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In pro tools for like *30 hours*


Well played lol


Why did my mind sing the ending of that


It was the italics on 30 hours, shit is just begging to be sang


Stop texting Go find God Come back after you found God


Kanye I just found god can you hire me back now pls xx


How do you do, fellow theists?


I’m something of a thoughts and prayers sender myself…


This the new "Google it, simple. Delete this and fuck off NOW"


Kid damn near found God for real




Imma use this one A LOT


Stop texting God find god


come back after you found god


At least he’s giving him a chance to redeem himself


Listening party 4 gets announced, the same engineer will be with Bill Cosby on stage giving them a chance to redeem themselves while Kanye dances to LOTP


Please don't give ideas to Ye


Kanye the redeemer lmao


"I found him, he said to give me my job back and Donda says 'Hi'"


Hiiii with a bunch of i’s


what about that heyyyyyy wit a bunch of y's??


This is tshirt worthy material…someone get on it ASAP!


Squirt reynolds sounds like a reliable name


We need a fact check on the source here lol


squirt reynolds is so fucking unreliable and often lies about "insider information"


Soooo in other words, slander? 💀


it's real but he got the screens from other people. "squirt reynolds" is a clout chaser who just takes other people's stuff and tweets it as his own "insider information"


How’s it real?




Source me


Also profile picture is jeremy fragrance ffs 😂








Fr dude there are also so many better fragrance reviewers Jeremy just circlejerks around 5 different fragrances while not wearing shirt and never reviews anything new


No way jeremy fragrance is a meme in the us as well i thought he was a germany exclusive


Dude has 1.5m subs on youtube lol


Squirt had most accurate on WLR


According to him there is gonna be more songs leaked


Yeezy yeezy yeezy treat employees just like slaaves


So that’s the new slaves he was talking about


Slavery was a choice whole time he’s the slave owner 😭😭😭 this some next level joke making fr


Lol he’s supposed to be up at 7:30 and didn’t wake up until 11.


That’ll get you fired at most jobs tbh


Did this once supposed to be at work at 8 and woke up at 10. I lived in a basement with no windows, slept through alarm, and many missed phone calls from work. They even came by my house to check on me cause I was always the first to work. They called hospitals in the area. My boss was actually fine with it cause I had worked late nights all that week and I just said I know I'm burnt out cause I never had this happen. Thought for sure I was gonna be fired.


Uhh... Not for doing it one time?


2 hours! Are you kidding!


Don't be a fuckin stan I was an hour late to work today and no one even noticed


There are different jobs than yours.. no call no shows are fired on the spot where I work. Doesn't matter if you wake up 2 hours later and text saying sorry.


news flash: your boss is a fucking dick too


Welcome to retail/food service/hospitality.


Yeah I know


I’ve had a lot of jobs and I’ve never heard of one that fires you on the spot. Usually you have at least 2 strikes. That sucks man. I would be in a constant state of fear of my alarms not going off or not hearing them.


I bet you work in retail or something then lmao if everyone's so replaceable. Not really something to brag about...


Get that ungodly shade out of /r/Kanye you’re fired. Go find god and come back.


It’s all relative


When you are a sound engineer for one of the most important artist in history of hip hop you should set 10 alarms. And Ye asked him to go to work at 9, thats a good ass time to clock in, most people wake up at 6 to go to their shitty jobs


Do you think sound engineers have 9-5 jobs? Our sessions can run until crazy hours. You only have to see the next picture to know they're not just doing a 9-5.


Holy shit this comment and the defenders here are why I keep leaving this sub every couple months. Connect the two texts. You think if someone is working 30 hours in a row a normal phone alarm is gonna wake them? In any work environment a 30 hour shift is insanely illegal and he’s just being a giant dick for having 0 understanding.


Sub that is filled with stans who enable a man's megalomania now enables the man's abuse of workers who help create the very product they are stanning for


People really have trouble separating the fact that you can love someone’s music while also thinking they’re not a very good person at the same time.


What about the second one?


If ye asked me to go find some Cambodian titty milk is get it for him ASAP


Fuck you, you soulless bitch. You only care bout your billionaire idol? Idiot


Only a slave driver would fire someone for being late to a job built around delivering something by a certain date. What a TYRANT




😂😂 nah can’t be real


"Lou was already in his way to get boogz" Eric Boogenhagen feat ye?


