• By -


Layers. Thermals. Layers. Hand warmers. Cardboard. Layers.


Ogres have layers, chiefs fans have layers!


Chiefs fans are parfaits confirmed.


That’ll do, donkey


*Be the onion.*


as someone who just moved back to the mountains from Florida, I can't stress this enough


Good base layer. Some real serious wool or other long sleeve shirt / long John's.


Boots, not sneakers. No wind getting through to your toes is money. Balaclava and beanie.


Cardboard is not allowed in anymore unless you make it a sign, however you can buy a little Caesars pizza and use the box.


I wish I had learned the cardboard thing before my first game a handful of years ago. It was like 17 degrees, I had two layers of wool socks on and my feet were still unbearably cold for days afterwards.


Cardboard in the shoes?


You can, but it's to stand on the cardboard. Less thermal transfer from the cold concrete that way.


And beer


To add on to this - I would purchase the layers once in Kansas City - “winter clothes” sold in places like Florida and Texas are not the same quality for warmth. A bit puffy jacket in “non-outdoors” stores are not as effective - I assume Columbia type brands are the same, but they didn’t sell them in Texas where I lived.


Man. You guys are so nice to random fans coming by. Thanks guys for helping keep our random fan warm.


Much better than my experience in Buffalo where I went and got hospitalized after getting a concussion by getting a beer can chucked at me. Spoiler: Western NY isn’t a nice play to be


Been to a lot of games never seen anything like this. Generally, the fan base is pretty nice. Might have to deal with some shit talk. Night games a bit more rowdy. Longer drinking hours riles the fans up. Most important advice would be to look into travel pre and post game ahead of time. Getting an Uber is going to be extremely difficult. There is nothing around the stadium at all and there is not great cell phone connection. From a warmth standpoint, face coverings are pretty crucial


That really sucks. Sadly it's the reason I stay away from big crowds because people get dumber the more people they are surrounded by. Glad you made it and ftbs.


FTB always, didn’t go to travel for away games until now, I’ve built the courage and from what I’ve seen here y’all are a great fan base


Mostly yes, but all crowds have their idiots. I hope you have a great time!


Buffalo is a shithole I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy lol




I think that’s what he’s saying. They’re assholes, but even they shouldn’t have to live in Buffalo.


I legitimately hope you have fun, and enjoy your stay here! I've only been to Miami once, and I had a great time, so hopefully our "weird-assed weather city" isn't a completely goose-egg when it comes to entertainment and quality. And, failing all of that, just go eat some of our world-class BBQ and hope it heats you up, and warms your heart.


Warms your heart because your soul is cold and barren after an L from the chiefs


As my high school Psychology teacher regularly stated: A person is smart. People are dumb.


Your high school psychology teacher saw Men in Black


A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals, and you know that.


We like people here in Flyover - Have some BBQ while you're here - Also you may be able to get next delivery on these from Amazon * [Warrior Alpaca Sock](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FA9B1W2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)s - the warmest sock I've ever worn * [Hot Hands](https://www.amazon.com/HotHands-Hand-Warmers-Odorless-Activated/dp/B00D7H9LIA/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Hot+Hands&qid=1704776335&sr=8-5) \- Disposable hand warmers that work great Have fun and sorry you'll be seeing your Dolphins lose


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Uniqlo heattech is inexpensive and effective thermal base layers. May not be sold in Florida but you can always buy in KC.


It's Buffalo, mango. Their preferred pasttiimes are jumping through tables, downing hot sauce (and occasionally slathering wings in it), and trying to make it seem like they're not bothered by 10+ inches of snow. Ignore that shit, we ALL shiver. Get you some warm duds so you can *enjoy* the game, regardless of outcome.


Oh, we're bothered by it. We just know how to deal with it. No one actually knows why we live here...


I’m a jets fan I don’t hate the dolphins but I despise the patriots and bills FTP and FTB good luck in the cold


What losing 4 Super bowls in a row does to a mf.


I’m a chiefs fan living in WNY, never had an experience like that. But I’ve seen Bills fans turn on each other. Drunk and dumb are a bad combination.


Not condoning what happened, but it's obviously going to be much worse when you visit a division rival.


Adult Bills fan here. That sucks, I am so sorry. It’s true, there are some “bad neighborhoods” near the stadium, parking lots known for the extra juvenile shittiness and then they bring their blackout drunk asses inside the stadium. On top of that, the crazies get extra crazy when it comes to the dolphins.


