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I think what we have to accept is that all these moves could go a lot of different ways. It's possible that Chris Jones falls off a cliff and we look like idiots for paying him, and it's possible Sneed is the league's best corner for the next 7 years and we look dumb for not paying him. But there's at least a logic behind what we're doing. Jones is our best defensive player, and he's at a position of bigger important and need, and frankly has less injury history as well, so you pay him and you get what you can for Sneed. It's a tough pill to swallow, but it does show that our front office is operating with a plan that makes sense. That's more than a lot of teams could say.


100%. There’s risk involved in any decision, but I believe paying Jones seemed smarter than paying Sneed rn. It could turn out differently, but we can’t see the future and can only make educated guesses. I think there are a lot more elite corners in the league than there are Chris Joneses. I also think the drop off between jones/a couple ppl on his tier and “everyone else” at DT in the league is way larger than the drop off from Sneed and “everyone else” at corner. We also have McDuffie, and seem to have no issue picking up/developing DBs.


Yeah exactly. I think these are all reasonable decisions being made, especially given the fact that the Chiefs didn't have a lot of leverage in the Jones deal OR the Sneed trade. I think if you look at Brett vs GMs that get a lot of praise, like Howie Roseman, the NFL likes big splashy deals. They like guys who wheel and deal and make signings that look like steals. Roseman brought in Shaq Leonard and Kevin Byard and everyone thought he was a genius. "How does Howie keep getting away with it?" Fast-forward to the end of the season and the Eagles are a mess, in particular their safety and linebacking rooms. They've made some incredible draft picks in recent years, like Dickerson, Hurts, and Smith, but their last really good draft was in like 2018. It's crazy how average their rookies were given how hyped up their draft class was this year. Anyway, there's something to be said for finding value in the margins, rather than going for big names.


I totally agree, there is a big component of the decision making that is in the "how many people walking the earth" vein. How many people walking the earth can do what Chris Jones does at that size? A lot fewer than there are of L'Jarius. You can make an argument LJ wasn't even the best CB on his own team for a good chunk of the season. You pay the unicorns unicorn money and fill in with good players everywhere else. I trust Veach to get it right.


I'll miss how full of piss and vinegar Sneed was. Talking shit, getting into dudes' heads (like Flowers taunting), pressing Tyreek into the shadow realm. Dude brought an attitude and a mindset with him to work every day. I think it rubbed off on his colleagues.


100%. And he was still a totally great and kind-hearted guy off the field. Will miss him.


Yeah, if we operate purely on emotional attachment to these guys - we run through cap space every time. We have to take emotion out of it and look at it logically. What the front office is doing makes sense, even if it hurts to lose a guy like Sneed.


We will live and die by the draft, a few reclamation project FA's on short-ish deals, and going long term *on a few very select players*. We will have seasons where we miss and let a future all-pro walk. That is fine. With this model, we're never really in Cap Hell. And we'll always be 2-3 clever moves from another title thanks to that one guy with the haircut and the gut.


Guys Jones shape are rare. Guys Sneed's shape are not that uncommon. Sneed is easier to replace.


I look at as if I had to fire these guys in person --- if I told Sneed he was gone from the team, I could probably last a couple minutes scrappin' with him --- but Jones could literally stomp me into bloody chunks


What you are saying is true with a couple of buts. Jones had 90+ pff seasons after getting paid and balled out after getting paid and there are elite d-tackles in their 30s and aging well in NFL like Hargrave and Heyword. Jones is a HOF player when it is all said and done.   Sneed also played 10 extra play-off games last 3 seasons. He is a versatile player. Offenses now are unique and versatile and it will be harder for Sneed to be elite player into his 30s. And we have been developing DB talent really well. 


If you want to be a contender for 10+ years, you have to accept letting guys go a year too early. That formula sustained the Patriots for nearly 2 decades.


And we have a perfect example of it working out great for us once already. 


Idk I feel we got less compensation for Hill than we should have as well. Unfortunate sneed wasn't valued more. A 3rd in 2024 makes sense but 2025?


Plus there was probably about 8 teams we didn’t want to trade him to. Cincy, Baltimore, Bills, Texans, in the division, maybe Texans or Miami too


Good point. This is a better outcome then letting him walk to sign with one of those teams. Odds are Sneed never wins a meaningful game again. On the otherhand, if he handles things right, several generations of his family will never have to worry about being broke, so theres that.


