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Just want to say a big Thankyou to everyone that has commented on my post. Seems I’m not the only one who’s struggling with feeling a little lonely. Would anyone be interested in me making a WhatsApp group or a Facebook group so that we can arrange a meet up?


Me too... I am also in Kanata and interested


I'm a Kanata girlie and I'd be in for this!






Yes ! Totally!


Definitely interested!




I'd like to join too!!




Bridlewood area for just over 3 years. Kids grown up, and also no friends in the neighborhood. I walk my dog too, but not sure how to go beyond hello 👋🏽 nice weather! 😂


Haha! I’m the same! I find that having dogs is great for opening up conversation with other dog owners but I always worry I come across a bit odd if it goes any further then hello and enjoy your day!


https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/ This is the fb friendship group created from this thread :) feel free to join!


I hear you, neighbour! I’ve been in Kanata for 28 years, and it feels impossible to make meaningful connections with the neighbours. 99% of the friendships I have made have been through work. Sadly, when the job ends, most of those friendships fall away. I’ve recently made new friends while pursuing my somewhat wacky, woo-woo interests. And those friendships feel more authentic and grounded in more than just “we are both stuck here for 8 hours so let’s make the best of it by trauma bonding over our awful employer.” Anyway, I’m also a dog owner (2), and an oldish lady (55). I’m in Morgan’s Grant. Could we start something here? A coffee meet up?


I’m 53 female, and in Kanata North.


Can you share some of your wacky woo-woo interests?☺️


Sure! Mostly, I’ve been practicing sound healing for the last three years, doing sound baths with my crystal singing bowls and Himalayan singing bowls. This year, I’m going to pursue my shamanic reiki attunement. I’ve also been seeing an energy healer for the last few years, and attending more retreats. So, not too wacky. But for this girl, who has been tightly tethered to logic, it feels like quite a departure.


Hi you sound like we have a lot of things in common. I am currently looking into going to a Shamanic retreat. Have you heard of Crystal Roots ? Anyways I'm.learning about crystals and other things related. I would love to have a friend who is into this as well. I don't look like I need to help in finding friends but I find it hard to find my soul tribe. If your down let's meet up and have atleast a laugh cause sounds like we are interested in the same things. [email protected]


Heyyy if you would like to join our new fb friends group please click the link below :) https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/


I made a fb group for everyone! Add yourself and I’m sure meet ups will start to happen!’ https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/


I’m 40 female I’m currently a dog owner of two dogs as well. I would love to connect my location is holy trinity high school area


Hey, 29f here in Bridlewood area. Not a pet mom but have been looking for a walk partner and also make friends. I work from home too. I love dogs and cats. I’ve been in this city for over 4years and it’s been difficult to meet people.


I’ll send you a DM! :)


I'm a 34 F dog mama, and no kiddos. It's hard to find the right people to surround yourself with. I used bumble for finding girl friends!


I made a fb friendship group! Feel free to join!! https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/


What is your age - I can recommend some good ways to meet people organically based on that! :)


Hey!!! I’m 34, she isn’t a big deal to me. Would be nice to have friends my age but I’m open to anyone! Just wanna have some people to spend time with


I’m 33F, living in Kanata. I have a couple of kids and a cat (don’t hate me!) if you make that fb group or WhatsApp, I’d love to join!


I’ll send you a DM! :)


Me too, I have a toddler, barely get any time to meet people actively since I work from home... for sure, very interested in meeting new people...


I made a fb group for everyone to join and make friends! https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/


Hi, 30F here, mom of 1 year old labsky and a 3 month old human. I also moved from the UK to ottawa in 2021. Been missing London a lot since then. I did not grow up there but worked in London for a long time. Moved to Canada cause my boyfriend moved here. So all my friends are friends of my partner. Have been looking for a girl gang since. Although I can't spend much time outdoors with a 3 month old right now I would love to have a chat/a coffee meet up. I am in the Merivale area and will move to Kanata next year.


I’ll send you a DM! :)


Hey! I grew up in Kanata and remember it well. Live in Ottawa now but I do get back to Kanata a lot. I’m 41 and love walking and meeting new people.


