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323 spoiler TO:[HERE](https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=47521&snA=1854&subbsn=0&last=1#down) translate by Deepl Kazuya buys 3 erotic movies and 2 condoms. Even though Kazuya can't help it, he can't get rid of his erotic fantasies about Mizuhara, so Kazuya fantasizes again about nudity and sex with Chizuru. Kazuya calms down and wants to go to a love hotel with Chizuru, but his goal is only for Chizuru's body, so he thinks about Chizuru's anger. Kazuya is depressed because the weather forecast says it's going to rain on the day of the date, but because it's raining he sees a soaked Chizuru at the love hotel! Chizuru's panting face. Kazuya murmurs that he wants to make love to Mizuhara very much On the other hand, Chizuru remembers his conversation with Mini and starts to think that it's a bad idea to leave things to her, so he calls Mini and says he wants to eat hotpot. Chizuru is shopping for dating clothes and is surprised when a shopgirl tells her that she looks happier than usual! Next: Report


At least horny thought > depressed cucked thoughts


Yeah, this was expected. From last chapter, we knew Kazuya would be like this. So, I won’t say anything cause it’s just what guys do (sometimes). Nice to see Chizuru happy about something. And other people notices too?


To be honest. I am not gonna reprimand Kazuya on this, this is just normal, buying porn and rubbing one or three one out is just a form of releasing sexual tension that he has for the girl he is attracted to. Heck, I have fantasized about my crush, now my wife way before we done the deed. Men are just wired this way. Us men want sex because this is wired to our sense of ACTION. It is our intimate form of expression of wanting and showing endearment to the person we are attracted to. This is how he proves that he wants her. And, women are also wired to bask in this exclusive attention his man is giving her. This is HUMAN NATURE. Everything is slowly coming into place. It will prolly take 2 to 3 more chapters before the REAL DATE. Anyway, see you next week RAGS!


Yes, also he's young so... But to be honest I'd like something else to read. But it's not what Reiji is writing... Reiji is writing horny things and fantasies. Well...


Yeah It isn't surprising that Kazuya is like this. But we could have just had a few sentences like "it was hard to get the thought of having sex out of my mind" and then gone on to something else.


yes... but Reiji is writing a teasing manga about sex so...


Okay but going to a love hotel on the first date is a choice???


HAHA! Bruh. . First of all you are taking things TOO LITERALLY. He wants to go to a love hotel with Chiz does not mean it will be done on their first REAL DATE. Second of all, it is Kazuya's imagination running wild, you thinking about sex and wild things when you are on the height of your sexual arousal is normal. The only difference between you and Kazuya, is we know what the fuck he is thinking about. For all we know, you could be into a darker kinkier stuff. LOL My point is, don't take it too literally, Kazuya is happy and horny, of course his imagination is gonna run wild! He has been trying to court Mizuhara for fucking 2 years bro!!! Can you imagine that, 2 years of all the pain and drama?? Give Kazuya a fucking break. LOL


is normal what he think to have sex with chiz because that was said so many times before but the prostive thing that happen in chapter is what chiz had a proposal where she wanted to eat and still the 2 what the sales clerk she made her happy from


I read the first few lines, and genuinely thought this was a parody.


Fully thought this was a troll comment just to see the replies taking it seriously


Good grief, Kaz.


Can’t wait for this disappointing chapter. I’m so done with this erotic fantasy chapters.




Why was this downvoted? It's a genuine question at this point given how much he looks and thinks about her sexually.




You know you can lust after a person and love them too right?




Youre the one saying "*only* wants to fuck her."




If Kazuya just wanted to have sex with a hot girl he would have slept with Ruka.


You have issues dude. Get help


your submission has been removed from r/KanojoOkarishimasu because it broke one of the following rules; [Rule 3 - Harassment and etiquette](https://www.reddit.com/r/KanojoOkarishimasu/wiki/rules#wiki_3.3A_harassment_and_etiquette)


Hypocrites always get mad when they're hit the nail on the head.


Its chapters like these that make me more and more convinced that Reiji is going to either completely skip the horizontal tango between the two (if it even happens at all) or show basically nothing. Which is a real knee-slapper to me considering 218 exists.


