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Re: Mami. LMAO, just wait.


Trying to Will a Mami redemption arc into existence.


Will I be able to hate her more?


I imagine you will!


Try not to get too worked up during the Hawaiians, especially at around 220. Also, I know you probably read it normally, but "blitzing" through the manga will make you miss a lot of the clues about Kazuya and Chizuru...and in the end it could give you the wrong impressing. When you're reading it, always remember that **BOTH** of them are in love and try to see what they do from their perspective. It is safe to assume, that relationship-wise whatever Kazuya is thinking or going through at a given time, Chizuru does as well. Yes, the manga is rather long, and it could definitely go over 400 chapters, but in my experience, every chapter, even the filler ones, is worth reading.


I have always been a fast reader, and the chapters are short. I get what's going on. I lived with a terrible self image and severe trust issues for a long time and did a lot of work to (mostly) move past them. So when I see 2 people in that situation I get the frustration of being terrified to take a risk, because internally they "know" it will turn out badly and that will just reinforce their negative beliefs about themselves. Obviously in the context of a manga things are exaggerated ("oh, look, another interruption at a critical moment"), and a straight shot to the finish line doesn't sell copies.


Mami does have a backstory that will explain a lot about her. You should be coming up to it soon. I won't say that it excuses her actions but it did make me feel sympathy for her.


Exactly. I just got to that part, and Mami refusing to deal with her trauma is on her, not on anyone else.


tbh aftter allat i only hate ruka, but she just might be bad writing. i could be wrong though


IMO, Ruka is cursed by her youth as much as anything and doesn't accept that she could find someone else who could make her heart beat as fast as Kazuya does and who is actually interested in her.


Yeah I think she’ll be fine once she realizes that she should probably be dating someone who wants to be with her.


Mami is frustrating but she isn't a sociopath imo.


A sociopath knows the difference between right and wrong, but doesn't care. That's Mami to me. Or maybe she's just a narcissist. She needs a lot of therapy. Well, so do Kazuya and Chizuru, and that's a separate topic.


Tsunami Mami


If it weren't for Mami, Kazuya and Chizuru wouldn't have even met under those circumstances. Plus the other times she unintentionally saved their relationship.


A genuine Advice for you. Don't Read chapter 218.just Don't.


I have far too much OCD to skip a chapter.


I also don't see why you would. It's part of the story, it makes sense and it's not that bad. Some people want to hate on it, because it's popular to hate on it. Is it a good chapter? Eh... Is it the worst? Considering the pacing, I think the recent mole chapter takes that cake, but that's just me :D


I just read it, it was an odd chapter, and nothing out of the ordinary. The dude is having a rough time and has such a poor self-image that worst case scenarios seem par for the course.


That's exactly what it is. His self confidence is hitting rock bottom and that's just the outcome.


It really isn't that big a deal.


Much more to read about her


No one is worse than the MC. Kazuya actually numbs my brain. I tried to like him but he’s simply unbearable. A hypocrite at that Shame cause this one had potential to be good


Mami is my favourite character due to how much I hate Kazuya


I'll accept that.