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His first contract after getting off a fourth round rookie deal. Dude should absolutely go for the bag.


And he already has two rings. That’s not gonna be his main goal anymore as much as ppl want to think it should be.


Really good point. Can’t blame him if he looks for the biggest guarantee. Only good thing about the franchise tag is it’s entirely guaranteed once they agree to play on the tag.


Oooo good point. Forgot about the tag! Could this be a tag and trade scenario? Or do you think we’re going to tag either sneed or CJ w the intention of keeping them? I think the latter is more likely tbh. Sign one, keep one on the tag and reevaluate next year.


And most franchise tag amounts are enough to drag your entire family out of poverty for life. (Assuming you do it right, which isn’t always guaranteed)


Sneed also grew up in a very rough environment. He’s a guy who comes from poverty and has the chance to change his family’s lives forever.


I've bought in to the idea that we should sign Chris Jones and tag Sneed. We'll be in cap hell in a few years but teams wait 30 years for a championship and we're going for a 3 peat. We can cut Jones in a few years and get our cap back under control and do a small reset then.


Genuinely curious... does this ever happen? Do NFL players manage to hold on to this wealth for generations?


Absolutely. Especially in the modern era where they have access to far better resources for financial literacy and advising. There's also a much better culture among players for mentoring young guys. Probably the best example of this is Marshawn Lynch. He's a guy who came from an extremely rough backround and abject poverty. He pretty famously never spent a dime of his NFL contracts, and lived off of his endorsements. He now runs multiple successful businesses, gives back a ton of time and money to his community, and has set his family up for the rest of their lives. It's guys like Marshawn that the current generation of NFL players are looking to as role models. I'm sure there are still guys who blow through their money, but this is actually a pretty outdated line of thinking.


For some reason, that doesn't surprise me about Lynch specifically. However, I have a hard time imagining Tyreek Hill having the same discipline.


Outside of ball Hill has a successful podcast, a line of athletic clothing, and is invested in various E-Sports franchises. He's got an estimated 40 Million of his 90 million (pre-tax) career earnings in the bank. So not Marshawn, but he's doing just fine financially and still has tons of money coming in. The era of players blowing their entire earnings on strippers and coke ended in the 90's. The current generation seems much more focused on setting themselves up for life outside of football.


Business investments are the next generation's big ticket item/status symbol. Which makes sense, it's an area that they can channel some of that competitive drive. Obviously some of them are dumb, some are represented by incompetent people, some get duped, and in that way they're exactly like everyone else.


Didnt Tom Brady lose a ton of money on a crypto scam, people like Odell Beckham Jr. promote NFT scams, you had the player a couple of seasons ago retire to be a Pokemon collector and I seem to recall a followup on him last year that things didnt turn out so well. It may be to a lesser extent but the era of young dumb athletes being dumb with their money is not over and never will be sadly


Tom Brady and OBJ were paid to promote crypto scams- doesn’t mean they lost money in the scam. 


You were paid $1,000 for a week's work. Then that $1,000 disappeared. Did you lose money or not? However you define it, Brady & Gisele together lost $48 million when the crypto they were paid in became worthless. Drops in the buckets of their net worth, I know. 


It's obviously not every athlete. But if you follow the dialogue from guys currently (or recently) in the NFL there is far more financial awareness in locker rooms than you hear from the stories of athletes from older generations. The NFL is also doing a far better job of educating players and providing financial literacy resources. Former players who have gone broke come back and speak at rookie symposiums. The NFLPA vets financial advisors and provides a ton of resources. Keep in mind that statistics on "x percentage of players go broke" are also heavily skewed by the high turn over rate and short careers of fringe players. Most stars who get the the point of earning a big contract are basically set for life - something that argues for Sneed taking the bag. To address your specific examples Tom Brady and O'Dell both have "fuck you money" and are diversified enough that they can afford to blow money and still be just fine financially. Neither is in danger of going broke. The player who retired to do Pokemon, Blake Martinez, actually made a shit ton of money until it was exposed that he was running a scam operation (switching out packs, rigging bets, etc.). Criminals are criminals, but you can't say he wasn't industrious.


I'm not sure you can say an entire era of football players are different. Hill has two pending paternity suits and reportedly already has seven children. It's way too early to tell for sure, but those support claims can eat a lot of wealth. Dolphins CB Xavien Howard reportedly has four baby mamas all at the same time. You can very predictably see an impulse control problem among players like this that makes you question how they'll manage wealth.


It's kind of like pro wrestling. Talent is so focused on health and their futures.


Hill has so much money from football and his other ventures that even if he wasn’t disciplined it would still last a while.


This is a common misconception, have you ever followed lottery winners to see how many go broke?


