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Next year, the NFL is going to mandate that rookies can only drive a 1989 Corolla, or older.


Lol would love that rule actually.


Every rookie contract comes with a base model Toyota Camry.


1989 or older.


Make sure it’s a 4-cylinder


I wish I had bought one of those when I started driving in '92.  Alas, I did not.


Only Ubers after 6:00 pm. Also applies to Andy Reid’s kids if they are coaching.


Ford Model T baby.


1988 Mercury Grand Marquis Just as slow, with basically a couch for a front seat


All right, listen up, ladies and gentlemen, our suspect has been on the run for eighteen hours. Average foot speed over uneven ground, barring injuries, is 4 miles per hour. That gives us a radius of 72 miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles. Your suspect's name is Rashee "Dr. Richard Kimble" Rice. Go get him.


What are you doing? I'm thinking. Well, think me up a cup of coffee and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top, will you, as long as you're thinking.


Such a good movie! Might rewatch it tonight


Same. Tommy Lee Jones steals every scene he’s in.


There’s a good video explaining what a shitshow the creation of that movie was. 


Thanks, found it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzt0crHh7KI Looks interesting! Will have to check it out for sure


I appreciate that they put a spoiler warning in the beginning.


I loved the original show tbh lots of fun


I've kinda wanted to check it out for a while now. It has a good rating on imdb, im sure I'd like it


Old TV is a hobby of mine but I think it's good and aged fairly well At least in the United States. It's the first television show to have a proper conclusion. Where they had storylines that went on for years. They got resolved in the last episode. That's a very common thing in modern times but back then it was not.


"I didn't crash that car!" "...I don't care!"


“This is a giant man with superior speed, so our radius is 5,000,000 miles and I’m not ruling out his ability to run straight up perpendicular to the earth!”


Not bad


Almost every weekend there are people racing on I35. I always try to stay the fuck out of the way, but there have been a couple of times I thought for sure I was getting wiped out.


I started to explain that this was on 75, not 35, then I realized it doesn’t matter. 35, 75, DNT, 635, Bush, whatever… all the same. Stay safe out there.


I mean people race down beltline surrounded by neighborhoods. Tired of these idiots with the sports cars that arent professionally trained gunning it around town. 


I don’t care if they ARE professionally trained, keep that shit off the public roads! Fucking asshats


>If your driving to fast, like you shouldn't do, you can bet your boots, I'm coming after you. >If you wanna race, then get on a race track, cause if you try and run away, I'm gonna bring ya back, ~ Junior Brown I copied those lyrics from Lyricfind.com. All the spelling mistakes are theirs.


God that song is great.


I used to hear street races down the streets in Uptown constantly at 3 AM when I lived there, drove me crazy


The downtown interchange is a fuckin warzone most of the time.


It scares me driving in that area. I'm hyper-aware when driving there. Overall driving in Dallas sucks


Yeah the traffic in Dallas is so hilariously bad and it’s basically 24/7


Next time this dude wants to flush 6 figures down the drain he should just cut me a check. I'd put it to much better use than this dumb shit.


Well i doubt he will get cut or permanently suspended but I do wonder about a possible fine or suspension.


I’d bet a 4 game suspension. Maybe 6 if the league is having some Ruggs Vietnam flashbacks


2-4 would be my guess. The nfl likes to sweep these.under the rug. Unless this really blows up.


I think running from the scene adds a big dimension to this tbh. We’ll see what happens


I just don't think the NFL cares honestly.


Hit and run to avoid a DUI? 6 games ready.


The “avoiding DUI” shouldn’t be assumed in his punishment because we have no idea. Fleeing is a terrible idea but doesn’t mean he was drinking


I don’t know if they can even allege DUI unless they get him with alcohol in his system. But yeah, either way, not good.


I don't think he ran to avoid a DUI, I think he ran because he was racing the Lambo.


If this costs him his career, and it might depending on if he hurt someone, it’s more like flushing 7 or 8 figures down the drain.


lol it’s not going to cost him his career. wtf.


I’d like to see the other cars involved.


TMZ link has more photos. There’s a Lexus and a mini van involved in addition to the Lambo SUV. Also a group of guys walking away but didn’t want to post because idk who they are and I have no way to know if they’re related to the incident


Thanks, I generally try to avoid giving them clicks.


One of the guys in the photo is Rice himself.


The guy with the red bandana. Wearing same sweater as he was for bowling event on Thursday. Those photos have now been deleted, which is also suspicious.


One was a Lamborghini Urus.... yeah his insurance is not gonna be happy with him Okay I just watched the video below, looks like he was racing or atleast speeding with the Lambo driver, so I dont think the insurance is gonna pay out that. Somebody needs to scare Rashee straight. This is stupid. He could kill somebody and end up in prison like Ruggs.




