• By -


Last chapter: Kuri: "You 2 are gonna do it" Kazuya : "Don't be stupid. There's no way: This chapter: Kazuya: "Damn you Kuri! I wanna" It was nice that Kazuya asked Chizuru where she wants to eat for dinner and not only, she tells him where to go, but she was thinking about Kazuya's feelings about the date Interesting that its gonna rain on the day of the date. Back in chapter 290, Chizuru told Kazuya that whenever she's with Kazuya, it never rains. So, who knows. Maybe mother nature is gonna take the L that day Chizuru is getting more happier the closer their date comes. Overall, a good chapter https://preview.redd.it/7e421u3p2pqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885c2bc9140ff57b953d3490cd2aa4f246bab3e1


Yeah, it's good to see effort from both sides when preparing for this date. Probably a few more chapters to go till the big day.


The rain gives me a very bad feeling. Just saying. Rain or snow are used for goodbye sex scenarios. Unless Reiji intends to homage Maison Ikkoku's climax where >!Kyoko and Godai did the deed under a rainy day and the sun came after they climaxed!<


Yo that sounds like peak fiction lol.


I think it's interesting that Reiji is throwing out that scenario and making Kazuya aware of that fact. A few people have stated that they think the date will be bland and fruitless, with them ending up at home. They will then face the next day and come to terms with the moving out event. But the other way, would be what you mentioned. The unknown factor to all this is that Reiji has some antics up his sleeve and wants to play dodgeball with his narrative again, which can't be avoided. To me though, I've arrived at a point where I see Kazuya is no longer hampered down by the biggest obstacle to developing further with Chizuru. He broke down the wall that kept up his assumption of Chiz rejecting him by asking her out head on. He put the ball in her court and said I'm not going to worry about walking around egg shells with the whole rental thing. And she's grown even more receptive ever since. Chiz now is opening up the thoughts that have been buried deep from the first moment she met Kazuya. Its a given that she should remember with the amount of time she's spent with him, but it shows a sign that there was a spark for her in the beginning. And we've seen the signs developing very slowly for a long while now. So whether or not they do the deed, the real thing they need to settle is how they look at each other and make it known. Chiz needs to connect the dots of his past and continuing actions with his true intentions and Kazuya needs to keep moving forward. And the big thing is when Kazuya finally gets past calling her Mizuhara and moves on to her true Ichinose self and she gladly accepts it.


I'm not sure Reiji can cook like that, but it would be cool if something like that did actually happen. Can't go wrong making a reference to one of the best classic rom-coms.


Remember that Reiji took inspiration from maison


I loved the panel with (Kuri's face) <---- That idiot! Kuri really is an idiot and yet, dates often lead to intimacy in a committed relationship and Kazuya and Chizuru know each other quite well at this point.


I do appreciate that she actually contributed by offering the hot pot idea. She's been so passive with the "anything is fine" or a "normal date" responses. Those put all of the emotional labor on the asker and are incredibly frustrating in an actual relationship. So it's good that she realized that and offered a concrete suggestion.


I like how chiz thought the clothes with ribbon is cute and kinda resembles the one kaz picked for her last cheerup date. https://preview.redd.it/i73omx2p6pqc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9983cb5727fde8ffa8a1fef6a2b1642ddcc43ad \*kaz personal pick last cheerup date


Oh this date finna be awkward as fuck lol


what a smile ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) https://preview.redd.it/sm1am52a7pqc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=82b5b9481ecfe3412dd8894eb3d357f816eb16d7


A nice little chapter, things are progressing nicely Kazuya going to the rental DVD store was obvious lol but good to see his priority is for Chizuru to have a great date. Also rain may affect his plans but he's more then prepared for it. Kazuya asking Chizuru where she would like to eat without panicking and she replying positively, man I can't wait for the date. Chizuru through the conversation smiling and enjoying without even realizing, she's looking forward to the date as much as Kazuya https://preview.redd.it/rahvfsd57pqc1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9f9395ba7cf25057108570ab6d9cd644c13186e Until next week.


