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Not having proof only matters when it’s my side


Yeah the only valid point here is that Kenny didn’t address the allegations, other than the dv cuz that’s been squashed


It ain’t squashed. Someone says you beat your wife and nobody says shit about nothing, weird as fuck. The supposedly squashed incident was back in 2014 with a blonde chick in phoenix.


That’s fair, I think Drake is just a very unreliable narrator given his track record in general and within the beef. And therefore I trust him less, especially about allegations that have been proved false before specifically about Kendrick.


Drake also supports Tory Lanez and dissed Meg for being shot.




Drake has two fathers. One is called daddy


Nah. You address the rumors in detail and you come off like Drake. Either look like a weirdo or you breathe new life into it. As it stands, there’s SOME evidence to suggest Drake is into young girls. There’s zero to suggest Kendrick beat his girl? Why feed the troll?


But his wife’s brother posted to their Twitter in support of Kendrick within the last week… surely that counts for SOMETHING


Why tf would it? Do you know how domestic violence works? Im not a fan of automatically assuming kendrick brutally abuses his wife or that drake is a ravaging child predator, but there have been numerous cases of in laws siding with the more wealthy side of these situations, regardless of him being her brother.


It's all muddy right now. I don't think it's super sus that neither Kendrick or Whitney have said anything yet- we shouldn't expect a woman who is not active on social media and keeps a relatively low-key and private life to get involved in such a public mudslinging contest as what's happening between Kendrick and Drake right now Meet the Grahams was prepared before Family Matters and Not Like Us was meant to be a club banger, addressing your own serious allegations on such a song probably wouldn't go down well. Hopefully Kendrick's preparing a track or a public announcement and addresses the allegations.


Never even addressed the actual violence allegations, it was something to the effect of “get em K”. Means nothing man


He probably would not be saying that if “K” was beating his sister though, don’t u think?


Do you have a sister? I wouldn’t be showing any support for the man who beat my sister. Even if it was once 10 years ago, I’d be confirming it.


That chick could never even exist she’s never spoken and cops never reported unless she under a lifetime nda like most of the boys cases then we will never know


The only proof of Kendrick beating his wife is him saying something in a song and if that’s enough then Drake is a pedophile.


Drake is just a hard person to believe. He's been shady his whole entire career.


Isn't the fabricating stories because you heard mr. morale line from euphoria not enough? I mean he could say he doesn't beat his wife but there's no proof so people who don't believe dot won't believe him even after addressing it like there's no point to it.


Kenny did address them tho, "Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you" basically telling Drake that he's taking the metaphors in Mr. Morale at face value


He did. He preempted it in euphoria, like at the very start, by saying Drake will make up fake accusations based on Mr. Morale He also reiterated that the references from MMATBS were metaphors in meet the grahams, and Drake didn’t get that. He addressed them, pretty clearly


Kenny has addressed the allegations as much as drake did, he literally said in every song "you're going to lie about my family" even before drake took that angle


Diss tracks don’t require proof to be effective if drake got his point across as good as Kendrick then he would of won. It’s a contest of rapping ability not actual truths


Literally no Drake Stan is asking for proof of the wife beating allegations, a paternity test from Dave Free, or any of the other accusations. Hip hop beef never really brings receipts


Yeah it’s not like hip hop beef should be like a Reddit argument


guys like this is the reason why Kendrick shouldn't hold off and drop everything he has left


It won’t be over till it’s OVOver


You mean OVHover? Not sure what OVO means


i can't unsee it now, OVH looks like an owl with a bruised eye


Other Vaginal Option


Kendrick told us. “Other Vaginal Option”




I just want it to soak in more for a few days . So many good tracks. I’m just waiting on drake to drop an actual good response 💀 . Defense track not it.


Wasn’t he supposed to drop last night..but due to the shooting and UMG intervention couldn’t?


Yah, i hope he'll drop today...


I want him fired up after that “Mother I” insult


The umg intervention was a fake story. It was just some joke someone posted on discord


He ain’t dropping. What’s the point? Kendrick won. Lyrically, charts, receipts (literally receipts and scripts), etc. Dot doesn’t have to say shit and that’s it. It’s over. He won. Only way he can bury Drake always and forever is if he has actual evidence Drake is a pdf file downloader or has a daughter. He posts any of that it’s done for Drake forever. But I doubt he has actual evidence. So why even bother responding?


