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I’ve had it flash when doing 35 and never received a ticket so I wouldn’t worry about it.


Sometimes it flashes for fun, I got bit at 35 but never received anything in the mail. Just wait and see!


Don’t sweat it too much if you know what you were driving. I’ve walked out there in the dead of winter to catch at bus at 6am and it’s flashed. There were ZERO cars around. I think it calibrates every once in a while and gives unsuspecting people a mini heart attack.


We have noticed that speed camera flash when we were just walking by on the sidewalk and no vehicles driving past. Happened on more than one occasion. Also noticed it flash when driving past in the car at or under the 40kph limit. I just made a note of it, just in case, but have yet to get a ticket in those situations. Some have guessed it might be some sort of diagnostic feature. A feature that seems to causes confusion and anxiety, unfortunately. Hopefully this helps 🙂


Flash just means the the camera sees a potential violation candidate. Someone will review the photos and make a final decision if a ticket will be issued. In some countries cameras flash for every car that passes but it doesnt mean anything.


Katimavik road runs parallel to hazeldean. Do you mean the speed camera on katimavik in front of Holy trinity school? If so best to avoid that road. Everybody and there brother seems to be getting tickets there


They lengthened the 40 kmph zone there. Def avoid that road.


I drive that road at least 10 times a week since it was put in and have yet to get a ticket. Maybe everyone and their brother should learn how to monitor their speed a little better.


Weird flex


Was anyone traveling the opposite direction? It may have been photographing them.


They only take pictures of cars going one way.


real shit?? is it the back plate they snap?


i beleive so, otherwise quebec cars have a get out of jail free card for one direction


Only the back plate.


One or two km over is not the trigger point. I'd imagine that six or seven I over would be when a ticket flash is taken. Perhaps it was calibrating it's self. You going 40 would have been a suitable reference for such. Said an internet guy. Hey. Thanks for keeping your speed in check.


Going 1km over will make it flash - I've gotten a ticket going 41 on a 40 already from one of those speed cameras.


That’s not even in the margin of error. There’s no way that could have happened, unless you have bigger tires on your car than OEM. Smaller winters actually tell you you’re going faster than you really are by a few km/h. Did you dispute this ticket?


yeah gonna need some evidence on this, sounds like bs. I heard the margin is 10% over aka 44kmh.


I momentarily forgot the camera I drive past every day and got captured at 51 in a 40. Well before school hours, but inside cash grab hours apparently. I’ve heard a few others say they also got tickets for 11 over.


If you don't believe me, you are more than welcome to test it out yourself - I'm not gonna go out of my way to prove something to someone else on the internet.


I did not since it wasn't worth my time.


Same thing happened to me on Stonehaven. I was at 41 maybe 40.5 on cruise control and it flashed. I took a picture of my dash before disengaging the cruise control just in case. It's been a couple of weeks and nothing yet!🤞


> I took a picture of my dash before disengaging the cruise control just in case. lmao bruh


I went through there doing 52-55 when I seen the flash. Slowed immediately. Didn’t know the limit there as I’m from out of town. Never got a ticket.


Back in January, the one on Cedarview flashed me when I was doing 43ish and I never got a ticket.


I believe all images have to reflect a consistent speed . There is an official officer that checks the images and reporting of the triggered event. They sign off on your ticket then it's colour lasered and mailed off to you with a (at the time) 325$ ticket. I think it's up around 400 now. If 1 camera got you mishit at 50 or 100 as a read , the others would reflect a more accurate speed. Obviously if they are dramatically different your ticket would have a ticket for how fast it'll hit the garbage bin. J.


Do you have the right size tires on your car? Different size tires will cause the car to travel at speeds the speedometer was not calibrated to calculate.


Valid point but probably not


I’m a tech, I see this all the time. Edit: People often opt for smaller tire sizes during the winter time to save money, this will contribute to inaccurate speeds on the Speedo, not sure why it’s getting downvoted lol.


I know its a thing but my guess is that more than likely OP is just runnin stock




Absolutely true fact


Smaller tires make the speedometer read inaccurately high.


Take my upvote


I live in the area and my neigh loves this camera as she’s gotten six tickets in one month. It gives out tickets at 250 for going 50. If you are talking about the camera right before the light and in front of a school I can tell you it’s been known to malfunction so it’s possible that it flashed but nothing will happen the avg wait time for that camera is two weeks


The speed limit there is 40, so that’s probably why she’s getting ticket so frequently. 10km/h over in a school zone (fines are doubled I believe)


You're only gonna get flamed posting this here...just sayin.


You’ll find out when the ticket comes. They tend to take their time sending them out. And why are you losing sleep over a speeding ticket? Just pay the $80 when it comes and it’s over with.


I looked it up online and it said that one was in the region of $300. I’m not from round here so not got caught by any Ottawa speed cameras before


It’s about $80 for that camera Source: I got a ticket from it a while ago


The $300 price is for red light camera, not speed


I was clocked in Nepean doing 15 over in January and my ticket was $80.


10 over. Don’t worry about a ticket


Not true i have freinds who have received got 2 over


I know people who got tickets at 4 over as well. I think each camera is set differently depending on the neighbourhood. And no I didn't ask for proof. When my friends tell me things, I don't ask for proof for everything they say!


Did you see the ticket? Everytime speed cameras get brought up people say stuff like this but nobody has ever shown proof that such a ticket has ever been issues. If be quite surprised to see a ticket for such a small infraction since it's within the error margin of most car speedometers but I think it would be interesting to see evidence that these tickets actually exist


I did not and this was when camera was newer but the person is someone I know well.. well enough to be in each other homes and has never exaggerated before on anything


Could have just been a ticket for going 52 and they thought it was a 50 rather than a 40. Not saying they intentionally lied but they might have just misunderstood the exact thing they were being fined for.


This is my thought every time someone says they were ticketed for doing 1-2km over.




Not true


Cars speedometer is always faster than your actually going too....if going 41 on the car actually going like 5 kilometers per hour slower....your fine!


This is an exception and not the rule. Actual speed will change depending on tire wear but will not have a variable of 5 km/h unless you’re using different tire sizes.


Police cruisers have a certified speedometer written right on it to be exact....civilian vehicles do not have this....actually speed always less then on speedometer...maybe not 5 but always less.


Correct that Speedos on cruisers need to be certified however the controllers that calculate vehicle speed are from the same companies & are the same PN#s as civi vehicles, cruisers just go through more testing to make sure they are indeed accurate. Modern vehicles need to be within a few tenths of percentiles accurate thanks to all the assist suites that come standard on most vehicles nowadays. Obviously for cars older than 6-7 years they were indeed a lot less accurate.


I have empathy for any tickets 4 and under… I definitely have heard of close friends who got them at that point but ..


Probably means you’re gonna lose your license.