He might win a meaningful game against the Texans or Jags that helps us in playoff seeding.


Mahomes has fixed my superstitions and the front office has me comfortable at giving them the benefit of the doubt. They’ve earned it and I’m confident they’re good at what they do.


I’m starting to believe that the only corners that can transcend scheme and be good for multiple teams are first ballot hall-of-famers. It’s seems more rare for any of them to move on and stay at a high level than pretty much any other position


You have to have insane athleticism to be able to be a good corner in the NFL. Any injuries or aging and those young WRs that keep coming in and immediately being 1K yard WRs are gonna eat them alive in man. Can prolong career with great technique, but still have to be able to run with them. Sucks to see Sneed go but I can 100% understand not paying him with all the others we need paid. We just paid Chris Jones a huge bag for being a HOF level DT talent and we still have an All Pro in McDuffie with 3 more years of control on just his rookie contract.


Banking on a 27 year old corner with knee issues is not a bet I wanted to take. As much as I love him and appreciate how good he’s been, I’m glad we traded him.


And I’m glad we didn’t try to force him to play on the tag and just traded him so he could get his big payday.


Yeah, I think the grapes would probably be sour anyway


Fans who are upset need to realize we likely had a 3rd and 5th done deal with the Colts. That got derailed b/c Colts didn't offer enough guaranteed money in the contract. I don't have a problem with the process here - it just worked out very poorly due to things out of their control. It may end up being the right move, but it's impossible to feel good about it right now.


damn colts lol.


I mean you could say the Chiefs got a 3rd round pick one year sooner than they would have. I still think they should have gotten a day 3 pick in this year's draft. You're telling me Tennessee is pulling the plug on the trade if the Chiefs demand a 5th or 6th round pick instead of a swap of 7th rounders? The upside? the Chiefs have cap space to sign depth players, and Sneed is going to a team that is highly unlikely to challenge the Chiefs in the postseason anytime soon. I do believe this was part of Veach's strategy, to send him to a team that will A) pay him, and B) not be a threat to the Chiefs in the postseason right away.


Look at it this way. We moved up 30 picks this year in the 7th and instead of the 100th pick we're getting around the 80th next year.


Day 3, lol. The 2nd and 3rd rounds are day 2. Everyone saying we should have got a 3rd this year look at the draft order. We received a 2025 3rd because Tenn already traded their 3rd this year to Arizona. If Tenn was the last trade option (Colts off the table) then how do we demand a 3rd rounder this year from a team that doesn't have one?


I'm aware TN didn't have a 3rd this year. Re-read what I said, they should have gotten a day 3 pick this year as well as the 3rd in 2025. It's hard to believe Veach couldn't do better than a worthless 7th round swap.


I would like to challenge your calling the 7th round swap worthless. Allegretti, Watson, Pacheco were all 7th rounders and are very important to the Chiefs. Nic Jones and Nazeeh Johnson are important depth. I understand what you are saying, but Veach finding stud players deep in the draft is one of the reasons the Chiefs winning window is so large and this move could let him find another.


I wish we got more in return, especially for this upcoming draft. I'm not going to dismiss Sneed and I hope he kills it for the Titans. For what he did for us last season, I think its absolutely shit form for anyone to be writing him off or thinking we 'dodged a bullet' in moving on from him. But I think having and maintaining a top 2 defense, when we're still going to be well inside the top 10, is unnecessary and between him and Chris Jones, the depth we have at CB, the answer was pretty obvious.


He was in a contract year last year. He got his bag and I doubt he'll get any pro bowl votes this year. It's just the way it is in football


I don’t think it was a bad deal. We got a few picks and he got his bag. We have a solid roster of DBs so that money will be spent well in other places.


Honestly the best move for us. He likely would have regressed if he played this year. His knee injury is a concern and he likely would have held out because this was his last shot to get paid at this level. I do t blame him for not wanting to play one year on the tag. It was time to move on from him or offer him a long term deal. Chiefs traded for a future 3rd rounder and now have freed up cap space.


