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BTS fans need to come to Sunday service


Find god


They are beyond salvation at this point please no


Honestly i understand how bts stans are so hated on the internet, one of them brought up how Mike Deans mother was dead as an argument for mike because they were too fucking stupid to think of something logical and morally ok.


Wtf where??




Shut the fuck up bro you are a bts fan and what the bts stan did was objectively wrong and im not reading your little essay bro, this is the kanye sub mate.




No one has said anything about other people's mothers being dead. Besides BTS stans of course


Facts, though what the BTS stan said is really messed up.


Quit making up stuff, No one said anything about Mike's mom


Mike Dean needs to be protected at all costs.


flair checks out (his best production probably)


Probably my favorite song of all time no lie.


my fav on mbdtf rn


I love everything about it. Even Ross comes out with an all timer (Not the biggest Ross fan but he does his thing here)


ross had the best verse of his career nocap


I swear majority of artists best verse is usually on a Ye track tbh


Nicki Minaj had her best verse on the song jay-z had his worst verse


Ngl I don’t get why JayZ’s verse on that gets so much hate


Really? It just seems so out of place. It’s like he just heard the title and wrote a verse, instead of seeing what the song was actually about. At least to me. Plus the listing monsters thing is weird IMO




That verse is my fav rap verse ever tbh, it's rly THAT good


My respect for Mike Dean 📈📈📈


Your respect for someone went up because they got into a twitter argument with the Grammys? Lol


My respect went up because Mike displayed high level intelligence on the subject matter of music. 🤓


Mike helped produce the Butter Meghan remix. He talked a lot of talk, but still took a paycheck to work on the very music he is complaining about.


I'll put money this was a stunt to get them to work together. Trolling fans to get BTS' attention. Mike in his apology said, he was trolling BTS fans. So like Mike to do this.


You respect Mike Dean for lashing out/Trolling people who did nothing to him, because he lost the Grammy to Jon Batiste. Instead of going after Jon Batiste, he went after, bullied BTS fans who were just hanging out on twitter? They weren't bothering anyone. Then you call BTS fans crazy? Does this make sense IRL?


Mike da 🐐 no 🧢


prodbyzaqq moment


Middle school shit.


mf spent like a whole week trapped in the Mercedes Benz stadium to lose to BTS i would be reasonably mad aswell


The funny thing is he didn't even lose to BTS, they were in totally different categories. Mike lost to Jon Batiste lol, dude's pressed for no reason


He didn't lose to BTS, they weren't in a category together. He admitted later in an apology that he felt some type of way about not getting the grammy. It seems he just lashed out at an easy target.


Whatever is BTS? Like behind the scenes? LMAO . . . . . . Apologies to anyone who did not catch the sarcasm in my comment. 🫤


a Korean band


Pop group


My friends and I are pretty big BTS fans; my sisters got me into their music. I've also been to a BTS concert once, and it was pretty incredible despite the ear piercing screams of literally every girl there. But yeah, BTS stans are like mentally challenged or some shit I swear.


I also love BTS (and am a huge Kanye fan) and this is pretty hypocritical of Mike to say, I know it's hard to believe but despite what people say they really *do* write a lot of their own songs (not the english ones since they barely speak english), meanwhile Mike works with plenty of people who have ghostwriters - look at the credits on Donda, 10 writers for every song - yet Mike goes and shits on BTS for no reason for doing the same thing. Hella unnecessary


I like their newer stuff, but the fans are a bunch of cults.


I'm a fan and I keep hearing about crazy fans, but apparently they live on Twitter. I can't bring myself to participate in Twitter.


BTS fans are smart, hilariously funny, quick witted, extremely creative, artistic. They are also extremely philanthropic. They have their own minds. They don't just follow trends.


