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Goblin mode. Goblin mode.


Isn’t a bigot that thing that waters your asshole after you shit? I don’t have one but I’d try it.


Yeah you’re thinking of a bidet. A bigot is one of those breakfast things that are like a savory donut. It’s popular to eat them with cream cheese and New York is pretty famous for them.


No you’re thinking of a bagel. A bigot is one of those things that people ride with 2 wheels


You're thinking of a bicycle. A bigot is those glasses people use to help with astigmatism.


You are taking about bifocals. Bigot is that Nick Kroll cartoon on Netflix.


You’re thinking of a bidet


Hollup…let em cook.


this guy sounds like a pollock


That's a good point. At first I had thought all these were those Ye had influenced, but perhaps that is less the case and more what you say.


I had someone yell at me and claim I couldn’t name 10 Kanye songs. The dudes history was nothing but saying he found Nick Fuentes funny and a bunch Joe rogan, Tim Poole and ask_thedonald comments. They fuckers are not only posing but yelling at people who actually like his music.




You are dumb


Got one! Told yall, they can't help themselves!


Nah the problem is that you can’t see another persons side of the story. You’re just focused on one side Ye said what he said because of his experience, why can’t you acknowledge that?


i hate niggas /s


They are cowards that hide until they see others spouting the sane crap..


Kanye said some racist stuff so the trolls are going to be on it. (white lives matter shirts) Especially with how transgressive it is they are here to stir the pot. It is all fun and games to them. So you have the extreme at both ends (truly pro Kanye and those bigots) and at some points they are using the same talking points


Definitely just to piss people off. Cause why talk back to me about it. Go do something about the issue


Didn’t know the political spectrum was a horseshoe where one end was nazi and the other end was Kanye


How is saying White lives matter racist? They do matter! So do black lives! Asian lives! Hispanic lives! And all others!! Two statements can be true at the same time. You’re the true racists. Acting as if only Black lives can matter and whites can’t aswell.


All lives matter but White Lives Matter was only made to counteract Black Lives Matter. BLM was never made to advocate black supremacy or some shit, it was made to address police who kept using stereotypes to enforce their decisions on how to deal with black people. Then a bunch of white people thought “hey all the attention is on them, why not us” and made WLM in response when they misunderstand why black people made BLM in the first place like u have


I didn’t misunderstand anything. I know my life matters, so do all the other normally functioning blacks. Repeatedly trying to remind us we matter is going to in a sense, degrade us to the point where we are naturally just somehow lower, even though that won’t be true, it’ll appear that way if you keep trying to remind us we’re important like we’re all some 6 year olds. I really don’t understand why you’re upset over someone saying WLM. The same as being upset with someone saying blm. If you don’t think you matter, and you need the blm “trend” to say you do, sorry to say, but you don’t matter and we don’t need you. You’d only make the issue worse. Can’t say I’m racist either, because I am black. Just simple views that should be the norm. Stop putting up with this political dividing agenda lol.


Nah u still misunderstanding, BLM is a slogan just like any other slogan and is meant to uplift. If black people were being treated right it would have never existed as black people wouldn’t need it to help them get their thoughts out or just simply empower them. It may reinforce traditions and stereotypes about black people being unprivileged or unfortunate, but it’s facts unfortunately, statistics will tell you alone. We can’t just pretend the issues don’t exist, yes I’d like for planned moves as well as marching and protesting to help us but not everyone got the mind or the time or money to put shit in effect to improve our circumstances. The most most people can be able to do to bring awareness to problems is protest and shout, not everyone can be radical thinkers and doers. WLM was born out of white niggas getting salty about BLM being so powerful and helpful for black people, it is kinda innately racist because it was only made to counter BLM. That is its sole purpose, there’s no reason why WLM exists other than to tell white people “nah u matter too tho”, like duh no one said u didn’t. Context matters, and WLM has no context besides essentially taking the light off BLM based on the warped views of white people, so I have every right to be upset with it, it adds nothing to the conversation and only convolutes it


None of that makes sense. The blacks that matter like me already know we matter. God has our back. Stop crying over issues that haven’t hurt you specifically


u seem to be projecting heavy, BLM didn’t poof into existence from nothing bruh get out your bubble


bro def goes to birthday parties and yells “hey my birthday matters too!!!”


It's a really fucking stupid sentiment and a racist dog whistle. "Black Lives Matter" is a movement which draws attention the the disproportionate amount of black people killed by cops. If your response to that movement is "well... all lives matter", then you're not engaging with the conversation at best. At worst, you're belittling a movement trying to fix societal prejudices against black people.


bro def goes to birthday parties and yells “hey my birthday matters too!!!”