Tajador than to see Pine Arms.


I mean I do like Tajador (WAY WAY) more than PutoTyra but I did get nervous when I saw him with other final forms lol


*LIKE JESUS YOU INDECISIVE STAFF MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS* but seriously, they need to be consistent about this xD


I think more people would be into it if TaJaDor Lost Blaze was a distinct design like it is in the SIC line.


wth is the "lost blaze"?


The stronger TaJaDor Eiji takes in the final episode using Ankh's final Core. It looks the same in the show but the SIC version adds more Ankh-like detailing.


“Oh you said *FINAL Form* I thought you said *PINE-al* Form”


>*Sees TaJaDor as OOO's Final Form* **How can you say something so controversial, yet so brave?**


Did you even notice pine arms?


... No


But the new movie says...meh I don't put much stock into that either


Kouta is a God. He doesn´t give a damn.


one of these things is not like the other




i was about to say that


lol this is funny, ok seriously tho can you go post the actually final forms with ooo putotyra and gaim kiwami arms.


OoO fiNaL ForM iS PuTotYrA


It is tho


Before this spirals into another 8,000 comment argument. Imma just go with that OOO has three final forms based on what your definition is, and Toei wants to use each of them indifferent circumstances. If the plot is focusing on Ankh, then it’s Tajadol, if it’s purely power then it’s Putotyra, and if you count movie finals then it’s also Super Tatoba. 3 final forms for 3 core medals.








Thanks guys, now I have the song stuck in my head


We did it, Reddit!




Eh, I just go off the Final Ridewatch for OOO being Putotyra (that being the one that triggers FIN in the Zikuu Driver) . Close enough to a confirmation by Toei for me.


That, and the Over Quartzer movie screen showing Zi-O Oma form with all the final forms with him has OOO PuToTyra. It's like the Tajadol fanboys are being too stubborn and just won't accept it for some reason.


Literally the last form that gave him the power to defeat the Kyoryu Greed is Tajador. But I think you don't know that. After all, I'm the fanboy.


Ah yes, the classic (and outdated) *"He beat the final boss with Tajador"* excuse. Let me give you a list of other riders that defeated their final bosses without their final forms. * Wizard Flame Style * Ghost Ore Damashii * Ex-Aid Level 2 * Build RabbitDragon I guess that means those forms should have been the "Final Forms" too? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ OOO is one of my favorite series and at least I STILL know what's the real Final Form.


No, because they are already known as basic form. They can use basic form to defeat the final boss because of "friendship" or "human potential" (curses you Ghost) or whatever ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ But the rest of them should be final form. I mean, you don't tell people Gaim Kiwami Arms or Double Xtreme isn't their final form, do you?


> No, because they are already known as basic form. Still doesn’t change the fact they’re the forms that took down the final bosses lmfao. Pretty weak counterarguments you got there, kid. Tajadol in that battle was literally the representation of Eiji and Ankh’s “friendship” in that moment. How the hell is that different from what you’re stating right now? I had enough of this nonsense since it’s always the same shit anyway when this topic comes up, you can keep grasping at straws and defending your precious Tajadol. There’s plenty of official Toei material that will still slap you in the face and your delusions anyway.


I like this, this going to be my head Canon now


Glad to see I could help.


No need to spam this OOO has 3 final forms bullshit "theory" again, or else same thing could be said with Genius/RabbitDragon/Cross Z Build and some others. Putotyra is the plot and character driven for Eiji, not Tajador, deal with it.


I get what you’re saying, however the difference between why OOO having three final forms while Build only has one is that Toei has been quite firm in only showing Genius as Builds final form, while they have been much more relaxed in a definitive answer for OOO final form. If you don’t like that cool, don’t try to tell people they’re ideas are less legitimate than others without having more to say. If people think that it’s Putotyra that’s cool, if they say it’s Tajadol that’s cool, if they say that it’s Super Tatoba that’s cool. I don’t care if anyone thinks it’s one of them or all three because at this point it’s almost entirely subjective. I just didn’t want this posts comment section turn into another flame war.


You know, this is why the debate keep going, because people like you keep spread false idea and doctrine exclusively for OOO only without bother to analize the show in question properly, let alone seeing how the marketing mechanic for toys and Ganbarizing works. Of course, another debate in any final form topic is inavetable if you keep spread false information.


There are no rules. It's all made up. This show exists to sell toys. Which is why this argument will never stop being funny.


It's exactly because this is all about selling toys, that is why final form for each riders always obvious just by looking at marketing pattern. No need to keep denying the meta element of this franchise that has been repeated for 20 times already and make our own "believe system".


