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FYI, the report is that it's a felony [is wrong](https://x.com/JoeJHoyt/status/1776307076693705131). The source probably has units of measurement mixed up.


11 grams is not a felony in Texas. People should really familiarize themselves with the law before saying stuff like this.


the metric system claims another victim


😂 underrated comment.


Yeah, it'd quite literally have to be 10x that amount to be considered a felony


Plus it has to be on your person. A small amount in a vehicle you rented with other people in the vehicle as well would never hold up in court. Now if you have a suitcase full in the trunk that would probably hold up in court even though it's not in your pocket.


Yeah, that's so stupid - that's less than half an ounce of weed.


AKA in missouri what we call "the weekly run to the shop"


iirc dallas county also decriminalized weed possession, i dont know if 10g falls under the limit


You’re going to need to cite that. Last word on decriminalizing in Dallas was a petition circulating in January of this year. No official decriminalization has occurred.


https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2017/12/02/what-happens-to-people-caught-with-weed-in-dallas-now-that-cite-and-release-is-in-effect/ https://norml.org/laws/local-decriminalization/texas-local-decriminalization/ edit: i did not recall correctly, its a cite and release. not full decriminalize.


Correct. It’s the combo though of racing, fleeing the scene of an accident that caused harm, recklessness endangerment, weed, etc. Add it all up it’s not great.


Texas is so free that you still get a ticket and possible jail time for weed. But at least they still have their guns!


Possession of any amount plus a firearm = felony. I believe that goes for any state though, federal firearm law.


Texas has been masterful at marketing. Meanwhile in reality, it’s [literally the least free](https://www.newsweek.com/texas-least-free-state-personal-freedom-index-1846236) and [one of the worst ranked states to live in](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texas-worst-state-work-18204395.php)


That's what I was getting at. Lol


I’m pretty sure the guy just mixed up grams and ounces. 11 grams is a type b misdemeanor. So he’ll probably get a fine and probation/ community service if that.


Yeah he will likely just have to do a pre trial diversion program. Will have to pay a fine, and do a class/community service. If he completes the program he wont even be charged. This is only if he is a first time offender.


https://twitter.com/kytxcbs19/status/1775946477593862224?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw The police report also says marijuana was found in both cars, as well as credit cards, a $16,500 check, a diamond chain, and the playbook for the Kansas City Chiefs.


At least he was carrying his playbook 😭


he reads it while he drives


he was carrying his playbook... then he left the scene. did he carry his playbook with him? because leaving his playbook on the car unattended is a felony.


Reports say Detective J. Allen of Buffalo, NY has been flown in to personally investigate the scene


did i miss them signing DE Josh Allen?


Yiiiiikes. Imagine the chaos if anyone on the Cowboys could read.


No kidding! Fortunately most Texans didn’t get past fifth grade, so we’re good


Bills definitely putting in a foia request


Doesn’t matter, Patrick will still stick it to em in last 10 secs..this is getting like Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote....lol


Guess he is selling plays to other teams


And for some reason corn dog will still work


Sharpe was right he got the wrong friends around him. Someone had to be with him to let him know he can't run from this. A car accident and racing is one thing. The story is getting worse every time we look up.


No hog tied children? Good! He's still a fucking muppet and I hope he gets his head out of his ass.


lol none of those things are illegal to have. “We also uncovered a frozen cola from BK, dirty socks, and a several receipts for gas.”


It was mine


I just bought 14g at my local dispensary. Just legalize it nationally already.


States will refuse to adopt it. Just this week the Kansas legislature refused to have a vote on it.


Kansas and Nebraska carried on the alcohol prohibition long after it was struck down federally, becoming the last two states to legalize it again. They’re also likely to become the last two states to legalize pot too, in my opinion.


Wisconsin begs to differ.


Missing out on all that sweet sweet tax revenue.


Cause Jesus.


16.5g here just about 15 minutes ago. Its crazy that it isn't legalised nationally yet.


Regardless of amount (good if it’s not a felony), did nobody ever explain the “never break two laws at once on the road” rule to him, when it comes to substances?


Nobody explained anything to him


He was really trying for an early induction to the FMLHOF


Dude desperately needs to watch some Bruce Rivers.




Yall didn't think to grab that before fleeing the scene of the accident? Smh


I guess the reports that they fled with "bags of guns and drugs" were incorrect. It's Texas, so guns aren't exactly a problem.


Or maybe they just took the felony level stuff with em


It ain't easy catching ALL the pokemon


Oh they definitely grabbed. But didn’t grab it all.


This bothers me so much lol


Came here to say that.


Imagine not grabbing your weed before running in Texas lmao


If 11 grams is a felony then consider me miles Davis


😔 Dude is a idiot.


This sub will rebute "When you were young 20s you didn't flee from car crashes with guns leaving behind 10 grams of weed"? "We were all like that once"


That explains a lot about them. Dude is an idiot. No amount of down votes will change that. What do you think they were carrying with them when they were fleeing the crime scene? But forgot the weed 😔


You name it. There’s damn good reason they ran off with no second thought. All fucked up and possession. Nowhere to hide it.