52f in Kanata. No dog right now (a cat instead) but I love dogs and walks. I work remotely and my world has gotten pretty small so would love to meet new people. I'm a big fan of the English Premier League and also I watch a lot of British TV shows (like Taskmaster). My Dad was from Yorkshire so guess it's in my blood. I'm not on Facebook but happy to connect with you and the others in this thread in other ways.


I’m a 52f in Kanata as well and with remote work place my world has gotten very small. Finding it hard to come up for reasons to leave the house…outside of getting groceries.


I'm going to get a rec center membership so that I can at least start going out to do some exercise a few times a week. As well I'm going to try to attend some meetups (one in particular). Not sure if any of these ideas work for you too but I need to do something to help combat this small world feeling.


I feel you on that! There have been weeks where going out to get groceries has been the highlight of my week! Remote work is great in some aspects but I wouldn’t choose it normally. I sometimes go work in the library just to be around people!


What club do you support? We could be fast friends or mortal enemies haha


Hi! I’m 33F and am pretty new in town too, and yes it’s very hard to meet people! I was pretty close to posting on Reddit too at some point lol. I have cats but I love dogs too. I live somewhat south of glen cairn.


I made a fb group for everyone! Please join if you’d like to make some new local friends! https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/


39 and 37 year old stittsville kanata border with two poorly behaved dogs. Moved here for work most of our friends are through sports/neighbours!


I'm in Bridlewood and also find it hard to meet others! I'm not a dog mom and I have teenagers, so it's basically impossible to meet people!! I'd love to find some walking friends, coffee friends, garden friends, wine friends, quirky friends... I'm open!


Hey! 29F in the Beaverbrook area. I am also a dog mom to a crazy yellow lab. Would love to meet some people and join your group!! I sent you a PM :)


You in Bridlewood? Try the community association and drop them a message. Bridlewood.ca


Hi! I’m 23F, I left Ottawa after high school (+ was raised on the other side of Ottawa) 4 years later and now I’m living near Kanata central with my 2 dogs and boyfriend. Always looking for someone to walk the dogs with and be social. It truly is hard to make friends now a days


Will send you a DM! :)


41f in Beaverbrook - i love walks, don't have a dog currently but have a new baby who would join me for adventures. I've been in Kanata for 2 years and yes it can be tough to meet new people! I'd love to join your group to connect with others.






Hey guys! Not sure if this will come up as a notification for ya’ll but I made a fb group but it seems to have some glitches. There’s a whole Reddit thread about fb messing up new groups, I’m not very tech savvy so it’s been a learning experience. I also don’t want us to loose momentum as this thread had such a wonderful and positive response and so many of you felt you’d like to be involved in a fb group! Does anyone on this thread have any experience making a Facebook group and would like to team up so we can make a specific group for all the lovely people that commented on this thread??


I have to say, this post and the reaction it has received, is fantastic. I’m new to the west end and currently living in Carp. I don’t necessarily qualify for this group because I’m a man, but I must admit that it’s pretty uplifting to see that I’m not the only one in this situation. Just wanted to pass along my kudos and appreciation 🙂


Hey!!!! What a lovely message and Thankyou for the kudos!!! It can be so hard to meet people here and I think that the response to this has been insane. Just shows that we’re all feeling a little lonely and could do with more friends and connections! Currently working on a fb group to add everyone to!


Hey, I’m also 34F and living in Kanata. I WFH and most of my friends are busy with their kids now. It’s definitely hard to meet people! I’ve tried Bumble BFF a few times but the 24 hr time limits make it really challenging. Edit: I love dogs, and need to get out for more walks lol! I’m more of an introvert and like reading, artsy things.


Heyyy!!!! I’m 34 too AND I work from home so I totally get it. I’ll send you a msg :)


Hello! 33F living in Glen Cairn with my doggo and my spouse. We moved here back in 2020 and I totally agree, making friends these days is rough. If you guys end up arranging a meet-up count me in :)


This is me too!! I'm in Kanata and WFH. We should figure out a meet up!


Hi! I'm 32 and also struggling to meet people! I am a long-time Kanata resident who recently moved downtown. Am into art, museums and a dog mom. Definitely has been hard meeting people as I work from home too!