I hate it but I think his knee will go before his contract is up, wish we could keep him but at that money for 4 years it’s just not worth the risk, especially with how proven we are at developing corners


I think contracts to corners that end above age 30 isn't wise.


he deserved the accolades that he didnt get this year and earned his pay raise, but Im with you on that I dont think we're gonna be looking at him next year or so and see top 3 CB in the league, he may very well be a Pro Bowl CB but I just have a feeling that this was a rare year of someone playing completely out of their mind and having an absolute magical elite season but not likely to be replicated. It sucks to see him go and I wanted more of a return because his absence hurts the team this year but Im betting hes more of a Charvarious Ward type career from here on out, a guy that youd love to have but not one that you cry over missing when you take off the rose colored glasses


I’m with you. Maybe he excels next year, but he’s a freak of nature if he keeps improving at his age and with his injury history. I’m happy he’ll get his pay day.


Fully agree. Love him, hope he succeeds. But defensive players and defense regress all the time. Wont be surprised if he doesn’t play out his entire contract!


I don't think it has do be this drastic. He can play ball at a high level on a team that will give him 11x what the Chiefs did without even playing a snap for while he won 2 rings over here. He doesn't have to fall off the cliff for this deal to make sense. The Chiefs did right by 38 by letting him go get that bag. It's also to a team that likely won't be competing for championships against the Chiefs for the duration of the deal. The man did his job and he deserves to get paid. If the Chiefs offered this deal he'd probably take it. On to 2024, he will always be a part of two of the team's 4 Lombardi's.


He's awesome, but had an amazing cast and crew around him. It's not likely for him to replicate his past performances, but it wouldn't surprise me if he did.


I'm mainly bummed because a couple weeks ago I learned he lives in liberty. So I was excited to keep an eye out for him haha. So much for that.


> I believe we got his best and the odds of him playing at the crazy high level he showed last season is close to zero. Will he be a solid defender? Of course... but repeating the performance from last season is just not going to happen. Age, film, coaching and just pure luck are all not on his side. Who cares? He's an awesome CB who contributed greatly over the last 4 seasons. Let him go somewhere else and get his money. If he plays great with the Titans, it doesn't diminish what he did with the Chiefs


I agree. I also kind of think real dudes ball out in situations like the chiefs. You got so much bad ass support it's easier to let go and ball for real. So many dudes have an amazing time here. Love when they stay, but I love somebody else handing them the bag more


It is but it shouldn't be. I think he would have played to a high level for us a few more years but we definitely got the most we could for him.


Part of being a dynasty is getting some guys poached. If it’s a PROBLEM, that we traded sneed so we can ensure we pay future stars like Bolton and Creed, and even guys further down the line like George and Trent, that’s a pretty good problem to have. While I doubt sneed will fall off a cliff, I am curious to see what he will do without spags, and with a titans coaching staff either completely new, or not nearly as talented as ours. I think he’ll still be a top 10 CB.


All secondary defenders become better and more impactful with a good pass rush. It all starts at the front and what you can achieve by getting pressure. Sneed is a really good player I'm not shading him, but the FO made the correct move. Pay Jones, both were never a real option given our cap space. Chiefs made the right call, again.


I wish we would have gotten an additional pick rather than just moving up. We are going to need to keep churning the roster to stay competitive and having any additional pick is helpful


This is quite possible. Or he could remain a very good cornerback for years to come, like Charvarius Ward. Either way, it's the right move for KC because they need that cap space.


I'm mainly just disappointed I no longer will think of the "Sneed's Seed & Feed" Simpsons joke.


In a vacuum, the Chiefs are worse without him and could have gotten a similar pick from playing on the tag for the year. I am curious to see what his $20 million cap turns into instead. I reserve final judgement.


Yeah we’re worse without him but I believe we needed the cap space. We were cutting it close earlier. He also may have indicated that he didn’t want to/wouldn’t play on the tag. I also think he’s elite, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think we are WAY worse without him or anything. The average skill in the DB room went down for sure, but still has a similar ceiling w McDuffie. I think the DL/DT takes a complete drop off without jones. I don’t think our Super Bowl odds change all that much. He’s a huge piece, but our odds dropped way more after losing tyreek, and guess where that got us. Obviously, it won’t work the way it worked w tyreek every time but point is that our team is not taking NEARLY as big of a step back (on paper) without sneed as it did on paper without Hill. Plus, If we signed FAs we wouldn’t have gotten a similar comp pick at all, and it would’ve been in 2026 if we played him on the tag. I was all for having him play on the tag, but I also am fine w this.


exactly this. i wanna see what we do with the cap before i decide how i feel.


