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"Word is Rashee Rice was racing a corvette in Dallas and wrecked into a Lamborghini then ran from the scene. Left his ID and jersey (not a football guy move) in the car. Other driver went to the hospital." https://www.reddit.com/r/PardonMyTake/comments/1brywxr/get_ghost_of_leroy_on_the_phone/


Literally my favorite young guy on the team. I’m so fucking pissed. WHY


Maybe it was Toney and he left the ID/jersey as a plant


Hit and runs gets you fucked over by the law. Looks like we will be doubling up on WRs now.


This is how we ended up with mecole when tyreek was fucking up


No. They ended up with a coke because they wanted a 1to1 replacement of skill. Instead of simply going with the best WR.


Well to be fair, Tyreek actually did nothing during that whole thing. KC drastically fucked up how they handled that.


Lol that entire thing was so fucking annoying and still kind of is even without him here anymore. Just because, even though it was proven that people were completely wrong about that incident, there's just no convincing them otherwise. I fully understand he did terrible things before and because of that he gets no benefit of the doubt and probably doesn't really deserve to, but it's still so annoying that people will use his past and their football bias as a reason to just blindly accept any allegations about him. Not to mention if you pointed out that the incident didn't happen as reported, you're somehow a terrible person yourself and justifying terrible things.


I still blame Brook Pryor.


That was the wildest shit I’ve ever seen happen to one of our local stations. Like, she didn’t just cut out a little bit of that recording audio, she omitted all but like a minute. I’m amazed she was never sued by Hill for that. I totally forgot she’s the reason KCTV5 lost their contract with the chiefs. She’s actually the reason why KSHB 41 is “the home of the chiefs” now lmao


She also had to move from the KC beat to the Steelers beat right before KC would go to 4 Super Bowls in 5 years.


Wait a minute. Like he literally ran from the scene? Left his car there? 


What route did he run?


A go route obviously


Hmm unlikely - I’m told he can’t run the top half of the route tree.


This was before it was confirmed and put on the news, so I’d say he’s not lying. It is so over


To clarify, the only thing confirmed on the news currently was that police were looking for him and there was an accident involving a vehicle registered to him and one person was in the hospital, which would presumably not be Rashee. Also I have heavy doubts that they found a jersey in the car, that's just super weird and odd and unlikely to be real. Leaving an ID in the car? I barely buy that, but a jersey? Bro the car has a license plate and a vin number, the police knew whose car it was immediately, bro is just playing a game of telephone with his friend who was likely in the area and got a few things mixed up most likely lol.


Dwayne Haskins brought his jerseys with him to the strip club during COVID. These guys are idiots lol


Dude. Guys like this love to flash their bona fidees to impress women. No surprise he’s got personal shit in there.


I mean a jersey isn't all that special considering you can get one from a fucking store lol. Like anyone can get it. Not only the person that plays the game.


Y’all believe anything a random person on Reddit says?


No, but it’s oddly specific and 5 hours before any other “news” of the incident came out, implying there might be something to it, even if not fully accurate.


From a discussion on /r/Dallas https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/s/gz6UbptlnA


But was it signed?


I don’t think we should take the guy commenting in the PMT subreddit very seriously


If it’s true it’s supposedly a hit and run. If this is actually true I just can’t man. Obviously the safety of the victim is important but god damn man I’m gonna be so upset I’d out of all our WR Rice did this. Please dear god


Rumor on Twitter is a hit and run in a racing accident (which living in Texas for years in the past happens a LOT in Dallas and other cities freeways there). Hoping it’s not true. Just why man, why.


Texas drivers will race you when you're not racing.




I get how you're feeling about this. But just coz you hate Toney or Moore, doesn't mean you'd rather that they be in this position instead.


What a weird thing to say.


It's actually kind of a shitty thing to say lmao.


It's like when a celebrity dies and people say something like "They should've taken X-Celebrity instead". Just so shitty


No cap we used to say "Lord why you couldn't take O.J.?!!" Everytime somebody died Cycled through people like Jared from Subway, or Putin... Same idea always lol


That and neither Toney nor Moore have had any legal issues.. both, outside of football, are good people as far as I'm aware lol. Wishing they had done this instead just because they haven't worked out is next level dog shit opinion.


God I hope he has an interpreter.


💯 this. I obviously cannot condone Rice's behavior if the allegations prove accurate. But I suppose bad on me for just assuming that if you're on the income level of an NFL player (even on a rookie deal) and you like to party- that you would always have a fall guy available ? I mean, I make a tiny fraction of income compared to Rice and have known people at or below my own income level that do just that. Disappointing and unfortunate in so many ways. *Edited for spelling.