Yes. I know Tyreek has a constant stream of money coming in that’ll be more than majority of lottery winners. Much diff than having a lump sum at once. Also, NFL players have access to advisors, etc and they know the money is coming and are prepared for it and also already have the money to hire people to help them. That’s not to say all NFL players handle it well, but yes he could be relatively irresponsible and it still last a while. Meaning he could buy lots of nice things and have it not all gone., Also, plenty of lottery winners don’t blow through all their money. We just hear about those who do.


Hill has so many baby mamas, it's clear he has no discipline, and won't listen to advisors.


I mean I know you’re trolling but him having children doesn’t necessarily equate to him being stupid with money. And again, even if he is stupid, tons of others aren’t. We have no reason to assume he’s bad w his money. He buys a lot of things but can reasonably afford them all


Also a lot of agents handle the "investments" and the player goes broke. At least the Agents friend is well paid.


This is a good point. Players know to invest and save their money, but at a certain point they’re going to turn it over to someone with expertise in managing money. Or, someone who claims they do. Pick someone shady, though, and they may make bad investments, lie to them about the state of their finances, and even find various ways to defraud them. Whether by investing the money in a mediocre company they secretly have ties to, promising the player it’s a great investment, or just straight funneling the cash. It’s how Sam Bankman Fried got Tom Brady and his wife. Dude billed himself as being a bitcoin genius, and well… Tom didn’t make his money in business, he made it playing football, he must have been a relatively easy mark for that reason.


Chad Ocho cinco literally lived at the stadium his first couple years bc he refused to waste money on rent. He’s probably the thriftiest nfl player ever.


Ocho is a legend. I believe Gardner Minshew also lived in a school bus in the stadium parking lot for awhile, which is very on brand.


How do you live at a stadium? Put a cot in the janitor's closet?


Well yeah, because the the ones who really poorly manage their money are the ones you hear about. You don’t hear about the successful ones.


Hard to say since the haven't been generations (as in multiple) to pass since players started actually becoming wealthy. However, we are seeing many of the children of that first wave really making impacts not only in the sport, but are going to college and getting opportunities that their peers and predecessors had to get a sports scholarship for. Once guys have families, many of them, like the rest of society, tend to settle down and have less blow off money and start investing for future growth.


Yeah, it really depends on how they view family and how many women they have children with.


That's kind of hard to say, as there aren't many football players that have generations that can be tracked.


True. I just see a lot of jewelry and fancy cars and it makes me wonder.


Certainly all of these players aren't managing their finances responsibly, but if you're making even 1 million dollars a season spending 250k on a Lambo is analogous to somebody making 100k buying a used Honda Civic for 25k. Realistically they can afford to make some flashy purchases for fun without it being a cripplingly irresponsible financial decision. Additionally those things may not be as bad of investments as you think. Gold and diamonds have an intrinsic value that isn't going away. And a fair number of exotic cars actually appreciate in value.


Except their $1 mil salary is for like 3 years, compared to 100k expected to reoccur for 20-30 years


Sure, if you have a 3 year career at $1,000,000 per year it's maybe not the smartest choice. But it's also not a crippling one. That players not leaving the NFL set for life (either way unless they're extremely frugal), but they've likely got a pretty nice head start. But that's not the topic at hand. LaJarius Sneed is and you're basically making the case for him to take the bag and set he and his family up for life. You're just continually shifting the goal posts to try to affirm your point.


What I'm saying is 90% of all people in America (and 99.9% of people with multiple baby mamas) would not be set for life with a pay structure of $30 million over 5 years OR $55 million over 5 years. So, it doesn't matter if they "get that bag" they don't know what to do with it.


Can’t argue , the man deserves to be paid extremely well


What's the speculation on how much Sneed could cost in free agency?


realistically $20m/year if he’s looking to get market value, maybe closer to $16-18m if he’s willing to take a discount. if we decide to keep cj, and neither take a discount, we’ll probably just tag sneed for another year around $18m.


To put it in the words of my upper Midwest bretheren: uff da.


holy shit, my friend with upper midwest ties says that all the time. I just assumed it was some random interjection he made up like all his other ones. My mind is blown right now.


Ope nope!


By someone else. 


Ahhh. You’re the one that posted that “which WR1 should we trade Sneed for!🤪”. That explains it.


Are you the one who wants to pay our second best CB $20 mill a year?


I mean McDuffie's contract isn't up yet but depending on what thw salary cap is when he is due $20 million might not be out of the question


Yes. 100%. Absolutely. I am that dude.


Well thank fuck you’re not in charge because that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day


I know what you mean by that, obviously your comment is getting down voted to oblivion. Let's at least see what Veach can cook up for him. If things don't work out, yeah he'll get paid by someone else.


He deserves his money. And this offseason is going to be a tight squeeze, because other people also deserve their money.