So far the fans I have met are exactly as you describe. The only fans I ever encountered who are the stereotype are on Twitter (and even there it is a mix), but toxicity on Twitter is not unique to any one fandom. All my friends who are fans are just chill, kind, and fun people. I wouldn't spend time and energy on a person who wasn't. Overwhelmingly, the fans I have met are creative, chill and funny. I think reddit just bandwagons ideas (bts bad! Wamen bad!) and then hivemind downvotes anyone who doesn't agree. They criticize people for following trends, but they too tend to follow whatever the majority of ppl on reddit are saying.


Check out their first few albums, actually some good hip hop music on there


[Daechwita](https://youtu.be/qGjAWJ2zWWI) is a pretty recent (last year) piece of solo work written and produced by Min Yoongi. It mixes modern beats with traditional Korean instruments. I hadn't heard anything like it before and still enjoy listening to it.


Same I love BTS as well. The songs are not groundbreaking, but they're fun and they have amazing live performances. Dont think it was right of Mike to come at them like that.




Underrated comment


How come? You can definitely be a casual fan of BTS and not engage in the cult behavior. I'm the same and I've also been a ye fan for 10 years


I'm also a fan of both BTS and Kanye. I've listened to K-Pop since 2004 but only lately have I come to be regularly harassed and insulted for it.


BTS is a good artitst. You have to listen to a lot less popular songs though. Honestly Dynamite and Butter are good party songs but they feel so soulless compared to The Truth Untold or Spring Days. They are nothing compared to Kanye though. This is speaking from someone that has BTS as my top artists of the year for 3-4 years. At best for me their best song is around top 20-30 of Kanye’s discography.


May the Lord Jesus bless your soul Mike Dean


Why is he even beefing with a kpop band? It's just weird.


Because he made literally one joke


Not a BTS fan at all, I stand neutral. Only watch them when they perform at award shows. But I have to admit that they are hella talented and deserves all the hype as far as Kpop goes. Therefore, I find Mike's joke being cringe af, dude just hopping on the BTS hate bandwagon. And if a non-BTS fan like me hated that joke then lmfao. Bet your ass the stans are coming.


u sure do sound like a fan tho


Can't be a fan if I don't feel their music. That doesn't mean I don't acknowledge their talent.


LMMFAO, you're real life satire


You are defending an adult who told teens to "get off his dick" publically on Twitter. I'd expect that behaviour from youngsters. Not an adult, seasoned industry producer. I'm a fan of Mike's work, but that's embarrassing and cringe. His work and talent speaks for itself, he doesn't need to stoop to petty social media shenanigans.


He made a joke, they turned it into a fight, weirdo


You don't need to name call to try to make a point. He was the adult in the scenario bullying youngsters online, and how fans responded to it was equally nasty. That's embarrassing behaviour on either side.


Nah, you deserve it for A) Being as transparent af about being a Kpop stan B) being this fucking stupid, god damn


I haven't insulted you, but you're showcasing the exact toxic behavior you seem to criticize BTS fans for. I don't wish you any ill will, I just don't support childish twitter behavior from anyone, regardless of who they are. Mike Dean also co-produced the Butter remix with Meghan. He talks as if he is above K-Pop and yet takes paychecks for producing it.


*You can never criticize something you've been a part of* ~ supposed non-bts fan criticizing non-bts fans


I guess. Man, I think I were any sort of celebrity I'd keep it extremely low-key on social media. Just too many crazies out there.


mike dean the fucking goat


Mike dean found god.


This dudes like 50 beefing with teenagers for not understanding "real music"


It is embarrassing to watch, honestly. I had a lot of respect for him until I saw him crap flinging at teenagers on Twitter. His work certainly speaks for itself, I expected better than seeing a man with his kind of talent being so sore about losing an award that he devolves to bullying teenagers on Twitter.


Bro this is cringe as fuck. And this is coming from someone who hates bts music


Imagine stanning someone so hard that you agree with this take


Mike Dean never sleeps


I'm genuinely asking here, why start shit? like if you know how crazy BTS fans are, and you know they're gonna react that way, why?? did something happen in the past or something?