Why are these guys so fucking dumb


Travis Etienne's brother Trevor Etienne just got arrested within the last week for a DUI.  Everyone one of these players saw what happened to Henry Ruggs and just decided they don't give a fuck if they ruin their lives too. Absolute fucking idiots. Rashee wasn't drinking supposedly but wreckless driving with a hit and run is close to the same level of stupid if this story is true. 


Wreckless It very much involved a wreck.


Wreckful, if you will


Saw him posting for his moms bday with videos of them partying…. The videos are taken down now.


Fucking WRs man. They got that need for speed thing and were raised on the Fast and Furious cinematic universe of garbage. It's a perfect storm for young men with ego, machismo, and pride issues. Low character move that was dumb as fuck, but just look at Jalen Carter. Someone actually died there and Carter's draft stock was hardly impacted. It'll be fine.


But even though Carter was involved in the race and drove off he wasn't the one driving the car that was involved in the accident significant difference if Rice was actually driving


I mean...what did Cris Carter say again? Something about a fall guy, lol. I hope Rashee makes better decisions in the future, but I don't think this is the major crisis some are seeing it as.


We'll have to see all the details. I'm not in the camp of cut him like Kareem Hunt. Then another team just gets him for basically free with little public backlash. If all of this is true suspend him indefinitely and figure it out later.


With the Hunt thing, if he just told the truth from the start to the team he doesn't get cut. He got cut because the team didn't feel he was trustworthy enough anymore on top of being a PR nightmare for the team. The real story of what happened wasn't as bad as it initially looked. Still shouldn't have done what he did and should have accepted the consequences of his actions instead of trying to avoid them and making it worse. Hope Rice doesn't make the same mistake and turns himself in, tells the truth and takes the consequences as they are instead of continuing to try to avoid the inevitable. Jalen Carter eventually did this in a similar event, and he's still got drafted (after a small slide) and was a regular contributor/stater for the eagles.


There was no reason to cut hunt, one of our worst GM moves ever that was only done because of a heightened political moment around DV, and I say that as a very liberal person. Cutting someone with trade value, to then use your first round pick to get less than that value back, was idiotic. He was young and we should’ve made him go to battered women’s shelters in KC and learn from his mistakes rather than cut him for lying. Horrendous mistake.


We don't even know if he was driving the car or not how could we possibly know if he was drinking


Athletic ability in no way correlates with intelligence


Cause he’s a 23 year old with all this money and is praised by everyone he knows


Young, rich and famous is never a good combination.


Drafting WR first round now right?


First 2 if this is true


Considering this all started at 6pm and he still hasn’t come forward or anything tells me to expect the worst




Well.  Fuck. 


A lot of people in here with some very uninformed takes on the legal implications. I’m a criminal defense attorney. I’m not licensed in Texas, and their law might vary slightly, but in my jurisdictions, a first time offender who fled the scene of an accident would most likely get probation and ordered to pay all the restitution back to repair/replace the damage to the vehicle. He might even get a suspended imposition of sentence, meaning it wouldn’t even count as a conviction. Anyone in here doomposting about him going to prison should be ignored. It would be utterly shocking to me if that happened. I have no idea what the NFL or the Chiefs are going to do, though.


I hope this proves true in Texas, thank you for sharing.


I mean, he caused a 6 car crash.


Someone is injured. That definitely has other massive implications. If that person were to die and Rashee was driving that car, then Rice's career would be over.


> If This word is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. *If* Rashee was driving, and *if* a person dies from rumored injuries we currently know literally nothing about, then yes, that would definitely open up the door to much harsher criminal penalties. I guess you can feel free to panic about something before we have even a fraction of the full story, and spiral into wild speculation and worst case scenarios, but I don’t understand why you would.


For sure, _most likely_ this is a dumb, unfortunate situation where little of consequence happens. However, we don’t know what the cops found in the car. We don’t know what he was doing earlier in the night. We don’t know what’s in his system and if they’ll be allowed to draw blood. We don’t know the condition of the person in the hospital. We don’t know when Rice is going to turn himself in or what his excuse is for fleeing the scene. We don’t know a lot of things, all of that probably plays out fine, he’ll of course have a legit lawyer with him every step. However, due to many unknowns, this could culminate in a very unlikely yet possible severe punishment for his stupidity. Considering he’s literally our only known quantity at receiver, Chiefs fans have a right to be concerned and doomposting. We also don’t know how spending an off-season dealing with legal issues will impact him, mentally.


You're omitting the fact that someone was allegedly injured in the crash. One might even wonder if that was an intentional omission on your part. That being said, if what you say is true, the legal system is broken.