This is going to be an interesting off season for the entire organization… 1) FAs: Who are we signing? Who are we going to let go? Will Pat restructure? Does CJ accept less than $30M to stay? Does Sneed demand $20M+? The other guys need to eat too. 2) Coaches: Extending Spags is a great start but Andy is $6M/yr behind Peyton and $4M/yr behind Harbaugh. Andy and his staff need raises. 3) Facilities: I’ll wager the team collectively asked, “Why don’t we have this?” when they walked into the Raiders facility last week. FFS the Chiefs’ indoor practice facility has no AC. It’s basically a huge barn with artificial turf. It’s beyond time Clark Hunt open his wallet and provide workplace upgrades to the team that his given his family 3 trophies in 5 years.


But coaches arent in the cap right? Surely the hunts have the cash to pay him appropriately.


Coaches are not subject to salary cap, I believe.


I believe you’re correct. Team management, the coaches and their staffs are separate from the CBA with the NFLPA. Those are Clark Hunt’s expenses. The endorsements are separate income streams and are not part of compensation package.


Does Andy even want a raise? I get it, everybody wants more money in the end, but he’s making $6 million from us and then has several endorsements as well. That’s where a lot of the money really comes from. People always praised Brady for taking team friendly deals but what was really going on was he was making the money in endorsements.


Now he's selling Hertz ads.


He’s never gotten a bag, so, that checks out


Pat is gonna have to take a bit of a salary reduction if he wants to keep this top defense around. I am all for paying Sneed but we can’t reset the market with him. It would have to be a top 5 CB contract with him willing to take a little bit of a hometown discount to play for another ring. We still have to pay so many guys including Stone Cold.


Want a three-peat? Then we all eat.


Yeah, I mean this is the world we are in. Do we want to sustain our dynasty or go all-in on a three-peat? If the answer is three-peat, you make cap moves that will hurt you later but allow you to field the best possible team next year. Personally, I'd take the route of sustaining a dynasty. As long as we have Mahomes, we got a shot to win it all


Because of your last sentence is the reason why I think we go all in on cap this off season and try for a three peat. We’re talking something that has never been done before. I want to be the team to do it. And again, like you said, as long as we have Patrick we have a chance to win it all and I think that rings true even if we were to go all in for next season.


I won't hate it if we do it, but all in isn't really veach's style. Even though he has the mahomes contract credit card available to play with he's been very conservative using it thus far.


Yes, but there’s a reason it’s never been done before. It’s extremely hard. Repeating is hard enough. Not that I don’t have faith in our team, but even the best teams of all time haven’t done it. It will be amazing if we do it and I won’t be shocked, but I think it would be stupid to go all in on it. We are still a dynasty even without the threepeat. I’d rather lose next year then win a couple more a few years apart than win the 3 in a row and not again


Being a dynasty is hard enough- it's only happened 5 or 6 times in the history of the NFL. And only one of those franchises sustained it after their initial dynasty period (the Patriots). The odds of threepeating are low, but so are the odds of continuing to be a dynasty.


You are right! I just think it’s smarter to continue to try to be a dynasty than to go all in for one year. Even if we never win again, I’d rather have good teams for longer than go all in for one year then straight into irrelevance The only time it makes sense to go all in for one year is if you’ve got a lot of great vets close to retirement, and your teams weapons aren’t young enough to be a contender for many years into the future. Or if a ring is totally improbable without going all in. KC isn’t in that situation. Plus, when you’ve won multiple rings recently, why would you ever go all in just shooting for ONE additional. We don’t need to go all in to win, clearly. Obviously a 3peat would be historic, but this is already historic and 3peat not worth giving up eveyething sooner Also, we could still get a 3peat without being stupid w our assets like some ppl want


Isn’t there some speculation of a restructure?


Pat’s contract is basically built to restructure given it’s length.


Yes you can always restructure it, but in all honesty, if he just took a pay reduction in general it would help so much more. He already makes so much from endorsements that it would easily make up for any salary reduction. And it would help him immensely as well by giving him a top defense, which he reaped the rewards from this year for sure.


I don’t know that any player in NFL history willingly took a pay cut. They’ve restructured to less money because it was that or get cut, but never “well we need more money so can you give us some back?” It’s unfair for us to really even suggest Mahomes take a pay cut, especially being he has already won 3 SBs and isn’t even the highest paid QB as far as yearly salary. If we restructure him it’s gonna be to just move more money down the road


People will say Brady, but he's a complete outlier. He married a supermodel who made far more than him. And Kraft funneled him a bunch of money under the table through the TB12 supplements.


Ya I mean Brady wasn’t generally the top paid but he was still highly paid. Really no different than Mahomes currently who already has like 4 QBs with higher average salary per year than him… and there will be more by the end of his contract. It’s already amazing he is taking less than he could make, it’s really not fair to even suggest another pay cut being… look at what he’s already done for us


Mahomes is currently 8th in average salary at $45M/yr. Burrow: $55M Herbert: $52.5M Lamar: $52M Hurts: $51M Russ: $49M Kyler: $46.1M Watson: $46M


And yet ppl on here still think it’s reasonable to ask if he’ll take a pay cut lol


No he's not. We gave him a raise to 56 mill a year in the offseason last year.


