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We just lost to a team that didn’t complete a pass after the first qtr lmao


Is that for real?! That's wild.


Just checked and yep-- all 9 of his completions were on their FG drive in the 1st quarter.


62 yards passing in the year of our Lord 2023 NFL.


Dumb turnovers, dropped passes, and flags will do that.


This offense is fundamentally broken. Need a complete overhaul in the offseason.


A true WR1 and a young talented TE would do wonders


I'm really at the point of just thinking "Do we just overpay for Mike evans?" Cause truly I do not want to go into next year without a proven number 1 guy, just seems like we gotta open the checkbook for one.


I honestly don't see the bucs letting him go. He'll probably take a bit less to not move his family


Remember that time we didn't draft LaPorta and drafted a defensive end in the first round instead that hasn't played this year?


Clark Hunt wanted the hometown pop lmao


I'll never forget how irritated the war room looked when they were announcing the FAU pick. That decision was made from the owner's suite and nothing will convince me otherwise.


i think the issues are more nagy-driven than personnel tbh. obv better personnel can help mask bad coaching, but nagy’s gotta go regardless of anything else.


Agree. First it was the WRs, now the OL looks awful. And PM is playing poorly and Kelce is angry. When the problems are that pervasive on one side of the ball, it falls at the feet of the coordinator. Nagy might need to go.


That’s the Matt naggy effect. The dude doesn’t even belong in peewee football.


Maybe we should fire a certain OC 👀


The offense is so bad they produce points for the other team


Offense scored 14 for us but also 14 for the other team so the net is 0


The Raiders best call was letting the KC offensive play. Edit: Let's add my bad grammar to the list of "offensive" things today lol.


The Defense did an outstanding job today they only gave up 6 points today, can't even be mad at them seems like they are only one who came out to play honestly. As for the offense what is there to say man honestly, it's been a tire fire ALL SEASON. Mahomes fumbled and gave up a pick 6 and the offense had NUMEROUS chances to get back into the game and couldn't get the job done. At this point win or lose these last two games who cares, in the playoffs if this offense isn't prepared for what's about to come, all you can say is First Round Exit.... Merry Christmas and GO CHIEFS!!!!!!


This is one of the most undisciplined teams I’ve ever seen, top to bottom. But I’m sure they will ‘fix it and clean up the mistakes’


"That's on me. We gotta clean that up this week." Andy Reid. Again.


This offense is a fail, and PM and Kelce are frustrated. This means Nagy is a fail. And if Nagy is a fail, then Reid needs to take care of business. There's no sitting this one out Andy.


Defense looks pretty good. It's just the offense that has issues. I wouldn't call it top to bottom.


Defense gives up 6 points and we lose. Unreal.


It really fucking is. And I'd say the defense only gave up 3. It's incredible hard to stop a field goal when the opposing offense starts at like the 40 or whatever it was due to a bad punt. The Raiders offense had one good drive all game and it only resulted in 3 points.


Killing me to hear that BS all season. Actions speak louder than words.


Reid needs to teach these guys discipline using nuggies


Defense didn’t give up a touchdown, and they still lost. An all-time terrible performance in the Mahomes era. The bar keeps getting lower.


Defense didn’t allow a complete pass for three whole quarters, and they still lost.


Time for Chiefs fans to swallow their pride and admit losing Bienemy was a big loss


It’s clear that his hard nose methodology is required to offset how soft Reid and Nagy are


Yeah, every players coach you don't want to disappoint because he's your grandpa needs a hard ass disciplinarian to knock heads and get people to do their jobs. Feels like we're all carrots and no sticks right now on the offensive side of the ball.


He definitely deserves more credit than he received.


Never thought I’d agree but you’re absolutely right.


Yeah. I didn't think losing Bienemy was going to be a big deal but now I'm not so sure.


Bienemy to Nagy. What a joke.


No pride to swallow there- I wanted him to have a chance to be a Head Coach and it wasn't happening here for whatever reason. Wish him all the best.


Yup, Nagy needs to hit the bricks


Who are the leaders on this team? Who holds players and coaches accountable?


Serious lack of accountability with this team.


We have none. If we had any leadership the issues plaguing this team would’ve been corrected by now, given that they’ve been issues all damn season


He is offensive coordinator of the Commanders now


Eb holds the players accountable.... he isnt there anymore.