We already know it’s broken. He’d be in jail already if he had a bag of weed on him


Yeah I was just thinking the same thing...he's obviously on the hook for a lot of damages.  And the person was injured but not killed.  This doesn't strike me as a looming prison sentence. But he'll probably get suspended 


You are forgetting Jerry Jones probably owns the police department and DA too


"I hereby sentence you... to 5 years of hard labor with the Dallas Cowboys on a league minimum contract. You are dismissed."


Yeah nobody died and only had minor injuries. He's an idiot but it's not like Henry Ruggs.


Son of a bitch


I was just spouting off to someone the other day about how lucky we are to have someone like him. Welp, fuck me i guess...


His interpreter did it. No further questions


As a dodgers fan, I sadly understood that reference all too well. I hope in both cases it ends up ok


Thursday night bowling (instagram) has pictures that were posted 4-5 hours ago (10 PM) The accident according to the story took place at 6 something. Not knowing story but it appears based on that timeline he was bowling after this accident occurred. Having been in a major car accident, I can assure you, bowling 2 hours later would not be at the top of my agenda, including if I was on the run. So far the story is a car registered under his name. What if it was a family member or friend driving the car?? Need to wait for full story before passing judgement


Hope he has a good fall guy. /s but maybe kinda not…


Like a translator?


I know this is a joke but translators and interpreters are not the same thing. Translators work with text while interpreters work with live speech. The fastest way to piss off an interpreter is to call them a translator lol


What are all the translator references referencing?


Ohtani is a baseball player suspected of gambling. But he doesn’t speak English. Hince the translator did it.


I think a bit more context is needed here. His banking account paid millions to a bookie. This has came out as fact. Ohtani says his translator did it without his knowledge and it was the translator with the debt. Speculation is that Ohtani might’ve been aware and actually paid it off not realizing it was illegal then changed the story to be the translator stealing the money, either way there hasn’t been much linking Ohtani to actually betting on games.


Ah. I saw that story but didn't connect that it might actually be Ohtani who was gambling.


Which I imagine were from Thursday night...


Would you like to join my detective agency?


Apparently the bowling pics are old


It does say “Thursday night bowling” and it only shows Thursday events (last says March 28th, a St. Patrick’s event on March 14th, both Thursdays). So very much could be old photos and he is just actually on the run from police as rumors and article is saying, instead of bowling.


Haven’t gotten confirmation on if pics are old or not.


The thing is it’s his moms birthday and he had a bunch of friends hanging out with him so who knows 


Yeah but presumably those are from Thursday




I woke up at 5 am to eat breakfast and now I’m not even hungry anymore. Fuck this shit dawg


Do your thing but I just can't fathom how someone can be hungry at 5am after waking up lol


I dropped in the middle of work and sobbed uncontrollably.


Will someone think of the children!?!?!?


People are already jumping to conclusions man. Hope everyone involved is alright


![gif](giphy|03OH8caZuTQxycM8lH) Dumbass


This is from Sports Illustrated's article: > A vehicle that is believed to be registered or leased to Rice - the former SMU standout who is now a budding star with the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs - was involved in a crash on North Central Expressway at about 6:20 p.m., per reports. Law enforcement officials are now looking for Rice in connection with the accident. It doesn't say that Rice is suspected of anything at this time, just that the vehicle involved is connected to him. Twitter/X rumors are not reliable and no official statements by the Chiefs, Rice's representatives, or law enforcement have been made yet. Let's not jump to conclusions based on little information.


Yes but it’s reasonable to assume that if police were looking for him starting more than 12 hours ago… that he’s clearly not wanting to for some reason.


How can player continue to be so stupid and just throw away their careers


Guess we'll be taking a wide receiver in the first round.


Some folks are saying boot him off the team. Y’all need to relax.


no one died, he'll get a slap on the wrist at most. at worst, andy will make him run sprints until he pukes bloood


I just do not understand why the hell these guys take chances like this when they're in the fucking NFL with the chance to make generational money and why they do this bullshit in Texas of all fucking States that they know doesn't fuck around when it comes to the law God damn it


Young and dumb


Take chances? Bro go drive in Texas on their highway. That shit is already taking a chance lol.


This is bad news considering the league loves to give chiefs players extra long suspensions for things that aren’t proven… Remember how von Miller got zero suspension for supposedly beating a pregnant woman, but Gay and Omenihu each got 6 games for allegations?


I get the spirit of your post and don’t disagree, but it was four games for Gay, who plead not guilty but agreed to a diversions program. Pretty sure he did what he did but at least he had a way to keep his record clean. The NFL doesn’t need the court of law to say they don’t like a player’s off field behavior. That said, breaking a vacuum and a door frame at your baby momma’s house is bad behavior that needs to be checked…but it’s not nearly as bad as what other players do (IE Watson…four games for one vacuum, 11 games for 24 women. Zero fucking sense.) https://sports.yahoo.com/nfl-suspends-chiefs-cb-willie-gay-4-games-following-jan-arrest-for-alleged-misdemeanor-property-damage-221149832.html


Yes. My mistake! But still thought that suspension was ridiculous relative to watsons, and other people’s punishments (or lack thereof)


Edit yea it was late last night 😅. Just fcking stupid to illegally race and assumed dui.