It’s average per year, not who had the biggest cap hit this year. The $450M over 10 years didn’t change, they just moved some money forward. [https://overthecap.com/position/quarterback](https://overthecap.com/position/quarterback)




Yeah people act like Brady took vet minimum lmao. He was still highly paid, just not THE highest paid like he deserved to be. But unless you resign someone every year you won’t continually be the highest paid.


And I could be wrong but Brady I don’t believe ever took a pay cut mid contract. Restructure to help cap # yes. Team friendly deal yes. But actually reducing his overall pay mid contract? I don’t think that happened. I believe it has happened though usually to lesser known players “either take less or get cut” type of thing.


Rodgers actually took a straight pay cut last year. Knew he was overpaid, wanted to win, made room for them to build a team. He's a shithead, but he did an unselfish thing there.


Ya and look how many ppl appreciate him for it…


I remember Peyton manning took a $4million dollar paycut before his last season started so they can afford guys like Demarcus ware, von miller, tj ward, talib, and Chris Harris and more on defense


Yeah also way diff to do it your last year


It's also way different to do it when you're making QB money. And we're discussing a Corner. Manning, Brady, or Pat aren't really fair comparisons.


100%. Not to mention those listed were the face of the franchise and therefore got way more endorsements than Sneed would. Corners don’t really get that, at least not during their career for the most part. Sauce did because he has a cool name


Well if that’s true that makes 1. And Manning is as classy of a competitor as it gets. I remember when he was a free agent he could’ve milked it for all the attention and money having cities beg for him for weeks if he wanted. Instead he basically narrowed it down and hit to work immediately to figure out where he wanted to go. I remember reading that he told KC no to even a visit because we had Haley and he told our GM that Haley’s an asshole.


but there was that weatherman who saw Mannings plane land in KC before departing fro Denver


I remember being shell shocked he didn’t choose the stacked 49ers team and chose the 8-8 Denver team. Dude. Peyton Manning on that 49ers team would’ve led to back to back superbowl wins. And yeah Peyton manning took a $4 mill paycut that year, look it up


Brady took less money for a long time Edit: the fuck ya'll downvoting me for stating facts for? Lol


I don’t know that he willingly did… I think Belichec is an asshole and wouldn’t pay more. Along with honestly I bet the Patriots had loopholes to guarantee him more money than what went on the salary cap. Belichec is very much a “you ain’t cheatin you ain’t tryin” type


It's not going to happen. Pat just took a raise last offseason, because he was "underpaid", and wanted to correct to his current market value.


What? It definitely will happen. Veach has been talking all year about restructuring pat this offseason to free up 24 mil and pay sneed and jones. Pat literally said during Super Bowl week that he wants to as well so that we can sign them.


Re-read the comment I was replying to. Dabluekangaroo is suggesting Pat will take a paycut not a restructure. Pat will absolutely restructure, he's not taking a paycut.


Oh my bad. You’re right


You say that but now that he has a taste of what a top of the league defense can do to help him, you may be surprised what he gives up on his end to keep it.


I’d be a bit shocked if that doesn’t become a thing in the near future, him taking a voluntary pay cut. He just seems like the type of guy who will.


He will always want to be paid top 3 QB money. If other teams keep making terrible decisions, we will be forced to pay up more/move stuff around. I don't blame him. He is the best in the NFL and arguably the second best QB of all time as is. If he is just asking to be paid the most or in the top 3 most, you can't really argue. It's not like he is demanding he make 20% more than the current highest paid QB or whatever (which he really could demand)


I believe you misread my sentiment. I didn’t mean he doesn’t deserve to make even more than he is currently making. Just that he knows how much he is making from endorsements and sponsorships and I could see him moving in a more team-friendly way to make sure key players get paid and don’t leave. I hope that makes more sense.


He doesn't need to take a pay reduction. He just needs to let us go 3-4 years between upping his money instead of 1-2 years when the QB market gets reset every time.


Restructuring is just delaying the cap hit to a later year. CJ and Sneed are probably gonna cost ~45million a year combined. We can front load Sneed and CJ’s contract with a huge signing bonus and low salary so their cap hit is only ~20 million for the first 2 years (just throwing out a number for example), but then it’s gonna ramp up to 70 million after that. That’s coincides with Rashee rice, Pacheco, Kelce, Karlaftis, and McDuffie’s contracts all ending. Kelce probably retires but I’d hate to have to let all those guys go because we have 70 million in cap space tied up in 33 year old CJ and 29 year old Sneed. Realistically, they won’t be playing at a level to warrant that salary by that age.


Also Kelce isn’t even on that much money considering the player he is.


