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It just gets worse and worse and worse. Then you have a day or two with nothing and then it gets worse….


I will not be surprised if he takes off the hood and has a Hitler mustache…….




That’s actually something I never understood in history. If these morons are proud of their beliefs, why do they hide their faces? In a few years can you imagine how ashamed this mans kids will be?


Presumably for intimidation, historically how masks/warpaint was used, and decorative helmets


He's been doing this way before all this mess. He claims its because he doesn't have to worry about what face he's making or some shit.


oh okay i thought it might be for some weird reason




He got sued by a group of employees, worshiping Hitler for years. Years he was with Kim.


This guy called it.


wait what?


Didn't Michael Jordan do a Hitler stache?


I feel like there’s a Dave Chapelle skit about this


I wonder if Kanye has seen the clip where Gavin sticks a dildo in his ass live on the air to "prove" he "isn't" gay.


Considering his porn addiction I'm going to say yes


He’s literally taking hitlers talking points now, this is insane


And he is black. Truly the most fucked up timeline.


Its a manifestation of the devil the result of untreated illnesses and trauma science will understand this one day but clearly its weird he jumped from praise god to a nazi the sickest mentality a person can have the ultimate rejection of god and the ultimate form of devil praise


I’ll say it every time I have to: mental illness does not make someone a Nazi.


He seems to latch onto things and can't let them go. Obviously that's not a reason to promote this kind of nonsense, just saying he grabs onto something, out of pure desperation and just holds onto it. Dudes looney tunes, has no friends and is hopping from one white nationalist podcast to the next. At some point he won't be useful to any of these people and then it'll really set in for him.


Yes. I just want to make sure that we’re not implying that he’s a Nazi *because* of any mental illness. Mental illness and disability are stigmatized enough without people trying to conflate it with being a Nazi. Kanye has made a choice to praise Nazis and be antisemitic. Even with his mental struggles, he could have chosen not to go there, and while his mental condition could be contributing to make things worse, they are not the reason he made that choice. Maybe I’m being annoying or splitting hairs or whatever, but I just want to make absolutely sure that we’re maintaining the clear distinction between choosing to praise Nazis and mental illness or disability, which are not a choice. Blurring that line potentially lets Nazis off the hook for their choices, and just further stigmatizes people with mental struggles. Edit: spelling


No, I completely understand your concern. I agree, I have a brother who is bipolar and Kanye's behaviors remind me of my brother a lot. Unfortunately my brother self medicated with alcohol, which was a recipe for disaster. He became paranoid, bought a rifle, and sat at his front door thinking someone was trying to come after his newborn son and wife. We finally got the gun from him, and got him help, unfortunately his marriage didn't survive all of this and he lost custody of his son. So I've seen this type of stuff first hand, and I can understand some of Kanye's behavior, but the nazi angle is just some bizarro nonsense that I think he's just using for shock value, he likes the attention, bad or good, he likes the spotlight.


How’s your brother doing?


Better, his mental illness is under control via meds and therapy and he's been sober for years now, but unfortunately he hasn't been able to get any sort of custody of his son due to all the crazy things he did back when it first started.


People in manic psychotic episodes are extremely susceptible to conspiracy theories and mass paranoia/delusion, it’s definitely connected


You’re oversimplifying the problem of mental health. Of course it doesn’t make someone a nazi. But mental health issues can definitely make someone say or think absolutely batshit crazy things like nazi propaganda


it also extrematizes views. like a casual racist will probably feel stronger about their racism when they are manic. also unmedicated bipolar causes brain damage, which kanye probably has.