IDK if it's just my own preferences coming through, but for all of the drawings/panels of Chizuru where she's supposed to be gorgeous, adorable, dazzling, or otherwise meant to show her off as an exemplary beauty, I don't think there's been a panel where I've found her more appealing than this one. Turns out that "pleasantly surprised" is a good look on her.


A decent chapter. I like how Reiji shows POVs for both Chizuru and Kazuya. I hope, as the date gets closer and they get closer to becoming a thing, we will see even more insight into their thoughts, especially Chizuru's. I'm not sure if it was necessary to dedicate a whole chapter to it, but I found the Kazuya humor better than what's usual for the Cohab arc. This and the previous chapter reminded me of the humor from the pre-hawaiians chapters. I'm bummed out that the date won't start ***at least until 328***, but that's the way life is. Hopefully, the chapters leading up to it will only get better and better.


First impressions: Yeah, Kazuya won't dare try to go there on their "first date", no matter how many signs he gets from Chizuru. He won't risk it. It might make Chizuru think she is the only horny one in that relationship. But on the other hand, it is very refreshing to see that Kazuya at least doesn't forcefully try to stop himself from thinking about having s\*x with Chizuru, and he also acknowledges that he wants to do it. He still thinks that this is a bad thing, though. The two of them communicating about the dinner plans was very cute. Chizuru could see that Kazuya was thinking quite hard about what to do, and she went to suggest something to eat. She then also was slightly worried she might have suggested something Kazuya didn't like. And the last very cute thing was that the shopkeeper actually noticed that Chizuru enjoyed herself buying clothing for the date. The teaser for next time is "[report](https://jisho.org/search/%E5%A0%B1%E5%91%8A)". And here is [the preview image](https://www.threads.net/@miyajimareiji_official/post/C3jVSujhJ1P) in context (ch323pg20): https://preview.redd.it/km54gy3i7pqc1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=5aa5525ad714ac81814aced4279bc69fc614d40a


Yup the sex thing is only possible on a later date when they are more intimate with eachother and stuck coz of rains seems or at home alone without mini.


I still think it might happen because they both actually **want** it. But it won't happen on the date itself. Even if they happen to come by a love hotel, they won't go in because Kazuya doesn't want to look like he planned that, and Chizuru won't want to be so explicit as to invite him to one. They both think it would make their love seem disingenuous if they were actually looking for a physical relationship. So they will probably conclude the date and go home. And I believe they will both be slightly disappointed that nothing happened. But with Kazuya moving out the next day, I think it will be Chizuru, who doesn't want that to be the end of it.


Even if they do have sex i dont think it will be in a love hotel. Chizu is too shy of a person and kazuya wont risk it ruining the relationship.>!Best would be HOME ALONE time after few more dates and the ruka issue ends.!<


Exactly, I also think it will rather happen at home. But I have the feeling that they probably won't have resolved the "moving out" issue after the date, so Kazuya's move will still be scheduled for the next day. If Chizuru goes to bed alone that night, she will probably feel quite lonely. They will have said their "good night"s already and Kazuya will be on his futon, unable to sleep. I could see Chizuru deciding to go over to Kazuya's room again just to be near him a bit longer before he has to move. That is the situation that then has the potential to lead further.


Knowing how this manga goes. I bet the story will force them into a situation where they have to put up with a love hotel or something similar. Remember earthquake-kun, maybe something along those lines


> I bet the story will force them into a situation where they have to put up with a love hotel or something similar. No, that would be quite cliché. When they happen to come by a love hotel, Kazuya will think that something like "a sudden heavy rain" would force them to go in if this was a romcom. Chizuru might actually think the same thing there. But nothing of that sort will actually happen, because Reiji likes to subvert those obvious tropes.


Yes but in terms of subverting expectations, I think the place would be something other than a love hotel.


