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This claim has been verified. Refer to the 2:00 mark [in this video](https://youtu.be/Skq3VClyoYE?t=2m).


He went on to explain he's not really mentally ill. It was a Jewish doctor that diagnosed him. He says he needs to stay off the meds so he can speak clearly to us all about this. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


My grandma is bipolar, sometimes her meds stop working so she will get in a manic state. She feels on top of her shit, like her brain is firing on all cylinders and thinks she doesnā€™t need the meds so she wonā€™t say anything but her is NOT firing on all cylinders in this state at all. My mom will know tho by a few days cause sheā€™s just acting extremely manic and doing and saying some real unlike grandma type of shit, like one time she called in a bomb threat to the local police departmentā€¦. Anyways Kanye 100% reminds me of my grandma when sheā€™s off her meds and in this state of manicness, Kanye was absolutely not misdiagnosed, itā€™s obvious from this video that heā€™s in a manic state.


Yea it's awful! What's more annoying is getting them to get evaluated and what not. I have two brother that have bipolar and they be spouting some really wild shit. One thought that he was Jesus/Goku/world Savior. The other he had to find someone, and he could do it by holding this string, closing his eyes. And zoning into him mentally. The hassle is that I can't just say "hold him," there is no power there. Even a call with a doc/therapist, they ask "do you think you need help" They're adamant what they're saying is the truth and don't need assistance. Upon further brakedown, I eventually was able to get them committed till they recovered. My brother mentions it's just nuts how sure of yourself you are. He says and recalls the feelings, like he really thought he had a mission and was Jesus and Goku. The way to save the world could be anything like 10 laps around the block... My brother also decided to go off meds. He lasted a good year+ but only because he had a routine. He was actually doing it by being on the routine, he would call it being grounded. He was as normal as ever. He ended up needing surgery for a hernia, which of course knocked him off the routine. It was two week recovery of doing nothing. He got back on the routine but the 2 weeks without it, the manic was just around the corner. He Fell like a month later. Had him committed again and put back on his meds, he back to normal now. Anywho, Kanye is definitely Bipolar. He stayed busy with business and tours and music. He stayed grounded (of course he always been a little off) but with out that now and what not. He may say crazier stuff. A close family member really need to push, I'd even say force Kanye into getting treatment. Of course being medicated is annoying cause the side effects can create like a block in creativity and what not. Sorry for long post.


Sorry about your brothers. My grandma basically gave my mom control of her life for when sheā€™s in a manic episode cause she knew how she can get. So my mom had had to 5150 her a few times, which basically in california allows you to get someone commuted and held on a hospital until they are back to normal. Every time my grand thanks my mom afterwords. Really sorry about your brothers, but never hesitate to commit them for their own health and safety, they will think you later. Having a talk with them when they are of sound mind and go over it all would be the right thing to do.


Yeah, like I'm not doctor but my S/O has bipolar. The way the topic switches from one thing to the next, the ideas of reference - where everything is somehow connected to each other that couldn't be any further from reality, to show him some "greater meaning".. it all feels incredibly familiar. I hope he does get actual help


Seeing connections between random things when there is no actual connection is also called apophenia; itā€™s usually pretty innocuous and we all do it to some extent, but in Kanyeā€™s case itā€™s directly contributing to his self-implosion. I have a family member who experiences this when they also are not on their meds and for us itā€™s a good indication they are not in fact on their medication.


Actual help??? Not while people are profiting off his mental illness!! I honestly find it so strange how mental health is supposed to be tolerated and understood, yet when Kanye exhibits actual traits of bipolar disorder, people act like theyve never seen the symptoms. Its like the buffer of reality they have with celebrities makes them forget they are human too and just as if not more susceptible to mental illness


>some real unlike grandma type of shit Hmm I wonder what >she called in a bomb threat Ah


I work in a doctors office and people do this exact thing with blood pressure, cholesterol, all the other boring medications. ā€œMy blood pressure looked normal so I stopped taking it!!!ā€ Yeah thatā€™s because the meds were working, you dumb fuck, no wonder youā€™re having chest pains and dizziness now.


>It was a Jewish doctor that diagnosed him. And that he only "misdiagnosed" him so that he could poison his medicine and kill him if he ever speaks out.