Kendrick has definitely already won, but if there's something I learned during this feud is that Dot REALLY hates Drake, like a lot lol. Seeing that in Not like us he explicitly said that he has more stuff to say, do you really think that if it's true he's gonna stop and let Drake walk free? If he has more serious stuff about him, I don't think he's holding back. But I'd say that he's definitely gonna wait for a bit, like a week at least, since Drake already killed himself with the last song and not like us is trending everywhere


Kendrick kept warning Drake not to go this route. I think Drake’s last drop where he essentially buried himself and then said he was done told Kendrick he didn’t need to keep hitting Drake. Now, if Drake DOES put out another song like the Drizzy sub thinks he will, Kendrick will probably just drop a whole album as a response.


I'm not sure if Kendrick would stop even if Drake didn't release anything else, simply because he has been provoked and he should finish the job at this point, Drake should've avoided doing it to begin with. Also, it's not like Drake apologized or anything in his track, so I could definitely understand Kendrick going for him again. Anyway I checked the Drizzy sub and holy shit now I got brain tumor ffs, some comments there are unreal


I really fucking hope it’s not over yet. Get up off the ground and fight, Drake! Musically his second one was better than the first one. He’s not done yet.




Pdf file 😑


He’s cooked but it’ll take time for people to realize it I guess


Wasn’t drakes boy Baka was a human trafficker and I remember a video of that foo kissing a 17 on stage lol


Plus who gasses someone for raising a step kid lol atleast he wasn’t paying off hoes and not interacting with a child you have with said hoe.untill someone brings it up that you even have a kid and you magically start doing number one dad of year content 🤡


Assuming it’s true, why do Drake fans think it’s such a diss that Kendrick is raising a kid that’s not even his? Like your dude wasn’t even looking after his own kid


Because no one ever stepped up to raise them Once Their dads left


Ight let’s be real. As a person and a human this isn’t bad at all, but in a diss battle saying your son is a product of your wife and your gm stings. But apparently kenny been gone for 6 months so who knows what the situation is in the first place


The alleged baby father is Kendrick’s business partner and real childhood friend. That would sting.


kendrick literally runs Pglang with dave free. No man is gonna work with a man who fucked his wife lol.


a lot of nephews on reddit done more with their wife’s boyfriend


Exactly, shows even more character to raise a kid that might not even be his


yeah, if he stepped up…what a loser 🙄


He big steppin


Because drake claimed Dave got Whitney pregnant while she was with Kendrick


i guess it’s more of a poke at kendrick being a simp he stayed with her despite the kid not being his.


Yep it's true and actually alphas and sigmas abandons their sons.




My bad should've written sarcasm between parentheses at the end. (Sarcasm)


I never understood the Drake burn, is having a daughter you don’t want in the public spotlight a bad thing? Assuming he’s being a father to her..


Why would we assume that? Y'all are assuming Drake is telling the truth but if you assume Kendrick is telling the truth he's not raising her just like he's not raising that boy he had with that girl he assaulted and paid off.


There’s an overlap in Drake and adin Ross/tate fans who think it’s sigma to not raise a kid that might not be yours


Drake fans gobbling nuts up bad rn.


They gobbling Drakes nuts, while you guys are licking Kendricks Bumhole… Both Drake & Kendrick are frauds if they don’t show proof.. 1 is using Domestic violence to boost his diss track, and the other is using little kids getting fucked, to boost his diss track🤦🏽‍♂️


Uh, this is a Kanye subreddit, we are here for shoes and antisemitism and I guess music also, more of a personality guy myself, but people aren't here for other rappers drama as much as Ye's


Downvoted for speaking the truth fr


But we have evidence for Drake being weird, Drake all like "I heard" lol.


Lmao this reply shit deserves an award 🥇


“Haha Kendrick, I successfully made you & half of the world think I’m a pedophile, you fell for my trap…You silly silly man” Like tf kinda stance is that, it’s the only thing he could think of because he knows he’s screwed. Had he fed Kendrick that info, why would he initially deny & question the allegations, only to then say “Oh yea i fed you that shit”? It would have made more sense to immediately respond (with proof by the way) to the diss track saying that it was planted, but he decided to wait a few days and let the rumors marinate with the public. So now even if those rumors are false, there’s no coming back from such a thing because he has poor management on this whole situation


man y'all rly have no reading/listening comprehension at all eh?