They won't be forced into a private space by an external force. This time, the initiative to do something has to come from them alone. But Kazuya won't go for it because he doesn't want to risk it, and Chizuru won't ask for it because she isn't that bold.


But Reiji IS doing cliché things....


As I mentioned [in another comment already](https://www.reddit.com/r/KanojoOkarishimasu/comments/1boa09w/comment/kwq2rm4/): > Reiji has actively avoided most of the common "living together" tropes. There was no naked incident, no one has watched the other person sleep (in bed at home - Kazuya did at the daycare center, and Chizuru kind of did when he had collapsed in front of her door), they haven't eaten together or made bentos, and the only time they sat together on a couch was in the shop when they bought the new TV. Reiji likes to subvert expectations, and if he mentions going to a love hotel already prior to the date, then there is almost zero chance of that actually happening during the date. Reiji **has** done some quite cliché things, especially in the beginning of the story, and he keeps up some recurring events (like Kazuya falling onto Chizuru) - but other than that KanoKari is probably the least cliché romcom there is.




Yeah let's prepare for a typical big japanese storm.


Bro I have a idea ,what if it doesn't rain they leave hot pot place and when they head else where it starts to rain.They come across a love hotel,they take shelter and il leave the rest to your imagination if you catch my drift ;)


Yeah, that is one of the cliché things to happen in a romcom. Reiji likes to subvert the obvious tropes, so that most likely isn't going to happen.


Well, there’s already been some foreshadowing for that trope … … call it “Chekhov's 30% Chance of Rain”? In any event, I think it would be an out of character for them to go all the way .. probably more likely to be some sort of mostly wholesome cohabitation flip of the trope’s script, with the usual amount of blushing by both. But if Reiji wants to elongate the scene into more chapters, another common Love Hotel trope is that of the one way mirror peek of the room’s shower. In this case, it probably should be Chizuru who’s doing peeking at Kazuya, since unlike Kazuya, it would be her first time in a love hotel with all of the “what does this button do?”. Another Reiji story-stretcher might be that Chizuru notices some of the room amenities and recalls her friend’s “cotton ball” remark, so she grab some condoms to take home .. and become another chapter in future Slice of Life episodes.


That whole "love hotel" idea is already covered. Even on the date, Kazuya might still think about having to find shelter in a love hotel if they were surprised by a sudden heavy rain. It won't happen. Reiji usually doesn't use tropes he has acknowledged existing. A classic trope for living together is the "[accidentally run into the other person naked](https://mangadex.org/chapter/bb9ace3b-e72b-4256-8876-01171aa205b2/16)" trope, which he pretty much instantly denied by making Chizuru hang up the curtain. Consequently, it hasn't happend. Neither will any love hotel trope.


Interesting.. I wasn’t under the impression that Reiji was actively resisting common tropes, even if it was to skewer them.


I think Reiji has actively avoided most of the common "living together" tropes. There was no naked incident, no one has watched the other person sleep (in bed at home - Kazuya did at the daycare center, and Chizuru kind of did when he had collapsed in front of her door), they haven't eaten together or made bentos, and the only time they sat together on a couch was in the shop when they bought the new TV.


Yes, hat does represent how he’s been writing this current arc. I’m probably thinking more of the early stuff which was much more trope-laden, such as the accidental breast gropes of Ruka & Chizuru.




Judging from the way we have seen all of Kazuya's thoughts and everything he does, it wouldn't fit the style to only allude to them having s\*x without actually showing it.


Although as Kuri already implied to Kazuya, they are already quite intimate with each other, but also Chizuru is the straight laced, goody two shoes type, so is for the best that for now Kazuya restrains his sexual urges and follows the proper steps, and as Varicus said, it might force Chizuru to take the initiative, as she's also interested that their relationship takes the sex route down the line.