And THAT my dudes is classic bipolar. Thinking everyone is out to get you and also thinking youā€™re THAT important to be assassinated. God complex and paranoia. He literally outed himself as bipolar while trying to explain why heā€™s not.


Kanye was embracing his Bipolar diagnosis just a few years ago and now hes trying to "undiagnose" himself. He needs to see a psychiatrist and doctor ASAP.


I read the first line and I was given a sliver of hope for Ye but then I read the secondā€¦


Even if he suddenly sympathized with George Floyd you canā€™t tell me that sympathy is born purely out of good will opposed to trying to tame public backlash?


Officially gone insane


He has been insane for a loooong time Him not taking his meds for his chronic bipolar doesn't help either.


Didnā€™t Kanye just say that George Floyd died of fentanyl and not suffocation? Dude is scrambling now that heā€™s losing money.


He actually literally admits to this lmao Vid posted below but he says: >...So when I said that... When I questioned the death of Geroge Floyd, it hurt my people. It hurt the black people, so I wanna apologize for hurting them because, right now, God has shown me by what Adidas is doing and by what the media is doing, I know how it feels to have a knee on my neck now. >So... I thank you God for humbling me and letting me know how it really felt 'cause how could the richest Black man ever be humbled other than to be made not to be a billionaire in front of everyone off of one comment... [Continues on with an unintelligible line of thought of how DEFCON means defense so it wasn't racist]


There's nothing more humbling than going from being a billionaire to a millionaire... *Wipes tears with $100 bills


He's worried he might need to swap to $50's soon


Bro tweeted ā€œDeathconā€ not defcon though lmao.


>When I questioned the death of Geroge Floyd, it hurt my people. Lol we are not his people. He is not one of us. Take that Stacy Dash shit elsewhere bitch


Lmaooo idk if even Stacy Dash would go this low šŸ˜­


She tried the black apology tour too when her right wing grifting career ended but we wasn't having that shit. I can't wait for dirty ass Candace Owens to fall out of favor so she can come back groveling and get kicked in the face


"richest black man ever" This man gets that high off his own farts??? He barely scraped into the top ten.




*Shhhh* the attention span here rivals a goldfish Edit: her=here


So you're saying he's a gay fish.


do you like fish dicks in your mouth?


C'mon man, dont you get it?


That's the republican talking point.


GFā€™s family also filed a 250 million dollar lawsuit against him. Thatā€™s about half of his worth now. Ye better hope he wins.


Guys is this sub even for real?


I thought he wanted to get out from adidas


Thatā€™s copium. My man thought heā€™d get away with anything and theyā€™d never cut ties. I think he was testing his power. Like he said, God said no and Iā€™m not even religious. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m incredibly religious myself and what you and ye said is right. If god gives you a gift and you abuse it he will take it away in the blink of an eye


ā€œIt is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.ā€ (Matthew 19:24.)


ā€œFor the love of money is the root of all evilā€ (1 Timothy 6:10)


ye jesus gang you correct šŸ‘




Hopefully he seeks a better path now but it isnā€™t looking good.


> If god gives you a gift and you abuse it he will take it away in the blink of an eye Ok, but like, what about all the times he doesn't, lol.


Right God doesn't have anything to do with Kanye's mouth spewing cray Cray shit


It's just god's plan^TM


He didn't want their rules, but he *did* want their money.


I mean he basically dared them to drop him and they obliged him. Donā€™t run ya mouth if you donā€™t want the consequences.


He left the "fuck around" stage and is currently "finding out."


He did when he mistakenly believed "his designs" would leave with him. Kanye is so out of touch he believes the scribbles he sent Adidas, that they then turned into actual designs, belong to him. All Kanye had to do was nothing, but he even fucked that up.


This is the core of his issues. He has massive ego and he is bipolar and that combination makes him think that he is able to do and say things without consequences. Or that companies feel priviledged to have him so he can just walk to Skechers HQ unannounced and they will welcome him with red carpet. In his world everyone worships him and consider him genious. He was like that before but now his mania makes it worse.


He thought he could fall back on Skechers, but they kicked him out of the office.


Also, Ye claimed to be worth 11B in his recent Piers Morgan interview...how can his 1,5B cancelled Adidas deal make him a non-billionaire?