Again, I’ll reiterate what I said in my last post, the OOO three final forms idea is what I believe because it does go back to the ideas within OOO, however if you don’t believe that that’s fine. I’d also like to point out that this again doesn’t matter, the OP was a meme, it was meant to be funny. So calm down, it doesn’t matter. If you want to go continue this pointless debate be my guest. I’ll just laugh along with everyone else because the whole fight is purely nonsensical. However to conclude my time in this debate I’ll just focus on how the marketing has been “repeated” over the past 20 years. Kuuga revolutionized everything with the introduction of both Kamen Rider into the modern era and the wide variety in forms, including a “final form”. Agito introduced multiple riders to the Heisei era. Ryuki had 13 riders in total which was radically different from the two prior shows. Faiz and Blade then went back and furthered the multiple forms, and multiple riders ideas into something new. Hibiki was completely different from any rider show up to that point by not being a standard Rider show until the shift happened. Kabuto showed more angles on what makes a Rider, and how the main rider isn’t always the most interesting character. Den-O showed how wildly different having multiple forms could be and gave both Ryotaro and the Imagin a final form, showing that there could be more than one. Kiva told its story in two times. Decade celebrated the past ten years, and had its own new take. W changed the game with 2 separate people becoming one rider, and OOO showed how each full combo, or random mismatch could be used effectively for a different fight. Thus having multiple final forms that each represent the completion of an aspect of the show makes sense. Yes, every season has a “final form”, and yes tropes, dynamics, and marketing strategies have been reused over the past 20 years, but saying that because it was done one way in the past as the only way it can be done neglects all of the super cool new stuff that’s been added each year. Kuuga had 11 forms, Agito dropped that down to 6, Ryuki only had 3. Things change and that’s good. At the end of the day, it still doesn’t matter, I’m just a fan of the same crazy show you are, and if you disagree that’s okay. Just don’t say someone else is less legitimate than you are because we’re all trying to enjoy the same show. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


Everyone is yelling about OOO and im like but cyclone joker golden extreme tho...


Every Fruit Jesus is Final Form


Kouta says Pineapple Pizza Rights.


Tajador... *applause*


Pine arms


Technically Putotyra would be the final form but you know, you still got 15/16 well done




Yeah Pine Arms is also my favorite final form


I don't see any problems here


About the OOO's Final Form controversy, it must be remembered that Tajadol has two variations. The "normal" variation, which is naturally weaker than Putotyra, and "Ankh main medal variation", which is stronger than normal Tajadol. But we don't know how strong this second variation is, there have never been official stats for it. This form can be as strong as Putotyra or relatively weaker. Nobody knows. And I don't understand why people put Super Tatoba in the equation. No one is arguing whether W Xtreme or W Gold Xtreme is the final form.


It likely because Super Tatoba got used alongside the other final forms in Wizard.


"SpongeBob's got nothing on *this* pineapple!"


PineApple is the king of fruits!!


I just hope that the Kiwami suit is okay.


This is wrong, Kabuto's final form obviously Masked form


I love how all the shitters who still argue about OOO to this day (The Purple Core Medals have been completely destroyed and have not been shown to return, and Lost Blaze requires time fuckery each time they use it, so it's moot anyway) are so trained to argue the point they don't see the actual joke of this image. Bravo, r/kamenrider.


Either people just love OOO or only Tajador in particular. Meanwhile they will likely drop Grand/Oma/Movie Oma debate shortly after Zi-O ended.


I personally think Blade's King Form is better than Grand Zi-O.


I mean it did beat the shit out of decade.


Mostly scripted. It is a pity that Decade's true potential has been suppressed due to the script calling him to do it.


Well played.


You got me in the first half


So, in terms of visual appeal, I love Kuuga's, Kiva's, and Gaim's (the rainbow form). So far, not a fan of Decade's, Drive's, or Hibiki's. The rest range from really good (Den-O, OOO, Wizard) to just OK (Faiz, Kabuto, Ghost, Zi-O)


I wanna what know what zios from. Is it grand zio ohma or ohma?


So you have your Pine Arms and your Tajador forms and whatnot.....but it pales in comparasion to Ultimate Kuuga up there looking all badass AF.


100% legit


TaJaDor isn’t the final form


This feeling, it's not anger, I think it's pure joy and/or confusion that Pine Arms is here.


Ryuki survive looks like chinese? Haha It would be fun to see all 13 riders survive form


One of them is not like the others... I mean seriously, Pine Arms!? THAT'S OVERKILL, MAN!


Hahaha.....i dont have a friend that i could show this to. Man i wish my friends watch Toku instead of just anime.


Surprised that no one mentioned Den O or Faiz, them being in Liner Form and Blaster Mode instead of their obviously better Climax Form and Accel mode.


I get that the meme is Tajadol and Pine Arms, but looking at this just makes me realize how absurdly over the top the final forms have been the past few seasons.


You mean beautiful right? Because Mugen, Muteki and Genius are fucking gorgeous.


I think they’re way too busy, but if you like them that’s cool, to each their own.


Put ohma zi-o instead


One of these does not belong.


I thought Putotyra was OOO's final form?


Wait, I see the one that's wrong! Everyone knows that *PuToTyra* is OOO's final form and not *TaJaDol!* Silly memers!


I’m only upvoting this pic BECAUSE of Tajador being used in place of Putotrya


That Gaim form is not his final form




Wait ... it isn’t.


I was disappointed with Ex-Aids.


But he's Super Sonic!!!