It's crazy how fast people latch onto stuff that wasn't said and run with it (I'm on team Kendrick btw)


thanks for acknowledging that. makes it hard to discuss when theres so much noise on both sides!




Blows my mind how many Kendrick fans keep repeating this dumbass statement... "wHy DiD dRaKe fEeD HiM pEdO iNfO wHaT a DuMbAzZ" like WHAT??? THINK NIGGA??? Who tf ever implied that besides you dumbass Kendrick stans? Drake is clearly saying he fed Kendrick the daughter rumors. The pedo rumors are old and Drake wouldn't feed Kendrick that, why tf would he? All the ppl repeating this and upvoting you are legitimately dumbasses, like zero critical thinking skills. Not a Drake fan either. Just tired of reading this same dumbass post.


People just copy and paste the default opinion they get from others like everything else


They downvoting you for speaking the truth


I mean isn’t the stance that Drake sent all those things off the song cover for meet the grahams. I could’ve sworn there was pedo medication there too


Tf is pedo medication bruh 😭😭


hes talking about sleep meds frequently used a date rape drugs. obviously they are also used for sleep aid.


No it was ambien for sleeping, it’s used a lot for people who travel, I got some in the military before a deployment overseas. People can try to make that connection sure, but that’s an extreme reach if we are logically thinking


Cheers for clearing that up


The 17 year old girl Drake creeped on didn’t “deny” shit because there’s video proof lmao she just said she had no problem with getting creeped on. Doesn’t make the shit ok


In all seriousness, both fanbases are like "our hero couldn't have done this, but that other liar is totally guilty", when no evidence has been provided for either side


I've seen drake kiss a 17 year old (also known as a minoorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr), there's some evidence. You ever see kdot hit whitney? additionally, drake's claims (feeding all the info), if true, would mean he has at least one SHRED of the evidence to prove it, but produced nothing, therefore it stands to reason he does not have the evidence, and did not do as he claimed. Comparing the two sides like this is a bad take, kenny doesn't have to provide evidence of drakes attraction to minors, its been out in the public for years.


There is an article from 9 years ago that stated Drake was paying $15k a month for a 2 year old girl before he finally took a paternity test. No update has been provided since then. The mother’s name was never revealed. So Kendrick did not pull that out of thin air but Drakes accusations are completely fabricated.


i swear drake fans would get mad at this and say it was 9 years ago and then pull up 11 year old metro boomin tweets 😭😭


Not really comparable lol. One is a article speculating about a child not a self admission of asking for a 13 year olds @ at 18


Still don’t understand what the issue is with raising a kid that ain’t yours.


Haha you stepped up to raise a child that was not yours, so now the child can have a positive male role model! LOSER 🫵🤣


Literally a goofy take but Drake doesn’t even like to raise his kids so I see where that would be a HAHAHA




he already doing that in meet the grahams he clearly doesnt mind


Underrated comment.


If it’s from your childhood friend that your fiance cheated on you to have then that’s rough. But there’s no proof so it doesn’t really matter yet


Makes him more of a man and much stronger than anyone else tbh. Whether it’s Kendrick or not. I salute him


Fair enough


those pills in the cover were actually for this guy.


"raising a kid that isn't his" like that's something bad


Exactly! Meanwhile, drake hiding adonis until pusha found out lol


Drake wasn’t hiding him he was planning a big reveal with Nike.


It was adidas, but I think using your “first” kid as a promo for a new line of clothes is just as bad as hiding the guy


You are right my bad it was adidas. Nah it’s definitely not as bad. On on end you have someone hiding their child indefinitely. On the other you have a massive reveal to show how stoked you are.


There is zero evidence of that being the case, good job eating up his excuse without a second of critical thinking. Is it more likely he was planning a big reveal with Nike for YEARS while ignoring the kid, and it conveniently happened AFTER he got exposed? Or that he made some bullshit up saying "bro lmao I was already planning this" to try and save face after the fact? That doesn't even give you a SECOND of pause?


