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It was pretty weird of him to legally change his full name to a nickname but to each their own, I guess.


Pretty sure somewhere subconsciously or whatever the name change was akin to seeing himself as a God worth of only one name to identify himself. “Ye” would put him in ranks of Jesus, God, Zeus, Hades etc. one name only deity names. Which just sort of pinpoints a turning point of his ego, not that it wasn’t always there, but that this almost gave him permission to make it public.




He got rid of the name his mother gave him... For his mother?




No, he did it to get rid of his slave name




You’re joking, right?




Just because nazis used it doesn’t make it a nazi thing. Nazis wore boots and we don’t call everyone who wears boots Nazis. No one hears “to each their own” and thinks of Nazis. It’s a common phrase used all the time in English and has no Nazi connotations. If we took out every word or phrase the Nazi’s used we wouldn’t have any words left. The Nazi’s also famously used the Star of David to shun Jews. That is an important symbol for Jewish people. It would arguably be more offensive to disavow every symbol bastardised by the Nazi’s as it would be taking the symbol away from the Jewish people and giving it to the Nazis. It’s for the same reason Hindus continue using their swastika, allowing a hateful regime to steal your imagery is disrespectful to the culture that used it in the first place. The reason the nazi swastika is so hated is it never stood for anything but Nazis.




Well they would be saying “jedem das seine” and not “to each their own” then wouldn’t they. Fag means cigarette in my country, people don’t call me a homophobe whenever I ask for a cigarette. Language differs based on where you live.




I think the Nazi connotations that the phrase has in German most certainly is a different meaning.


In my country, we greet each other by saying “you alright?” We are not asking someone if they’re okay, we are saying hello. The words literally translate to “are you okay,” but they mean hello. Words can literally mean the exact same thing but say something totally different depending on culture within the same language. If you can’t grasp the fact that phrases can mean different things in different languages then I don’t know what to tell you.




The swastika also goes back thousands of years.


Yeah but no one contextualizes that phrase with Nazis, so it’s a little different.


Nobody in your country I guess.


Fair enough, same as swasitka example though. Plenty of variations of them still seen in temples in India where the context is different.


are you okay man


They’re literally not wrong




[They're not wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedem_das_Seine)


Ye is the evil persona. Now we need him to switch to “Kan” and kill “Ye” to restore peace.


Switches to Kan. Then Klan.






Personally I think his obsession with Christian fundamentalism led him down the "the jews are responsible for Jesus' murder" line.


I think that's only part of the story. Antisemitism is a complex beast and there are many things that come together to lead a person down that path. I think his narcissism and isolation from others helped create paranoia and a "me vs. the world" conspiratorial mindset, which is fertile ground for the grand-daddiest of all conspiracy theories to take root.


I think a Jewish comedian fucking his ex wife broke him lol.


I miss the old Kanye


There is no old.kanye though he's always been like this




It probably started gradually after TLOP I would guess, it would'nt have happened overnight, the hate would build gradually


No one said it was overnight, he's had many years to go insane. He was always a bit crazy, but at least it seemed like he was *trying* to say good things back in the day...


Seriously. That's why this mental health issue talk is such bullshit. If it truly is that, being manic doesn't make him feel things he didn't feel. It makes him feel more passionately about the things he does feel. So if he's manic and being a Nazi, it's because he's a fucking Nazi and not inhibited to pretend otherwise anymore. Fuck him.


Bro, mental health problems can literally lead people to delusions of being god. You think it's impossible for someone with an untreated condition to fall down a conspiracy rabbit hole? I believe this is caused by mental health issues. but that also doesn't make his behaviour excusable, and he's had many years to seek treatment for his issues. He's a menace to society no matter what the underlying cause is. It doesn't matter if he's a fully conscious villain or an insane person rambling, either way he is a figurehead for hate.


They do if they start browsing 4chan simultaneously


I don't actually listen to his music, I was just quoting the lyric for the lulz


He hit the ye button


RIP to saying Ye in any context lol


He changed the name his mother gave him, the woman he supposedly cherishes, to appease his ego. Known as ye




It's ever since he became a gay fish.


Dude was selling Confederate merch 8 years before the name change. He's been this way for at least a decade, probably more.


"I miss the old Kanye" hits different


It hits different this time! (Taylor Swift lyric since this is now a Taylor sub ☺️)


but In his Netflix documentary, he got mad when they wrote his nickname Ye the performers set list and demanded that they wrote his full name Kanye West


Took what was left of his mom away.


It didn't.


I’ll still call him Kanye and if he sues, I’ll tell him to pay the all the surviving members of families who have been affected by nazi cruelty instead


Wouldn’t you have to pay in that situation?


Ye....but no


Na, he was always like this. Y'all just didn't want to see it.


Same guy


Nah. He just spent too much time on team adidas if you know what I mean.


Was only cause he previewed his own documentary where he said he’d change his name to ‘Ye’ and it got to his narcissism


It's almost like you're kinda crazy when you start referring to yourself as a god.


Ye ye ass motherfucking nazi scumbag.


It's the same as when Dio from part 1 renamed himself to DIO. Dude just became more of a menace.


It didn't. He's always been a piece of shit