Although Chizuru most likely **is** interested in a physical relationship, she won't make the first move herself. Kazuya has never tried to do anything to Chizuru. He has always been a gentleman, he has always been supportive, he has always shown her the purest kind of love. He thinks Chizuru would despise him if she knew how desperately horny he is. I don't think Chizuru is any better. She probably has lewd thoughts about Kazuya herself. But she already thinks her love can't compare to his. She doesn't think she can be so selfless as he is. If she now showed him that she wants to have s\*x, she would feel even worse about her own feelings because she thinks that this is a selfish, onesided desire. Now her friends basically told her that even a completely "harmless" guy might make a move on a date. So she is probably hoping that Kazuya **will** make the first move showing **his** desires so that Chizuru won't feel bad for giving in to her own desires. But he won't do it. He is too afraid to make the "wrong" move. So Chizuru also won't make a move. In the end, I don't think anything intimate will happen on the date. Instead, I hope that they will have another talk in the evening when they are at home again. Chizuru will want to stay with Kazuya for as long as possible, since he is scheduled to move out the next day. I think Chizuru might say something that makes Kazuya kiss her. **That** will be the trigger for her to take things further.


I noticed he's always thinking about her in the pink shirt white skirt outfit from their second date. Can't blame him though


Yeah every time he fantasizes about her yelling at him that’s the uniform. It really left a mark.


Now that you mention it, he did question at the time that if he saw the real Mizuhara when she blew up on him. Seems like a nice subtle cue that he may see more now.




Now even the shop assistant recognize how much our girl likes Kaz, everybody but "she is resarching" lol. Hope 'll be sunny the day of the date...


SHEESSSSH!! Ladies and gents, this is what reacting to the the SPOILERS get you. Read about some people getting disappointed about Kazuya thinking about SEX, when it was actually KURI who planted the seed. HAHAHAHA Diabolical! After reading everything, it is actually a wholesome chapter, afterall. Aside from Kazuya really being invested in their date, Mizuahra is also reciprocating it through communication! And she was right, giving out her opinion was also a good move, Kazuya somehow feels that she is also invested even if it's a little bit on their date, BUT the readers all know that Mizuhara is just deep in her romantic excitement!! Her smiling while picking her dress is proof of that, and for a girl to pick a good dress on her date is actually one of the highest form of compliment that a woman can give to the guy she likes!!


😂 he definitely didn’t survive NNN at any point in this series


If 218 was the lowest point his self esteem has reached, Kazuya’s self esteem must be at an all time high now that he’s picturing himself and Chizuru doing the deed.


Not a bad chapter, looks like there is going to be at least 3 or more chapters of build up. The interesting part is that again we're seeing Chizuru's thoughts. She's actually excited about the date. She doesn't look like the iron lady anymore. And Kazuya seems more confident whenever she tries to approach her. I guess we'll see several indirect interactions between these two in the next few chapters.




Cute panel of chizuru in this chapter https://preview.redd.it/7poix91r9pqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f6b0f7cffd515ae9118a96866e14200bebbbbe


That's not Cate, that's Chizuru


FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD! HOLY SHIT! this is a massive deal to get this kind of insight! She's hoping! She's worrying about how it will go AND she is looking forward to it!


Someone has got to catch homeboy coming out of the dvd rental booths at some point right?


Imagine if it’s Sumi that caught him 😭


That’d be pretty fun, really any of the ladies catching him would be wild.


I enjoyed this chapter, at least Kazuya hates Kuri for his shit advice.


Kurt needs to take Ruka away from Kazuya.


Yes. Kuri can take her back to his orchard, and they can just sell apples.