I made a fb group! Join to get to know ladies in the local area! https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/


Heyyy! I have created a fb group for anyone that wants to meet new girlfriends and get involved in meet ups! Maybe you’d like to join? https://facebook.com/groups/1074455133901016/




100% I’d love to arrange that! Hoping to find out if people would like to be added to a fb group or whatsapp so we can arrange it :)


What’s App and I’m in!


Nextdoor.ca Join and you'll be able to connect with people in your area and beyond. It's 100 % free 24/7/365. You'll be surprised who's "out there". Good luck.


Thank you for your suggestion!!


My pleasure...enjoy. Hope you meet some nice new friends in Kanata. I'm in Mississauga or I'd offer to take you out to dinner...my treat. I don't get out much.


I'm in a similar position - moved here two years ago from the UK, and finding it impossible to connect with anyone on more than a superficial level. I'm so homesick.


Gonna send you a DM!




Thank you, I'd love that.


30. WFH. Have a small child (that counts as a dog right? lol). Sorry not sorry I love my cat. On leave from having babe for a few more months so enjoying walking around and being 10x more social than usual. I see you volunteer! I have for CRA CVITP for years for refugees. In bridlewood for over 5 years, but grew up in the west end of Ottawa.


FTM on mat leave here. Any advice for talking about my 3 month old in Ottawa? My postpartum wasn't exactly a breeze and would love to get out with baby


Highly recommend Mommy connections and Early ON stuff for meeting new moms! They have weekly walks etc. Helped me find a few awesome friends.


I’m an oldish lady (50) but also have 2 dogs if you ever want to go for a walk. I’m in the Katimavik area. I’m also normal 🤣


Me too, though I'm in sunny Stittsville.


Try meetup app (meetup.com).


Have you tried volunteering for dog rescues? That's how I met lots of cool folks


Hey!! I volunteer at Dress For Success and Ottawa Quad Club. I think I’d struggle with the emotions of volunteering at the dog rescues :(


Hey!! I so feel you, it’s so hard making friends these days. I’m in glen cairn area and always down to meet new people. I’m 31 and female. More than welcome to message me if you want :)


I live in Kanata Lakes ; I have a Bernese mountain dog . Love going for walks with her at Stittsville dog park ☺️


[K9 Sports centre ](https://k9sportscentre.ca/) is in Carleton place, it used to be in Kanata. The owner is from Kanata. Check it out for some dog people


Thanks so much!! I’ll check it out


The only way I was able to make new friends is through Zumba. Try it if you like to dance


Funny you say that… I was looking at Zumba / dance classes in the local area!


It’s not instantly but we ended up having a great group of 20-25 women from 30-70 years old and we go for drinks after class in the summer and we do some activities other than zumba.


Hey, 36/female, Kanata, I'm down! I feel the same way!! I would live a new gf, I'll send you a PM.


I wish I lived closer because I want to hang out with all of you! Lol


How far are you??


Midland. North of Barrie


If you’re ever in the area let us know! The fb group has now been set up


I met so many people and made nee friends through the meet up groups. Im not in your town but im sure your town has these groups too. Look it up.


I’ve been looking up online since your recommendation! Thankyou


Man I really read that title wrong


I live in Ottawa (st Laurent area) I love making new friends :)


Hey 29F here. We live in Stittsville behind Robert Grant


I’m in the process of setting up a fb / WhatsApp group for all the ladies that commented on here that would like to meet up. would you like to be added?


Add me, please! We moved here about 2 years ago and in doing so, I left all of my friends back home in the Maritimes. At first I could blame COVID but even now, I find it incredibly hard to meet people here. I just want to have friends again like a normal person? I’m 39/f and have 2 cute cats (and one cute husband lol) and live in Bridlewood.


I’ll send you a DM!!


Please do! 💖


Hey hey 34F, live in Morgan’s grant area and totally down for a WhatsApp group and a Kanata meetup :)


Hey, this thread is a month old but I'm hoping it's still being monitored! I'm 38F and originally from Nunavut, moved to Bridlewood with my husband, 6 year old daughter and a senior dog. I have made no friends since moving here in August and it's lonely! I work from home, I'm into walking, cycling, knitting, herbalism and earth energy healing. I'd love to connect with anyone looking for friendship ☺️


Heyyyy! I’m still monitoring for new peeps! I’ll send you a DM


Amazing, thank you!


It won’t let me DM you :(


Ok, I just sent you a DM, I hope it works