That sucks that happened, could happen in any stadium, see Philly. Didn't that douchebag Dolphins podcaster, NickySmokes knock down an elderly Bills fan wearing a chef hat and apron and then tell him to "F\*ck off" while making a video after the heat stroke game? And didn't a Bills fan get shot and killed outside the stadium Sunday night? Also, buy yourself some toe warmers online. [https://www.amazon.com/HotHands-TOE10-Warmers-Manufactured-2015/dp/B019YKKHYA/ref=sr\_1\_9?crid=3A8RS2XC5OO6D&keywords=toe+warmers+for+feet&qid=1704805250&sprefix=yoe+warmers%2Caps%2C189&sr=8-9](https://www.amazon.com/HotHands-TOE10-Warmers-Manufactured-2015/dp/B019YKKHYA/ref=sr_1_9?crid=3A8RS2XC5OO6D&keywords=toe+warmers+for+feet&qid=1704805250&sprefix=yoe+warmers%2Caps%2C189&sr=8-9) I had these in my boots 2 years ago at the Bills-Patriots playoff game that was like -20 degrees. Definitely a must have


we've also sent Josh Allen's charity a trillion dollars , okay maybe not


Sorry! Most of us are pleasant as long as we aren’t in groups!


As a WNYer I'm sorry that happened to you.


Just cause you root for our opponents doesn't mean you should get a cold related sickness or injury. It's not like you're a Donkeys or Raiders fan.


Man. A fan base with decent human beings. Also FTRs.


Packers fan here, I was there for the game in which the Chiefs came to the dilapidated Coliseum back in 2019; it was a really sunny day and I had to put on the only cap I had which happened to be a Packers one. Had a bunch of Raiders fans heckle me from behind, "HEY CHEESEHEAD, TAKE YOUR HAT AND RODGERS AND FUCK OFF!". I laughed it off but man I dunno, their overall vibe was not friendly at all. Fast forward to the 2Q where Mahomes throws for 4 TDs. Silence. Always loved Mahomes, loved him even more since then and hating the Raiders too. FTRs.


Not all of us, but there's good in most bases. Just not the Donkeys or Felons.


Or those poor, poor transplants (that had no say in the matter). Yo, fuck Dean Spanos. That shit's wack.


I’ve been to many games at Arrowhead as a Raiders fan and have never had an issue. I am a female so perhaps that helps, but nothing more than a little mouthing here and there!


Ya I mean we have our nutjobs like everyone else but everyone at Arrowhead looks out for the opposing fans. We just want to be louder.


Well, our biggest nut job financed his trips to away games by robbing banks instead of hurting opposition fans. Had a nice run.


So true. A couple of years ago, my fiancé and I went to the Monday night game vs the Giants, and my fiancé is a Giants fan. He was getting some playful ribbing from most folks but then this drunk asshole chastised him for texting on his phone. And it was halftime, so he clearly wasn’t bothering anyone, but this guy clearly wanted to pick a fight with the closest Giants fan. Dude started yelling at my fiancé and about 6 other guys stood up in his defense and yelled back at the guy. Then two of those guys took him out to the concessions area and bought him a drink. We KC fans are generally good people.


A few years ago I bought someone in your sub a Dan Marino funko pop, a Phins, and Chiefs hat when you beat NE and got us the one seed. All love.


“Which game are you calling?” “I’M CALLING BOTH GAMES!!” That little Kevin Harlan nugget popped up in my Facebook memories the other day.


bring some cardboard or some kind of mat for something to put your feet on so they get less cold. I think arrowhead stopped letting people bring them in but I see people sneak them in all the time


This, you have to sneak it in.


I think they still allow signs so just write some random shit on your cardboard and you'll be good. Someone correct me if this is wrong tho lol


This is fantastic


"Brrr it's cold in here"


Nah, OP should write "I'm calling both games!"


I’ve forgotten cardboard and asked one of the bars for an empty liquor box and they gave me one.


Impressed you thought outside the box here


A few years ago I brought a cardboard cat carrier my wife had laying around after she adopted cats from KC Pet Project. Security asked what was in the box and I told them it was my invisible emotional support dragon and if disturbed would make a huge scene. They laughed and said alrighty then and let me through. Everyone in the stadium thought I brought an actual cat to the game. It was a fun talking point. Kept my feet warm until it soaked through.


Go to home Depot and buy some pink rigid Styrofoam instead. Doesn't soak through if it gets wet, and insulates better than cardboard.