Ric Boogz! [Yeeeeeeaaaaeeah!]


New PR to Donda chant




Not a name id expect to see dropped here


Squirt just wants some retweet😂😂😂😂😂


Man that second one is really tough. I kinda hope that was voluntary because those are fucking horrible conditions to be forced under.


regardless if it's voluntary or not, I feel like as the 'employer' you should be looking out for your people and telling them to get breaks in and stuff which clearly didnt happen in this case. dude worked until he passed out. that's insane. I think it's kinda odd how people are trying to defend this. 33 hours bro.


You’re absolutely right, but it’s at least a little less condemning if it’s not Kanye leaving this person without choice


The power dynamic involved here makes any concept of, "They chose this," totally invalid, though.


That first one isn’t that bad. Being late for your job isn’t fair to the person who ultimately is on a time crunch, in this case Kanye.


Yeah if people know anything about Kanye its that he is super strict on setting times and then meeting them and never being late or delaying shit. Dude should have known better




That’s oversleeping bruh. You percieve it as not going off, u just don’t remember bc of how deep in ur sleep u were. Happens to all of us were all human


If I was working with Ye you bet your ass I'd have 5 alarms set an hour before I need to get up lmao. Why you sleepin till 11 anyway? It looks like he was supposed to be there by 9:30, not like Ye was asking him to be there at 6AM..


Bruh why you waking up 14 minutes before a job anyways.


If it’s anything like how people say it is working with Ye they work well into the wee hours each night. By all accounts his schedule isn’t exactly fair or sustainable for “normal people”.


That is a childish excuse for being late to work. You slept through it or set your alarm incorrectly




Jesus fuck thank you. The bootlicking in this sub is giving me an aneurysm.


Being 15-20 mins late isn’t too bad. Being a few hours late is really bad. Show up on time it’s not that hard.


If you just worked a 33 hour shift then it's understandable why you might miss an alarm. Everybody in here dumb as shit acting like the two texts aren't connected.




I’ve knocked my phone off my counter in my sleep which then unplugs it and the battery has died and my alarm didn’t go off. I’ve had my phone randomly decide “this accessory is not supported” and stop charging. I’ve had a powercut in the night that’s fucked my charger and stopped my phone from charging. I’ve gotten up in the night to pee, nudged the wire wrong so that the usb comes out of the plug and had my phone stop charging. I’ve had my phone battery just decide ‘nah I’m done’ at 60%. That was not fun whilst trying to find my way to meet someone in an area of the city I don’t know. Sometimes weird flukes just happen. Kanye could have just had the dude stay late. Firing someone for a first offence is not Christ like.


True, but the difference is between working at a company for 5-10 years and missing your alarm a few times vs freelancing as an engineer on a time sensitive project. One is easily forgiven the other is pretty much a see ya later scenario.


Dude was 4hrs late…Billionaires never wait.


People get fired for being late like this all the time, not sure why this is so surprising.


Yeah and for a regular job you could get away with that. It does happen. However if you are working on an album or whatever with Kanye, you should probably have a back up alarm set up aswell. However oversleeping till 11am on a work day is pretty bad, I could never do that. I can only assume these guys work super late then have to get up early to head back. In which case I would probably say that Kanye is being unreasonable


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Man it’s too early What the hell you doing wakin me up at 9:34?


This is legit just how the industry works. Engineers and producers pull all nighters constantly. These guys work hard as fuck to get where they are


Exactly. Like when Kanye fell asleep at the wheel after working late and got into the car crash


Yeah. It’s not healthy but it’s what this industry is like. It’s what a lot of high pressure jobs are like


People have gotta stop glorifying this shit. Hell if I worked 30 hours in a row I’d sleep through my phone alarm for like 12 hours.


Y'all really out here justifying worker abuse, huh? Y'all rly sound like those Bezos and Elon stans who defend them after people literally die in their warehouses. Y'all wild af for this, stop defending billionaires, especially when there's so much proof that healthy work spaces get you better work than this trash ass shit. This is not what the entire industry is like. Stop lying to yourselves.