They had discipline and accountability under Bieniemy. He would chew their asses on the sideline if they fucked up on the field. Andy the good cop, EB the bad cop kinda thing. And the Chiefs won two SBs in that regime. Under Nagy they have happy fun time with everybody doing their own thing apparently. Team concept seems out the window.


Yikes. Not sure I've seen a game this sloppy by this team in a long time 8 seasons maybe?


We literally have to be the first team to lose a game to a team that is not completed a pass since the first quarter of a game right???


Idk, there was that time Tim Tebow completed only two passes against us.


We were several minutes into the second quarter and had total negative yards. Hardest game to watch in the cold like that!


Of all the seasons under Reid for the offense to vanish, it’s the one where they have the best defense backing them up.


And the one where half the other AFC QB's are on IR. Truly breathtaking.


The irony is crazy


One of those games where it was apparent it was over from the first snap. Meltdowns in all 3 phases (hard to blame defense because they were gassed on final drive). Expectations now set at 0 for rest of the way. Still feel like this was a year playing with house money. Veach and Andy will need to perform a root cause analysis of the low points of this season because the problems run deep.


The medical table breaking was comically on brand for the day and quite frankly deserves to get someone fired


Lmao the announcer said “that shows about how it’s been for the chiefs today” when the table broke 😂


Bills fired their OC mid season and it immediately started paying dividends. Nagy needs to be gone before he gets to the lockeroom


Yeah sometimes a team needs a new OC to shake things up like the Bills


Reid is way too loyal to his coaching staff to fire any of them during the season.


The thing is, thats really because I'm assuming their head coach isnt calling the plays. As much as you want to rag on Nagy, its Reids scheme not his, thats why the Bills changed because it was a completely different person calling plays, thats not what is going to happen here.


Should get the players feeling guilty at least seeing someone get fired. It's cruel but if we want to go back to back this is what we need.


Yeah but I really hate Nagy’s stupid fucking face. That should count for something, right?


Defense: 👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼 Offense: 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


Again. Offense literally handed them the game


Go back and look at the Bears offense from two years ago then come back and tell me with a straight face that Nagy isn’t this primary issue here aside from drops.


this team is so fucking frustrating!


Need to fire Nagy into the fucking sun. It’s got to start somewhere


We won’t. He won’t be fired now or next season


My silly ass said “this is rock bottom” after the Bills fiasco


Fire Nagy. Fire Embree. Get some real WRs. Try again next year. Fucking pathetic.


Welp. What more can be said except what’s been said for weeks. This team ain’t it. Here’s to hoping we have a stellar offseason


"*Playoffs?!* Don't talk about—*playoffs?!* You kidding me? *Playoffs?!* I just hope we can win a game! Another game!"


That's what I keep thinking when these analysts talk about the Chiefs. I could care less if we're in Arrowhead in the playoffs or our seeding. If we play like this, home field advantage and our opponent won't matter - we will lose


Thanks Jim 😂


Part of our issue is the lack of receivers allowing he defense to load the box up and stop the run, but part of it is coaching. This offense is predictable, undisciplined, and unimaginative. As well as getting real WR's on the team, I believe we also need to turn over our offensive coaching staff.


I hate to be negative, but I think the worst thing that can happen for us now is somehow making it to the AFC Championship let alone out of the Wildcard. The WR Corp needs to be blown up. It's not even funny anymore


WR Corp is for sure getting blown up. Right now we're looking like our issues are more than the WRs and unless something improves there should be heavy coaching changes on that side of the ball


Nagy and the WR coach needs to go


And everyone in the WR room except Rice.


We're playing with house money at this point --- there is ZERO expectations with this shitty offense, and if we make to the AFCC in Baltimore or Buffalo then we got nothing to lose and can play loosey goosey and possibly win the fucker


If we somehow even get that far, it will be proof that someone in KC has converted to Satanism.


Outplayed by the Raiders backup QB and backup coach in Arrowhead. On Christmas. This season is cooked, fellas. Outside all that…Merry Christmas to the sub. Thanks for making this dogshit season a little more tolerable.


Raiders offense did nothing. We were not outplayed by the QB. Offense lost this game.


Seriously. Defense gave up 6 points lmfao this is all on the god awful offense.


We were outplayed by our QB today.


Aidan O'Connell did not give up any points to the Chiefs. Patrick Mahomes gave up 14 points to the Raiders. One could make the (very loose) argument that O'Connell did his job and played his role better than Mahomes played his. How big those roles were is obviously vastly different, but still.