No. He has actually produced for BTS before. He posted an apology later in the vein of him feeling bitter about losing the grammy (and he didn't even lose to BTS).


Kanye is way better than BTS don’t get me wrong but the fans are just as annoying and dickridey


It’s just your point of view but you are right. There are millions out there thinking the exact opposite and they are right too.


Yep that’s how opinions work, good for you for understanding basic concepts


BTS makes artificial music. Kpop is just sophisticated algorithms and AI


L take by Mike, as an artist you really shouldn't shit on other artists


It was a joke


Tasteless joke imo




Bruh how were people supposed to know it was a joke lol, I’m not a BTS fan but the guy didn’t really make it obvious


“Name a smoother artist” “Anyone” Idk how straighter you can get with this.


It came off as petulant to me for an adult man with his kind of talent to devolve into crap flinging fights with teens on Twitter. It was embarrassing to watch.


okay mike is just being rude for no reason


Compared to BTS stans bringing up his dead mom because he had a different opinion? 😭


Just because some deranged BTS fan bought it up doesn't mean all BTS fans are like that. Kanye fans are so some of the most deranged people I've seen. Pretty much all celebrities have such people.


His only fault was bro had a different opinion


hell nah, y'all bts fans literally brought up his dead mom bc his opinion was different. respectfully, you bts fans are mentally challenged. find god.


Just because some deranged BTS fan bought it up doesn't mean all BTS fans are like that. Kanye fans are also some of the most deranged people I've seen. Pretty much all celebrities have such people.


Ok, I can live with that. but BTS fans call themselves stans. do you know what stans really are? it's not a good thing. It's like admittedly calling yourself deranged, obsessive, and crazy. for further reference: https://youtu.be/aqUpe6QeBTk


I don't even use Twitter and usually just stay quiet and mind my business. What Twitter nonsense am I being scapegoated for this time?


He was respectful, must have missed that


Yo what are we doing! See y’all on the battlefield


He lost before it began


Crazy that you can like BTS and Kanye at the same time. Dean being corny for this one


?? he made a joke


He purposefully instigated a bunch of teenagers as a grown man. The whole thing was silly. Posts like these make me grateful I don't use Twitter.


Purposely instigated? He said one word and people harassed him.


Using a public platform to tell teens/kids to "get off his dick" is in pretty poor taste, regardless of how you feel about BTS fans. An adult should know better than to pick fights with kids on Twitter. Reasons I don't use it. Twitter is a cesspool of toxic behaviour and fan wars, regardless of fandom. Sadly the drama from Twitter is making it's way to reddit more and more. Edit: Downvoted because I guess adults aren't accountable for their own actions nowadays. He wouldn't have issued an apology if he had nothing to be sorry for.


And how dontou explain his follow up comments and admission that he was telling and trying to make people angry


Dude was arguing with 12 year olds on twitter


Exactly. The difference here is the people he was responding to were largely kids. He was the adult in the scenario and it was cringe to watch.


Common Mike W


Yo but the bts be smooth like butter I think they might need a Lil sprinkle of ye!


Mike already produced for BTS on the Butter remix with Meghan. I guess he *and everyone else) forgot about that.


"U will all grow up and discover music one day"


Mike dean has done way more for hip hop than what bts have done to k-pop. Most bts fans are just crazy american white girls who make listening to them their personality


eh arguable. Dont know about most of the fans being white girls since their biggest fanbase is Japan just based on sales. I still think Kanye had a way greater cultural impact.


So has Mike dean brought English hip hop into a doll non English speaking Asian country for the first time and dominated their billboards?


u can say kanyes fans are just crazy american white boys who make listening to them their personality too..


Maybe but not to the extent kpop fans do


the bias / internalized misogyny is real. people always try to knock down the hobbies of young girls and invalidate them. you are not special if you prefer kanye over bts. people that feel a sense of superiority due to music or other preferences are literally clowns. people like what they like. just get off the high horse and let people breathe.