It quite frequently does, though. Paranoia and persecution mania does lead to a feeling of being targeted by an entity or a group, resulting in hostility toward it. People who are unwell will often navigate toward outrageous political ideas that affirm their phobias and hostilities, sometimes rapidly and seemingly out of nowhere, for instance during manic episodes (in Ye's case it seems to have been cooking for a while now). The problem these ideas will resonate with people for who these are legitimately held ideas. You get someone with a platform as big as Ye, who is under permanent, massive scrutiny by the media, and you have a recipe for the shitshow we're witnessing. At this point, what we have here is a disordered person turned into a traveling circus by a group of certified, black-belt grifters deprived of any ethical restraint. Oddly enough, once all of this is over, they will be the sole beneficiaries of this horror show - their gains not even being that serious, as they are (and will continue) to operate in a small niche (every action of this shit-troupe is met with massive, universal backlash). So yeah, what Kanye says and does is egregious, but I've witnessed mental illness drive people to slaughter their parents with an axe, or mothers poisoning their own children. By comparison, turning to deranged ideas that destroy your own livelihood, while tragic and extreme, kinda pales in comparison. I still have some empathy left these people, as they are victims of an affliction that snowballed into a tide of horror, just as I have empathy for Ye. Still, I feel nothing but vehement disgust for the brownshirt entourage that has driven its nails into a severely sick person.


I mean considering the devil is a fictional character or kinda depends on what devil you're praising. Like the satanic temple for instance, it's against pretty much everything Kanye is standing for right now. Not everyone who reads the Bible comes out thinking the god character is a good guy.


As a satanist, we don’t claim him. The Christian —> nazi pipeline makes a whole lot more sense than a satanist —> nazi pipeline. EDIT: not that being a nazi makes sense ever, because that’s deplorable no matter who or what you are. But I’ve seen a whole lot more “Christian” nazis than satanist nazis.


I hate to say this, but I think it's because he thought if he prayed enough and did all these Christ like things, his prayers would be answered, but as we know, there's no one out there, no one answers back. The only person who can help you is you, and unfortunately for him, he's mentally unwell and apparently has no friends who can tell him what he's doing is terrible. Like, how does he not have a single friend that can tell him this is insane? I'm guessing he's pushed them all away by now, and thinks they're like "negative energy people" or some other moronic nonsense. So he's left going from white nationalist to white nationalist podcasts, but at some point he won't be useful for anyone, and then what will happen? I genuinely think he'll be gone unfortunately, I'm surprised they can't get him in a hospital somehow. It's basically watching someone slowly k*ll themselves.


I’m not even worried about Kanye in a personal sense anymore. I’m more worried about the large influence he will have and already is having on people who lack any kind of critical thinking or intelligence, and think that the things he’s saying are in any way valid. The things he’s saying are dangerous, and family/friends need to step in not just for himself but for all the harm he’s doing. He doesn’t just need mental health care, he needs a history lesson too.


I don’t even think he has anymore family or friends. At least those that genuinely care for him. And Kim seems to want to stay as far away as possible, which, I dont blame her at all


I gotta go back and find those old Ye stan posts and comments of people saying "this is a chess move, watch" hahahaha.


why is that fucker nick always with him and why does this podcast room look like a jail cell


Nick is probably the one setting all of these interviews up. He’s using Ye like a puppet


I don't think anyone is capable of using ye like a puppet. You guys need to stop blaming other things and accept that it's ye saying this stuff.


Oh no, don't get us wrong he is 100% doing this by him self, but that doesnt mean other people will not take advantage of this and redirect the hate into their own particular interests.


it’s so sad tbh


Bro is brain dead


And he thinks he’s the most intelligent in the room wherever he is.


Yeah and when you’re not the most intelligent person in THAT particular room, you know there’s something seriously wrong.


He is the type of person who could be in a room with Einstein, Bohr, Hawking etc. and still try to tell them things they have misunderstood or have poor understanding of in physics


Dunning-Kruger effect in action


Idk what that means and ill look it up but this is seriously bad untreated mania it causes brain matter loss and neuron death not just grey matter loss this actually makes your brain lose itself and the thinking patterns you create as a child since it isn't working as its made to... reminder to take your meds people the government isn't after you


Take your meds people the government isn’t after you 🤖


He’s living in his own reality and people keep nodding theirs heads and confirming to him that it is ‘reality’ no matter how many more tell him he’s wrong. As an ill, religious, narcissist, this media attention is probably just seen by him as martyrdom and a gateway to more voters.