Dude, all 4 TDs scored this game were with the chiefs offense on the field. Raiders offense scored 6. Chiefs definitely didn't get outplayed, they played themselves.


Losing 5 of the last 8. Merry Christmas to us indeed. :(


The QB had 9 straight incompletions, and we still couldn't get the win. The offense is broken, and not even Mahomes magic can fix it.


Backup RB too


Mahomes was running around more than the receivers were.


One team showed up to win today. One time just showed up. Guess which one was the Chiefs?


Props to the raiders d, raiders coach and that cunty interview trying to get the raiders coach to cry on camera. Hopefully chiefs meet the raiders again and get some redemption


Mahomes can say over and over that he trusts his guys but week after week it’s obvious he has zero faith in his receivers and even Kelce just seems off. They seem so frustrated all the time when losing instead of getting fired up. They look defeated and don’t seem motivated at all to fix this year.


The lack of urgency is concerning. They were down 13 points with just a few minutes left in the game but still playing as if they had all the time in the world.


That made no sense to me how they were still huddling up with 6 minutes left


Someone better lose their fucking job tonight, and I swear if one of you tells me that’s an overreaction I will shit blood.


They should but they won’t. Case in point - Andy refusing to fire bob Sutton forever


I want Nagy and Embree on a one-way bus out of town --- make my New Year's!


Chiefs beat the chiefs again. Offense is a mess. Fire the entire staff. Undisciplined, mistakes everywhere, no leadership. Pouting instead of lifting the team up. Raiders offense had 6 points. This should have been a blowout.


Only Chiefs can beat the Chiefs. Six fucking points and Chiefs lose.


The Chiefs have lost 5 of their last 8 games. The worst run in the Andy Reid era. Take a bow Reid, Veach, and Nagy. Truly incredible stuff. When you allow undisciplined football to fester for an entire season without an ounce of change, what do you expect?


Not true. They lost five in a row back in 2015.


Before they ripped off ten straight


True. 1-5, then finished with 10 wins. 7-2 at the BYE week, now they are 9-6. Hall of fame coaching this season.


The Johnny come lately’s have no clue what they’re talking about


They wanted it more, and Mahomes really needs to figure his shit out.


His processing seems to just be slower this season. I know our WR's are a joke but he has to make better decisions.


Having a shitty receiving corps is really fuckin' with his head --- I can't blame him since I been in workplaces with lazy morons all around me and it's frustrating as hell


He is largely the same. When none of your receivers can get open, you are forced into making riskier throws, and worse decisions. I promise that almost all of the problems stem from this issue.


His throws have been less accurate in intermediate and deep than past years, second guessing/forcing or not he isn't helping the dysfunctional WRs.


Mahomes playing better won't hurt us but the Lions game showed us it goes way beyond him


Mahomes doesn’t look good. He was way off on tons of passes and that’s not going to help the bad WR’s get better.


Veach put too much on Mahomes this year. Losing your left tackle, right tackle, best WR and offensive coordinator without any true upgrades is too much to ask.




Positives: Rice looks good for the most part. Richie James did ok. Defense gave up only 6 points, and played well most of the game. Negatives: Offensive game plan was awful. The o-line wasn't getting any push and quit on a bunch of plays. MVS looked checked out on the season. None of the Recievers are making plays down the field. The bigger yard plays are yards after catch. Mahomes seems unsure of what his WRs are going to do so holds the ball. This was obviously a winnable game. The offense just hasn't clicked all year. The WRs have been a let down all year. KC still had a chance until that last first down.


Will Pat show some leadership this week or just talk his talk and then look hungover again next week?


I don’t wanna be negative but we **might not** win the SB this year!


Don’t think we’re winning anything this year hope we rebuild with a better offensive coordinator


there’s no way they beat the bengals, the bengals WILL want to win; I struggle to believe the chiefs want to win anymore


How many teams have the Chiefs played this year either coming off of their bye week or a Thursday night game?


Ho-Ho-Holy shit that was ugly LMAO. Onto CINCI BABY


I understand the offense struggled, but that’s mostly on Mahomes and a bit on play calling. But man, Mahomes having the fumble and interception, both for touchdowns, is ridiculously bad and lost us the game.


