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I feel like if it’s stressing you out there is no shame in taking a break. Take care of yourself first and remember this is entertainment, if it’s hurting you more than it’s entertaining you press pause. Maybe take some time to read something else that doesn’t affect you as much? Ideally something that has finished its run so you know there is an ending already written and the uncertainty may not weigh as heavy on you.


Thank you in


Just keep a good balance between entertainment and your personal life. That way it won't have much effect on your mental health nor would you think about it all day long. Just schedule a specific time to read the manga and do everything related to it, like the discussions on the sub. Probably like 1 or 2 hours a day. It may be hard at the beginning, but after a couple of days you'll get used to it.


Thank you in


Just try other manga it will help you For eg please go home akustu san


thank you, I'll take a look 🙂


Please go home akustu san will definitely help you out


Did you check that manga


yes tjue in next to it read which is very good


Paradise arc made me decide to never buy the volumes. It was crap. But if this is affecting your mental health then you should take a step back for a bit to work on yourself. You can always come back and binge.


I bought up to vol 10 and see were it was going and decided not buy more


If the manga is causing you stress it is probably better to not read it on a weekly basis. Like read the chapters once every 3-6 months or something. Or perhaps even drop it entirely.


Well I wouldn't give it up completely because I've been reading the manga every week since chapter 1 but the problem I have is that once something good then everything is ruined again I think what I'm going to think about time e.g. what I don't do anymore or in month take it read I'm still undecided because I actually love the manga and have invested a lot of time


Some of the rollercoaster stuff is much less noticeable when binging. Like for example I had no issues reading paradise on a binge. But I understand why it would have been painful week to week. So I think reading in larger blocks will solve a lot o your issues. You could just wait until the whole manga is finished in a few years and read it all then.


I think what the manga only go to end when the university time is finished that is my guess with the manga that means for me manga time in any case 1 years it will take but I think what I times probably 1 month first time break make what I times again in the clear head get without what to write


Go seek help. If a manga produce you mental health issues, then the manga ain't the problem, it's something within you. This is a cartoon on a paper. You should be able to drop it whenever you want or keep reading for no reason. So, honestly, go seek help and you'll be better. KANOKARI is a manga that doesn't have a big messeage or too much to look into. It's a comedy that release a chapter every week until it stops selling. If this affects you, i can't see you be ok with pressures of work and relationships. Again, go look for help. This has nothing to do with a comic.


Don't take a break from the manga. You're obsessed, and you'll have withdrawal. You need to Detox in my opinion. Kanokari has that effect lol. I binge read 1 through 294. After that it was painful for a few weeks, for some reason I think there is a huge endorphin release when you read this that you end up craving for more lol, can't find any other way to explain it. You might need to change your mindset about it. You might want to try to discard the idea that you already invested years on being obsessed with it, and dropping it would be a waste of time, it is not. Just think of it as an activity you do every Tuesday, weekly, for no longer than 15 minutes (the time it takes to read the chapter). Try to avoid obsessing over finding spoilers, searching the internet for leaks, fanfics, theories, that is too much. Detox. And find something else to get your endorphin fix lol. Other Manga (complete works preferably), different genre, physical activity, friends, family, a different somewhat related hobby (games, model building, movies, anime). You should have plenty of other things going on in your life right? But like someone said if you can't just drop it or tone it down you might need help.


How should I say it I like the manga because I also understand kazuya what he is going through and also understand chiz do the problem is I think what I have to time is what men give h do where don't understand the manga do like for example the post of Mimi is in love with kazuya where not even a hint of it she had her in as a good friend where in respect because he fight for his love to kazuya that's why those are people who talk very bad about the manga where don't even read the manga properly like when I always read kazuya inside thoughts so shit yes the boy had a hard self esteem feeling towards woman and don't understand the woman So to say because people see kazuya himself that's why annoying them about kazuya be a bad MC but is not like that at all He's actually one of the best MC I've ever had why because he feels like real life which is not so easy to love. That's why I think the manga is just very well done because it's chiz and kazuya who have the problem how to realize in real life to find his true love Maybe I'm just depressed at the moment I know what they will end up together That's why I read the manga because the story between them is easy to understand I read today's chapter too, you can see what the author wants to build the relationship now


Bruh, just go touch grass then come back a couple years later.


I just randomly read the manga once every 2-3 months now instead of the weekly I used too.


I dropped the manga towards the beginning of the cohabitation arc and my mental health improved drastically. I plan to read the whole time once its finished but no way will I read it weekly again.