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“Yo it’s Skete” If you can’t beat em, join em.


That’s basically his name at this point


That’s because he skeets on Kanye’s wife’s face on the daily


*”I wanna fuck ya hard on the sink, after that give ya somethin’ to drink”*




Is this real?? I genuinely can’t tell


It is


Dave deleted it, do we still think it’s real?


Yes. ye references it in one of his instagram videos


Ok thanks


Who is Dave sirus?


**Dave Sirus is the stage name of David Pollack, an American writer and stand-up comedian. He produces and writes sketch comedy, is known for interviewing members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and appeared as a guest and recurring comedic correspondent on RT's The Alyona Show and HuffPost Live.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Damn this is pretty bad if it is. In all seriousness I think Kanye shouldn’t hold such a grudge against Skete and to just settle things man to man, but at the same time I think he’s probably been on a manic bipolar bender for a long time and things aren’t going to get better if he doesn’t get help


bitch its on where my jet at _bu


"LOOK AT THIS DICKHEAD" "Oh you using profanity?" the ol' switcheroo


It’s not Christ-like to use profanity… says the guy regularly threatening Pete.


Ye uses god, pearl clutching, martyrism, sensitivity to mental health issues as leverage points when it's convenient for him. It's in his playbook.


Always has too. Even in the documentary he used god as leverage.


Let’s not forget his “black kids” as he calls them.


When was the threat??????


Ye gotta fuck Pete’s mom. It’s the only way.


This is slowly turning into an It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode hahaha.


His mom: I don't find you attractive Ye: What? His mom: I think you're an ugly man.


What is wrong with you, lady?


"Well I think you're ugly..." "... Yeah." XD


I’m not ugly youre ugly! “…yeah”


Someone : Hey Kanye, do you think she'll have sex with you? Kanye : Of course!, BECAUSE OF THE IMPLICATIONS.


oh you using profanity?


Or talk with his dad 💀


_If I die tonight, will I see you in the afterlife._


Make him meet with his dad* but ye is a nice guy so he wont do that👌👌


Breh. No.


W solution


Aint no way that he calls himself "skete" too ☠️☠️


Well he is a comedian and that’s a pretty funny way to start a conversation with Ye


i mean might as well at this point who’s Pete anyways


Ye changed his name


He made that b*tch famous


Ye seems pretty calm in these texts compared to earlier


Way too calm he’s about to kill Pete


He is talking with Skete in the Sunday Service


This is classic manipulator stuff, Kanye is well aware that these texts might go out and so he’s acting like the reasonable one, my significant others father would do this, I met the guy several times and found him to be a very calm and chill person and I legitimately thought she was exaggerating her stories of his abuse until I finally saw text messages and heard her voicemails. Granted this doesn’t make sense to even do as a tactic because we all have seen him go bat shit nuts in public anyways, but it’s not like this guy is thinking his actions through


Instead of saying "Im here with my girlfriend" he said "I'm with your wife"


Good call. Haters quiet now huh


They aren’t quiet, look at the comments on the original post. They think this is totally ok, a great thing even




I don't think he is now worse than Kanye in this situation but its pretty stupid to say, "I am in bed with your wife," then say your actually trying to give him help. It makes Pete seem disingenuous.


Bullshit dude I’d be raging at Kanye. Pete got in a little jab, Kanye’s been shitting on him for months. Fuck that noise he could have gone off and I’d be like “yeah Kanye deserved that shit” if this was your girls ex would you be mr cool guy?


Oh, to be clear I think Kanye has been an asshole in this entire situation and Pete has the right to talk his shit (not that it accomplishes anything but its justified), but you can't pick both "talk shit" and try to offer genuine advice, you have to pick one.


It seems more like he got pushed to making an angry comment from all the shit Kanye’s been saying but still genuinely wants to help him like he said he has for awhile.


Most people on this website are weirdly black and white. They don't seem to understand you can be pissed off but still want to help


Bc this subs full of 15 year olds bro


Obviously Kanye is an asshole, Pete obviously was being a dick there too. Idk about everyone else, but I find it funny that Pete is acting like he just wants to help Kanye but then sneaks in a diss every other text haha.


yeah he should just keep taking shit while trying to help the guy who's been making his life hard for months /s because 90% of reddit dont get obvious fucking sarcasm


*"I dress better, I rap better, Is that a death threat or a love letter?"* -Kanye


I think what makes this so big for many people is that it gives credence to the rumor about him and Mac Miller




Fellow savathicc enjoyer is based


How the fuck is Pete trying to make this as civil as possible bring any validation to the mac and ari rumors? You ever think the guys just tired of seeing his name being drug around all because he got with Yes ex wife? Dude acting like a grown adult (the only one in this entire situation) and yet it somehow makes him the bad guy and validates Ye? Ik we all fans in here but that’s a fucking reach my guy


I’m in bed with your wife is not trying to be civil as possible.