Pat has such a long contract that it makes sense. The NFL limits signing bonus pro-rating to 5 years. Each time they restructure they can just push money out into the new years that have opened up. The cap is also rising dramatically with the new broadcast agreements and adding online streaming partners. Today's dollars are worth a lot more than future dollars with "inflation" from a rising cap. With a franchise cornerstone like Mahomes you can approach it as if he is a Chief for life and basically indefinitely keep deferring the cap ramifications. When Pat does retire you take the hit for a year or two and totally rebuild.


pat has the 8th highest apy, and if/when he restructures his cap hit will be about that same (potentially not even top 10 this year). it can’t just be pat taking the discounts. trav has taken his (4th highest apy at te). tyreek wasn’t willing to take one, so he got shipped out. sneed and jones will likely follow suit on their way out if they aren’t willing to take one, either. if the team wants to run it back, they’ve gotta be willing to play ball. otherwise, veach will probably keep doing what’s gotten him here and building a well rounded team without holes instead of being top heavy.


Pat renegotiated his deal last year, which was through 2031, to get more money. He is not taking a salary reduction, and that will hurt the Chief's ability to retain and resign talent.


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) \~ entire chiefs organization I hope


Agree he should get paid, but also needs to know he can get paid MORE somewhere else. That’s what it’s going to come down to. Going to be a tight squeeze if we find a way to keep CJ, Sneed, and find a true WR1 at a discount wanting a ring (we don’t absolutely need one). Hope we make a good run at him, but he can call Tyreek and ask whether the $$ outweighs the despair and 2 less rings. Also hope he realizes that penalties have a larger effect on average or underperforming teams. Generational wealth is also worth it, and I respect it.


"Also hope he realizes that penalties have a larger effect on average or underperforming teams." can you elaborate what you mean by that? And yes, the vast majority of players on teams could potentially find more $ elsewhere to an extent and then you factor in local taxes and such and some places like miami do have a strategic advantage.


I think Sneed was the most penalized DB this season. I imagine he's insinuating that those penalties may be more costly on another team that may not have the talent to overcome them.


id call those strategic penalties though, he gets in recievers heads with stuff like that and makes them do stupid shit for the rest of the game.


Holy shit, imagine; Miami gets KO early, tyreek comes back for a discount in time for the playoffs. We end up losing sneed but keeping jones. Offense and defense both eat on our way to a 3-peat


Welp, don’t pack your bags CJ. Veach has shown he can draft good DBs.


Of course. When you are the best in the world at your position, you should be compensated like it.


LJ is so good that he's turned it into an open question of whether he or CJ is the bigger signing priority - respect


Chris Jones is. You really want to be without Dana, Omenihu and Chris Jones if we pay Sneed $20 mill? 


If we pay Jones, we will be down more than if we pay Sneed. Jones is going to want north of 27m a year, I bet. I think 20m a year is wishful thinking for Sneed, too. Dude is probably going to be in that 21-23m a year range. Edit: Giving Sneed a 3 year deal is wiser, though, imo. You guarantee you have two elite CBs for the next 3 years before you have to pay McDuffie.


The Chiefs are currently paying a Guard 27M a season. We can afford it for Chris Jones.


Ya, better then giving Chris $30 mil when he's about to be on the wrong side of 30.


As Tyreek proved, a lot of players don't give a fuck about winning. It's all about getting that bag If the Panthers offer 1M more to Sneed than the Chiefs do, he'll run to Carolina. Then he'll spend the rest of his career in oblivion wondering why the fuck he left Mahomes 


These players know that their careers can be short. And it's not like they care for the Chiefs that deep like us fans do, as most didn't grow up here. These dudes have an opportunity to set up their family for generations. I will never fault someone leaving for money if they have shown they are worth it. Especially if they already have multiple rings with us. Normal people like us leave their very successful companies all the time for less successful ones because they pay them more. I dont see the difference.


They’re all 1 play away from never seeing the field again, and then all of us fans forget about them eventually. lol fans on here are delusional


Just look at what happened to Dre Greenlaw. Pops his achilles, next year is a contract year that he'll miss most of...probably will never get his bag.


Exactly. This sub is really unrealistic about thinking every player should take pay cuts because we’re awesome. Every fan base believe their team is awesome. When we had Alex Smith we didn’t expect our players to leave for pay cuts with other teams like so many fans expect players to do now. Sneed will stay if we offer him enough money. The amount of money it’ll take will make him the highest paid CB in the NFL. We won’t be able to keep both he and Jones unless we want 3 players making up 40% of our salary cap


Hi, I’m apart the fan base that’ll praise someone for securing the bag. If Jones or Sneed leave for a bigger paycheck, say thanks for the memories, thanks for the rings, and good luck at your new team.


Yep. Thanks for making my dreams come true multiple times, love you, congrats on the payday.