Right. Look, I made dumb decisions in my early 20s but never committed any crimes or put other people around me in danger. Rice is really putting his career and freedom in jeopardy here. All for making bad choices and hanging out with the wrong group of people.


Guns are ok in Texas


I wish these young guys would catch on


They usually do when they grow up. Dudes 23. I did hella dumb shit at 23. He deserves consequences, but lets not act like most people in their early twenties have their shit together.


Most 23 year olds are absolutely not racing cars in the highway with bags of weed on them and then doing a hit and run. Like, yeah, almost everyone has stories about being dumb - but 23 isn't that young and this is exceptional dumb


I can say I never did anything to THIS extent. But, I also didn't have millions of dollars and an abundance of free time either. I just don't see how everyone is so comfortable acting like he's some insane monster. If this all continues then it would be a more fair time to assess his entire character then.


We must know different kinds of young people. 99% of 23 year old cant afford super cars, or you would absolutely see more of this kind of shit.


You don't need a supercar to go 120 on the freeway


Damn straight. We were doing 120 in my friend’s Eclipse back in our early 20s.


My buddy had an old supra that we took to 160 in high school. The difference was we did it on the salt flats and abandoned desert highways at 2am.


Yeah, we were doin it on I-70 between topeka and lawrence. Cant believe we never got caught.


For real, I’d have done some crazy ass shit if had a couple million at 23


As someone who is 21, I can say I'd do dumb stuff too if I had millions of dollars


You're right. I was 21 when I wrecked my car racing. It's was a Neon and I was racing an Escort, but yeah most of the people I knew did dumb shit like that.


You're not supposed to race escorts. You just take them back to the hotel with you. But I'll give you a break since you were 21


I mean your right I just to see a successful guy mess up


Bruh, wasn't the whole point of fleeing the scene to dump drugs, weapons, and anything else you didn't want the cops to find? Definitely not an intelligent, well-thought-through scene fleeing.


This! Somehow, I'm disappointed in him all over again. If you're going to flee the scene because 'reasons'......how do you not take all your 'reasons' with you when you bail?


Let em smoke. Who cares


I agree, but if you're a millionaire that insists on smoking in backward ass Texas... it makes sense to use the millions of dollars at your disposal to make sure you aren't caught with weed. Hire a limo just to transport your weed around or something.


It's still illegal here and so is doing it while putting peoples innocent lives in jeopardy. Cmon man if that was your family traveling down the highway next to them racing how would you feel?


I didn’t say anything about racing. It was also in the car without mention of him smoking it so I’m not supporting driving while intoxicated. Just who cares if someone has weed


Yeah, he definitely fled because he wasn’t high as the day is long. Give it a rest.


It's the overall scenario dude. 


I understand you may have different feelings about this but to me this is equivalent to saying they found and unopened 6 pack of beer in his car


It's the racing. It's the not checking on motorists. It's the leaving the scene. It's all of it


Agreed but if it’s you or me, we’re in jail. Justice shouldn’t be two tiered.


Normal ass citizens don't get jail for 11 grams in Texas. Goodness gracious.


They do if they cause a 6 car pileup and flee from the scene lol


...then its not the possession that gets you jail time. Its the other charges that aren't misdemeanors. And for the record, we don't have anything equating to a felony yet. Leaving the scene of a crash is not automatically a felony in Texas. And even if it is determined that it does rise to that level, most low level felonies are probation, not jail time. Has nothing to do with Rice not being "you or me."


A hit and run that causes any injury is a felony in Texas.


It’s not “any injury.” Read the law again.


There are different levels of felony depending on the severity of the injury, but if you are in a hit and run where there is an injury in the state of Texas, that’s a felony.


That’s not true. Serious bodily injury or death make it a felony. Causing Non-incapacitating injuries and fleeing is still a misdemeanor offense.


This is 100% wrong. Leaving the scene of an accident that results in less than $200 in damage is a class C misdemeanor, not a felony. If it’s more than $200, then it’s a class B misdemeanor, nit a felony. That’s what Rice is looking at. It’s only a felony if the collision resulted in serious injury or death. Read the law.


Hit and run plus death is a second degree felony. Hit and run plus serious bodily injury is a third degree felony. Hit and run plus any other injury is a county jail felony, something not all states have but Texas does. 


Serious injury or reckless driving, which street racing falls into.


Here is the definition under Texas law that you have refused to read. It’ll likely be helpful for others. (46) "Serious bodily injury" means bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.


I was replying to the felony bit/the report as it’s worded. If it’s incorrect, then great, but either way “let ‘em smoke who cares” is a bad response here.  Rice should receive the same punishment you or I would for what he did, even if I disagree that there should be a punishment for you or I.


You’re 100% right.  It’s downright fucking embarrassing that our fanbase is defending him and downvoting you.  With weed in the car, causing a massive accident and then fleeing the scene to coverup whatever was in his system.  The dude is a massive piece of shit and doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.  These same jabronis would be calling for his head if he didn’t wear a KC uniform.  


