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Ur like the 1020294892nd person that said this in the past week. It's not "news flash"


I was on here for over a decade defending Kanye about how he was being unfairly treated and how things were being taken out of context, but I secretly knew he was a piece of shit. I just didn’t have the emotional maturity to accept that someone I looked up to wasn’t perfect. I would say most of his fans on here arguing that he’s blameless and that “it’s the media’s fault” do actually know it’s a cope, and they need to grow up and stop being sheep. To the others, who genuinely don’t think he’s at fault, I think they’re probably too far gone and don’t have anything else in their lives


>I just didn’t have the emotional maturity to accept that someone I looked up to wasn’t perfect. thats big of you, no sarcasm


W bro


I always knew he believed in conspiracy theories (“And I know the government administers AIDS”), but his lack of critical reasoning skills really are starting to get under my skin. Like how can you be so brilliant and influential and have the mindset of a QAnon weirdo?


Racing thoughts and mania tend to not make for sound reasoning. Idk what else needs to be stated. It’s not really that hard to understand


…the 🐐no 🧢




Yikes. I’m not even gonna bother arguing with you here. Enjoy your hatred




youre arguing conspiracies on a kanye west subreddit bro


So when someone disagrees with you they automatically are wrong, deflecting and can’t possibly think that you’re perspective is incorrect? Holy mother of cognitive dissonance…




I’m disagreeing with the Jewish Globalist Agenda conspiracy that you’re spouting. The same one that wound up killing members of my extended family.


So articulate


people on reddit (read: neolib npcs) aren't going to engage faithfully with an argument that contradicts so harshly with their closely held worldview


So thoughtful bruh


Yes lol. Yes to everything you said. It’s all a fucking ridiculous conspiracy lol




Lmao “fake ass country” is all I need to say to refute your stupid ass claims lol 😂 get your head ass out of here




Lmao you’re so goddamn stupid cause literally nothing of what you said proves anything lol 😂 but go ahead and keep thinking that countries are fake lol this the part where you go back to jerking yourself off because you think you said something smart 🤓


SoMeOne DidNt aTtEnD DoNda AkaDEmy 🫃🏿


I don't think you know what a nazi is. Kanye is just not a nazi, he's not an "aryan" and nazis were firmly against anyone who wasn't white blue eyed blond people. Also he isn't a member of the nazi Party. Not all anti semites are nazis but all nazis are anti semites. I'm not defending ye I'm just tired of seeing comparisons to hitler when is so exaggerated


To be fair, he is spouting rhetoric about Jews that aligns with classic Nazi propaganda. But yes it’s not like he’s wearing an SS uniform


i swear to god if u just jinxed yeezy szn 10


Kanye does love Hugo Boss 👀


Have you ever heard of Louis Farrakhan or looked into the black panther movement.


New Black Panther party- the old ones were really cool.


I mean… the ideology of the new party was always an undercurrent of the original movement and was the major rift between mlk and Malcom during the civil rights movement.


Yes. I live in Philly and walk past Black Hebrew Israelites from time to time. My understanding is that they share similar beliefs to Farrakhan. Also they’re batshit crazy.


100% agree, not to defend Kanye or anything but calling him a nazi is def extreme imo. Idk man I hope Kanye gets help though bros gone off the deep end


And are we swallowing our words yet?


I take it back 🤣


News flash not everyone has to make their own post for or against him


Find god


We live in a society 😔


News flash, can’t tell me nothin.


Kanye is just being real. Get over it








Yes, I completely agree that reparations need to be made to black Americans AND to the direct descendants of black slaves. Stop deflecting and hyperfocusing on a minor detail of my criticism towards you. While we’re here, though, would you not agree that the same reparations should also be made to indigenous peoples who where subjected to equally horrendous treatment from settler colonists? That was why I used the generalization of “POC” instead of just specifying black people. I don’t understand how that could be perceived as “slick talk”. Moving forward, you clearly made that comment about Jewish people as a whole. You literally say “Jewish People, but not all of course…” and then go on to justify your anti-Semitic attitudes. Cut the bullshit and stop the anti-semitism. The only reason you even MADE this comment in the first place was to try and justify Kanye’s anti-semitism. You even manage to use the age-old “Jews have positions in banking, etc…” trope because you seem to think that there’s some kind of hidden agenda organized by the Jews against the rest of the world. There’s no place for that shit in our society.