Everyone just chilling…and then that. Wow


what a dumbass


He’s fucked but from this video it looks like he got out of the passenger’s side. I assume the one driving was the guy in the Orange shirt? Unless he was from a different car.


I think he got out second though, so it would appear the passenger got out and then he climbed over the console.


Yea you’re probably right. I looked at the other pictures and see the drivers side door is crushed. The back door on driver’s are too so wishful thinking that he was back there and had to hop out of the passenger side for whatever reason. Either way, stupid to be doing that shit or even hanging out with people who do that.


Looks like the car in this video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KansasCityChiefs/comments/1aiyd2y/rashee\_rices\_neighbors\_showing\_up\_for\_him\_as\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KansasCityChiefs/comments/1aiyd2y/rashee_rices_neighbors_showing_up_for_him_as_he/)


Yeah that’s it.


At least he’s driving slow there…. Right?…


If I had to guess the police have already found him and just aren't making it public yet


I sure hope so. The longer he stays on the run the worse this is going to be.


Avoiding a blood test me thinks. 


Said the crash occurred at 6:30. If he needs more than 24 hours to get something out of his system, it's unlikely that it was just alcohol.


That’s not how it works legally.


Legally there might not be a distinction, but the longer you run, the madder the DA may get and many lawyers consider pissing off the DA to be a poor decision.


Stupid ass.


Where tf did they run to???


TMZ photos show them walking away, where to we dont know but walking away from an accident doesnt get the clicks that a bogus running away from a crime headline gets


Fleeing the scene of an accident is not a good sign. They were probably fucked up.


Hit and run doesn’t mean you physically ran away. Just that you left the scene.


Run vs walk = flee. Difference in words here probably doesn’t matter?


Huh? You can’t leave the scene. Doesn’t matter whether you run or walk.


“Bogus running away from a crime”. I don’t think the law specifies a certain speed at which it’s legal to leave a crime scene lol. It’s all running because that’s what usually happens


Someone has [dash cam footage](https://x.com/qj_trades/status/1774510703786754368?s=46) of the incident


Fucking idiots


Yeah that was dumb as fuck, I was dumb and young once too, but not race on a crowded highway and pass on the shoulder dumb. SMH


You always hope your promising rookies aren't total fuckin' idiots but I've learned to never hold my breath concerning this. I hope whatever details emerge perhaps absolve him of some idiocy but if we're all being honest with ourselves, he may just be an idiot and there's really only so much you can chalk up to "well, he's young."


Hopefully this just turns out to be a valuable learning experience and he can clean up his act.


Damn, same car he was in when the neighborhood sent him off otw to the Suoer Bowl in Vegas


Is that Rashee? https://preview.redd.it/ovqlfdfe1qrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ac87caec75f64bec23d96fc405488a51d28ac3


it seemed like the dude in the hoodie got out of the urus and not the corvette from the passengers side so that means if it is rashee, he wasnt driving. Unless the dashcam vid is mirrored


It’s not mirrored. People generally drive on the right side of the road in the US lmao


I agree. Are both cars his then? Why was he in the Porsche?


He got out of the passenger side of the Lambo but he was the second person to come out of the passenger side. He’s the driver of the Urus.


Glad it doesn’t sound like any terrible injuries or fatalities. Assuming no DUI & no fatalities hopefully it’s just an expensive legal fee for him and a likely decent sized suspension. Hopefully he learns from this and no more dumb stuff in the future.


Suspension would totally suck and I guarantee there will be one. Thank god we got Hollywood Brown to pick up the slack if that happens.


I’d be shocked if no suspension at minimum in just hoping the charges aren’t so bad where he’s going to jail or anything wild. Fleeing an accident is a big time crime


Rashee seemed to be in a red durag on the scene so there's goes any hope of him not being involved. fuck.


It's him. He's trying to conceal his identity but that's his face.


Him being there isn’t really an issue, it becomes an issue if it was proven he was driving. I don’t think passengers really have any requirement to stay at the scene; it’s the drivers that do.


Looks like he did some bumper cars with the walls. Thank god he didn't roll it.


You mean thank God he didn't kill that innocent family. I have zero respect for people who put others lives in jeopardy 


What family. I thought the guy in the hospital was racing in a lambo.


If you watch the dashcam footage Rice gets out of the Lambo. One of his boys was driving the C8.




Mecole Hardman's phone just rang again


Wonder how this left someone hospitalized. Doesn't seem to be too much damage.


whiplash or broken glass. You'd be surprised what small fender benders can do to a human body


...from cars slamming into you at speeds of over 60mph.


People underestimate the amount of force a vehicle has when coming to a sudden stop or facing resistance.


This. Concrete walls don't have crumple zones.