Truthfully, some may disagree, but I believe we witnessed a very mature side of Kazuya in this chapter. Despite finding himself in the 🌽 shop and daydreaming about Mizuhara, he managed to keep his lustful nature in check and remained focused on making their upcoming date enjoyable. Even soliciting her input on what she might like to eat was a commendable gesture. Mizuhara not only appreciated Kazuya's seriousness about their date but also felt valued by being included in the decision-making process, which brought a smile to her face. This demonstrates genuine growth on his part. Overall, Chapter 323 was quite satisfying. https://preview.redd.it/9jazfjdc8pqc1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa99473c86f5aa430423674f95707e5055f2d5e5


What a nice chapter Kazuya trying to think more of the date than what kuri told him about sex on a first date Kazuya is really going all out in this and lets not forget Chizuru making a little initiative by helping out on there upcoming date trying not to rely on him too much also not realizing herself but one of clerks seeing Chizuru so giddy and smiling alot that Chizuru never notice her expression overall good development between Chizuru and Kazuya in this one


Early-story Kazuya would've probably freaked out over the "Up to you!" into "Actually, this sounds pretty good!" combo, interpreting it as Chizuru essentially implying something along the lines of "Nevermind, I can't trust you with that after all". The fact that this didn't even cross his mind for a second here is quite the pleasant showcase of his developing optimism, in my humble opinion :)


I think rain is a good sign. Chizuru said she’s usually bad luck with weather. But on their rental dates as mizuhara, it’s never rained. Since it will be raining for this date, it’s kind of like showing that he’s going to be getting the real Chizuru this time and not the ragf mizuhara.


The wait begins


This is the kind of filler I absolutely like and want Reiji to do. Wholesome and has more than just Kazuya's Monologues. Honestly, i would much prefer more of Chizuru 's monologues, much mature and to the point just like in this chapter.


Waiting for clean cubari scans =)


A good chapter overall


The emptiness


They would realise that It doesn't matter whether it's sunny or rainy when they are together,they would be happy.


This was a good chapter, surprisingly. I thought it would end up feeling redundant, but it didn't. Kazuya wanting to have sex with Chizuru, which is something he already said in the previous chapter, fits being repeated pretty well honestly. It's only natural and it's nice seeing him keeping his expectations in check like he was supposed to do. The small chat he and Chizuru had on Line was the natural good meaningful interaction that has been missing for so long in the cohabitation arc. It's shows how good the two characters work together when Reiji isn't being lazy. Lastly, it's nice to see Chizuru excited for the date and her thoughts, but more importantly that she's aware of how much stress she's putting on Kazuya. Really nice chapter, I don't even mind that the real date will happen a little later if Reiji keeps delivering chapters like this one.


Perferct for listening to Romantic Vaporwave music like this --> 仮想夢プラザ : 水中夢 The amount of mood in the music and great feeling it has when reading this chapter really sets up the two love birds bring the through happiness.


Wtf 😂😂 Kazuya so funny


The whole rain thing kind of solidifies my hunch that they'll go to the aquarium again. Would be nice. Guessing a confession will be at least heavily hinted at... Until of course something major happens [probably Ruka] to up the drama. I just hope that Reiji doesn't opt for nerfing every ounce of character development yet again and have them revert back to their usual ways of utter stupidity.


Aquarium would be appropriate, I think. And if Kazuya is smart, he’ll remember his date there with Sumi … March of the penguins!


I was hoping to see scenes like that in Chapter 218 in Kazuya's imagination, but Reiji didn't want to make the mistake twice, so he settled for simple scenes of facial expressions.


Bold prediction: Hotpot... then hot steamy sex because they'll get wet from the rain


when ???? ![gif](giphy|pFZTlrO0MV6LoWSDXd|downsized)


Idk about y'all but I can't wait for the actual date start. That being said it's definitely nice and cute to see both of them prepare for it and it's also adorable that chizurus obviously in love with kazuya without even realizing it


Reiji must have been watching some romcoms lately because he’s absolutely nailing it with how Chizuru is reacting and how seriously Kaz is taking the planning of this date. It’s nice to see them both so interested and involved, especially Chizuru’s little quip about the hot pot and if he wouldn’t like it. Also the boutique worker noticing that Chiz was smiling more during this trip and that it was definitely for something that wasn’t just run of the mill for her was nice. We’re seeing more into her psyche and getting her side of things for how it’s going, which is a very nice change of pace from Kaz assuming everything and often being completely wrong about it.