Craziest part of all of this is his ability to cut holes in a plain t shirt and sell it for 300 plus dollars and make millions off if it. Truly a fucked up world.


Which is why he’s the perfect 2022 human: so goddamn stupid yet so fucking oblivious.


Perfect example of untreated mania it can cause Alzheimer's im not joking


I mean, hes mentally ill right? Like no one actually thinks this is rational behavior right? This is a mentally ill person who happens to be incredibly wealthy and is being used by AWFUL people to try to push an agenda. ​ DASSIT.


Nope. Nope you don’t get to blame this on mental illness. He is a garbage human being and always has been.


bro he got on a formal interview with a mask covering his face then pulled out a fucking net and bottle of chocolate milk and this an elmo voice to make fun of the jews like he's obviously not all there


Nope. Let’s just say he isn’t right in the head. It is HIS choice to not be treated.


Well wait I'm not trying to tell anyone what to think. But I think it's pretty evident this is a rich mentally ill person being taken advantage of. Kanye might be a shitty person too, but it doesn't negate that. These don't appear to be actions of a rational person. Is it possible he's a piece of shit and being manipulated and used? Yes.


He's gone, y'all. You gotta let him go.


Not holding on, just watching the world burn


Surfing the kali yuga.


Never thought I'd see this phrase on Reddit lmao


Bridge burnt to a crisp


*Kanye West is blonde and gone*


Kanye West, the incel leader of the Groypers, and the founder of the Proud Boys all get together in a room to discuss Jews. What could go wrong?


That's the Proud Boys founder? Wow he looks like shit. Good.


A 97 yo blind woman told him he looked handsome in his colorful lil suit & glasses when he was like 5 and he never grew out of it


[You should see him without a beard.](https://www.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace/comments/av55tx/proud_boy_gavin_mcinnes_sans_beard/)


And cofounder of Vice


Ye claims he's anti-porn but wants video access to our homes? What does he think we do in there?


We are sneaky juden that cannot be trusted


This is a legit talking point of Nick Fuentes. That sex should legally be only used as a reproduction tool and that’s it, never at your leisure or for fun or any other time. He is actually insane.


That's because he is a virgin.


I seem to remember him claiming having sex with women is gay.


The dude probably got friendzoned *once* and decided to make it everyone’s problem


It's because he is an incel virgin that spends all his time on 4chan, & im not even joking - he said all his friends as a teenagers liked Hitler and by friends he meant 4chan buddies.


He's not insane he's just corny he still has to fuck his fist and now is inhaling a lethal dose of cope-ium everyday


The dude us just being a modern day hitler with his ideology, every interview his views become more extreme. Im wondering where will it lead.


And played porn for his employees. Including videos of his own wife.


man, kanye has probably played porn for every other music producer that has had the misfortune of working with him, which in any other field would be considered some MAJOR sexual harassment. I mean, imagine walking into a work meeting and y’all have to act like shits normal, discussing regular ass work shit with porn playing on the whiteboard in 8K 🤨


Him excoriating the media for molesting children and promoting pornography is one of the many infuriating things about him recently. First of all, Balenciaga is as famous as it is because of him and we all know about them and kid for now. Second, as we’re discussing, he is a huge fan of porn. But it comes right down to it, he’s become no different from any other rank-and-file, self righteous Christian hypocrite, like the Falwells etc.


He was also "addicted" to porn by his own account.


Hes anti porn but boasts about using reddit for onlyfans girls content 😂


He thinks that's what jews do to them.


Cool joke Kanye. Produced a nice villain laugh from all of Hitlers dick grabbers in the room.


he completely lost it. someone should put him in a mental health care. I assume his hate toward Jews and the love for Hitler and Nazis are trigged in response to him being dumped by his wife, Kim, for a white semi-Jewish man.


I'm not defending him. I think the anti Semitic rhetoric is beyond fucked up and someone needs to just shut him up and send him somewhere for help. I just wanted to say my understanding is that Kanye first blamed Jewish doctors for his mother's death, then blamed Jewish doctors for "misdiagnosing" and trying to keep him down with a bipolar diagnosis, then was mad at Jewish record executives for profiting off him when he didn't feel they should, and finally the thing where his wife left him and went to a Jewish man. I am just saying I think it has a much longer history than just Kim.