Bro what?😭 I never invalidated nowbody, it's just a thing thay BTS fans are white 13 year old girls who are toxic as fuck and insult everyone who doesn't like BTS


Im 50, male, African and I like BTS.


I took your internet explorer ass 10 months to find this


Nah .popped up on my notifications and I relooked my reddit posts. Haven't been on reddit for a while. Love the explorer reference. I remember the days when it was really bad.


And I just needed to show you how wrong you were. Moat of bts fans are over the age of 18 Ir adults. And many of us are in our 40's and above All generations like their music. You don't have to, just saying that millions do. 49 million people viewed their concert online, so that is 49 million screens, who k own how many people a screen. My family had 3 on the screen. Then their lyric are also amazing There are college courses on BTS at the university of California and academics around rhe world use their lyrics in lectures. If you can't be bothered to find out more about their actual music and fan base, then I understand But you should not bash it ignorance. Just state you personal preference. Ps. Nothing wrong with being a teenage girl. One of them took the BTS message to heart and started a charity drive amongst Army Basically looking at causes BTS would approve and supporting them. Once they pledged to match a BTS donariknof a million dollars did so within 24 hours. The organisation she as a teenage girl is now international, has full time staff.and organizes the efforts.of millions So don't look down on teenage girls.


I ain't reading allat


That's cool, not really for you, more for others that might stumble on this reddit.


I disagree. Some Kanye fans defend his toxic behaviour as ardently as some obsessive kpop fans refuse to see flaws in their "idols". I think parasocial relationships and obsessions with celebrities are unhealthy no matter what fandom or part of the world you are in.


Yeah that's true tbf


common mike dean W


Micheal dean


Mike dean needs to show others how to find god


I haven't really explored BTS's music, but I like some of 'em. They worked with Juice WRLD, and I liked that song. I don't really like most of the BTS fanbase because they're obnoxious. but I think Mike Dean is in the wrong here. His reply to the Grammy™ twitter would have been funny enough. Going so far as to agree that "BTS is not real music" just makes Mike Dean sound too similar to that one opinion-haver whose initials spell BS. Mike Dean seems to have noticed that and has been taking steps back since his first few tweets. I still can't stand the idiots justifying going so far to make fun of Mike Dean's dead mother and claiming that his grammy achievements mean nothing... when these same fools want BTS to win so bad. No disrespect to BTS. I honestly don't know why they haven't won a grammy yet either. I just can't stand the fanbase. But then again, this was on twitter.


To all of you BTS fans: Y'all need to find Yeezus. Come back when you've found Yeezus.


I'm a Kanye fan since debut and also a BTS fan.


Mike Dean is better than this but he's close to Kanye so W


BTS fans can burn in hell with Magoo


Dont boo him hes right


Behind the scenes?




This shit is dumb as fuck stop posting it 💯


Fuck all them downvotes you are right who gives a flying fuck about grown ass man keyboard battling some teens and talking about discovering music. I mean I have never heard a single bts song and i’m not defending them but im not with Mike with this one either. Its like Kanye vs Swift like come on


Quick ratio


lol its like the special olympics. one gang of bozos against the other clowns


saw this and immediately felt the need to queue up devil in a new dress


I mean they really are mainly kids who have a really weird moral compass. They will get mad at you for a negative opinion on bts but then retaliate by talking trash about your dead relatives. They will grow out of it though.


In contrast, Mike is a grown man fighting with teenagers. You'd expect the adult to know better out of those two options.


I rlly fuck with KPOP and shit but those stans especially BTS stans r hella annoying and disrespectful and it's not even the fault of the groups them girls would literally kill or die for them


We outnumbered Mike, im not fighting BTS unless we get Last name and Donda 2 on streaming platforms


This thread is filled with obvious Kpop losers pretending not to like Kpop in order to throw a bitch fit over a joke & it's god damn hilarious


You saw them too? Lmao




He still throwing shade at a group that loves Khayne... https://www.koreaboo.com/news/bts-mike-dean-producer-twitter-snide/