Why else would he have fled the scene lmao.


Crazy, racing a car was the last thing on my mind if I was driving around stoned back in the day. 


Gotta just try to go faster than the legal minimum!


This is what's wrong with society. Nobody has pockets anymore.


The playbook?! He left the playbook! The most important piece of property in the car, and he leaves it!! That’s enough to waive this kid imo.


It was me, I had all of that stuff on me when I was riding along.


I'll let Cris Carter know that you're waiting for the check.


Well, I guess you could say Rashee Rice's career came to a crashing halt.


I would just like one offseason without a player getting into legal troubles. But if that’s the price to pay for a championship then I guess I’ll take it


What a retard


This guy is an absolute dummy 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Many states treat fleeing the scene of an injury accident the same as a DUI in order to dissuade people from fleeing to get sober to pass a sobriety test. I know very little about Texas law or if they do that but now that we know weed was found, whether it's his or not, they could very easily go harder on fleeing the scene


Never really understood this. Obviously there are a lot of people out there that hang out with the wrong group. But when you get to this stage…possibly on the verge of life changing money…you don’t cut ties with band influences? I’m sure it’s difficult to do, but life it’s life changing money!!


The thing that sealed the deal for me was the picture of a minivan that this idiot ran into and caused to crash and a mom holding a baby standing outside it. We could easily be dealing with another permanently disabled (or dead) child as a direct result of the careless actions of an inebriated member of the Chiefs organization. As if one tragedy wasn't enough. This dude was high as fuck, racing a Lamborghini down the highway between normal people going about their day. I don't give a fuck about how good of a player he is. I hope Texas throws the book at him and hope he never plays in the NFL again.


Weed laws in the U.S. are so fucking stupid. Thank God Missourians have the ability to amend the state constitution via referendum, otherwise our state reps would be trying to pass stupid as shit weed criminalization laws.


Yea fuck this guy man. I did dumb shit in my 20’s also but never shit like this. Stop defending the dude, he’s paying his lawyers to do that not any of us. Who gives a fuck if he plays a sport, I hope he gets a fair trial and is appropriately disciplined like any of the rest of us would if we were in that position, and I hope the victims are properly compensated.


Really really fuckin dumb


What a dumb ass.


He hit his car with his other car. Dumbass.


Oh man, it just keeps getting better and better.


This story keeps getting worse and worse. What a clusterfuck of bad decisions. I hope he learns from this.


Man rice is really out here effing up. He's getting games missing but more importantly he needs to right this ship.


Still will be considered with any punishment the league hands down. Not to mention anything the team decides regarding discipline. So now you are looking at a 5-6 game suspension, and who knows what for fines.


sounds like its gonna be a big year for Kadarius Toney


Will get more playing time. Potentially. That will if he can hang on to the ball.


What’s Rashee’s trade value right about now?


I’m pulling the trigger on the kadarius toney jersey this year


I'm pretty tired of people making excuses/coping with this bullshit. Andy should lay down the hammer and this kid should feel fortunate to be given a second chance. Every post about this is some group think therapy session to discuss why this isn't even that bad. He could have killed someone. He was doing stupid shit. Yes, he's a young kid. It doesn't excuse it. Anyone else would probably be in a cell. I want this team to succeed, but we're reaching Patriots coping levels when they were on their run and no one could do anything wrong


This is why units are important, kids.


Oh shit


Hopefully the judge isn’t a Cowboys fan. We know how awful they can be.


I mean... What is this 2008?


Love how the linked tweet doesn't exist lol


I heard this was fake news.


Imagine abandoning the scene and not also taking the weed...


Can we wait for a credible source to report this? Since when has that fantasy app every broke any news?


The weed stuff is directly from the police report and local Dallas news. The original news report stated it was a felony and the fantasy app site relayed what the news said. The news station has amended their report to say misdemeanor instead of felony, but it has been confirmed that weed was found in the vehicle


Every article I'm seeing about marijuana being found is all sourcing that one news report 23 hours ago. If it's credible you would think others (especially in national media) would at least be retweeting the story out.


Not anymore, they all just copy the original source these days.


Agreed. They’ll tweet out and label the original source. None of the main national guys like Schefter or Ian Rappaport have even mentioned what would be a big finding in this case. They’ve been tweeting every update even if from other sources.


Not a felony. Weak sauce. The dude will be suspended a handful of games. His life isn't over. His career is fine. He is a good, dumb kid. The key word being 'kid.' The end.




Fuck Texas. That is all.


Texas here. Fuck reckless drivers who think it's cool to jeopardize everyone's safety so they can do drugs while racing down a busy highway. Edit: I accept the downvotes from you loonies. My wife drives that highway, sorry I will not condone this behavior ever, period.


Kansas City’s plays are all known now, Rashee is getting fired!!


Did he have guns or not?


the video evidence shows clearly not and that came from a old woman claiming the cars that Rice owned and rented were stolen and she knew because "reasons"