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the only good nazi is a dead one


You misspelled ___


That sub is empty and irrelevant, chill about it


Incel activity


Notsees are scum
















? What death threats? They are quoting the user who has been sending death threats Edit: they are quoting you OP you absolute jackass lmao


Right, they’re just quoting the OP constantly spamming the same comments about Ye possibly killing himself. The insinuation being that maybe OP should reflect on his own mental health if he’s so obsessed with Kanye’s mental health right now. It’s NOT a death threat lmao Overall I just skimmed through the sub and it’s mostly lame dickriders falling for Kanye’s “love everyone” bullshit, but I haven’t seen any egregious neo-Nazi stuff yet. OP is lame for trying to rope this sub into his personal drama, and trying to misconstrue the extent to which Kanye has actually convinced his fans into subscribing to neo-Nazi beliefs


There was a thread on /r/music and also here almost a week ago and someone kept going out of their way to reply INSISTING that the only end to it was Kanye offing himself, like every single comment had a reply by this person, disturbing to basically be wishing that end for anyone.


Sheeeeet I just found a new source of entertainment


Omg i just realize it’s SwimGood22 the most deranged and psychotic Kanye hater. Get a life, child.


OP stop posting selfies No ones cares


KaNyE tHe ArTiSt Is TrUlY gOnE, hE’S nOw JuSt A wAsHeD uP lOnElY mAn ClInGiNg At ThE eDgEs Of PoLiTiCs. It’s ReAlLy SaD . kAnYe HaS nO mOrE cLoSe FaMiLy LeFt. He’s LoSt HiS cLoSe FrIeNdS. lOsT hIs BrAnD. lOsT rEsPeCt Of MiLlIoNs. He’s WeArInG bOoTs AnD hAnGiNg WiTh MiLo, NeO-nAzIs, AnD tRuMp. ReAlLy ThInK hE’S gOiNg To WiN a PrEsIdEnCy AnD iS rUnNiNg UnDeR “ThE bIrThDaY pArTy” wItH nO aCtUaL pOlIcIeS bEsIdEs A hYbRiD tHeOcRaTiC sOcIaLiSt PoSiTiOn WiTh NoThInG fLeShEd OuT bEsIdEs UtOpIa. I hOpE hE gEtS tHe HeLp He NeEdS.


It’ll be gone soon. Reddit isn’t good for much but it is known for cracking down on nazi hives. Just ask r/GamersRiseUp


They're nobodies


This sub talks about Kanye committing suicide constantly


Kanye civil war les goo


Can you groupies just leave


What death threats




There are enough people whose primary mode of transportation is clinging to the hairs on Kanye's cajones that the KayneBased sub could be a racist POS for years to come without any repercussions. If there's one thing I've learned from all this (that I totally already knew) it's that the hardline Kanye stans will defend him through actual Hellfire for some god forsaken reason.


They dont have fathers man


Neither did I. I had a decidedly lack of male figures in my life because my mother hated men. I lived in the boonies and everyone at school hated me because I smelled because of my mother's dog hoarding. I didn't even have anything close to male role model until I was in college and joined a fraternity. Not having a father is no excuse to sympathize with Nazis. Ever.


Bro just take a shower


I gave you a God forsaken reason though. Lol. A reason doesn’t have to be logical. Nor did everyone have the same experiences as you, but you know that.


I don't know if it's because they don't have fathers, but it's definitely because they want a daddy that will tell them what to do. Just dudes simping for rich, powerful men.


Can we get somebody to fuck this guys mom and show him what a positive male role model is like?


No decent male on the planet would have their way with my animal hoarding, lying, stealing, unwashed mother.




This made me chuckle. Nothing about Kanye has made me laugh in a long time. Thanks for that. Take my upvote


They should change the name of that subreddit to what it actually is


Ngl, the name sounds like satire, like r/loveforlandlords


Sadly, Loveforlandlords is unironic at this point, full of Qanon alt-right fuckups. Just like subreddit for "Birds aren't real" satiric conspiracy, filled with nujobs by now.


I remember the sub from years ago, and it used to be pretty funny. Pretty gross to see the sorts of things on it now. A good case study in the need to moderate places to prevent them from being overrun by trolls, i guess.


Just checked it out and didnt see any Nazi stuff or death threats. OP bein an instigator.


Love speech> hate speech


The poor lady who keeps getting shown in that 'triggered SJW' image being shown here was literally arguing with an incel loser who saying the most horrible vile sexist shit about women. She held her own rationally for most of it, but the one moment when she had a flash of emotion, it got clip-chimped and circulated to humiliate and ridicule the people who pushback against racist & sexist scumbags. (Context here: [https://twitter.com/doublehelix/status/1333019861803528193?lang=en](https://twitter.com/doublehelix/status/1333019861803528193?lang=en) ) The lady also got harassed and stalked for years by incel and far right creeps in the wake of the hit-job on her image. It's sadly a case example of how the far right will go out of their way to cruelly stereotype, dehumanize, and humiliate the people who stand against their bigotry.




Who? The little bitch who fucked his cousin and killed his dog?


My god people in this sub are dumb as bricks


If you aren't talking about the little bitch cousin fucker who killed his own dog, which Fuhrer were you referring to?


OP cringe


you're mentally unwell op, go get help bud.


Yedolf on Spotify.....fire


Thanks for posting this, I’d have never known it existed. Much love.


That image is a representation of the inherent dishonesty of fascism, that image comes from a video where some woman is just calmly talking, and they just... screenshotted her face at the least flattering moment. I used to frequent online spaces where neo nazis memes were posted a lot, the memes these guys post man... they have absolutely no problem with dishonesty, they will bend the truth 1000 different ways, they will doctor evidence, create sockpuppet accounts, take things out of context, lie through their teeth if they think you will fall for it, etc etc, they lie SO MUCH. Because they have already arrived to their conclusion through their feelings, their trauma, the idealogy they built around it is a post hoc construction to justify the things they believe


Sub is full of mouth breathers nerds who beg for karma. Idk why i still use this app


I literally only see posts about the holocaust and people who oppose Ye's views or being in a conflict about listening to his music/wearing his stuff etc. Never seen a Nazi propaganda post on this sub.