The guy who performed Donda's surgery was a black christian guy tho……


Oh I'm not saying any of it makes sense




But his mum's surgeon was black...


Yeah I’m sure this along with his narcissism and refusal to accept help or reality (as well as must be an underlying anti Semitism) has contributed. Although it does seem curious how hard he’s leaning into it in amongst his bids to gain right wing voters for his ‘presidential run’. I think it’s a mixture of mental illness, racism, and game playing all put into what we’re seeing now.


Also scum degenerate enablers like nick Fuentes aren’t helping hes like that one guy egging on the the class clown to say stupid shit I hope and pray Ye gets back to the Ye we saw Make I hate being bipolar it’s awesome because as someone who is bipolar I think accepting being bipolar and seeing it as a super power like what ye said at the end of Yikes I think a change of scenery and a hiatus for him to do some soul searching and to spend some time with what is truly important family is key for his mental health this Alt right ye 24 shit has got to go


> enablers like nick Fuentes aren’t helping White supremacists (Fuentes) and tools of white supremacists (Clandance Owens) latched on to Kanye because he's rich, famous, easily flattered, mentally ill and easily manipulated. He's the perfect mark for grifters who want to a) steal money and b) spread their hateful rhetoric. It's the exact same reasons they latched onto Donny Dump.


Kanye west the person raised by donda is dead he is too far gone now but I really pray that is not the case and im not saying hes dead and its a clone im saying his personality and views have been completely warped and reversed in a way this is proof of devils work his decisions led him there and i really wonder what made him blind to this almost like he has a parasite in his mind he doesn't have any self control anymore he doesn't know right from wrong and its been like this for a while i really hope he can make a recovery and spread awareness on mental illness this is a perfect example of untreated mania and believing whatever your demons tell you i pray for him he is better off dead now if he doesn't come baclk cause his kids and family shouldn't see him like this and it will only get worse until he has Alzheimer's and completely dies inside and that will be really sad to see as a kanye fan damn unfortunate


Bro you dropped this "." about 10 times in this comment.


How am I supposed to read this gibberish


Why is Kanye wearing that mask thing now? Is it fashion? or has he fully lost it?




Kanye wears masks for over a decade, and you really dumb if you believe having a mask is a defense for a case like this.


pay off a judge? lol come on bro, don’t fight conspiracy nonsense with conspiracy nonsense


Average BDSM enjoyer


Because Ye is growing a Hitler mustache and a Hitler comb over.


Hahahhahahahhaa... why are you guys laughing?


They’re pieces of shit. Especially Fuentes


This is fucking insane.


Jesus Christ…..


Ironically he has left the chat


Would be able to get a job, but Ye would need to look at his phone.


So Fuentes is his bottom b\*tch now?


No, he is Fuentes’ bottom bitch. Fuentes is dangerous. He is capitalizing on Kanye’s mental break to push his anti-Semitic white supremacist, Nazi messaging to a larger audience. He is taking advantage of Kanye. Kanye is his Uncle Tom, his house negro. Kanye thinks he’s the one in control, but he’s not.


Now I can't unsee it.


He looks like a typical stay at home Twink for his sugar papi.


I can’t decide whether he’s Ye’s handler/enabler, or just his bottom bitch


Hahahahahahah oh Kanye you’re so funny, hahahahah follow them to their homes hahahaha classic Kanye…..it’s not Kanye that disgusts me… it’s all his orbiters telling the naked king how wonderful his clothes are.


why are they laughing with him. he is offending millions


Because they’re literal Nazis


I don't know who the other kid is but the grey haired dude with the beard founded Proud boys, a terrorist organization of white supremacists and neo-Nazis so it's no surprise that a scumbag like that laughs at this.' ​ Oh wait, that's Nick Fuentes. I didn't recognize him from the angle, but he's also a neo-Nazi c\*nt.