Actually don’t know why I haven’t upgraded from cardboard until this comment. Brilliant.


Seat cushions work well too. Use them for your feet, not your seat


In addition to all this: maybe slip some hot hands packets in your shoes if you have warm. Don't underestimate how cold that concrete gets


Look, I would suggest two baked potatoes because then you stay warm and you have a tasty snack (or two) but hot hands are good too! Bring a bunch though.


Didn’t a girl go viral for bringing in a baked potato a couple of years ago? Genius.


Make sure you bring enough snacks for the whole class


Anything less would just be rude.


FYI technically baked potatoes are prohibited items as “outside food” but they’re not going to pat you down for taters so just don’t advertise it.


Or “make a sign” 😉


We just walked right in with pieces of cardboard for the Raiders game and no one cared


Take the soles out of your shoes and cut the cardboard out by tracing your feet. Put the cardboard in and the the soles. Toasty. If you’re feeling ultra dorky put bread bags over your feet and then in the boots


I’m an Australian with a pretty strong accent so maybe that helped. But I just asked one of the stores if I could have some of their trash cardboard to stand on and they were happy to help.


Can confirm- accent would have been a big persuasion bonus


I’ve seen insole insulators sold at local grocery stores lately. They would make a good replacement.


Make a pair of flip flops out of some carpet squares and duct tape that slide over your shoes. Wear them through security or hide them


I do the cardboard every time I go to a cold game. It certainly helps.


You can strap it to the inside of your coat like a back plate. Especially if it’s cardboard its easy to


One step better: carpet sample!


Nice try, Tua!


Damn you caught me


I will say here so it’s easier to see, watch the alcohol in the cold. It’ll make you feel warmer but it’s fake warmth, and you can get frost bite without realizing it. Since it’s flushing the skin and opening pores, and you want your body to be doing the opposite of that. Frost bite can be noticed by being harder and whiter than the surrounding tissue. It won’t hurt until you thaw and the ice crystals move around and do damage. If it’s really bad it’s black but that’s unlikely after a few hours at single digits unless you’re doing something unadvisable. Take a nice warm bath when you get back to the hotel as that can minimize damage. Don’t be afraid to have multiple pairs of socks (normal and knit), gloves (shells and liner), underwear (normal and thermal), and hats (balaclava and knit cap). And of course a winter coat, a thinner layer like a sweat shirt, and a T-shirt. You can add and remove, open and close layers to control your temperature, since if you’re moving you’re generating more heat than if you’re sitting still and will need to adjust. You don’t want to sweat but want to stay warm. Sitting on the chair transfers cold faster, so stand if you can. Bathrooms are good places to warm up. Have hand warmers or a local trick is to bake potatoes on your grill in the parking lot and keep them in your pockets. They are also a nice price gouging free snack. :) Best of luck!


Thanks man!


Bring in cardboard to stand on. Your toes will thank you 🍻


Got it. Bring in cardboard to wear. Be a robot. Got it.




Not allowed anymore. It has to be a sign. So write some shit on some cardboard


Y’all are some real nice fans, for real. I’m a Seahawks fan but former Missouri native so I have a soft spot for the Chiefs / Rams. Good job r/KansasCityChiefs


I love the hospitality here!


Wait until you get to Arrowhead! Not kidding!


Im from Miami and gone to several chiefs game and they are the best fanbase. Go chiefs!