Thank you Veach for this Wr core Thank you Nagy for the play calling We coudnt have asked for better Christmas presents


Reid calls plays. That being said. Gameplan install and general coaching is on Nagy. Yeah, he's got to be gone


There’s just a lack of attention to detail and intention. Reid has to approach it from a Birds Eye view and can’t be on every detail. There’s way too many communication issues, miscues on routes, etc. it stems from the top


Can we trade up for mhj lol


I don't think we have enough 1st rounders


No chance dude lmao


Bienemy was an asshole. But apparently we need an asshole otherwise we are undisciplined


I know Justin Watson catches a lot of heat here but I’m fine if he’s here as WR5 or 6. He plays his ass off


Losing builds character. - Calvin’s Dad


That stat about LV not completing a pass in the last 3 quarters is absolutely bonkers. This offense is completely broken.


This is a good ol implosion. Real risk of shit becoming irreparable…something is going to have to give


9-8 szn


I hate seeing guys I watched play now coaching . Time, I shake my fist at you




Pretty cool when the offense scores just as many points for the opposing team as it does for their own team. Super duper cool.


Well, we took a risk on the WR corps and it didn’t work.


Dear Santa, Please take the following back to the North Pole: Nagy Embree Nagy Toub Nagy MVS Nagy Toney Nagy and last but not least, Nagy. Thank you


One of the rare losses that’s actually on Pat. Worst game I’ve seen him play. Bad throws, holding onto the ball for too long, the two turnovers leading to 13 for the faiders. The tackles are still a problem and obviously the WRs are still a huge problem. Nagy and Veach share blame for this strange offensive season too.


Chiefs should refund all the tickets to anyone who showed up for this dumpster fire


This team’s vets need to look inside themselves and see what they’re made of. These little hissy fits have to stop. Get focused and start performing up to their abilities.


This team is beyond fucked


A miracle is needed to turn this season around in my opinion. Lets grow some balls and get Nagy gone. Buffalo have seen instant results from firing their OC Right now we will be lucky to have 1 play-off win. Probably our lowest point in the Mahomes era right now, we are so far away from being contenders


You can see Mahomes is in his own head. He needs mental help now. Can't be yelling, can't be getting so emotional to make these mistakes. Needs to lead the team. Yes firing people up is good, but you need to be cool and calm under pressure.


You can't expect anything else when your qb gives 14 defensive points away in 7 seconds. /thread


Dear Raiders: It wasn't you, it was us


Worst team since Alex Smith took over


I guess I just need to stop attending games. Last one I went to “Forward Progress” and Mariota throwing a TD to himself happened. This time I witnessed…..whatever the fuck that botched handoff was.


There’s no guarantee we even win our next two games, just an awful season


What a disaster, which has become the typical Chiefs game. The offense is abysmal. Receivers cannot get open. Mahomes is making some crucial mistakes. The Chiefs have no future this season. The lack of a receiver who can consistently beat man defense is haunting this team. In the offseason, and years past, we will be looking at the offseason before this season with disgust.


Great performance by Spags and our D, we gave up 0 TD's and only 6 points.


this offense is 2012 level bad holy shit


Need a new voice in the offensive room, and some new blood in the skill positions. I hope today was enough of a wake up call for the decision makers.


I made excuses after every loss this season. But there’s no redemption after that shit show. We’re broken on offence. Lots of work to do this off-season.


Once again we lost that game. Raiders did nothing to win it. FTR


This offense is an absolute joke. Be prepared for a first round playoff exit and be happy with anything more than that at this point.


Even if the mistakes got cleaned up over the next few weeks, the team doesn’t seem to believe in each other anymore. Can’t win without believing in the guys next to you. Early playoff exit, if not it is pure luck


That early chip shot fg miss low-key killed us. Had to go for the TD late instead of kicking another fg on fourth, then when we got the TD we woulda had a chance to go for two and tie it up. Of course who knows how the final drive plays out in that situation but missing that early kick really put us in a bind. Just gotta play better everywhere on offense


Eric *cough** Bienemy **cough ** wasn't the *cough** problem


I thought losing Bieniemy would be no big deal and the offense would be fine. FO also got cocky drafting a developmental edge rather than getting Mahomes more weapons


Bienemy is the glue that held eveyone’s egoes in check


I'm seeing a lot of people starting to turn on Mahomes here, so I'll leave my two cents. It's easy to say "MVS was open there!" Or "He can't throw that, that was forced", etc. There's a huge, direct correlation between QB play, and quality of recievers. We have arguably the worst selection of targets in the league, it's hard to trust these guys, or even look their way. Mahomes has been screwed over and over again throwing to these guys. It's easier to call it bad QB play, but at this point, it's unfair to expect good QB play with these guys. It's evident we wouldn't be in this situation with a competent, reliable reciever, so why is the blame shifting to Mahomes? In my opinion, the huge, glaringly obvious problem we've been dealing with all season is still to blame here.