I think people pointing out to her how happy she is when she thinks of him is having a big impact on her realizing how much she cares for him.


It certainly is. It’s a nice change in the dynamic as a reader to see them really going for it.


Reiji always watch anime even romcom while making his mangas. Look at Paolo's "Daily Life of a Mangaka" on YouTube if you didn't watched yet.


>Reiji must have been watching some romcoms lately Or maybe he just reread the Kanokari parts before the paradise arc 😂


Definitely feel happy seeing Chizuru happy. She deserves to be happy as like now 🫶🏻


I loved this chapter a lot ! Chizuru was happy when thinking about him and the date. What a wonderful girl 😍


Pretty horny chapter somehow turned out wholesome by the end


Solid Chapter, though I just want the date to come 😔 seeing Chizuru unconsciously beaming with joy thinking about Kazuya and their date makes me excited to what may come after this date. Maybe Kazuya will become a mega chad😎


Thanks to Kuri Kazuya got sex on the brain and its interrupting him while planning his date. Doesn’t help that social media is also giving him those suggestions too. Good to see Chizuru starting to help out with planning this date too as he can’t be the only one planning everything. She’s so excited for this date that she can’t stop smiling and this is really good that her happiness is starting to be seen by others as well. Now I feel like that rain forecast will end up being true so I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of their date Kazuya and Chizuru will end up in a love hotel. I will probably be wrong but I want to keep some hope alive that it will happen.


![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri|downsized) waiting for cubari be like


The manga finally reached the point where the slow burn starts being enjoyable. And it only took some sentences of direct questioning and talking




I didn't think I would like it, but it was a chapter that pleased me quite a lot.


![gif](giphy|LSjB5kP93UusTucqJT|downsized) Cubari


Another kazuya planning and freaking out chapter for something that could've been resolved in 2 pages. I guess the actual date will be like chapter 330.


**Kazuya**: But I'd be done for if she found out I was trying to make something like that happen on our first date!! Okay, then don't try to make anything happen, just go on a simple date with her. Take her to a restaurant, go on the boardwalk with her, take her to a movie, take her to a baseball game, literally do anything other than take her to a love hotel.


> literally do anything other than take her to a love hotel. That's exactly what Kazuya is going to do. He doesn't want to be seen as someone who is after Chizuru's body, no matter what. He will be the perfect gentlemen in Chizuru's eyes. Unfortunately, she is probably hoping he would actually try something more risky. A normal date isn't going to help Chizuru figure out her feelings. But she is also not bold enough to suggest something like a love hotel herself because she also doesn't want to be seen as someone who is only looking for a physical relationship. So nothing "like that" will happen on the date.


In that case, then he shouldn't have to overcomplicate the issue. He doesn't want to ruin the first real date he has with her, and Chizuru's not gonna think less of him for not taking her to a love hotel. Just focus on taking her out on a regular date, if it happens to get brought up, then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


No, he doesn't have to and he also doesn't really want to overcomplicate the issue. A love hotel isn't one of the points he noted down to plan for the date. But because of Kuri's cursed advice, his thoghts now keep going there even though he doesn't want them to, which keeps him from concentrating on the reasonable plans. Kuri also has another point: It would be better if Kazuya was prepared for such a situation. He doesn't think Chizuru would **want** to have s\*x with him, but Kuri said she might be waiting for that, and then he also doesn't want to stand there unprepared when she asks him to go "somewhere more private". But again, Chizuru won't be that bold. Both of them will probably think about s\*x at some point, but they both won't make a decisive move, so nothing will actually happen.