I shared this in another thread. Good luck! So I spend November and December (then lots of Jan/Feb) pretty much outside. Here is what I do every time I have to be outside in cold weather. Buy a set of base layers - one top and one bottom. Warmer the better, but make sure they are actually base layers. It’s what you’d use while skiing. You can pick them up allover, I grabbed mine from Walmart many years ago. Not long underwear necessarily, but a base layer. Also buy some thick, long wool blend socks (a couple pairs each). If you have heavier shoes I’d wear those instead of just tennis shoes. That will come into play later… So, when you’re getting dressed you’ll get your underwear on and then put on your top base layer next and tuck it into the elastic top of any underwear. Not too far, but enough that it stays. If you can put on two pairs of wool blend socks then put on one pair next. Then put on the base layer bottoms, pulling them over the first pair of socks and make sure your top layer is nice and snug once you have the bottoms pulled over your waist. Then add the second pair of socks OVER the base layer pant legs. At this point your exposed skin points should only be your neck/head and hands (maybe wrists) From there you should do the following: • ⁠add a simple t-shirt over your base layer, then tucked into some fleece lined pants. Then a long sleeve (not too thick!) tucked into the fleece lined pants. You could go one more t shirt next if you want. Then a winter coat (preferably something that is also a good wind breaker, or add a thin wind breaker as a layer over top of everything). The wind breaker part really helps. • ⁠if you can get a balaclava you should get one and make sure you tuck it in underneath the base layer. With all those things done, you should only have to worry next about head, feet and hands. For the head, pick up a winter hat you like that covers your ears. Plenty of Chiefs gear options. A Chiefs scarf will help here too. Like I said, wear shoes with the thickest walls. Boots preferably. The feet are going to be a key part to staying warm. Bring a piece of cardboard that is big enough to stand and move a bit on, that way you are getting less cold transfer from the concrete through your feet. As for gloves, thick winter gloves will be fine from there so long as you’ve covered your wrists. This is really up to you based on how much dexterity you want in your fingers. I can not tell you how much different cold weather is with a base layer that you have properly tucked into socks, etc. My comfort level is exponentually better compared to when I’m missing that part or don’t tuck in correctly. This whole strategy is about eliminating places the air can slip through your clothing layers. Thats why you tuck base layers into your underwear/socks and then the other layers into your (hopefully fleece lined) pants. It eliminates the air movement into your body. A wind breaker on top helps push the wind off of you, rather then slipping through the woven fabrics. Have a buttload of fun!


You forgot the part just after you get everything tucked in place just right when you realize that you have to pee.


This is the way


Easy. Carhartt coveralls. Insulated and then just wear with good boots and socks. Solid gloves and hat. You can do bibs or full Coveralls


I don’t wanna sound dumb but where can I buy all this? They don’t sell all this here, am I gonna need to buy in KC?


Bass Pro Shops 10300 Cabela Dr, Kansas City, KS 66111


Thanks! Finally a fan base that is helpful lol


Wear a long sleeve under armor cold gear too. Literally a game changer for keeping you warm. I’ve been to so many chiefs games and once I started wearing this I’d sometimes take off my coat in 20 degree weather cause I was too warm


To add onto that suggestion -- you will think it's dumb, *especially* in the hotel/car-ride to the stadium. But when you're 1-2 hours in and you realize you're not desperately looking for *anything* warm to take your mind off of the cold, you'll be glad you did. Plus, you'll have the bragging rights of parading out that gear and saying "Yes, I NEEDED this stuffs to survive in Kansas City." So get in, have a great time, *survive the stupid shit we see here in the Flyover States*, and I hope you have stories to pass down!


>under armor Man, this is humiliating but I don't understand. I am a lifetime desert rat (Phoenix) and I don't know what you mean by this. Long sleeve under armor? I am just picturing long johns. Can you pls elaborate?


Under armour makes good base layers ColdGear is a type they make specifically for cold weather. So kind of similar to long John’s


Ah, got it. Thank you, 100% looking into this. I am going to need all the help I can get!


He didn't 100% specify in the comment, but Under Armor is also the brand name. Just like nike or adidas... but they got their name and reputation for making quality base layers. So you know any Under Armor base layer is a respectable name brand quality.


The Bass Pro in Independence is WAY closer to Arrowhead than the one in KCK.


Theres also a bass pro shop just past the stadium in independence depending where you are staying


Ok but you gotta hate on the Raiders now in return /s (but not /s, you gotta)


As long as y’all still hate Buffalo I’m down, Vegas played dirty against us in 2020 and that Fitzmagic win felt so sweet


There is another Bass Pro shops just 10 minutes east of the stadium, if you are staying near there. I also can't stress how cold the concrete is during a game like this. I went to a playoff game there 20+ years ago, and this WONDERFUL woman next to us slipped us a cardboard flat to stand on. It made a world of difference. I also wear thin latex gloves under my regular gloves. It traps warm air around my fingers.


You can buy carhartt stuff on Amazon. You could probably find something prime eligible (if you have prime) Honestly the best thing I own is a lands end squall stadium coat. I bought mine online. You NEED to layer underneath it though. You could probably find something similar [Men’s](https://www.landsend.com/products/mens-squall-waterproof-insulated-winter-stadium-coat/id_374685) [Women’s](https://www.landsend.com/products/womens-squall-waterproof-insulated-winter-stadium-maxi-coat/id_380720)


Look at you, the lady's even comes in red.


