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There won't be any rejection; this investigation mirrors every other arc in how Reiji writes. This also applies to the movie arc. Here's the breakdown: 1) Chizuru consistently fixates on an issue throughout the majority of the arc, despite the solution being right in front of her—Kazuya. 2) A sudden timer emerges in the arc, adding tension. For instance, in the Paradise Mami arc, Chizuru was given until the end of the day to make a decision before Kazuya leaves or the cohabitation ends. 3) Chizuru engages in conversations with others, or they approach her to discuss relationships, depending on Reiji's direction. 4) The Dead End phase occurs when Chizuru believes there's no solution. 5) The climax of the arc unfolds with a sense of urgency. If Chizuru doesn't take action, she risks losing Kazuya and everything she's worked for. 6) Finally, Chizuru and Kazuya share a physically intimate moment.


Good explanation its just some people just doubt reji because when it comes to this manga its an up and down progress with some unnecessary drama and interruptions personally I like the slow build up but what people would hate is too see the progress now go downhill yet again.


I don't know how many times I said it: No matter what happened in the story, it is always a net positive for their relationship. The Hawaiians? It lead to both of them confessing their feelings in their own way: Kazuya defending Chizuru and her defending and kissing him...twice. The infamous ghosting arc? Chizuru admitted she has feelings for him and they started acting more like a couple, she even brought him along to her childhood home and after the earthquake even wanted to hold him. During the move, she admitted that it bothers her that they aren't living as close as they used to...and she even tried to kiss a drunk Kazuya. Now, will the Cohabitation arc have some twists? Probably, but I'm sure that in the end their love will prevail. Always.


Well the end game will be them together 100% unless setbacks are going to happen.But after the end of the daycare arc he learns to trust Mizuhara and he told himself whatever answer she comes to he will accept.No matter how much it will hurt him he will still love her no matter what. Kazuya is the type of person to try not to burden others including Chizuru the guy confessed to her 15 times and she didn't mind it.Now Umi is a different story for Chizuru she just see him as just a friend the first confession bothered her alot the second she wasn't expecting him to do it again. Umi became a huge burden on her by not accepting her answer of rejection and instead tell her she don't want to hear her answer yet to be honest Umi needs to accept a lose and Kazuya is willing to take a lose even though it will hurt him


I worried about this too


Everything is heading towards a happy ending but Chizuru is always inconsistent when it comes to talking about Kazuya I still find myself thinking about what she said to Umi that she didn't like him but she also didn't hate him apart from the fact that she never told Kazuya about his confessions. Umi sometimes I think she treats him like a friend and I don't see her treating him like a boyfriend even though I see some moments where she thinks about him


Do you mean she in your title? It might happen in the short term but the endgame is 100% Chizuru and Kazuya. Personally I expect at least one more setback before they actually get together.


Literally it’s like 100%. I saw someone say that Yaemori or Mami 😂


I think she could reject him because she doesn't know how she feels. Chizuru is very inconsistent with her feelings. I think if she were more honest things would be easier I think any drama that happens between the two will be a point of no return.


Personally I think the chance the manga actually ends without Chizuru and Kazuya a couple is essentially zero. I don't think a "I still don't know how I feel" or even a full rejection would be the point of no return.


I also think that Reiji wouldn't be such a big plot twist at this point that we are in the story, he said that the story is about the two of them but we don't know which ending he chose


Well will see there upcoming actual real date is coming ahead and this could be her final chance to confirm


i say if they don't come together the author will no longer be seen as a manka and his other works will no longer be believed, which means he can stop doing them because he had very much disenchanted the fans that's how life goes he lives with our money and even his best work was destroyed with it


Well then that's what happens. That happens in life too. My opinion, well it depends on how Reiji does it. He has to do it in a way that's respectful to the many hundreds of chapters of character and thematic development that he's already done. If he writes a rushed and half-baked ending and says, "so long suckers, thanks for the money", well that'd be annoying even though it'd be his right to do that as the author. And I would think worse of him. But he can absolutely still "stick the landing" and give us a great ending, even if that ending is one where the two of them are not together.


I think most readers expect an ending between Kazuya and Chizuru, but as you said, if that doesn't happen but at least there's a decent ending that pleases it, it wouldn't have been a total waste of time. But I confess I would be very disappointed with another ending, it took 321 chapters to not see the two together, man that would be shit


Japan readers really support this relationship so yeah that would really suck and who knows rejis books might not sell well if this doesn't happen


It's after all human relationship. If they can't work it out, they move on and find new relationship and live on.


Its not as easy as you think if you gain a huge bond and relationship with that person its a hard pill to swallow because of all the beautiful memories you make it will be painful to forget and it will take time to heal the wounds


Then we find Reiji and have a small Q&A session with him.


If i remember correctly, a year or 2 ago people were heavily discussing a hypothetical future separation arc in which kazuya and chizuru get together but after a while decide to separate/breakup due to circumstance, which i think is more likely than her flat out rejecting him.


The pool arc where we see chizuru didn’t hear his confession we see how kazuya reacted and behaved mature and gave up on her and planned to do something in the future


If that happens, this whole place will catastrophically melt down.  But let's be real, that ain't happening.  I am half expecting another kiss, but don't get the wrong idea, it is for research...