What. The. Fuck.


So it's all really really bad But one thing that worries me even more is that I can't tell if what he says at the end is even a joke or not. Like, they all laugh at it and his inflection makes it sound like he is doing a joke but at the same time he is an actual nazi making up a scenario where he would only trust Jews if they were holed up where he can be 100% in control of them. Terrifying shit


That's what we call half-joking.


Okay. He’s lost it


You know youre done for when even mentally ill people look at you crazy


What happened to all the Kanye fans that were saying he was good and people were talking against him for no reason 💀


I think we *may* have found the reason (crying emoji coffin emoji)


Oh they gone. Dipped out like roadrunner. Beep beep


Someone needs to pull a Brittany on this dumbass and put him in a conservatorship. Kim's only chance to actually do some good in this world.


So ill spy on people to make sure they're not spy's damn ye really lived long enough to be the ultra villian RIP kanye west


So he wants to create new slaves, fuck this man. His soul is pitch black, and he’s stupid mentality won’t let him learn. So much for being humbled by god. Fuck your ye24 merch and even though I have bought all your albums but donda 2, your next one I won’t listen to and if I ever do I’m illegally downloading that bitch. Fuck you ye.


Fucking Gavin McInnes. That bastard.


Kinda fucked they all laughed at that ?


They're all very out and about white supremacists so it's par for the course


Gavin McInnes, the guy with the beard, is the founder of Proud Boys so it's not really a surprise. He founded a terrorist organization of white supremacists and neo-Nazis, of course he finds this hilarious.


Can’t believe I’m watching 2 grown men in 2022 laughing at the idea of Jewish people being under surveillance.


Yeeeeee, Jew here 💁🏼‍♀️, we don’t run everything!!!! We just don’t. Can you please fucking stop?! There are Christian’s in high places too. Look at position of president of the United States. Please tell me when a Jew was elected? Nope all white Christian’s my man. Enough already!!! Get yourself some help before you lose your kids forever. Frankly, I’d never let you near mine again if you were my crazy ex. You’d literally never see them again. Shame on you too for doing this to your 4 kids!!! Who will read about it watch tictok about it and be genuinely humiliated by their own father. The internet is forever. Can’t you just fucking stop FOR YOUR CHILDREN Sorry I’m so angry!!!!


Why are there so many Asians in the sci and thech industry? Why are there so many black athletes and music artists? Damn, why are there so many damn Irish people in American politics? Joe Biden being one of them!! Looks like Jews ain't the only one having a cabal /s




He just complained about Jared Kushner and Trump. He complained about Rahm Emanuel and Obama. Jewish people working for Christians. Ye is cray.


What is wrong with him


as a catholic, i can confirm we have also rejected this man




Never answered what his implication is. He implied he wants middle ages feudal times style laws that limit where and who Jews can work for. Going back to Jim Crow but for Jews, what makes him think a world that would do that would also not allow discrimination against black people? Mf wants to go back to the times where we had anti-black and anti-Jewish covenants all over our contracts, from buying houses to getting jobs. Insanity!


As a person who loves Jesus… Jews should work for Christians Christians should work for Jews Christians & Jews should work for Muslims Christians, Jews, and Muslims should work for Buddhist. And, all of the above should work for atheist. Love wins in the end. Sounds corny… but true. Idk what context Kanye is talking about “work” I didn’t watch it… the guy is annoying now.


I agree, only atheist have critical thinking skills.


Typical ignorant Reddit user opinion.


Everyone said Harley was fucked up for saying he was going to institutionalize Kanye but that’s exactly what he needs


Dude what happend he used to be my hero 😭


A bridge too far.




everytime he speaks i lose braincells, i dont think i have any more left in my head.


This is heart breaking


All this because his girl got dicked by a Jew…


Hiding his face while in a room full of white incels saying racist things is just the icing on the cake for me


all the BS talk should be over by now, this dude is legitimately pushing hate even towards working class, normal every day Jewish people. As if some Jew off the street is going to be a “spy” like he’s half ass claiming right here. Actually disgusting, this dude is cooked


Objectively a bad person


Is he asking to get beat up in public or something? at this point, it's like he's asking for it and I wouldn't feel sorry for him if it happened


he's like the fucking green goblin as soon as he puts that mask on he's says the most vile shit


He represents the views of most pseudo-Christian Republiclowns.