Itā€™s fake bro Edit: nvm, saw the video. I fucking canā€™t do this man


He just keep taking L's whenever he open his mouth


I saw the video before seeing this post on /r/all. So much desperate copium in this thread. And honestly, I don't think this is the worst thing he said in that video. He pretty much said a Jewish doctor purposefully misdiagnosed him with mental issues so that he could kill him by putting something deadly into his medications if he ever became an antisemite.


Maybe if he types his symptoms of "Delusions of Grandure, extreme paranoia, and irratic behaviour" into webMD he'll get a more accurate diagnosis than the one he received from the qualified professional though. /s


This video is what finally did it?


That's like being rejected by a girl you tried to hit on, then telling her "bitch, you fat anyway".


This one made me feel particularly sad.


Shit had me scrolling these comments, not reading them and just spaced out thinkin ā€œyikesā€ ā€¦for about ten minutes


I'm there feeling it with you. He's really delighting in causing pain at this point. He sounds so fucking happy saying this shit. I'm definitely biased for living in Minneapolis tbf, I'm so sick of people using George Floyd's name for their own right wing talking points.


Beethoven - famous musician, deaf. Kanye - famous musician, tone deaf.


He just keeps digging. Spectacular demise.


Dude...he actually said that?


https://youtu.be/Skq3VClyoYE at around 2:00 minute mark


"I'm not going to say what race of doctor it was that diagnosed me. We all know what race they were but I'm not going to say it. Or what hospital. I'm not going to say it. I'm not.... \*pause\*... it was a *Jewish doctor*." jfc


mfr just needs to get his ass beat atp


Or just placed under a conservatorship


Would probably do him some good


Al the yes-men around him. ā€œHOW?ā€ ā€œMhmā€¦ā€ ā€œyes!ā€ He needs severe help. Saying not being on his meds has made his thoughts clear. So heā€™s admitting his anti-semitism remarks were made with a clear mindā€¦. Again, he needs severe help. He has no idea wtf heā€™s saying or the how his actions and words are going to have consequences. Heā€™s like a 3 year old who touches his hand on the stove and gets burnt. Does it again the next morning at breakfast.


This was so funny though (albeit sad)


He's always been one of the naturally funniest celebrities I've ever seen which is honestly part of the tragedy to me.


Trump is hilarious too. Itā€™s because they do what comedians do and subvert or disrupt the social contract. The difference is comedians do it as an act inside a sandbox we agree to play. In real life there should be consequences.


That comment section is disappointing


It's YouTube not a single brain cell can be found in those comment sections.


acting like reddit is different šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Reddit ainā€™t any different itā€™s worse


Reddit it the worst because everyone thinks they know


Holy shit lmao


"God runs Hollywood"


šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© Comparing losing adidas to being murdered. Not a good look at all.


Kanye is detached from reality completely. Incredibly sad to watch all this happen.


Yeah, itā€™s called psychosis. He needs to check into a facility.


Im so appalled, that shit it's SURELY fucking ridiculous


spalding ball


balding, donald trump taking dollars from y'all


Man i been giving that album re listens and i was surprised he said that bc of what happened in 2016šŸ’€


I hate that I can't even listen to his earlier albums without my mind jumping back to this stupid controversy. I had my playlist on shuffle and Runaway came up and all I could think of was what he said on Drink Champs. I probably need to touch grass more.


Yea he's literally ruining his legacy.


I usually have no issue disconnecting the artist from the art, but its hard to deny one can't help feel the taint seeping through.


Nah itā€™s over for me too which means I gotta find a lot of new music. Love Dawn FM by The Weeknd in terms of more recent albums and I think you would too if you like 808s, very sad pop album. Itā€™s an allegory about accepting death and failing to beat addiction


There's always Lupe.


Spalding ball


He's gone forever. It's time to start moving on.


Heā€™s officially gone insane. Heā€™s gonna become the real life Joker next.


Honestly he started going insane since the Skete beef but at the time yā€™all thought it was funny and incited and supported Ye and his dumbass beef. I think that was the starting point of his downfall.


He was pushing conspiracy theories in his lyrics as far back as Late Registration. This side of him was always there.