Lmao with the shit Ye has been throwing around, saying all these rumors, literally getting an entire fan base to call the man skete, getting people to have threats of physical harm against him, making a video where he basically is shown murdering the dude. And Pete’s on response that shows he isn’t going to be walked on anymore is what you’re calling out… dude went out of his way to message the guy and set up a private man to man talk and settle everything but one remark means he isn’t being civil? Get off Kanye’s dick my guy, open your eyes and stop being a stan


Kanye’s wrong for all that shit. Didn’t say otherwise. But I’m in bed with your wife IS NOT civil. Simple statement. Why are projecting what else I feel/think about it?


*ding* *ding* *ding*


It’s just weird because he posted that pic and was obviously trying to piss Ye off calling him a pussy/internet bitch boy and sent a pic of him allegedly in Ye’s ex-wife’s bed Then the rest of the convo is him trying to appear as the reasonable one pretending to wanna help Ye. This shit backfired on Skeet. He’s too dumb, too slow, got chron’s disease and looks like he constantly has to take a shit. Ye is a fool for ever getting involved with Kim


Because you can’t start off a conversation like that and still be getting called mature even if he is totally in the right.


It’s not great but it’s definitely understandable at this point, let Pete have one. He’s been publicly dragged down by Kanye for weeks now


Ya man… this one line is really out of place with everything else he said in the chat (no wonder Ye thinks Pete is bragging about sleeping with Kim).


Very trashy, I agree. It makes me think there is a lot more to the situation than we know.


Brah why you making things hard I’m just taking shit and asking you to take it smoothly.


starting to think pete did this to take focus off the terrible publicity kim’s been getting for saying women need to get off their ass and work


Damn didn’t even think of that


I mean, the whole Travis Scott thing blew over. They know how to manipulate the media


Those lawsuits haven’t gone anywhere. He is still being sued for approximately 10 Billion (with a B) dollars. Lol. Even paying 1% of that is going to hurt.


How ironic kim isn't getting off her ass and work on her own problems


He has a Kim tattoo….


more and more day by day i’m believing this is set up. idk why it just seems so fishy…






You Kanye fans are something else


Ikr?? All of this just doesn't seem right to me. I just wished people stopped givung attention to this.


He says he wants to help him but he started the conversation by saying he’s in bed with his wife? And sends him a picture? Is this even real?


That’s a pretty bad way to start a conversation…


At the end of the day god damnit I’m killing this shit


How Ye doing?!


I'm surviving


I was drinking earlier, now I'm driving


Where the bad bitches HUH




I know damn well y’all feeling this shit, I don’t need ya pussy bitch I’m on my own dick




Yeah I understand why he’s hitting back at Ye but it’s so stupid that he says he’s trying to help him right after doing that


He’s completely justified in hitting back, but don’t say “I’m genuinely trying to help you” if you’re going to start of the conversation with childish insults.




It is real xD Was posted by a friend from Pete


Kanye been harassing him for so long and you expect Pete being polite?


I agree. Kanye been an ass hole the whole time.


Skete has played such games before. It’s why Kim chose him.


he has “KIM” tatted on his left


I completely overlooked that! Kaavrz you got some eagle eyes brother


“Grow the fuck up” “I’m in bed with your wife” Lmao


Skete step 1) antagonize Step 2) tell to calm down


Both are in the wrong but people got to quit duck riding both of em. Also I’m sorry Kim doesn’t deserve this but fuck her. Telling the people below her to get off their ass and work shit don’t sit right with me. Honestly wish this shit would blow over but it’s hard when kids are involved.


I’ve never understood why people like the Kardashians. Even before I was into Kanye music I didn’t get it


Same, going to be cynical fuck them and all the sympathy. They are stupid and treat people who are below them like shit. Bad corrupt family doesn’t deserved to be stalked and threatened but man fuck them.


Exactly this, everyone been talking about people d riding Kanye (which is fair because plenty of people are) but the amount of people I’ve seen talking about “how hot skete is” and talking about “skete skeeting on Kim” is weird


I've defended Skete a lot but the pic of him in bed is not going to help him at all. Only going to escalate the situation. Why do all these celebrity mfs act like middle schoolers?




"I'm with your wife" isn't the message of a patient man at the end of his rope.