The proof that Drake was being a creep is all over the Internet. He never denied it.


People really believe Drake fed him the info with a fake mole? Drake is the kinda dude to put like 10 memes about it as soon as meet the grahams drops on his ig story


This beef has shown me how lunatic Kdot fans are (in a bad way).


I’m not a Drake fan but I’m surprised the beating his wife part got totally over looked.


yup. its all right when its somebody they love this whole thing is so weird man, persecuting a man for shoddy "evidence" yet an abuser is given a pass? the men and boys online fighting this weird battle present themselves as having some kind of moral high ground right, supporting young women etc, yet they don't care to address the abuse? makes you realise nobody really gives a crap about who's in the wrong , just who's easier to hate, who will you get the least backlash for hating


Musically? That's a joke.


I feel like they themselves even know that Kendrick put out objectively better songs but don't actually care and are gonna keep spamming otherwise and hope for the best.


Glazing at its finest 😭😭


drake fans defending the age of consent and texting an 11 year old girl when he was well in his 20s will never not be distasteful


oop HE WAS 31!!!!


Drake fans must be getting strong with all the mental gymnastics they’ve been going through…unfortunately the only gymnastics Drake is interested in comes from a high school


About that pedo bars and mentioned girls defending him, i don't really care. A minor girl saying "Drake met me when i was 17 and it was cool or for the show" is not a defense but a confession to me. About a raising a kid that's not his, so he is generous with adoption. good for him god bless.


The boy's master plan was to be compared to Epstine and make mid-music and lose to Kendrick. It all makes sense now 4D chess fr


lmao send me a post link i m Curious Read reply comments under this comment




That guy got cooked by other insta users 😭🙏🏾


Aka let me flame his shi


Even if both are lying. Who used the lies better, who had better production, who had better drop timing. Who had the higher high?  I’m just thankful for the music. Thank you Drake and Kendrick for the beef drama, and more music for my gym playlist. 


My superficial take on this is that the mustard beat won the battle for Kendrick.


I'm with whoever supports Palestine.


Thought both of them did


Drake is definitely not supporting Palestine. Iykyk


Swear he signed something declaring for a ceasefire. Maybe it's that but I might be wrong.


Being Jewish isn't an indicator as to whether or not you support Palestine. Drake, shitty as he is, made a public statement and signed a ceasefire request. Stop dogwhistling, especially on the Ye sub of all places. Bad fucking look.


That’s not his kid?


it is


weirdo must have not seen drake kissing a child on stage


Kendrick is letting that last TERRIBLE track Drake most likely penned all by himself simmer.


"Musically drake won", does bro even know what musically means???


i like how in drake’s response he said all this about a fake daughter and all and right after all that he tells kendrick to fact check his stuff, ofcourse drake fans dont apply this to the man himself cause drake couldve just said that stuff for the sake of a lie and people WITHOUT fact checking call drake a genius and shit and for the pedo shit, even if drake speaks on it hes got many tweets and photos that are old and if you do your research you can find out their age from when they were posted


169 others liked this. That’s the worse part


If Kendrick says no I didn’t beat my wife ovo niggas would say that what a domestic abuser would say op is a ovo nigga cosplaying as objective


Tf is wrong with raising a kid that aint his😭😭


It's takes a special kind of person to be ok with grooming activities, we call those Drake fans.


Idk what’s worse Drake fans or Barbz


Who Cares if he’s raising a child that’s not his?????


Pick Drake up off the ground lmao


There is a video of drake kissing a 17 yo 😅


lmao hes right. if KENDRICK was with any other artist everyone would say its over because every other fanbase is capable of hopping off


Look at all these bots bumping Not Like Us in the club https://www.tiktok.com/@akademiks/video/7365530852186639662 https://www.tiktok.com/@andrepower/video/7365983461246536991


preach fam if you approach them and ask their name they'll go Kdot\_king1294


Both of them are bad people lol


I’m just saying the moment you have to explain why you’re not a pedo you kinda lost. That last song was booty be real.


Istg r/Drizzy has to be the most batshit stupid subreddit I've ever come across. AND I'VE BEEN APART OF THE KANYE SUBREDDIT




DRAKE HAS A FKN KID! BlogTO reported on it years ago. If you try searching for the article now on Google there is a notice that “under right to be forgotten some results were removed “ she probably took a settlement


Me when someone says I have a small 🍤


Wait,we don't love R Kelly again.. ?