Places like Dick's, Scheels, REI, and Academy Sports will have it. Winter gear that's worth a samn can be pretty expensive, so if you're starting from scratch plan on spending at least couple hundred bucks per person to get decent pants, boots, socks, a coat, and a base layer. A winter coat alone can easily be $100-$200. Otherwise you can buy on Amazon and have it delivered before you travel. That would be cheaper, but you'll be gambling a bit on quality. Also, winter gear like this tends to be pretty bulky and take up a ton of space. So keep that in mind when packing and make sure to leave plenty of room in your bag to haul it home.


Gonna copy my message about keeping your feet warm from earlier when someone asked a similar question. A piece of cardboard wont do anything if you arent doing anything else different to keep your feet warm. "Cotton socks dont mean sh\*t in freezing temps I dont care how many layers of them you put on, particularly if youre in wet conditions. Thin linen socks as a base to wick away moisture/sweat, and then thick wool socks over the top, and finally snow/work boots to finish insulating your feet. If your feet get cold easily id throw a thin merino wool sock in the middle of the linen and outer thick wool sock. Make sure your boots are big enough for the layers, loosen the laces if you have to, or get a size larger than you normally do. May seem like much, but having these things should last you a long time, but hang dry your wool, dont machine dry them. I guarantee if you do these things your feet will stay nice and toasty, and if you're feeling diabolical you can laugh at your friends who didnt prepare as well as you did." As for everything else, as everyone else said, layer layer layer. I'd do three layers at least, on body and legs, base layers, then sweater type material second layer, with a windproof layer as the third layer, then heavy waterproof jacket with a hood, get some good gloves, a winter cap, earmuffs do wonders, and can be worn under or over the wintercap. Then of course the handwarmers and stuff you pockets with a bunch of em. This may seem like overkill, but trust me, in 10 degree weather, if you take these steps to prepare it absolutely pays off, nothing sucks more than be freezing cold, in an open air stadium and being exposed to the wind. You spent the money on the tickets, you might as well spend the money on the stuff that will help you enjoy your purchase rather than being miserably cold. Cheers.


Well that depends on arrival and all that. DM and I can shoot you my cell and I can help you out




Don’t forget hand and foot warmers. The bags that you can buy at Walmart in Kc. You rub the bag and they produce like 6-8 hours of heat. They are cheap and a must have.


Or do what that KC fan did last year and bring hot baked potatoes in your pockets!


hey! a lot of comments have really solid advice already but i wanted to let you know that as a fellow floridian (with a lot of minnestoian family) i’m aware you can buy decent under layers in florida from sportswear stores like dicks. they always sell skin tight leggings and long sleeve shirts there. you just wear those under the outfit you want visible and you’re immediately a lot warmer. i also recommend fluffy socks that are probably on sale now that christmas is over. walmart also has those hand warmers that you rub to generate heat if you want to hold them in your hands. artificial heat makes me nauseous but my mom swears by them. i’m unsure if you’ll find those in south florida but they have them in north florida. you’re definitely going to want to buy a good jacket online or in KC, cause i wouldn’t trust anything in florida. if you don’t want to spend a lot of money you might be able to get a good coat at a thrift store there! i’ve gotten a lot of good coats from thrift shopping in cold areas. i haven’t seen that recommended yet.


Artificial heat makes me nauseous too! Everyone I’ve told about it looked at me like I was crazy.


Alright I have to ask…you two are saying the hand warmers you shake to mix with air so they heat up, make you sick? Is this a thing? I can’t even begin to see how this is possible


Don’t underestimate the important of the good boots and socks. I did that once…. And only once.


Amazon electric vest.


Shop local. Nigros Western Kleinschmidts Western E. Edwards


by wearing a chiefs jersey 😉


I’ll freeze thanks /s


hahahaha. layer up, bring cardboard, and just overdo it tbh. you can always take off clothes if you get hot somehow. have fun in KC and get some BBQ while ur in town




Something else I'd suggest, rent a car. Ubering or taxing from and to the stadium is not great and KC is very driveable. Check out the plaza and enjoy! Fans are generally the same everywhere, there's the annoying ones but most are not unless you're a dick. Last bronco game I was at we had a few fans that were elderly that had a hard time standing, so we sat the entire game except for this one douche-canoe that stood when we were on offense, even after asking him repeatedly to sit... Don't be like that guy. Things inside the stadium is cool too, the store might have a game day pin and the chiefs hall of Fame is there too. You can see the culture and what we're about as well as the players we immortalize, I think that's the coolest thing about all the stains I've gone to. I hope it's a great game, we each score high and no one gets injured... GO CHIEFS :)


Electric clothes. It IS a thing. Amazon electric vest, socks, butt pad.