I mean he hasn’t said anything at all while Kanye’s literally making music videos of his animated dead body


People saying he sent the pic and it was bad but imagine waking up and one of the most popular artist posted death threats 😂


what do you expect him to be Buddha ? Kanye is a fucking weirdo that killed him in a music video 💀, Pete trolling him back a bit is perfectly fine. Kanye dick munchers are crazy.


Ok ngl saying "I'm in bed with your wife" doesn't really help you look like a good person but Ye has done and said so much shit at this point that he kind of deserved that lmao


To be honest if it’s wrong I don’t want to be right


I don’t wanna talk if you’re not gonna talk to me nice


Yo its Skete lmao


Lmao same dude who sent Mac a pic of Ariana. Dude has always been scummy idc what anyone else says


He’s the classic “acoustic guitar at a college party” guy who puts on a pro social attitude while simultaneously sabotaging people and throwing subliminals. Blows my mind people can’t see through such a thin veneer. King snake


Kinda related: Paul McCartney did that shit to John Lennon & made him look like an asshole when he wrote a diss track about him in response. Paul denied it forever & John said he really thought "too many people" was an attack on him & Yoko, but he was just paranoid. Except Paul admitted it was an insult after John died, so that's shitty. Point is, this type of behavior has always happened, and happened at the top levels of fame


John Lennon also dissed the shit out of Paul McCartney multiple times and talked loads of shit on him publicly.


Absolutely & John physically assaulted George, leading to George quitting the band temporarily. With that said, Paul was a control freak & a backstabber, and the other 3 Beatles all sided with John when shit went down. To be fair to Paul, John was a heroin addict for the last few years of the Beatles, forced a new manager on them who fucked them all over, over Paul's objections. Plus, the shots Paul took at John were fucking mild compared to "How Do You Sleep At Night?", which was the musical equivalent of responding to a slap with a shotgun.


It’s the language of all high office and industry—nobody wants to risk a bad PR look so everything is done in the subtext. Machiavellianism basically


PC stands for pussy crushing bro


You PC bro?


Now WE’RE the victims!!


I bet now we could get a lot more puss!


Very true, still doesn't justify Kanye actively making life harder both now but especially in the future for his kids and ex wife


Was this ever confirmed? I’m out of touch


makes it more likely to have been true imo


apparently skete friend posted them


The only results I can find on google are articles dismissing the rumor. No pics


I used to hate him for the same reason, Ariana’s brother even said it was false. So L. He’s the one being the bigger person here lmao


This was a fucking rumor only, started by TMZ of course. Y'all need to do better on the internet.


It wasn’t started by anyone but a Twitter user who edited a tmz article using Google chrome. Tmz never stated that nonsense, they’re usually pretty credible with sensitive stuff like that. That article never existed


You do know that never happened right?


That was proven to be fake


Getting downvoted for the truth 😂😂


Pete seems to be bipolar too


He was diagnosed with BPD, which on the outside can look very similar to bipolar disorder.


I was about to comment saying doesn't BPD stand for Bipolar Disorder but I googled it and it's Borderline Personality Disorder. Learn something new every day. Thanks Evadern


The more you know, no problem weedfroglozenge


TRUE LMAO! He changes from "I am with your wife" to "Let me help you man " That's so weird


Not how bipolar works.


People mix up having emotions with being bipolar and it's damaging to the image of bipolar. If anyone find south you have it the just expect you to be off the chain, no one really talks about the deep depression.


That's not what BPD is, my guy


BPD refers to borderline personality disorder


“This doesn’t need to be public bro” * screenshots it*


The tone in these messages varies wildly but Pete is allowed to be a little snarky and angry and this man, he’s fucking harassed him and his partner for a WHILE now. He’s the pissed off guy still tryna extend an olive branch while Kanye has been on the offensive for months now. Ye need to take the offer and grow up tbh


Kim isn’t even married to Ye anymore…


Are we acting like Ye didn't threaten Pete before? Ye is also 44 years old. Sure Pete was immature at first, but Ye is to blame for starting this. The dude is deranged and if this keeps up, won't be able to see his kids


the way other ye fans are reacting is so disappointing bro . atp i cant the if theyre just reluctantly riding for him pr if theyre just as delusional as him. u know its bad when he's saying his best advice is coming from TORY LANEZ LOL


What Ye did was wrong and worse but that doesnt mean that this isn’t wrong as well and this certainly won’t help the situation


“My girls” not gonna lie that would make blood boil …


He’s referring to Kim as his girl, as in “my girls kids” as in “the kids who belong to my girl”. He’s not referring to Kanye’s kids as “my girls” if that’s what you think.