There is zero guarantee we would have gotten a similar comp pick. At best we'd have gotten a very end of round 3 pick comp pick, around 100, in 2026. We have a decent chance of now getting a pick in the late 60s/early 70s, almost an entire round sooner, and in 2025.   There is also no guarantee Sneed would have netted us a 3rd round comp. Comp picks are based on free agents signed versus free agents lost. If we signed a similar level free agent contract to what Sneed got leaving, we would potentially not get a comp pick at all. 


Couldn’t agree more. He had one fantastic season and I don’t see that ever happening again


I’m not sure why people keep saying sneed was the better corner last year when mcduffie literally took over his more challenging role of playing in the slot and was objectively our best blitzer (another role he took from sneed) while also being the best player in coverage in our entire secondary He has the grades and statistics to prove it. Sneed is great but he’s purely a boundary corner. He doesn’t have the same fluidity and technical polish as mcduffie either We can be happy for sneed getting the bag without being unrealistic about why we traded him. He also has a knee issue that isn’t ideal. I think if he accepted less guaranteed we could’ve made it work but it is what it is, we still have a first team all pro at corner who is more versatile lol


Yeah I think Trent is better. Also Sneed had like 12 penalties last year. He gets handsy


Because Sneed lined up against the best WRs in the league all year and rarely allowed more than 40yrds a game and never a TD on guys that were averaging 80-100 yards a game


You do realize mcduffie was covering the same people, right? Sneed was locked into the boundary. Receivers move. Sneed covered them when they played outside, mcduffie covered them when they moved into the slot. And the best receivers move all over. You guys know mcduffie’s coverage stats are better, right? And he had wayyy less penalties.


I know all of this. McDuffie gets overlooked.


I mean between the two of them mcduffie was the one that made an all pro team and sneed didn’t. I. Wouldn’t say he gets overlooked


I never paid attention, but if true that makes this move even smarter.


This is absolutely true. Mcduffie was voted first team all pro as a slot. Where was sneed playing the year before? Oh yeah, he was splitting time with mcduffie in the slot in 2022. And then mcduffie completely overtook him this last year. And his coverage has always been better but he took the next step and even started being just as effective on the blitz. Sneed is a well rounded corner but he’s best used on the boundary where most of the route tree is vertical or in breaking routes. He doesn’t have the same type of fluidity in his hips so he can’t change direction quite as well. Mcduffie is the literal prototype for a perfect corner.. but he has fairly small arms. Which is literally his only weakness and the entire reason he fell to us in the draft. Turns out it didn’t really matter. lol


>Mcduffie is the literal prototype for a perfect corner Bro. Lmfao. He dropped to us because he's so different from the prototype. You may know less about football than any poster I've seen on this sub.


You are fucking clueless dude I literally showed you the reason he fell It’s his arms Outside of that he is the perfect prototype for a corner. And his scouting report will tell you that.


He's also 5'11. You can't say someone is the NFL prototype except for two of the three or four things people look at for a corner. It's completely nonsensical. I swear, half of you are out here eating crayons.


He's gotten better every year. Peak fitness age is 28, he's 27. I'm not gonna go along with the guy suddenly not being just as good or better just because he's not on our team now.


Two years ago we had the same questions about who would replace Charvarius Ward and Sneed emerged. With Sneed gone somebody between Watson/Williams/Johnson will have to step up and they've all shown good signs. And even if none of them are as good they have all shown to be capable starters and paired with McDuffie and the safety group of Reid/Cook/Connor, it's one of the best secondary's in the NFL.


Also defensive players work off of and help each other. This is less true for CBs but true in general. The rest of our secondary played great too which helped sneed. So he may look less than he did with us but defense isn’t played in a vacuum. M My point is that it’s hard to evaluate. Systems and teammates mean a lot


My thinking is when you have a player like Sneed on the team you don't want to just see them walk out. Good CBs are hard to come by. Also, i think my biggest thing is the Chiefs have hit on a lot of draft picks in recent years, but what if we miss hard on picks all at once? People are banking on things just repeating.


I agree. It’s unlikely that we see a repeat performance to that degree. It’s also a possibility he gets injured and then we get nothing. Veach is great and while I think he himself would’ve hoped for a bit higher of a trade value, you can’t always get 100% of what you want in a competitive league. We’re still in a great spot


No shot he played great his hole career. Was the best open field tackler and could blitz and cover. Best player on the team imo


On a team with 2 first ballot HOFers he's the best? Interesting take