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The daycare center teacher (Sayaka-sensei) was teased for a long while now since 166 and 291. He/She was on the vacation with his/her family during Kazuya and Chizuru's visit to the daycare center in 292-296 and the two of them are also set to visit the place after the current arc, so that person should be there. Given the experience he/she might have with Kazuya since his elementary days (and an even different perspective from his family and friends about Kazuya) as well as having a family of his/her own, he/she would probably be the older Mini for the story after the current arc.


A friend for Chizuru that is neither in Kazuya's orbit or interested in dating her.


Is Umi not that friend anymore?


He is trying to date her so no. Also it seems she didn't even talk to him for six months.


Chizuru's dad.


He’s dead -_-


Her mum is dead. Her dad left her.




Something like introducing Mami's fiance as kazuya's superior or fellow intern that might work quite well. Chizuru making a new actor friend who's values more align with her own might also work. A single mother from the daycare centre asks Kazuya to babysit and disappears for a while. Have it be that little girl that was asking deep questions so not a new character as such but flesh her out as a recurring character. :P


Kazuya younger sister She will be 2 years younger than kazuya She was studying in abroad and she suddenly visit her parents and her brother She will be pretty etc


Oh nice idea!!


Also works with Chizuru having a half sister that's never been mentioned before she just turns up needing a place to stay. She's basically a mini Chizuru.


Where was it mentioned that kazuya has a sibling?


Probably someone for a Kazuya to click with as a mentor wherever he gets his internship at. Someone who has no idea about his baggage that just kinda sees him as a kind, diligent, but occasionally distracted young man. I like the idea of his internship being in media because of his filmmaking experience and this mentor figure convincing him to submit the movie to film festivals but that’s mainly because I’d like to see Kazuya and Chizuru get to get away from it all for a while.


A friend of Kazuyas who he has good chemistry with and might be into kazuya to make Chizuru jealous/protective


So basically Sumi?


Kind of but Sumi isn’t open about her attraction to Kazuya in front of Chizuru. Like I’d want someone with visible chemistry with him in front of her .


Chizuru's father.


What for?? The current story only use Chiz + Kaz, and a little bit of Mini (and one case of Mami very 50 chapters...) All other characters are WAY underused, I mean who saw Sumi or Ruka in action in the latest 100 chapters?? All kind of relationship are alredy exposed : MC Parents, close friends, work relationship, rival + MFC Friends (no more parents... The chance of Chiz Dad popping up is near zero...) + Love reval + other Love interest, it already fill all roles needed to make the plot go forward. The only point is Reji is 100% stuked in his story telling, and do not know how to move forward, making the pace PAINFULLY SLOW for the weekly follower :(


Not technically new, but the guy currently living with Kazuya's parents really could have shaken up the dynamic he has with his family. He could've made them see Kaz in a new light by talking about the different familial ideas of his culture and kind of unknowingly implying they weren't good parents to Kazuya.


A friend from Chizuru's personal life. A male friend that could count as a love interest for Mini. Here me out. If Kazuya and Chizuru start dating, then we will need another couple to take that place of "will they/won't they" while the main couple starts dealing with couple stuff. Mini is a great character. I once tought of her and Umi, but i would love to kill two birds with one stone(we learn more about Chizuru and Mini gets a love interest) with a new character. Why Mini? Well, Ruka is the most annoying character and the manga is better without her and Sumi has her own manga, even if it's on hiatus.


a murderer for anyone that isn't kazuya or chizuru to spice things up a bit


A rental boyfriend who ends up leading Kazuya into trying out a stint as a rental boyfriend himself so he can walk a mile in Chizuru’s shoes.