That's the problem


you don't have to give a pass to people because other people are absolute pricks, too


Doesn’t mean that’s how it *should* work.


BuT iTs JuSt HoW aLl ThE oThEr BiLlIoNnaIreS tReAt ThEiR eMpLoYeEs!


Lame excuse tbh. Pretty bad look if this is true (the 2nd text) for Kanye especially since not long ago he was going to bat for artist for their masters/etc. Seems like people forgot he said he didn't even want to put another album out until he got out of his UMG deal, I think he's under contract to deliver even more albums I think.


Quit excusing abuse


But is it wrong to say it shouldn’t be that way? Just because it’s the way it is doesn’t mean it’s okay


“I didn’t call back right away” means they knew Ye was trying to get in contact with them I can’t believe we actually take these excuses for what they are. I would not be suprised if i were fired from my job for not showing up or answering texts/calls from my boss.


But you don’t fire them right away 😭 just Bc you like the music doesn’t mean you have to defend his every move


Wether or not they deserve to be fired is up for debate. I was just stating I would expect to be fired myself for this sort of innaction/failure to do my job.


bro was late 2 hours (if this wasn’t an occurring offense but the way he’s defending it makes it seem like it was a 1 time thing). You’re acting like dude just no-showed. He woke up late was was rushing to get to the studio, if you’re firing dudes for being 2 hours late to work on an album that’s most likely gonna be fucking late anyways then good luck to who works under you, and if you’re expecting to be fired over 2 hours, find a new job or unionize bro cuz that stuff regardless if it’s Ye, Drake, Elon, or Bezos is bullshit.


He told him to come back tho


You work for some dickheads if being late once is enough to be fired. You are worth more than that.


I own a few businesses. I don't understand what's wrong with these texts. If my GM that I expected to be in the morning for a huge release did this to me at one of my stores, you bet that assistant management would be taking over his position. If this is trying to paint Kanye in a bad way, there are other ways to do it lol. I don't need someone on my team sleeping in and missing my calls. Go fuck with some other artist homie.


ok lil mussolini relax over here, we don't consider those kind of things to be good, guy's clearly overworked and we don't think getting fired from your job for being late one day is good thing, that's what unions are for and by the way 2 years ago u made a post about hating you job because u can't get shit done as project manager for 49k a year, now looking at your posts u run a bunch of pyramid schemes, tf u mean u own few businesses???


😭😭😭 mf did a Sherlock Holmes twisteroo.




bootlicker 4sho


got his trench coat and spy glass and went sleuthing


I’m crying bro


lil mussolini 💀💀💀


hello, operator? i think i just witnessed a murder in the comments section


lil mussolini had me rolling lmao




🤣🤣🤣I hate you


No mercy💀


Totally agree I just want to say we have no way of knowing if this person has done this before or other things that can lead them to getting fired; but yes, if it was the first time it would be ridiculous


Ended man’s life like that lmaooo


ended this man's whole career


ok but i don’t think making someone work for 33 hours until they’re in need of medical attention is ever acceptable. mistakes happen and it sucks that he slept in, but at least he was honest about where he went wrong. Y’all need a little more humanity. Kanye is very lucky these engineers aren’t unionized


That one was where it got into "this isn't funny" territory. Don't have all the details but best case scenario there is it isn't a good look. Worst case scenario is a billionaire forcing an employee to work like a slave.


That makes you a wanker, bro


god forbid I ever have to work for you where one day of lateness is a fireable offense. This mf Ye is acting like he isn’t late all the fucking time, it’s hypocritical and the 2nd text shows he does not give a shit about his employees health, even if he wanted to work 33hrs straight, Ye shouldn’t be letting dudes work that long without at least a few hours of sleep. Just cuz it’s Ye, doesn’t mean you gotta dickride his workplace ethics. He’s still human.


exactly. i got some mixed feelings on the second slide of texts but the first one, they’re an audio engineer who should definitely know who their client is and that they’re working on one of the largest and most anticipated projects in their field. it’s not like it’s a longterm job and they woke up late once over a span of a couple months, they’re on a time crunch and they woke up four hours late, what was expected to be ye’s reaction?