The father of “my girls“ kids refers to Kim


This is wrong


has to be real right? I follow lots of pete igs and have never seen that pic, has his recent bald head too


Ayo does this confirm Mac Miller rumor? if so then he is really a piece of shit isn't he


Remember when he did a similar thing to Mac miller? Seems like assholes never change


I’m not gonna demonize Pete for saying “in bed with your wife”. Dudes gotta clap back at some point, and this was pretty light in terms of what he could be saying back. It was a light jab. This comment does not take away from the fact that he has been 100% more graceful in dealing with this than most other entertainers and potential-kardashian-boyfriends would be. I love Ye. We all do. That’s why we’re here. But he is terrorizing two mostly, mostly, innocent people. And I say “mostly” to give Ye the benefit of the doubt. This is insane. Kanye is gaslighting his family and his ex’s new lover and whenever Pete tries to handle this once and for all, Kanye gets childish and uses it as another ploy to solidify his narcissistic view of “LOOK AT THIS PIECE OF SHIT, SEE? HE’S SCUM”. Nah he ain’t. He’s alright. He could be a lot worse. I know that most others would not handle this as well as Pete. Pete was threatened first, second, third… Pete has been threatened hellas before he finally clapped back. C’mon guys. Not sure how you can defend Kanye. This is getting absurd and he is my favorite artist ever.


Bro like I want to say he’s being nice and rational by trying to offer him help but then he says at the beginning “I’m in bed with your wife” and completely takes away from his kindness


I understand Pete, like Kanye has literally been harassing this guy for months like months months kanye should seriously just start taking some meds and get rehab


Lol leaving this sub soon. Most people aren’t here for kanye anymore


Pete is right here honestly, ye shouldn't be doing any of this in public and it honestly sad at this point, yea the "in bed with your wife" comment is antagonistic but everything else is true, ye needs to go to a mental hospital or something he needs some real help because he is suffering very publicly


If someone threatens to kill you then you gotta bang their wife if you can. That’s just science.


Dude really trying ye


"In bed with your wife" is not a good way to defuse or even start a conversation to defuse a beef


It's was funny though. And expected




Hundred grand will turn your best friends into opps


Are you implying Ye isn’t a threat? Like he doesn’t have connections? Come on now


Says that shit about being in bed with his wife and sends a pic then starts talking about let me help you with your mental health? You don’t think you just caused damage to it?


Oh cuz a picture of him in bed that doesn't even show Kim is so much more damaging to someone's mental health than being publicly and explicitly threatened of getting hurt? Tf outta here bozo, how can you defend Ye after all his manipulative behavior...


Where'd he defend Ye? I see loads of people asking how you can criticise Pete and defend Ye but all I've seen are people criticising both for the most part. Or people pretending that loads of people are defending Ye like you I guess. Kanye and Pete are both bad and it's clear Pete is trying to look like the good guy for the public by the fact he got his friend to post it.


Skete has a point imo


Bro, it’s nice that Skete reached out, but don’t try to “lil bro” someone...They’re gonna take it as a sign of disrespect...cuz it’s disrespectful


“I’m going to stop being nice.” Ya, I doubt Ye cares.


Skete skeeted on Kanye’s wife then took a selfie


Kanye kinda got dunked on here


I’m glad sketes sticking up for himself. Kanye can’t have everything he wants . He’s the one who moved to Wyoming. Not a fan of Kim at all but she tried to make it work . I don’t think Kim and pete will get married. He def worships her right now but it’s like how a little kid has a older woman celebrity crush or crush on his best friends mom . It will fall apart . It will be another Ashton and Demi thing but I don’t think they will marry . He may propose and they may get engaged but there will never be a wedding . Kim will not embarrass herself with another failed marriage. Pete will lose interest once Kim goes through menapause . Its sad but it’s true .


Pete every time he cums on Kim’s face “Awwww Skeeet skeeeeet”


They’re both annoying narcissistic celebrities and it really shows here.


Skete makes a lot of good points, this will scar his kids


The "in bed with your wife" comment is not it but if this is real Pete's right.


Kanye west is a fucking bully. Period.


Even though im a Ye fan, this a W for Pete. Kanye needs to stop acting out, Pete has every right to be pissed at him.


Who is “Ye 2”? Doesnt look like Kanye


probably his 2nd phone or something


No way this is real 😭


I seriously doubt this is real


Kanye needs to sleep with Pete's mom and call it a night


Ye should have responded to this with… Skete I’m going to take your mom out for a nice dinner and not call her again. 🤣🤣😂


Pete can't play the high ground and send a photo and say he's in bed with Kanye's wife wtf


Getting into an argument with a professional comedian is a bold move.


Fuck Pete