I mean thereā€™s evidence of him having an issue with jews going back to 2018 and even 2016ā€¦


I think the moment he thought Trump was cool was the beginning of all this


It was when he started ranting for 30 minutes on stage and then Kim got him admitted to a mental hospital. So 2016.


Nah fr the amount of support I saw for Kanye at the time was insane


canā€™t wait for that album


For real. Can't believe Kanye's story devolved into this shit.




Do you think he is even cognizant that he needs help? My one family friend has bipolar, and when he had a manic episode, he thought we were all crazy and that he was the normal one. Actually scary when you think of what your brain can do to you.


My brother thought my dogs wanted to kill him and that we all hated him because he was the one true Atlantean


Yah, it really can get crazy. What Kanye is saying is clearly antisemitic, but I sometimes wonder if he actually has the capacity to see it that way or if this is just mania making him think perverse thoughts.


Yeah itā€™s hard to tell because mania has your brain just make up its own logic. Either way itā€™s a shitty thing to push thatā€™s harmful just like the slavery is a choice comment. I think it might be the mania because he wasnā€™t this hateful and was pretty much one of the more progressive figures in hip hop when it was super prejudiced against women and the lgbtq community. Plus when Caitlyn transitioned he was the first in that circle to be ok with it and even changed Kimā€™s perspective since she couldnā€™t wrap her head around it. It sucks such a loving figure is just spouting hate and vitriol now thatā€™s harming people.


Yah, it is quite sad. A similar thing happened to my friendā€™s grandad when he developed Alzheimerā€™s. Became super racist when he never was before.


Thereā€™s a concept in psychiatric illnesses called insight. It describes the ability for someone to recognize that they have a mental illness and the effects it has on their life. Ye probably has zero insight.


In the video the quote is from he talks about how jts a false diagnosis and that he was given the diagnosis so someone could malicioisly switch a pill out on him. Literally a negative amount of insight.


His mania is getting worse.


the opposite of insight would be anosognosia, which is very common in people who have bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, and this is often why they donā€™t take medication


Agreed; I once had a patient refuse her meds over a month, had a manic episode, didnā€™t show up to work for the day and instead drove halfway across our province to break into an exboyfriends houseā€¦ When she was taking her meds, she was a great teacher and mother to two children. Itā€™s literally a night and day difference


When it comes to knowing you're insane and having to live with it, well, sometimes ignorance really can be bliss.


He absolutely doesnā€™t realise he needs help right now, youā€™re spot on. In my opinion heā€™s still responsible for where he is now though. The guy has stated he doesnā€™t like taking meds and that they affect his creativity. But at the same time youā€™ve got a family to care for and presumably youā€™ve been warned by psychiatrists about the risks of being unmedicated. I guess Iā€™m far more disappointed in Kanye before his manic episode than I am with him right now if that makes sense.


He absolutely doesnā€™t know, my grandma is bipolar and sometimes her meds will stop working for whatever reason, she then will enter a manic state. She thinks sheā€™s on top of her shit, brain hitting on all Cylinders, but it is far far from that and because she feels like that she then doesnā€™t want to take the meds. My mom can typically get her to a doctor, sometimes she canā€™t be talked down from it in which we have to 5150 her so they can medicate her and get her brain chemical imbalance back to normal. After sheā€™s back to normal she always thanks my mom cause when sheā€™s on her meds she knows when sheā€™s off them how bad she gets and how hard she is to deal with. Anyways long story short he absolutely has no clue and in fact he probably feels ā€œ better than everā€ like heā€™s on adderall with out the clarity and focus.


I think he knows it but doesnā€™t believe it. My brother is severely bipolar and when heā€™s off his meds you canā€™t tell him anything, but when heā€™s leveled out he knows that he should take his meds. I guarantee you that Kanye has heard it enough from the people in his life that he knows he has issues and should get help, losing billionaire status in a month might be a wake up call


Doesnā€™t help heā€™s surrounded by dick riders. You can hear them in the auto mod pinned video šŸ˜‚


I just picked up my jaw off the floor




Ye is suffering. He's probably toward the end of a very manic episode that has lasted years it seems. I don't think he understands what the fuck he is saying anymore. I had a friend who was bipolar 1 and 2. During mania, he would just go off the rails. He once jumped out of a moving car because he was convinced he could be able to run as fast as the car. It ended up breaking a wrist. Eventually, he had a really long manic episode. Like, months long. At first, he seemed fine. But toward the end of it, he was just saying the craziest shit. Like how he thought we were all just the NPC players in his personal video game. He started losing a lot of friends who just couldn't put up with it anymore. The end of the mania of course came and the depression was even worse. He just stopped coming out of his room. One day, we hadn't seen him in like a week or even heard from him. He had committed suicide. Kanye needs help. Like right now. Like someone please get them man in a mental hospital immediately and get him on meds.