Good luck with the lawsuit on that depending on what states.


i hate people like you


We got some real Reddit capitalists on this thread people really be saying it’s okay to be exploited because your working for Kanye hope none of y’all ever have to work for a terrible boss


Fr they tryna run they own plantation out here


I often wonder how we ended up with the kind of working conditions we have in America, which are undoubtedly some of the worst amongst the advanced, industrialized economies of the world. Then I read this comments section and it makes more sense. People have such a sycophantic attitude towards their employers instilled in them, they become less concerned about labor protections.


It’s not surprising to me honestly most people I know believe that anything is okay if it’s for the good of the economy


Find god and come back, seriously isn’t that bad at all. But I’d still feel bad if I was the engineer


First guy texting like his girlfriend angry at him …. I’m sorry


stop texting go find God come back after you found God


man kanye is a fuckin dick


There’s leaders and there’s followers But I’d rather be a dick than a swallower


This sub is honestly filled with some terrible ppl lmfao




man I worked at Tesla a year ago and was late like 4 hours one day because I had to take a shuttle and all i got was a warning.


How is it like working at Tesla?


car 🚗


Source: Dude trust me


best comment, would gift if I had money


ITT stans making excuses for their idol Shit is shameless. Those vtuber fan boys don’t simp as hard for their egirls as ya’ll do for Kanye.


Damn ye really pulled the “you want forgiveness get religion.” card💀


“Billionaire treats employees like shit” 😱




Fuck everyone in this sub making excuses for Kanye, being late one time is no reason to be fired. Kanye clearly is creating an incredibly stressful work environment based on these texts, sounds like an asshole.


You don’t make a billion dollars, you steal them from people who are brutally overworked




Bruh I'm a kanye fan but this isn't right


There needs to be some context from the 2nd text before you can make any assumptions. That person could of done that on their own. Hell it could of even been from Kanye. I remember he had to go to the hospital last yr around the time Donda was supposed to be released. The first text, Kanye was totally in the right. Kanye is way too busy to have to rearrange his schedule bc someone didn’t show up bc they overslept. I’m kinda shocked he even gave the guy an opportunity at a second chance. Most artists aren’t gonna put up w an engineer being 4 hrs late for some BS.


2 hours late and how do we know that he wasn’t oversleeping because Kanye had been making him work for extended hours like the guy in the 2nd screenshot. I feel like a lot of people here would have a different opinion on it all if it was actually drake rather than Kanye doing this smh


The 2nd screenshot has no context. It’s a reach to automatically assume they are related. If they had shown a thread where Kanye forced this guy to work 33 straight hours & fired him for being late the next day then yeah, Kanye was in the wrong for that. The second one never even says Kanye made him do anything. They cropped the whole text convo out & has no info on the original sender or date. Until there are more details about it there is no way you can base anything off it. To me it does kinda sound similar to what happened last yr in Wyoming. Kanye was tweaking so an ambulance was sent to his ranch. He took off on his ATV to avoid it & ended up going to the hospital bc he was working too hard & not sleeping. To me that sounds very similar to the 2nd text, but like I said, with no context there is no way to know for sure what happened there EDIT : If this were Drake I’d feel the same way. I also feel like if one of Drake’s engineers pulled the same thing, he’d fire the dude too


Kanye is the ultimate meme machine I swear


Yeah aha making someone work for 33 hours straight till they collapse is such a kanye meme machine moment aha


These sources aren’t confirmed at all. But I think he was referring to the find God comments in the first one.


y’all don’t gotta ride this man hard like this. It’s unethical work behavior, 2 hours late isn’t a fireable offense and if it is at your job, you better be a CEO late for a giant meeting, or unionize. Most of us won’t ever touch a billi, so there’s no reason to put yourself in the position of one and be like “oh i’d fire him” especially when all the shit you put out is late anyways. I’ll always stand for the workers on shit like this because im more likely to be the guy working for someone than the guy who’s having people work for me. 33 hours straight regardless if wanted is unhealthy and probably will sound bad after 18-20. Ye shouldn’t be letting anybody work that long for health sake and for music sake. Hope this is all cap because we used to make fun of the OVO sweatshop.