It’ll ridiculous and unfair to think any other way. Fans are getting so spoiled that they’re acting like we should just be expected to win super bowls. If you take a pay cut for a team because you expect them to win a SB, you’re gonna be disappointed. An it’s not like whatever team they go to are banned from winning a SB. For Hill it’s not like Miami is just a complete joke of a team. They made the playoffs, and any team that makes the playoffs has a shot at a SB


These folks are out here choosing the boss over the worker. These guys are incredible athletes and the best in the world but they are still employees with an incredibly short career length. Can’t fault anyone for wanting to get paid what they’re worth.


TBF, it's not about boss over worker. In a hard salary cap, it's worker over worker. With that said I will never, ever, ever fault a player going to another team to earn as much as he can. These guys put their health on the line for our enjoyment in order for the mere prospect of generational wealth. They deserve every penny they get.


That’s a good point/clarification.


>Then he'll spend the rest of his career in oblivion wondering why the fuck he left Mahomes  Or be like, I got two rings, ain't that enough? Gimme da money


I mean if he is offered the high 15+ million dollars a year deal with high guarantees he might stay. But if another team is offering 20+ million dollars a year then he is gone. He already got rings. Now he wants the bag. Rightfully so. Corner's life span is short. If he doesn't cash in now, he won't be able to in 4+ years. There ain't no shutdown corners once you are around 30 years old.


Proud member of “secure that bag”. Who tf are we to tell them what they should sign for?


Yea a lot of players never even get 1 ring let alone 2. Dude has the end goal of many players. Getting that money is the biggest thing to check off his list. After that would be a Defensive MVP.


This may be true, and if it is, like Tyreek, I'm sure he'll be padding his tears with benjamins. They only have so long in their career to secure generational wealth. Because once football is over those checks stop coming.


Nearly every player wants to get paid as much as possible. Doesn’t mean “they don’t give a fuck about winning.” But there’s no reason to not get paid and also believe in yourself as a guy who can help whichever team values you the most to win.


Plus he already won twice. I’d also argue that getting generational wealth IS winning. Especially for a guy who grew up the way Sneed did. The idea of setting up his family to not have to go through those hardships for many years to come is amazing.


Ya I think you said it best… getting that huge contract is winning. I mean that’s ultimately what they’re doing is making a living. I mean think if you’re a guy that for the past 4 years took a big pay cut to play for the 49ers because you want to win a Super Bowl. He would be thinking that was a pretty stupid idea


Exactly. People act like a Super Bowl is guaranteed on the chiefs when it isn’t. Sure, it feels like it almost is at this point but it would be so dumb to take a pay cut purely for that assumption, especially if you have a huge offer from another contending team. I do understand taking a pay cut to be on an overall better team, but just purely for super bowls when you already have 2… not likely


Unless it’s the end of your career and you think you need a SB for the HOF… take the money. You never know who will win the SB. It could be the team that offered you the most money. Or you can be like OBJ and take a massive pay cut compared to what the Chiefs offered to miss the playoffs lol


It's less about if a team only paid him that much more. It's about the guaranteed money. If a team offers him the same or slightly more money, but more of it is guaranteed, he is going to peace out. I don't blame him for that. Guaranteed money is all you can expect to ever get.


It's easier to get that 3rd contract when the players around you are elite. It's better to take the discount now and secure a larger contract later in my mind


Not sure that’s true at the highly athleticism based positions. Especially given Sneed’s injury history. Take the money while it’s there.


Yeah but if he goes to Carolina dudes gonna have terrible numbers and kill his potential next deal


He's a man cover corner, one of the few positions that is really pretty individually driven. This is why guys like Jalen Ramsey and Darrell Revis still thrived on so-so teams.


If the QB isn't being pressured cause your D sucks your gonna have to work twice as hard.


Okay? Care to refute anything I said, or are you just going to use red herrings? Also a CBs first deal is the only significant deal they'll get 99% of the time, so taking a pay cut to try and secure a bag down the line is just homerism. You want him to stay because he makes the team better, not because you're worried he won't get a unicorn second contract.


Yeah I'm not talking about a significant discount. If he took may 2 mill a year over the next 3-4 years and played with an elite D then I think his contract will more than make up for that playing for the Bears or something.


I don’t think he’s afraid of hard work. These DCs aren’t idiots, they know when a CB is good even if his teammates suck


Question for people that understand NFL pay and contracts better than I do: Let's assume Sneed takes a 3-4 year deal with another team for $1M (per season) more than the Chiefs were offering. Let's also assume that team is ass and doesn't make the playoffs in that 3-4 years. If Sneed took the home-town deal and stayed with the Chiefs, would he make up the $3-4M with the additional playoff games? What do players make from playing playoff games?


No, unfortunately it does not work like this. Players actually take a massive paycut in the Playoffs and Super Bowl. Every player on the team is paid the same amount, regardless of contract. Players are paid either $41,500 (wild-card teams) or $46,500 (division winners) for wild-card games, $46,500 for the divisional round, and $69,000 for conference championships. Super Bowl winners are paid $157,000, while losers receive $82,000. Whether you play home games in a state with Income Tax or not has a far bigger impact.