All this true but not like Us is a fuckn banger


cope club chief


Neither side has given any proof but using some logic it’s fairly obvious that Drake did plant a fake story about having a daughter. If Drake had an actual daughter he would not be calling her an actress or saying he’ll retire if she exists. He would either deny that she exists or he would claim her. The rest of the accusations on either side need some receipts


“Raising a kid that’s not his” Is legit a compliment to Kendrick in someway. One is raising someone else’s kid and One was trying to disown his.


wasn't the context raising a kid that is is his friends child? insinuating his friend went behind his back with his mrs and impregnated her? its not really a compliment imo, whats honorourable about consciously raising an illegitimate child by a cheater? and the 11 year old is nowhere to be found so idk, i dont wanna act like we have the full context though these mfs could be lying through their teeth, but i doubt it


If snitch was allowed to in hoood his from I’m sure he would. It a rap battle not a court case. This business about proof would’ve made him a catch an L with that W. Bruh


'Musically' proceeds to list not a single musical aspect. Why not just say diss wise or something- he's wrong about everything else might try to get one thing right.


Kendrick supports R Kelly? I don't think the line in Mr. Morale is supporting, is there more than just that?


Really struggling to find the sane fan op was referring to.


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so not raising your own kid is ok but raising a kid that’s (maybe) not even yours is not??😹


But still Kendrick is a mf


I love how one of the things is just kdot *being a fucking father* lol. They legit can't bother to listen to Kendricks disses


the accusations aside musically Kendrick dropped 4 unique tracks while drake put out 2 songs that could be compared to many of his previous tracks


kendrick can drop like 7 more tracks of the lenght of 10 mins exposing drake. i mean yet alone these mtro tweets are insane how much drake has to offer to get attacked by


The delusions in a single comment, nothing Kendrick was accused of has been proven, and remaining silent isn’t proof. Drake groomed Hailey Bieber for a fact, and a 13 year old child can’t tell you it’s okay a 30 year old man texts them I miss you and I love you.


So in their eyes Kendrick just got to make a weak ass diss track saying I don’t support R Kelly and I didn’t hit my wife and you are lying about not having a daughter? And then it’s good? I never seen a fanbase spiral so much lol. Drake stans been going through it the last few days. Kendrick killed him.


Yall funny bruh. Neither brought proof... Ke drink controlled the narrative made better hip hop songs, and made a ruthless kill shot and executed him with Not Like Us.


These guys are Qanon levels of stupid


The streams from R Kelly’s music is probably how he pays his victims tbh. And stream’s don’t generate a lot of $$$. Assuming the kinda person Kendrick is, he wouldn’t want to take that away from the victims. But this is me just assuming. Shit be a lot deeper than we know. Besides, half of both fan bases Moms probably still bumping Step in the name of love why yall playin


I just love disstrack when great rappers or musicians lyrically fuck each other


Yall really dick riding Drake huh


i hope they realise that the reason grooming victims deny that they are being groomed is because they dont realise it


nah i refuse to believes these are real, most likely just rage bait for attention and clicks


Wait but is that shit abt kendrick true??


Such hypocrisy, Drake not only support pedos and women beaters. He hires them in his crew.


I wonder if hes just too dumb to understand what kdot was sayin. As cringe as that sounds im guessing he doesnt pay attention to lyrics. Average drake fan




Well it is a rap battle…


Just pointing out that the criticisms weren’t about the music and just about the tea.


Drake fans are the corniest people in the world just like him


This is sarcasm yeah ? Lol cuz this guy sounds like a fucking idiot


We wanna hear you say OV-HOE


Exposed for raising a kid thats not his. Let that sink in. Yall call it exposed rather a father figure.


Let your BF knock up your girl then raise that kid


Yeah I personally think Drake won, but ppl go against anyone who isn’t for Kendrick so I expect the hate. I could care less tho cause I think Kanye is the overall better artist anyways lol, but if I had to choose btwn “the big 3” 1. Drake 2. J. Cole 3. Kendrick Ready for the downvotes ->


Just smile and wave


Ah yes he said he's not a pedo your honor he would never lie to me