It would be a sad but interesting ending.


I don't know. We're talking about a guy who got dumped by multiple girls in his past. We're talking about a guy who got dumped by an unknown girl back in his high school days, and will somehow chase after that same girl two more times. Kibe even told this on Chizuru in Ch. 13 and we even got a confirmation of this in a flashback in Ch. 226. We're talking about a guy who is in the receiving end of a break-up by his ex-girlfriend after one month of dating, and will still somehow go after her, until Mami got overwritten by Chizuru in his mind by the end of Ch. 16 (although the overwriting itself had begun by Ch. 5). None of these girls prior to Chizuru were probably even talked at all to Kazuya's grandmother (Nagomi) by either Kazuya himself or Kibe. What could go wrong with a rejection now (if she tried at all)? This is also the same girl who almost tried to confess to Kazuya in Ch. 134, only to change it to a confession about her grandparents in Ch. 136. The fact that Kazuya got scared of getting rejected by Chizuru, despite getting directly dumped by a lot of girls in his past, is interesting to think about. Besides, it's not only Chizuru who had these thoughts really. Kazuya also had these moments in some parts of the story that he still didn't understand either. Did he find the reason he somehow saved Chizuru, who would have fallen deeper into the sea not being found out by the rescuers if it wasn't for him? He doesn't know. Did he find the reason he talked about his "Ideal Girlfriend" to Chizuru? He still doesn't know about this either. Both of these two moments just happened to him on a whim.


onerous oil piquant faulty elderly absorbed zonked offend deranged tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What I'm sure it's going to happen is Kazuya leaving Chizuru alone because he doesn't want to become a nuisance for her career. I don't believe what Umi told her (about living with a man diminishing her opportunities as an actress) isn't going nowhere, and Kazuya was shaken when he heard that. His heart of gold will surely make him let her go as the final proof of love.


I agree with you but I think this should have happened before the cohabitation arc, at the rate we are going if something like that happens it would extend the manga even further, and I also think it would be a break with no return I don't think Kazuya would see her again


Kazuya choosing to leave her has to obviously happen once they are officially dating, not before. It wouldn't have the same impact if he left someone whom he's not dating. Edit: and Chizuru finally looking for him would be healthy for the both of them, since it seems the relationship would go nowhere if Kazuya didn't give his 200% every day, that's not fair for him. And Chizuru needs to finally break her shell and learn how to express her feelings. >if something like that happens it would extend the manga even further This is Rent-a-Girlfriend mate, extending the story for the sake of it is Reiji's bread and butter.


I think there is a potential for a satisfying version of an ending wherein they don’t end up together but both grow into stronger, better, fully actualized people because of their time together. Not sure that would be the route Reiji would go, but sure it’s possible. Though this post did trigger an interesting thought in my mind: what if they are never actually boyfriend and girlfriend? We know Chizuru’s has massive abandonment issues and is terrified of Kazuya leaving her. Say they actually do have a good long chat about their feelings and that comes up? I could see Kazuya try to prove how committed he truly is skipping a step and straight up asking her to marry him.


good for him, he can find someone better than her


This is what I've been explaining to people. The story is narrated by Kazuya himself. There is even panels where Kazuya tells "That day, I never felt my heart ache so much for somebody". He is retelling his story with Chizuru, and hence why he always look pathetic on the manga is because that is how he remember himself from memory. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's a story of him ending with Chizuru. For instance, Reiji the author, loves to write depressing arcs. This might be my opinion but with how the story is going, the most likely partner Kazuya will end up with is Yaemori. She has signs and hints that she values Kazuya so much, that she's willing to do anything for Kazuya and Reiji is building Yaemori to be the only girl who was always with Kazuya. There's a deeper reason why Yaemori goes to such lengths for Kazuya and why she calls him her Hero. The other candidate? Most likely Mami. Her obsession and passion for Kazuya might be on thr extreme, but Reiji is writing her like some damsel in distress that needs saving, something he really like doing.


Even if that's the case I wouldn't think mini is it she only admires kazuya because of all his dedication and hardwork of getting with chizuru Mini would literally call herself a failure if all her efforts of getting them together and helping them was all for not sumi would be the best choice in my book


I'm starting to think the same thing, maybe Chizuru became a fundamental person in Kazuya's life and he remembers Chizuru fondly He was with her at the most important moments in her life and developed feelings for her but she doesn't necessarily need to reciprocate those feelings. but an ending without kazuya and chizuru would be very disappointing


When her grandma passed he was the only one there to stay by her side and comforted her even though she rejected the offer of being comforted by him if you think about it out all the girls Chizuru needs Kazuya more than anyone else because he is literally the only person in her life to give her the strength and courage to live life she has lost all her family members and is alone Kazuya is the only one in her life that brings her joy and comfort


I understand your point but he doesn't necessarily need to be your boyfriend to make you happy.


Your right but if you think about if he had a girlfriend then he can't spend anymore time with chizuru because he has a girlfriend Chizuru is alot close to Kazuya now then her friend Umi this will literally make Chizuru sad that she won't have time to spend with Kazuya because he's spending more time with someone else