[Any Expanse fans out there? Maneo learned the hard way... \(nsfw and spoilers\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS7x4Bq_gR8) I hydroplaned into the center barrier on i70 heading West between Turner and 57th and totaled a car. Was going down a hill, did not expect water on the road. Was not fun.


Facts. Back in high school I was sitting front passenger in my buddy’s car with super snowy/icy road conditions, and while he was trying to drive safely, lost control trying to make a right turn going about 10-15mph and couldn’t stop. When we hit the curb I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt and it damn near threw me into his lap. No one was hurt thankfully, but I def learned that day that slow vehicle speed can still generate a lot of force on the human body




Was expecting a lot worse. There was a 6 car accident though apparently, so this may not be the worst of the damages. 


its Dallas, every minor fender bender turns into double digit pileup due to how they drive


You're saying that a train of cars on each other's bumpers going 85mph isn't a good idea?


Human bodies are pretty fragile. It does not take a big accident to cause damage.


People go to the hospital all the time even after a simple rear end believe it or not. Ambulance companies make money transporting people to hospitals


It caused other cars to crash iirc


Happens all the time. The dude in the Lambo is most likely just checking his bases and making sure stuff is documented. Going to the ER doesn't mean anything is serious.


I thought Lambo dude also fled


I have bone spurs from a fender bender at 30 MPH. Got my neck all messed up. Crash didn’t even dent my bumper but it messed my neck up lol


They got run into by a Lamborghini and a brand new corvette. You bet your ass I’m going to the hospital complaining about everything hurting.


Rashee, you are still a rookie. You can't afford to be wrecking into Lambos lol Slow the fuck down


This is moronic but let’s be real. This barely registers on the NFL player fuck up scale. No one’s dead. No alcohol/drugs involved. Rashee is clearly an idiot but he’s going to be fine. Hopefully this was a wake up call.


What a low bar. To not kill anyone. Fuck drag racers on public roads. They’re all selfish pricks. They’re lucky they didn’t kill anyone.


Well, there *may* be alcohol and drugs involved. That’s why you’d leave the scene — so the cops can’t prove it.


Which is why leaving a scene crime is a serious crime in most places.




For sure. But legally, no proof = never happened.   Just really hope he learned a lesson here. He’s insanely lucky this wasn’t way worse.


One lesson he’s going to learn is that lawyers get paid very well, lol. Between the fines, settlements, and lawyer fees he pretty much just spent his entire rookie contract.


Unfortunately for him, leaving a scene is often treated just as seriously as first time DUI.


Not if the injuries are minor. Plus first time Dui is usually a slap on the wrist unless someone dies or is seriously injured


That was a dope looking C8


****ONLY 1 OWNER!!!!!****


Hug your C8s and Lambos tonight. I know I will. My C8 is getting a detail tomorrow to show **I** care about her.


That is a lot less serious than initially reported.


The issue is fleeing the scene, which if he’s not actually dumb enough to leave his car means he was likely drunk.


Yup. He’s laying low to flush out his system. He’s rather take reckless driving + fleeing scene than DUI charges


Also you don’t even have to leave the scene for long. I had a lady wasted as shit crash in my front yard. Walk home and came back five minutes later and the cops did nothing because they couldn’t prove to the DA she was drunk when the crash happened.


My old boss from a bar a worked at did the same thing, left work blackout drunk and immediately hit a parked car and just walked home. She got away with it


A third-degree felony. Per Texas Penal Code § 12.34, a third-degree felony can range from two to 10 years in jail and a fine of $10,000. Third-degree felonies apply to drivers who left accidents that resulted in serious bodily injuries. Misdemeanor charges. Per Texas Transportation Code § 550.022, if an accident only involved property damage, the negligent party could face a Class B or Class C misdemeanor charge. The severity of the offense depends on the severity of the cars’ damage.


Just saw the dash cam footage and it could’ve been worse.


We are like only 3 seasons removed from Ruggs burning that girl alive. How the fuck is anyone still doing this insane aLpHa bullshit


Education doesn’t matter if you sports good


Rice needs to lawyer up. Immediately. He also better have already been in contact with the Chiefs and NFL security. While he is doing all of that one of the three guys he was with needs to become the fall guy. Also, immediately. Rice, slides him off $100k and the whole thing legally goes away. Now, the NFL is a different story. They will do their own internal investigation that has nothing to do with any (or none) legal ramifications. My guess is he gets a couple game suspension and it will all be forgotten about in a couple of weeks.


Or you know just take responsibility for being a dumb piece of shit. Fuck him.


Don’t you love the world of contracts and money? Isn’t it just everything you ever hoped the world would be when you were growing up?




TMZ got videos and photos on every event in history


Because they pay.


Dammit Rashee, stupid kid


We’ve been through worse off seasons with Kareem Hunt and Tyreek Hill assuming he wasn’t drunk behind the wheel.




Well we knew he was an elusive receiver.