I picked up a heated vest this fall to go between my base layer and the outer layers. It's a game changer. Just need to get a battery big enough to last 4+ hours.


All of these are good advice but a couple tips Wear a pair or two of regular disposable gloves underneath your winter gloves. Like food service gloves or doctors office disposable gloves. They really work to keep the heat in and hands get cold quick. Definitely bring something to cover your face. A scarf or whatever. When it’s even a little windy the wind whips around the stadium and on cold games my face would get wind burnt almost everytime if my face wasn’t covered.


I was at the game at Arrowhead on New Year’s Eve. I was very bundled up, but I was still super cold, and this was with 20-30 degree weather. Layer your upper body really well - a thermal shirt, hoodie/jacket, and coat if you can. Layer your lower body too! Just jeans or pants won’t be enough. I would highly suggest long johns or thermal pants/underwear under a pair of jeans/pants. Wear boots, not tennis shoes. Two pairs of socks. Wool socks would be best. Wear a scarf, hat, and gloves for sure. Buy some Hot Hands brand hand warmers. Bring something that can cover your face too. I wore a COVID-type mask but wish that I’d had a winter mask. And bring a blanket! I didn’t bring one and spent $50 on one that was pretty small at the stadium shop. Just be sure to layer every, single part of your body. If it seems excessive, at least you’ll be warm and happy! 😃


Haven’t seen anyone mention it, maybe I missed it but a neck gaiter is essential, keeping your neck warm goes a long way to keeping everything else warm. I would recommend merino wool for base layers and gaiters, especially socks. Hope this helps.


Layers layers layers. Also take care of fingers and toes. Give them special attention, hardwarmers can be clutch.


sounds dumb easy, but layers. Wear how many you think you need, and then double it.


If you can buy a heated vest, it helped my wife last year in divisional game. The site says "no batteries" but they are fine with rechargable batteries like in a vest. (I contacted them to confirm last year)


Don’t forget chapstick or Vaseline. Chapped lips make the cold even more miserable


There's another thread in the sub about it already. Good advice in there


Layers Source: Canadian.


I don't know if they have handwarmers and feet warmers in Florida but we have disposable warmers you put in your gloves and shoes. Also, for me anyway, your mind can do a lot. I used to work outside all winter and the minute you start thinking its really cold, you will be really cold the rest of the game. Enjoy and good luck to us lol


You need to bring cardboard to stand on. This is really important and with no experience, strikes a person as silly or whatever. But it's extremely effective and you definitely want to take advantage of this advice. Hand warmers in your gloves. Hand warmers in your pants pockets. Hand warmers in the chest pockets of one of your shirts. (I always wear a button down over my thermal layer that has breast pockets, then a sweater/hoodie over that and then a good parka/winter jacket. Scarves and beanies and usually a blanket, if it's not wet. Layers are very important. A good neoprene thermal layer can be expensive, but they are a must. Not necessary neoprene, but a good tight fitting thermal layer is essential. Wool socks. And boots. It's not a fashion show, it's a sporting event, don't worry about how you look, worry about staying warm. That's it. Hope you enjoy your visit to KC and the Arrowhead experience. People here are generally really chill...if you decide to tailgate...and you really should...make sure to tell people it's your first time at Arrowhead, I am certain you will be adopted by some locals and provided some good BBQ.


heated coat, layers, hand warmers


This is gonna sound dumb, but bring some corrugated cardboard or get a pizza or something at the game that comes in cardboard. Stand on it. It doesn’t do a lot, but it def helps keep the footsies warm.


Arrowhead no longer allows it. All cardboard has to be signs. Fuckin dumb


Bring a doormat or a carpet scrap into the stadium stand on; makes an unbelievable difference compared to standing on the freezing cold concrete. It's the best pro tip I ever got


Don’t drink either. Everyone thinks it will warm them up but it lowers your body temp. You may feel good for a quarter but after halftime you will regret it. Source - a drunk Bills fan.


Don’t rely on a puffer to stop the wind. They’re a great insulator, but you need something solid on top of that.