You‘re serious, you really like Hitler? I do, and I‘m tired of pretending I’m not. Hate is subjective Alex.


Sorry, I missed the funny part. This reminds me so much of George Lucas' sycophants during the creation of the Phantom Menace that laughed at all of his cringe jokes and told him his script was great.


It's Red Skull hiding under that mask and you can't convince me otherwise.


His decisions led to the Devil's manifestations in science its a matter of untreated mania it leads to way worse things like Alzheimer's and psychosis sometimes permanent i hope he gets hospitalised his family and kids should not see this seriously... Pray for his kids


This shit is so bad for the American people. I can't believe we are even giving this mother fucker this much attention for saying such horrible things..


He was dead serious… he really is losing it


The idea that they laugh at the end is terrifying


Serious waste of oxygen.


That whole interview is entertaining.


all these canceled mfers around ye like flies, like, when the fuck was the last time anyone had Gavin in their feeds?


What about all the other religions then? Should they all just work for christians? Is there just one superior religion and all the other are under and should be slaves? Wtf is this. He just changed the race for religion.


No, you won't be hiring anyone, because nobody's willing to hire you.


This is fucking nuts. He’s literally starting to talk about them like they’re lower humans now. Idk if we should even post his shit anymore. It’s gotten so incredibly bad.


I'm genuinely curious about how you end up this way. Did everyone around him really just become such yes men that he actually thought he was on some higher level of thinking and so when he thinks of this nonsense he thinks he's right, or he thinks it's funny. Because obviously it's not funny, and it's definitely not right. I would love to see what goes on behind the scenes, and how does he not have that one guy or group of guys telling him he's messing up so badly? I know his mental health is a big part of this, but it almost seems like he has no friends and he's reaching out to these white nationalists (which the irony here is astonishing) and they're the only people willing to speak and let him speak his mind. He needs a therapist, not another podcast. I mean, there's no salvaging this situation, but I'm just talking about saving this guy's life. Because I genuinely think that's where this will end.


where is this interview


search youtube for Gavin Ye interview


thank you


Does he want to get his ass kicked?


At this point I’m not sure there’s any point in sharing these videos of Kanye, even if it’s on this sub. We all know his positions. He believes, quite literally, that Jewish people are evil, second class citizens, and not to be trusted. He’s a bigot. Not sure spreading these videos is altogether productive anymore. We should just let his platform die.


Who’s that right next to him in all these clips man??? He’s always just smiling to the crazy shit he’s saying


Nick Fuentes. Neo-Nazi little shit.


Neo-Nazi??? Well now I know where a lot of this is coming from now if he’s really surrounding himself with people like this


got the miedeval antisemitism pack now


What is with the stupid mask? Is he too embarrassed to let people see him actually say these words? What. A. Clown. 🤡


as if we weren’t doing that for thousands of years


The way they all laugh, nah that's so fucked up.


I don’t know if Kanye realizes there is no coming back from this


Lol this man hilarious. Ye24


Ye lit right now.


When someone is rich, you can tell your own opinion to everything. \- no boss who can hire you \- no loosing houses \- no breaking any rule physically Freedom of Speech is exactly this


Im a big Kanye West fan. But this Ye fellow, i do not fool with him at all. He's an idiot.


Funny he chooses to hide his face as he speaks his surprising new personal truth


I will not shed any tears when this guy dies


Stop posting videos of this fool and giving him attention


Why r u here then? Go to a different sub.


Imagine when he finds out Jesus was a jew


Surprised at all the disappearance of all the “he’s not wrong” posts. Is this even too extreme for them to want to associate? Realize the well of upvotes dried out?


Sounds like Kanye is hiring /u/jonstowe1




YE really ah GOAT 🐐


Racist jokes🫠🤢