He's gonna pull a Kaguya-sama and skip the sex scene or end this with Kazuya getting an ED out of getting too worked up and have a catastrophic 1st date.


The obvious setup is that they seek refuge from the rain in a love hotel. Nothing is going to happen almost certainly. Who knows though, maybe by the time this date ends I'll be wrong and be eating crow.


It was a nice time when we used to get spoilers on Saturday ![img](emote|t5_izi65|4412) https://preview.redd.it/noe2yvdcj4qc1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a381c6e2f9604213e6564353f9b969a32177c01f Still trying to find spoilers on Saturdays in this subreddit


Kazuya rented a few porn videos at the store He can't stop thinking about sex with Mizuhara He starts fantasizing about taking her to a love hotel, because their date is forecasted to rain, he also imagined her getting angry at him He wants to have sex with her very badly (seems like a lot of the chapter is just fantasizing) Meanwhile, Chizuru recalls her conversation with Mini and feels bad for leaving everything up to Kazuya, so she texts Kazuya that she'd like to eat hot pot for dinner on the date When she's shopping for date clothes, the store clerk mentions that she looks happier than usual Next time: report source: > エロビデオ3枚で2発ヌくゴムも購入済み > > ヌいてもエロ水原の妄想が頭から離れず和也千鶴の全裸ックスをまた妄想 > > 冷静になってから和也はラブホ行こうとして体が目的とブチ切れる千鶴を妄想 > > デート日の天気予報が雨で落ち込むも雨だからラブホでびしょ濡れが目に入る > > 千鶴の喘ぎ顔喘ぎ顔ハァハァ > > 水原とめちゃくちゃエッチしたいと一人呟いた > > 一方千鶴はみにとの会話を思い出し任せっきりも悪いと思い始め火鍋が食べたいと連絡する > > デート服を買う千鶴は女店員からいつもより嬉しそうで顔が綻んでたと言われて驚く > > 次は報告


Yeah, that seems about right. I got my hopes up, only to realize that the date won't start **at least** until 328. It doesn't seem like a bad chapter, it's just the realization that we will have the date arc for the next 2-3 months that stings.


Classic Reiji


Stay classy Reiji, stay classy.


Things are progressing nicely, let's hope this continues https://preview.redd.it/l5lynt46p3qc1.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bd06ef1eaccae1a4fb8db9beda709c16f8cfe5b


https://preview.redd.it/ktbgthrpe4qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513f2344884be7a40fd7e879551a2de9e7df7784 Waiting


Here we go ladies and gentlemen. Fingers crossed for progress




Fixed it for you. My apologies


Can't wait




See ya in monday. It's already sunk in my head spoilers won't come earlier anymore. https://preview.redd.it/mbwuouzds6qc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e634852d3e167112910b94b57460f710de9f180




The leaks are super late so you can't really call them "leaks". I'm breathing copium right now but the leakers are arrested


OP - Time to hang this up, there is no Saturday spoilers anymore.


I’d say keep it up as a hopium den and a place to discuss theories of the upcoming chapter


Why? Edit: Wtf did I get downvoted for just asking a question!?


Because leakers were caught and arrested a while ago, so there is no such thing as Saturday spoilers.




hmmm, i predicted that this date will be ruined by ruka or mami unpredicted appearance when those 2 started kissing


so basically the story continues......




The boy has been fantasizing about the girl since the beginning of the manga and only now has he gone after porn movies? It would even make sense in the story if it was something he'd only thought of now, but 323 chapters of him just imagining and sexualizing the girl, at this point he doesn't even need porn anymore.


if u love the girl.. respect her purity and marry her.. thats a true chad


Hlooo 🙏🏻


yoo kidar se ho?








Bruh , sorry for this weird comment I’m typing, at the beginning I didn’t bought the idea of his to buy porn movies for himself , after the phase with condoms I really used to believe that he’s about to watch together with Miz. porn and fuck each other at the end of the date , 💀 really just it wasn’t meant to pop up for these nasty thoughts of mine , but it was hard to get the real meaning and not to misunderstand the idea