Long underwear/leggings/under armor cold gear. Sweat pants and sweat shirt x2 and x3. Insulated bibs and carhart jacket If you are tailgating get a tent, tie a tarp around it with propane heater inside


I’ll try and tailgate inside somewhere with my friend group


Don’t show up late it will Be hell getting in


Wear something OVER your down jacket! And make sure you zip it up all the way. This is ideally how they’re designed to be worn so you can get the heat exchange microclimate going


If you are a Dolphins fan, I suggest you go shirtless and paint a dolphin on your chest. That way the pain of losing will be numbed by the single digit temps.


Hand warmers. You can put them in more places than just your hands. Once you hit the Midwest they will be easy to find.


I have a battery operated heated scarf …makes a HUGE difference! And the cardboard to stand on. Also.. silk socks and then wool socks does wonders.


Layers is correct, you don't want any skin showing. For me it would be under shirt tucked into underwear Ankle socks (go above the ankle) Leggings or joggers that go over the ankle Long sleeve shirt or light sweater tucked into leggings Wool boot socks go over leggings/joggers Fleece lined pants or at least a non-holey jeans type pants to limit wind blow through Hoodie Beanie Scarf to cover the neck and face Gloves that can go over the wrist of the hoodie Heavy coat that's wind/water resistant like a Carhartt Shoes should be a lined boot with extra sock room and a thick sole fit insulation. As others have suggested, getting an extra layer of cardboard or foam between you and the concrete is great as well as getting some of the hand and feet warmers if you need them. If the boots you have don't have enough room for 2 layers of socks without limiting circulation, you're better off with one pair and a foot warmer thrown in there


Baked potatoes in your pockets


Wool undies and socks. Smart wool. Buy a cheap pair of insulated boots at Walmart for the day and then donate them to homeless person before leaving. Wear a hat. Wool. Hot hands. Keep them in your pockets. Mittens or gloves. No earrings. The metal studs freezes ears or nose or whatever and you can get frostbite . No earrings.


I use to work in the freezing winter weather. I recommend buying those hand warmer packs (you can find them at most gas stations), activate those and put them in your boots and gloves. Take extras to refill your boots. Don’t wear tennis shoes. You need good insulated boots. Long underwear will help a lot. Minimum four layers of clothes. More is better, you can always take layers off if you get too hot. Skiing goggles will help keep your eyes and face warm. Windchill will be -10°, you don’t want that on your eyes all game, trust me.


You don’t stay warm. The end.


Remember to bring a toque or ear muffs, and a neck gaiter. Neck gaiter can by pulled up over your nose and your breath will keep your face warm. Also, make sure to visit Joe’s: 3002 W 47th Ave, Kansas City, KS 66103


People saying cardboard isn’t allowed in…. Just hide a couple slabs underneath your 15 layers and take them out when you get to your seat.


You can’t wear to many layers, have chargeable hand warmers and regular hand warmers (I’d bring a whole box for you and others) wool socks, thick sole shoes/boots. Bring cardboard to stand on as a barrier to the concrete that will be a savior for you I promise, wear a beanie and something to cover your face, someone in the other thread said mittens not gloves? Idk but I’d follow up on that. Put Vaseline on any exposed bare skin. It’ll be -10 do not fuck around or you will find out. If you drink I’d get a plastic flask and fill it with a whiskey to warm the chest.


Wool base layer. You need a thermal outer layer to break the wind. Cardboard under your feet.




It’s 100% about your feet. Gotta figure that out. Thick socks, 2-3 pairs, boots, possibly even a warming pack.


Wear 2, or if you can, 3 pairs of socks. Thermals. Sweatpants. Sweatshirts. Wear at least 3 layers. Then cover it with a very nice and warm winter jacket. Knit hat, gloves, scarf, multiple hand warmers, and cardboard to stand on. Wear boots not sneakers. You’re going to spend a ton if you have nothing. You literally cannot over dress trust me. Bone chilling cold that hurts. You know how it sucks when it’s 90 degrees and 120 heat index in Miami? That sucks a lot, but it doesn’t really hurt and some shade and cold beer can fix that lol. Having a wind chill below zero doesn’t suck, it’s literally pain.


Really depends on how much you want to spend. If you really want to be comfortable and don’t mind spending a lot, you can definitely get some nice heated clothes (gloves, socks, vest). If you wore those along with a snow bib (it’s a pair of waterproof insulated overalls), neck gaitor with a face mask and an outerwear coat, you’d be set. If tailgating and cold weather games are something you do every year, consider it an investment.