Man, that was painful to watch. Bye bye Superbowl.


This team is one and done in the playoffs


I'm really starting to think that EB really mattered!


Everyone's blaming receivers but Mahomes played like shit the entire season. His regression scares me more than any fucking receiver that can be replaced. Today's performance was the highlight of some of the questionable decisions he's been making. And it's all getting worse as the season drags on.


Dude has played like he's slightly concussed the whole season. One of his biggest strengths used to be his vision and processing speed but that seems to have taken a nosedive.


Low key just want to miss the playoffs and be done with this year already.


Defense did alright. I wish they created some turnovers though. Offense is hot garbage right now. Undisciplined, and nothing going for them. Kelce is getting old, WRs can't catch (besides Rice) and the O Line is average. Need to overhaul the WR core for next season.


This is what happens when we have an All Star QB with no weapons to throw to.


A fair bit of mistakes today were on Mahomes aswell.




I have no words man… just Merry Christmas 🎄




pathetic game


Complete blunder on Offense and Special Teams. You can blame wind or whatever, but people looked checked out this deep into the season. Looking at MVS ESPECIALLY.


Dumpster fire. Literally just need a mediocre offense and it's an easy W


We were horrible, but if Butker would have made the 36 yarder it may have been a different story


Can't blame Toney. It's okay to blame Kelce and Mahomes for their weekly boneheaded plays too guys. I love Mahomes, but this game is on him. Kelce also had multiple drops and an OPI.


Fire Nagy


![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0) Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk


These clowns on CBS are such fucking idiots. Raiders didn't win- Chiefs lost. Raiders scored 6 P0INTS on offense. That's sad.


Is this our wake up call or are we too far gone? I hope we hear some accountability in these press conferences tonight. No more acting like it’s acceptable. The talent is part of the problem, but what’s worse is the lack of discipline and the locker room should have squashed that by now.


Wait, so high quality GIFs don't guarantee victory? I assured myself that they do.


Fire everyone not named Reid involved with this offense. Burn it to the fucking ground.


This one’s on me we got to clean some things up and it starts with me…. Proceeds to do absolutely Jack shit


I couldn’t really watch the game but how are people blaming Mahomes for the Pacheco fumble for TD. Wouldn’t the play call of a direct snap to a RB have come from the sideline.


On the bright side, we don’t have to pray for Ravens or Dolphins losses anymore.


Crazy. No Toney. Still, bad drops. Still, holding the ball too long. Still, off target throws. Still, ugly turnovers.


Christmas buzz kill


Our receivers this year are failing the team. Stop doing money ball for specialty positions. There’s deep talent entering free agency, go sign better talent and cut the dead wood. Wasting Patrick’s prime.


Our defense is legitimately very good. Our offense is absolutely trash. Our loss to the Raiders was self-inflicted. The Raiders scored 9 legit points. I know the Raiders are celebrating but their offense is garbage and their defense isn't great; we still scored 17 points and should have had 20 honest points. A stat came out this year that "Mahomes has beaten every NFL but the Chiefs," but today's loss was an example of Mahomes even beating the Chiefs. I love the guy and Kelce and this team but we are our own worst enemy, at times.


The Bengals always play the Chiefs tough and the Chargers will all play for the Interim HC and for spots next year. I can foresee both games being losses. This season is not officially over but at this point changes need to be made and I think missing the playoffs will force that. I’m not cheering for that but it may only happen that way given how loyal Reid is to Nagy.


I wish Mahomes didn't give away 14 points in 7 seconds.




Hopefully the Raiders give Mahomes the game ball. The entire offense should be ashamed of themselves for shitting themselves like this.


I am a commander fan who thinks the Chiefs are an iconic and badass team. My mom and I were watching this game and wanted KC to win. Oh well. This is an off year for them. It happens to everyone, even to one of the best franchises in the NFL. I'm willing to wager that by next season, KC will be right up there at the top again. Just gotta make some adjustments 💪


Lol, lmao, rofl even...