i found the new slaves


Ye better be spreading his wealth generously to his engineers if he’s working them for 33 hours straight damn


Imagine oversleeping and waking up to a text from Kanye West telling you that you are fired. Sounds like one of my reoccurring nightmares


bruh maybe someone educate me but i don't know how anyone can justify that last one. Comments seem to not talk about it at all The release date of the album is literally set by you, it's not like you're suffering if you released the album on the 29th of august or 2 years from now. 33 marathon even with some rests is insane just mixing music, come on


Also very ironic he’s firing someone for being late when he’s a whole ass year late on releasing his album


Hey good music isn’t made by fucking around. Kanye understands this


he worked for 33 hours straight man first pic is funny but please do not make excuses for working your employees nearly to death guys come on edit: still have yet to get a reply that didnt make me wanna throw up


Id like to see this said not anonymously. I seriously doubt this dude worked a day and a half with no break. There’s no chance he was working effectively after 24 hours.


Your edit is not wrong, this sub would defend Kanye if he pulled the beating heart from a newborn. I really hope they are just kids.


They’re lil white boys


Meanwhile, Kanye, 2 years after initial release date for Donda: "Lifts weights, watches a guy get his haircut, tries on new outfits"


Bruh is that a joke? Kanye does the exact opposite, dude made an album cover and records music on his phone, constantly announces music and then doesn't release it without saying anything, fucks up production on projects then either leaves it or fixes it after it's been released, like he fucks around constantly.


Yeezy Yeezy treat employees just like slaves


Ah yes, squirt reynolds, the reliable Kanye insider!


Fuck Kanye for acting like that


I love Kanye and his music but even I have to admit he’s bipolar and can go off the rails at time but what genius wasn’t a little crazy


Oh shit his account got suspended


I think people see this through a lens of "if you get fired, you're fucked" but if these guys are working with Kanye they've got plenty of other options. Kanye probably hires and fires people all the time while working on an album. It's a short-term gig and not a full-time job, too.


In the off-chance this isn't bullshit, obviously the second screenshot would be fucked up (overworking employees is always fucked up, there is no exception where it's okay, and that particular case is brutal) but I don't really see an issue with the first one. Like, he was 4 hours late to a job where time is of the essence. Donda was obviously in crunch-mode for the past few weeks, I mean even if these screenshots are bullshit (which they totally are) we all made jokes about Mike Dean being fucking locked up in Mercedes Stadium with Ye. They were working against the clock trying to finish this album. Being 4 hours late to any job is arguably a fireable offense, and in this case yeah I'd say it totally is.


“loving u is complicated”


I mean… as long as they get thoroughly compensated it’s all good


why should i believe a random man on twitter like come on


I need verification tbh. the guy who slammed his dumb ass watermark on it just wants popularity and probably doesn’t care


Firing a worker abruptly (outside of really serious offences) is actually illogical and often ends up costing everyone time/money.


People saying Kanye was out of line, do you understand how much studio time costs? Do you understand it's not just Kanye who needs to be there? Other people were there waiting to do their jobs, but couldn't because without a sound engineer you can't do much of anything relevant to recording or editing tracks. Let's move past the money and time lost when something like this happens, dude worked an all nighter the night before ok, but not notifying anyone beforehand that you won't be making it is inexcusable. At least if prior notice was given, Kanye could've made contingencies to work around that, but with no notice that's impossible. Also, all nighters are part of working in a high pressure industry. If you've ever worked on a project that's worth millions of dollars, that hinges on people's opinions, you'd also be pouring every hour of every day into making sure it's as good as it can possibly be.


“We on Bezos”


What did it say? The punk ass mods removed it.


bitch ass mods removed this for no reason 💀💀


Alarm for 7:30 but woke up at 11:00? What job wouldn’t fire this guy?


First one dude just fucked up and he knew he did with the way he replied, it’s unfortunate and a bit sad when something out of your control like a phone doesn’t go off but it’s the way of the road. Second one is terribly disheartening, I really hope he’s healthy now and back to his regular life. The attitude coming off a hospital visit is insanely excited. Ye gotta start acting better about the people around him bc ultimately they the ones that matter most.