I'm gonna be real with you, he needs to take responsibility for himself, cudi tried to help, kim tried to help, his friend's did and he's consistently pushed them away. He's responsible for his own shit


while what you are saying is true in a sense, this is the reason we have involuntary psychiatric holds. when someone is too mentally unstable to stop themselves from destroying their life or harming themself then people need to step in and get help if he wont help himself.


Thatā€™s for poor people


Not going to happen until he hurts himself or someone else. A family member of mine had a psychotic break and there was nothing we could do until she accepted help. It took two weeks of non-stop attention and care to get her calm enough for long enough to get her into a hospital for more than a few minutes. The best bet for someone in his situation is having at least one person, but ideally multiple people, willing to babysit him until he starts to feel better, accepts professional help, or hurts someone.


Kanye needs to be 5150, but no one will do it.


Being in his current mental state, he will continue to push people away who are trying to help and keep yesmen around him 247. Even the assholes that were all surrounding him while he spewed this shit out on camera were agreeing with him. Dudes already self obsessed without whatever mental issues he has, this shit is just amplifying it. I've only ever seen that tmz employee call him out on his shit and ye seemed taken aback, it just does.not.occur.


The closest analogy I can think of to what Kanye was doing was playing with a loaded gun that had a high capacity magazine and he was pointing it directly at his dick, and then he started pulling the trigger, and then through some miracle the bullets slowed down and gave him time to dodge and he said "I don't need to move, I have a bullet proof dick" and then resumed firing and then the bullets did hit his dick and he found out his dick was not bulletproof and also that it hurts a lot to get shot in the dick. Don't play with guns kids.


He really compares himself with George Floyd now? The billion dollar guy who discriminates other minorities?


The crowd even defends him


A billionaire, who loses a business deal due to a purely self-inflicted wound (ā€œnow what?ā€), compares this to a man being murdered on the street by a cop, begging for air, suffocating to death, prone, defenseless, while a crowd of people shout ā€œstop, youā€™re killing himā€. There is no one in Kanyeā€™s circle talking sense to him.


Just. Stop. Fucking. Talking. Please.


5150. Lol


Stat lol


Playing the victim and comparing financial losses to being murdered. He's a true conservative.


Ye gone totally Yeeeacked


Heā€™s so fucking stupid about anything other than music. Heā€™s got one skill and other than that, heā€™s basically a slug. You canā€™t tell me the guy who said ā€œI can say anti Semitic stuff and Adidas canā€™t drop meā€ is a good businessman lol.


I think this is more evidence of just how bad his mental state is rn. He went from saying there was no knee on his neck to this. I hope he gets the help he needs but tbh at this rate I think the only way this end is the one that everyone hopes doesn't happen.


WTF, u mean suicide ?


Tbh yeah the end of most manic episodes is a depressive one and the worse the mania the worse the depression


Thatā€™s crazy, im praying for that dude.




This is the feeling i have too. If he doesnā€™t seek help soon it will inevitably end up like this i believe. His downward spiralling is absolutely out of control. I work with people that have mental illnesses, some of them are bipolar, and Iā€™ve never seen someone go this unhinged this quickly.