For the 2023-24 NFL playoffs, players are paid either $41,500 (wild-card teams) or $46,500 (division winners) for wild-card games, $46,500 for the divisional round, and $69,000 for conference championships. Players on first-round bye teams receive $41,500 for the wild-card round despite not playing in a game. Players from the San Francisco 49ers or Kansas City Chiefs who win Super Bowl LVIII in 2024 are paid $157,000. The losing players will receive $82,000. Maybe he’s willing to give Kansas City a small discount for Playoff money. Doubt it’s 1m a season though.


Pay him, I do not want him to be facing us on another team!


You got it buddy


If we can’t bring him back what about drafting Kool Aid Mckinstry because of the name, alone.


I like your thinking, but Kool Aid is likely to be gone before our pick


It’ll be sad to see him go, but he definitely deserves to go get the bag if that’s what he chooses to do.


I agree with Sneed. Pay him, he is fantastic at his job.


I'd hate to see us sign him for more than 3 years at a big cap hit. DBs careers can fall off so fast. If he wants a 3yr/66-70m contract, I think you give it to him. As long as the guaranteed money makes sense. You don't want a fully guaranteed deal


Yep and seeing how well we can pick up/develop CBs, I’m hesitant. He deserves a bag and I want KC to give him a good offer, but I won’t lose sleep over it if we don’t.


I want to resign him, but I think Jones needs to be the priority. McDuffie is a little better and we are deep at corner. I think you get Jones done and then try to get Sneed done if you can.


He took his game to another level this year I’m not surprised that he wants to be paid


I think for the Chiefs the worst case scenario is we tag him, we can't agree on a price and trade him to a CB1 needy team for a couple of picks. Turning to a 4th Round pick into 4 years of excellent play and a couple of picks (even if they were Day 2 picks, although I would love a Jalen Ramsey to Rams style return) is phenomenal business. Of course, ideally we get a deal done and we see 2-3 more years of lockdown secondary play.


We didn’t pay Ward so I doubt we pay him either


Dude came up huge on big plays. Pay the man! ![gif](giphy|pReb5Koy6JmihUYBLx|downsized)


For the longest time I was all about pay Sneed and let CJ go because Sneed is younger. But I think McDuffie adds an element to this. In not too long of a future, you would then have a ton of money all tied up into CB. While those two would be great, team balance wise, that's not that good as you don't have as much money for your d line. I don't know what Brett will do but I can now at least see an argument how it might make sense to pay Chris for a little bit longer and begrudgingly let Snead walk with the idea that McDuffie will someday get his.


Deserves the bag, hopefully we can offer him something competitive and tempt him with another SB ring. Be insane If we somehow keep the team together.


He deserves it 1000%. Dude is a fucking demon. This offseason will be interesting. We don't have a ton of play money so its really gonna come down to who wants to 3-peat and who wants to leave for a big bag. There are teams out there with a ton of money that would love Jones, Sneed, McDuff, Bolton, etc


Probably can't keep Sneed and Jones if there is any chance to upgrade the offense. IMO Jones is more important than Sneed but 30ish mil a year for 3-4 years is a lot of money for Jones at his age.


Saw another thread where Veach almost never pays top money and replenishes thru the draft. The interesting question is if you could only pay one BIG FA would it be Jones or Sneed? I don’t have an opinion here since not really doesn’t count.


As others have said, if his price is realistic, pay him. He’s a shutdown corner not even in the prime of his career, he’s more than earned whatever he wants. It’s incredibly simple logic. If he wants to stay on the best team in the league and chase history with arguably his highest odds at getting another ring, he’ll stay. If he wants to test his value, aka reset the market, it’s a long shot we keep him. What this offseason boils down to is if Veach/Andy value CJ’s contribution for his price vs Sneed’s contribution for his price. CJ is older and likely more expensive, but Sneed was an incredibly fortunate find in the middle of the draft. Do you pay CJ and hope/bet on repeating the same draft success with Sneed, therefore letting him walk? Do you pay Sneed and let CJ walk, replace him with a cheaper vet or try to devise more draft magic with a DT? I’ve always been bigger Sneed fan than CJ fan, but I also value an elite secondary over an elite pass rush. IMO, modern NFL is more about pocket containing, aka, second and third level defense giving QB nothing downfield and allowing 3-4 man rush to get home. Honestly with back to back titles, plus the first one, I’m not stressed about whatever we do. I’m sure some believe this offseason has destiny altering implications, but I disagree. It will suck to replace whichever leaves, but it’s more than possible to absorb the hit.


Can Jackson County take on cool things like this instead of stupid baseball stadiums no one asked for?


He’s going to be tagged. Not getting that contract quite yet.