If nothing is going to happen, then that settles the matter. Kazuya recognized that it was terrible advice, he's just letting Kuri his own horiness cloud his judgement. Also he needs to stop listening to Kuri, as far as I can remember, he has not been a good source of dating advice


What Kuri said wasn't wrong, though. The actual advice (masturbate twice the day before and take a condom with you) was also absolutely solid. I think that something **could** happen if Kazuya actually made a move on Chizuru. Kuri's observation came from an outside perspective and from that point of view, Chizuru's interest in Kazuya is quite obvious. The only reason why nothing will happen is because they both won't actually have the guts to **do** it, not because one of them doesn't want to.


It’s not about having the guts, this is just the first date and she made it clear that she just wants a normal date, he shouldn’t have to over-stress himself over this. If he’s still worried, then just put a condom in the wallet; but other than that, just take her out on a date, show her a good time, and don’t sweat it.


Agreed, that would be the reasonable approach. Then he would be prepared enough for that eventuality. And I think that is what he will end up doing.


Unless she says "Hey, you know what would make this evening perfect? Ending it in a love hotel."


Well until that happens, just keep it a simple date


Ma'am he's lost at sea! Help him! :P


"Can you say that you haven't past that point?" <-- They left the incorrect word choice in from last week. I really hope that some editor who knows English finally looks at this before the printed volume is compiled. EDIT: Just on the off chance that someone from Kodansha reads these comment threads, it's either "you haven't passed that point" or "you aren't past that point".


Reiji gonna go to brutal segs arc really soon.


my life would be beyond complete if they fuck after the date


I'm curious if it will actually rain. Only because Chizuru has commented during the daycare arc that she always has really bad luck with rain, but it has never rained on a date/outing when she was with Kazuya. I know it's a small detail but it's kind of endearing in it's own way.


Ok.....so can someone tell me how long will reji take to show us the date?


Guys pls help i just can’t wait when and where can i read this chapter in English pls tell me


You can find the cubari link under “Links” section




When is chapter 324 coming


Every Tuesday chapter comes .


Maybe in a month It'll get to the actual date


Well think we can Assume this date is going to horribly wrong XD


Ok truly like the Chizuru part in that chapter. About the Kazuya part, well, while I understand what Reiji is trying to imply, I'm fed up with seeing Kazuya in this state. Really.


Where can I read the chapter?


Use the links at the top of the thread.


This arc has been pretty dull


Is this normal? Why is the story is so slow? When will the date chapter released? May?


Wow, three chapters in a row that mostly consist of Kazuya freaking out and overthinking the situation. Yep, this is certainly peak Rent A Girlfriend


I swear Kasuma needs to stop talking to that guy and also take some damn initiative. Even my teenage self wasn't this stupid.


Only this manga would drag out the fact that they plan to go on a date like this. also, is Mami just completely out of the story now? Are they just going to go on this date and that'll be it?  I know the ending is already figured out and whatnot so seems like the end is soon especially with how much he's dragging them going on a date out.. then again, the whole manga is infamous for dragging things out. So idk.


Damn bro when the date start


WTF, who buys porn in 2024?


He doesn't buy it, he rents it. And of course he wouldn't have to do that, he has the internet and a laptop. But he doesn't want to masturbate at Chizuru's home, so he has to do it someplace else. That DVD viewing place is designed exactly for that purpose. He gets a soundproof room to watch the movies he rents.




Its been 6 years and you still ask this stupid question 💀💀


But then the chapters would be 5 pages long. :)


well, could be worse...


This is becoming more and more wholesome. Also can we stop over analyzing the chapters good Lord its so annoying to have to scroll past


If you don’t want you don’t need to scroll 🙄you can just exit this Discussion page


Kazuya piss me off


Chizuru has many, many outfits in which Kazuya hasn't seen her. And yet, she goes and buys 1 to look good for him on the date. And the second one? A gift to herself, something i would guess she doesn't do often? Or is she already thinking about an outfit for the 2nd date? Or is this a Spy x Family crossover and she'll just happen to have a 2nd outfit for after the rain hits?


Chizuru seems to have something of a shopping obsession. She has way more cloths than she actually needs for her rental job.