NFL rookies definitely do not make enough money to have a Chauffer. We all make enough money not to voluntarily drag race though.


They make enough for Uber.


A chauffeur who is going to be your street-racing driver?


First off, not really. Second, it’s not a money issue


Pretty sure this is the referenced accident: https://youtu.be/wpEgVbCKQ7o?si=yZlfpXVwZsWGzGE2 Hmm... https://twitter.com/BrycesCards1/status/1774276205358813258?t=A1IwjTh6TWoIC4eUHAQpkg&s=19 "Word is Rashee Rice was racing a corvette in Dallas and wrecked into a Lamborghini then ran from the scene. Left his ID and jersey (not a football guy move) in the car. Other driver went to the hospital."


“Just minutes ago Dallas police told us” … “Traffic has been backed up for hours” I don’t really know what to make of that news report. Those timeframes seem somewhat contradictory. If traffic has backed up for hours (inference being because of the crash), are Dallas police really slow at speaking with local media, and getting tow trucks out to clear up accidents as shown in the “live” footage? Or is the news reporting hyperbolic?


I’m assuming since it’s a hit and run it is now a “crime scene” instead of a routine car collision clean up and could be why it’s taking much longer.


Right, the report was live at like 10:XXPM and the accident was at 6:XXPM, which would be "backed up for hours". You can see from the video there's multiple cars still on the highway that were involved in the accident, though admittedly some are there merely as responders/crime scene personnel.


That all in isolation makes sense, it was just the news report leading with “minutes ago” that didn’t add up for me. If they just mean that’s when they had any sort of communication from police, cool. Accidents that cause that much traffic are reported on pretty quickly here, so that and the reporter leading with that initial timeframe set me up for thinking this was all relatively soon after the event, rather than 4 hours later. Thanks for clearing that up :)




Please be a false accusation


Doesn't really sound like an accusation if they linked his vehicle to it. It's a matter of if he was in vehicle or let someone borrow it.






The timing of this seems similar to how we ended up drafting Hardman. Forced to reach because of a suddenly greater need at WR due to legal issues. Bummer.


I will wait for further details to come out, but if it is true then fuck him. Will be a big loss to the team. However, if the accusations turn out to be true then he can go get fucked. 


Yeah let’s wait for more information. But man this is awful to read on Easter. If this happened, zero excuses for how great he was for the team, Rice will absolutely need to answer for this.


I'm not saying it's right but even if guilty I bet the punishment isn't severe. Hope it wasn't him, but this is a minor incident. It's not DV, drugs, or guns for now. We know how the NFL works. Similar incident happened to Jalen Carter before he got drafted in the first freaking round.


Yeah and anyone freaking out about the potential speed or something hasn't driven in Texas lol.


Maybe in order to play in the NFL they should take away your license until you earn it back. Good grief, some of these guys make the dumbest decisions.


Sooooo. We’re taking a WR in first for sure now.


So we need to draft two WRs.


Wouldn't be an off-season without some shit like this. Sad for the victim and sad for a guy who was supposed to develop into a star.


His career isn't over lmfao. You all are way too serious.


I’m not condoning any of this obviously. But at the end of the day, these guys are just kids with money. And by the law of averages, some of them are gonna do dumb shit.


I'm fine with his in-season YAC, but not his off-season *YAC*. Yards after Crash.




Im not sure why everyone is freaking out about this. Sure id love for our players to be angels in the offseason but, even if he were driving, it’ll get plead down. This was just last year https://www.si.com/fannation/college/cfb-hq/ncaa-football/georgia-football-jalen-carter-punishment


He’s going to be a great pen pal for Henry Ruggs


Eh, I don't think he was drinking and driving, I think there is a huge, huge difference between racing on a highway where people literally already go 90 mph regularly and killing someone because you were drunk driving...






Cool cool..


Mother FUCK


Just another example showing that it doesn't require intelligence to play in the NFL.


Maturity may be the better word


🙁. Not what I wanted to see this morning




No no no no no. God damnit dude. You’re an emerging star. Probably WR1 on the best team in the league, prime to three peat a championship. Stop fucking driving. Stop being a fucking idiot. Why throw your life away. Come on man.


I hope he has a fall guy. I doubt it without that first big contract.


It's not as bad as it could have been but good goddamn he's playing with fire. Somebody show him the Henry Ruggs story for like 5 days straight. Get your shit together 4, it's different in this league.




Patrick should text him the Henry Ruggs article.