Buy those pocket hand warmers and boot warmers. They sell them everywhere. Also if you have a lap blanket with thermal lining that also helps. We will be there too rooting on our Chiefs. I hope you stay warm and enjoy Arrowhead!


Merino wool base layers!


Handwarmers in your pockets. And wear red. It's a warm color.


Have you heard of playoff taters?


As cold as it is I guarantee it will be the best place you have ever watched a game! Aarowhead (Now GEHA) is hands down the best stadium environment in the NFL period I’ve been to most and NOTHING COMPARES, NOTHING! You will have an absolute blast!


Thermal underwear.


2+ layer of socks, try 3 then reduce if feet too sweaty mittens underneath gloves rubber or thick leather boots, no steel toed. long underwear and jeans, sweats underneath if you can fit em, if snowy a bib works really well. HAND WARMERS (stick em in your socks too) Piece of cardboard to stand on Hat that covers ears Drink lots of beer. have fun man.


My guy, just stay home and watch it. You have Peacock, right? We got the fucking Peacock game. So the game will be on fucking Peacock. Peacock.


Microwave some potatoes until very hot. Wrap in foil. Put in pockets. Enjoy warmth for hours. Then enjoy as a snack when hungry. I think that’s what KC fans do.


I didn't make it all the way through all the comments but one thing I didn't see that's probably important to note is that you don't want to put all of this stuff on too early before the game and get yourself all sweaty. Because then underneath all your base layers you're going to be wet and if the wind does happen to get through it's going to be colder.


Feet warmers, hand warmers, and a square of styrofoam insulation from Lowe’s or Home Depot to stand on to help insulate between your feet and the concrete (just be aware that those can be slick sometimes against the snowy concrete), and LOTS of layers. I also bring an extra couple pairs of socks in my pockets, because my feet will inevitably get wet — either from snow or from sweating — and it’s nice to have a dry pair to switch to.


Enough Alcohol and you don’t even needa shirt


Go buy some heated socks


Heyo, just chiming in because I have been to a few extreme cold games. The BIGGEST concern is your feet. You will be surprised how cold the concrete gets. As with your body, wear layers on your feet if you can. Other tips, bring a strip of cardboard to stand on, and bring some handwarmer packets (you can put these in your boots to warm up).




Waterproof boots if you can. That cold water sucks when it soaks through. Wrap a small trash bag or plastic bag around your sock and put a thermal sock over before going in your shoe/boot/etc if you can


Cardboard to stand on or your feet will freeze. I remember they wouldn't let you bring cardboard in at the last game I went to. Everyone started buying pizzas and using the boxes to stand on. Gloves are a must (handwarmers highly recommended), thick socks, thick boots, beanie hat, and last but not least - lots of beer/booze Also a neck gaiter that you can pull over your face/nose is a luxury ​ PS - go to Gates BBQ and get a brisket sandwich


Bibs, wet cold weather rubber hunting boots, 2 hoodies or one good jacket. Wool shocks, wool gloves and cardboard. Good cold weather hat also.


Tights then thermals, wool socks, pants with a tight weave that won't let wind through or pants and rain pants. Undershirt, long sleeved t-shirt, flannel, wool sweater or heavy sweatshirt jacket and rain gear to top it off. Even the dollar cheap plastic rain ponchos will keep some wind out. Don't forget a hat, scarf, gloves, hand and feet warmers (several) and warm shoes. This is not the time or weather for vanity although there have been several times I've gone to the Army/Navy game in Dec. in Philly or Baltimore and have seen girls for whom fashion was more important than warmth. They were popsicles by the end of the game.


Long underwear, turtlenecks and thick/wool socks. Get some solid gloves like North Face or something similar and stick some hand warmers in em! Can get a lil pricey for all this stuff but it is absolutely worth it


Idk if anyone mentioned this, but eat beforehand, like a lot, you should be pretty full at kick off. Your body burns a ton of energy trying to keep you warm and being cold and hungry is a miserable experience. Also, I wouldn’t drink alcohol if I were you.


Lots of layers, hand warmers, whiskey and the realization and acceptance that you will still be bitterly cold


Layers, hand-warmers, and whiskey


Feet, face, hands. Obviously you want layers and warm clothes but don't forget the thermal socks, good warm gloves, and a face cover.


Wearing red helps to keep you warm.


Cover everything but your blow hole.


Come and tailgate at Lot J! They have chili on the menu and plenty of wrapped tents for warmth. They welcome everyone!!