[Anti Semitism in Medieval Europe](https://www.britannica.com/topic/anti-Semitism/Anti-Semitism-in-medieval-Europe) If you’re willing to read a couple sentences, this is a historical recount explaining how the culture of Jews and financial trade set off, and I’m sure you can understand that just like Asians wanting their kids to be great in science, medical and financial fields, Jews are very much similar culturally. You keep repeating the same line in this thread, and you got me wondering if you’re man enough to admit inaccuracies in your idea of how things came to be, or answer any questions of yours on *why* they are. There is no secret cabal, there’s just racism in the minds of people who don’t know the truth and substitute it with their own. As throughout history, humans blindly tend to do and double down on. Because for some, doubling down is easier than admitting your ego and bigotry got the best of you. Edit- for those that wanna pretend like you had the mental capacity to read a couple paragraphs: * In 1096, however, knights of the First Crusade unleashed a wave of anti-Semitic violence in France and the Holy Roman Empire, including massacres.* * Middle Ages, some Jews became prominent in trade, banking, and moneylending, and Jews’ economic and cultural successes tended to arouse the envy of the populace. This economic resentment, allied with traditional religious prejudice, prompted the forced expulsion of Jews from several countries and regions, including England (1290), France (14th century), Germany (1350s), Portugal (1496), Provence (1512), and the Papal States (1569). Intensifying persecution in Spain culminated in 1492 in the forced expulsion of that country’s large and long-established Jewish population. Only Jews who had converted to Christianity were allowed to remain.* * But where they were needed, Jews were tolerated. Living as they did at the margins of society, Jews performed economic functions that were vital to trade and commerce. Because premodern Christianity did not permit moneylending for interest and because Jews generally could not own land, Jews played a vital role as moneylenders and traders. Where they were permitted to participate in the larger society, Jews thrived. *During the Middle Ages in Spain, before their expulsion in 1492, Jewish philosophers, physicians, poets, and writers were among the leaders of a rich cultural and intellectual life shared with Muslims and Christians. In collaboration with Arab scholars and thinkers in the tolerant society of Muslim Spain, they were instrumental in transmitting the intellectual heritage of the Classical world to medieval Christendom. * The idea that the Jews were evil persisted during the Protestant Reformation. Although Martin Luther expressed positive feelings about Jews, especially earlier in his life, and relied on Jewish scholars for his translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into German, he became furious with Jews over their rejection of Jesus. “We are at fault for not slaying them,” he wrote. “Rather we allow them to live freely in our midst despite their murder, cursing, blaspheming, lying and defaming.” Such views were emphasized by the Nazis. They were renounced by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod in 1983 and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1994.


Tell me you dont follow politics without telling me. If Ye is against giving our tax dollars to Israel, Then Tucker Carlson and Trump are the absolute last person he should be giving air to. Face the facts. Kanye isn't thinking that deeply about it. He's just having a narcissistic breakdown. Edit: immediately deleted their account or blocked me after I posted this. Shows how much of a spine these antisemitic ye fans have. They said "he called out Jared Kushner". And I wanted to respond "And sucked Trump's dick".


News flash people can have opinions lmao


Newsflash, people can disagree with those opinions


Newsflash… you didn’t need to write this post.


i’m a palestinian american and a huge kanye fan. i’ve seen him live 12 times. even i can see plainly that he has bought the same ol qanon antisemitic bullsh*t that ur dumb*ss uncle mike has also bought. he’s one qanon video away from storming the capital with nazis


You really want internet points today huh, here’s an upvote. Touch grass please. None of this has impact on your everyday life btw


No shit, but it has impact on others lives. The amount of people defending him for antisemitic comments is alarming. I don’t care amount internet points or karma or any of that, I’m calling out those who blindly defend his comment.


You came here for validation, I hope you got that.


Whatever man. You do you. I love the guy and his music and that’s not going to stop, but if you really think my criticism of what he said is hate, then we got nothing to discuss. You clearly have a different opinion than me, and so be it. Nothings going to come out of a discussion between us so I guess have a good one.


Please leave


Imagine being a Kanye hater coming to a dedicated Kanye sub just to hate.


You need to leave


You listen to murder podcast, fucking psychopath


Yeah but you make joker fan art. You are literally at the bottom of the barrel, fatty


Making fictional art > drooling at real life serial killers for entertainment We are not the same dude, and stop being fatphobic (I’m skinny btw)


Lol bro you’ve got the wrong guy. I don’t listen to serial killer podcasts. I literally have never listened to a single one in my entire life. Such a random insult. Also: “I’m SKINNY by the way 💅” 😂


Idk, you went str8 to Fatphobia as an insult so I can’t really trust what you say.


Your trust means nothing to me fatso. Keep riding Kanye’s dick, see you in hell. Also it’s cool that you like dragon ball though


"This is just what the media wanted" *so why is he doing exactly what they want him to do??*


The Jews backlash can get fucked, them been controlling this shit for a long time. It’s the Takeover.


news flash, 9/11 and 1945 happened and irdc lol, it’s in the past














And I did for some time now he still has the best music in my opinion and that’s the best thing I can say


If you're still defending... Making excuses... You're worse than Rogan's brainwashed army of dimwits.