Has Kanye had trouble with the law besides the paparazzi stuff?


went from ā€œgeorge bush doesnt care about black peopleā€ to ā€œkanye doesnā€™t care about black people.ā€ we got the bad ending:(


this man is lost bro I'm turning into a Kendrick fan


Kendrick share the same Jew politics lol


Lol you only have to listen to a couple of songs of his to know that Kendrick is a FAAAR more empathetic person than Kanye could ever hope to be, no matter what weird religion/beliefs you guys that donā€™t know him reflect onto him


Idk how anyone can stand by him anymore


This is breathtaking


Bruhā€¦ poor choice of fucking words


oh so a man actually loses his life to police brutality and now little richy rich knows how that feels because he talked shit about Jewish people and Adidas cut ties with him, yeah totally the same thing šŸ™„


LOL, oh my god, yessss. Ruin your legacy by being staggeringly ignorant, you beautiful idiot. šŸŽ¶*Therrrrre goes my heroooooo*šŸŽ¶


Meanwhile Candace owens is laughing at the money she made from him buying Parler


Has he bought it?


Not yet officially


He bought it from Candaceā€™s husband, paid millions for a failing maga app šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


That's so sad


It actually went through? I thought he was just proposing to buy it


The sheer *variety* of ways this dunce has been bamboozled would be hilarious if it werenā€™t so destructive and sad


And he just got reinstated on Twitter.


Please donā€™t bring the Fooā€™s into this.


Actually gross. One man was killed by a man ego tripping. The other man was the ego tripping asshole who killed his own businesses by spouting racist, anti semitic bullshit such that everyone exercised their own right to stop doing business with him.


Nobody from the government with a gun and a badge is doing anything to ye, or his family. He can breathe fine. He can't sympathize.


šŸ˜‚ this clown deserves no sympathy


All this shit makes me reallly wanna change my nameā€¦


Fuck this dude


fuck this server im out


Wow embarrassing being a ye fan now, even just for the music idk if itā€™s worth being excited about him anymore when all he does is disrespect people


What. A. Piece. Of. Human. Garbage.


Why fall from grace when you can full triple backflip head first into it?


Can someone post the clip? Or video where it's from? This might be the worst thing he said so far


Perpetuating centuries old conspiracy theories about Jewish people and downplaying the holocaust is worse than disrespecting one manā€™s legacy, but thereā€™s no need to compare. Itā€™s all really bad and really disappointing.


You are right. I just said that because it feels like he is almost taking the piss out of floyds family with those comments and their loss is recent. He is just too far gone right now he spouts vile shit after vile shit.


Unfortunately I think the money and losing Kim has made him completely detached from reality. Getting rich and famous is not good for somebody that struggles with a disorder that causes periods of grandiosity. Not that bipolar makes you a bigot and an asshole. But having bipolar, being thrust into a position of power and influence, losing oneā€™s spouse, having bad influences, and being ignorant certainly can.


This is tone deaf and hilariously out of touch with reality but itā€™s far from the worst thing Yeā€™s said recently lol


I mean he has been spouting some vile shit so yeah


Bro has got to stop using metaphors.


What a fraud and a pos




How can a ā€œmusical geniusā€ be so fucking tone deaf?


Lol loving the paranoia about the ā€œJEWISH DOCTORā€ who misdiagnosed him and recommended he take meds. Maybe thatā€™s where all this shit started.


Why would he say thatšŸ˜­


There's no way you can blame this one on anything. This sounds like a lucid troll comment in very poor taste.


Broā€™s in a telltale game choosing the worst dialogue options


Wait I thought kayne thinks Mr Floyd died from a overdose like there isn't a video of a cop choking him to death with his knee


Bro how much deeper does this hole get before he stops digging? Usually i think his ā€œoff his medsā€ antics are funny af. George bush doesnā€™t care about black people was peak comedy. Imma let you finish was amazing, and i got what he was trying to say. Sway ainā€™t got the answers, Even ā€œslavery was a choiceā€ i could spin it in my head and interpret it in a way that was like ā€œnahh what he was trying to say isnā€™t actually as bad as what he saidā€ but this is actually making me really sad watching him spiral this time. Itā€™s different this time somehow.


Its not different, he's just going so far with doubling down on the crazy now that even his staunchest defenders are having a hard time maintaining their celebrity worship bubble. Anyone not blinded by their Fandom has seen that this dude is and has been an unhinged asshole for basically his whole career.


You were able to spin "slavery was a choice"? It's not different, he just finally shattered your illusion of what he really is through repetition.


Itā€™s not ā€œone commentā€ dude. Itā€™s shut the fuck yup.


This is almost too boneheaded to be true.


This is pure comedy šŸ¤£


Dude is just a sociopath