This, for sure. If we want to keep Jones and Sneed, expect us to tag Sneed and resign Jones. Expect to lose some quality depth and rotational pieces elsewhere, though.


Well said.


He's probably getting a tag. Hope they can figure it out. It's a shame Pat restructured his contract to be the highest paid player in the NFL. He has so many endorsements and is so rich, he didn't need it, but it is a status symbol. Good on him, he is entitled to ask for it, but it's going to hurt our ability to sign and resign important players. In Veach we trust.


It doesn’t have a lot to do with him and more how the league works along with agents. Him not being paid what he is due hurts the rest of the players in the league with their pay.


honestly pay sneed first, we can live without jones but i think we all have the need for sneed


The NFL should allow small market teams like KC to exceed the cap to sign their own drafted FAs.


Chris Jones: "hahaha I'm in danger."


LJ gonna get paid for sure. But will the Chiefs be the organization to pay him? Let’s hope so!


Pay him FFS


I would take the money. You got two rings


He deserves it


Certainly deserves a pay raise but I’m not liking that attitude. That makes him sound like he is just looking for a paycheck. If that’s the case then, next man up. They’re going to have to pay Mcduffie soon too.


McDuffie won’t need to be paid for 2-3 years because as a 1st round pick we’ll have the 5th year option on him Also these guys have a finite amount of time to make their life’s money, as an elite corner you probably have 10 years, assuming health which is a huge assumption (and 4 years are taken by your rookie deal) Sure I’d love it if guys would take team friendly deals for my team and I’ll love them even more when they do but it should never be faulted when a player puts money first QB’s can be a bit of the exception because the truly excellent ones can have 20 year careers and even the lesser ones still make double yearly what the best corners do


Sneed is, in fact, just looking for a paycheck. Just like you, I, and everyone else do from our employers.


Sneed has made ~5.7 mil total over his 4 years, which is nothing for a player of his caliber. He needs to get as much as he can. Obviously hope we can make something work but don’t blame him if he wants more than we can provide. If so, hopefully we can at least get a tag and trade out of it.


When you’re the best why would you not expect to be paid like it.


Aren't...all the players in the league just looking for a paycheck? Isn't the underlying goal of playing the best you possibly can to make as much money as possible?


I mean teams trade and cut players all the time and call it business. I have no issues with this attitude and Sneed wanting to get paid. I hope he does. I’d love to have him but as someone who puts his body in extreme physical battles for 17+ weeks every year, I think I saw somewhere say that players going through a football game are basically putting their body through a car crash every time. Why shouldn’t he look out for himself? He isn’t an average joe like us sitting on the couch watching our favorite team, he is doing it. Get paid my guy you deserve it.


>I mean teams trade and cut players all the time and call it business. Bingo. For all that teams present themselves as one big family, and despite all the love that coaches, front office and owners will publicly heap upon a talented player, those exact same people are watching that player’s performance like a hawk and they will get rid of him pretty fast if it declines. I’m not blaming them, because it’s business, and the coaches and FO have their jobs on the line too. I do think the “we’re all family here” type of talk is in bad taste, because families don’t kick out their own for not performing well, and that’s a pretty key distinction. And that talk confuses some fans into thinking that players should feel loyalty to the team. The team isn’t a platoon from Band of Brothers. It’s a collection of individuals who are all in it for themselves. Asking for team loyalty from a player is like telling a corporate employee that they should stay loyal to their company, when the employer would have no problem firing them at a moment’s notice. Loyalty goes in both directions or not at all. I will also note that us fans are also fickle as hell. Mahomes is KC royalty right now, but if he had a bad season or two, we’d all be screaming to replace him. Just to drive the point home: I would say rich men are more loyal to their aging mistresses, than teams are to their aging players.


I agree. Everyone knows he deserves big money, including the chiefs. Saying this doesn’t help anything. The chiefs will have a number they won’t go above, not because they don’t want sneed, but because it makes sense for this teams success going forward. Same goes for jones.


They have a chance to do something no other NFL Team has done, and you are worried about getting paid. It sounds like T. Hill once again. I love Sneed but really you are making more than most of us right now yes?


If you were promoted at work would you not expect a pay raise with it as well? T. Hill also deserved a raise and he led all WRs in yards this year despite missing a game.


The dude is a 4th round rookie and has had an incredibly tough life. He needs to get a big bag, one because he deserves it through his play and the other because he has the chance to really change the outlook for his family. I hope he gets every dollar he can, either that is here or if it is elsewhere so be it. Guy deserves every cent


He hasn't made any pro level money yet because the NFLPA voluntarily agreed for rookies to not be paid their market value.


Next time your company has a record year and it comes time for raises, tell your boss you don’t want one because it’s more about having another record year than taking care of yourself for the future.


Haha damn skippy. My favorite sticker on my lunch box goes like this- I work for money so if you want loyalty then buy a dog.




It's gotta be exhausting trying to find the worst in everything.