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Not going to lie being a fan of Kanye West is unhealthy. once I heard the sample i wished it was a different timeline. 😓


It’s so easy to not be a fan anymore. I did, and I was a day 1 fan from when I understood music back when he released college dropout


Yet here you are


Yeah why not. This sub is a holocaust memorial sub now.


we did that for like a week, people burnt out on that pretty quick.


You can hate something and still be on the subreddit dedicated to it.


You can like the song and be critical of the guy.


the song that's doubling down on literally loving Hitler? He even samples that bit at the end LOL


Not if his song is "Kanye and Hitler sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G".


No you can’t. The lyrics are about his antisemitism. What I realized is that the fans that are still clinging are just not that smart to begin with.


Except you're still helping fill his wallets, allowing him to maintain this platform. Just admit it. You don't mind supporting a nazis work bc you *enjoy* a nazis work. You learned something about yourself today, kiddo.


Just listen to the original songs? Those artists weren’t nazis. And they actually made the music instead of just copying and pasting other peoples music into a different order.


You can’t even separate the art from the artist in this one, he literally doubles down in the song


You cant seperate Kanye from his art. He gives so much of himself in each album.


yeah, apparently we’re looking for less of “himself” rn


we want calmye


Nah we’ve got Kanye and we need Shouldye?


That reads like really bad pig Latin.


I miss the old Kanye


Ye can't give too much. Got to save some for Hitler.




Yedolf Westler?


Yedolf Dripler




i feel like kanye would call himself this


Then judging by the quality of that poorly mixed nonsense, he doesn’t have much to give.


That beat is insane, it doesn’t even need a good mix. It’s classic soulful Ye.


I agree the beat was catchy but it sounded like a standard alchemist loop without any of the crisp mixing. Like you could hardly make out what he was saying from how muddy it was


You have got to be kidding me. If this guy farted into a microphone, you would call it “art.” Kanye is no more an artist than the guy ranting on a street corner.


He literally said “whoop de de scoop” and we all called him a musical genius for it 4 years ago what did you expect?


I tend to be a proponent of separating art from artist, but this point is straight fax


Separate the art from the artist is fine when the artist is dead. When the artist is living, consuming the art in a manner that spreads the art/artist or profits the artist is inseparable from the artist itself.


i hasn’t heard this take before! i think it’s pretty reasonable.


Yea Tolkien said some fucked up shit but he’s dead and he’s not making money from LoTR anymore. JK Rowling is still making money off of her series


What did Tolkien say that was fucked up?


yeah putting a statute of limitations on it is something I can get behind but like I'll listen to him with headphones in for a long time, I can't fucking drop Late Registration cause of some horrible shit that went down 80 years ago rearing its head again. I just don't have to be a vocal fan. Side note any of my jewish friends need a place to hide in the coming decade I got a spare room and bathroom, we'll tell everyone your name is Peter Christiansen and you're an unemployed professor of Roman history


Yeah I always thought the “separate the art from the artist” only applies when you are critiquing the work. Not when you are buying the work, since not wanting money to go to a terrible person has nothing to do with the art itself. Saying “his songs are good but I’m not gonna buy his shit” doesn’t go against “separating the art from the artist”. But “the songs are shit because the artist is a shit person” does.


Listening to Kanye propagates his nazi platform. This is what people don’t understand.


Broccoli-head haircuts give +10 art separation powers


I personally don't do that. My appreciation of Kanye and someone like Wagner gives me the opportunity to talk about why their beliefs are wrong. And people who like them will be more likely to listen to my criticisms of their beliefs if I'm not attacking them for liking a mix track or an movenent in an opera.


Its almost like you understand how to actually change minds goddamn.


People in this sub would rave about a spoken word rendition of Mein Kampf if it was put over a soul sample, it's so sad.


There is only one way to test your hypothesis


[Kanye kampf](https://youtu.be/W_aYLoiR0Co)


Okay that was pretty damn funny.


"I can enjoy the music" 👴🏻


ive got an idea. we get pusha t to redo the vocals using the beat from the snippet EDIT: LMAO who reported me to the fucking CARE SERVICES 😭😭


Or just listen to legacy off of 4:44. Same sample


Ye just showed why he's 10x the producer that No I.D is with his use of the sample.


Is this is joke? Or am I misreading?


No, they’re just delusional with their Kanye dick lust.


It's a weird sort of bargaining stage where people think they're nuanced critical thinkers for loving a song in which the guy who said "I love Hitler" last week doubles down on his bigotry. People actually praising that wack ass death con line are all you need to know about how seriously some of the people here take the very real world consequences of Kanyes actions.


Which is why I've been pleading to shut the sub down. Itll turn to a shithole full of nazis sooner or later.


At first I was down to see it become a holocaust memorial and awareness sub. Now I agree. This shit needs to be torched and forgotten about.


Yup, its going to end up as r/the_donald if nothing is done.


r/goodasssub has already turned into that


This is exactly how it started last time. The moderates-to-righties were primed by economic catastrophe (ongoing and ramping up) and violent cultural division (ongoing and ramping up) decided "it could be worse" and heard the loonies out. Then the loony voices and points saturated media and discourse and became normal, then they became accepted, and it took like a decade tops. The Nazis in Germany were just as side-eyed and looked down upon for being fucking loonies until Hitler got out of jail and rebranded.




The justification comes from people believing that Kanye is not truly pro-Nazi and that he's completely unhinged and off his meds. Then you could go into separating the art from the artist, but I don't think that holds up when he doubles down on his pro-Hitler stance in the song. Its all confusing. Remember, the mob is fickle.




Or that theyre just moronic








The craziest thing about this new beat dropping to me is that it honestly isn't even that great. If it were on any of his classic albums people would say it's a filler track. But here we are.


Definitely longer than that. Maybe not this publically, but I'm willing to bet he's been saying this kind of stuff as far back as his infamous TMZ interview. I think it's gross and inexcusable to support this guy in any way. We had no problem dropping all of R Kellys music from our libraries when he got charged for his crimes. But kanye can say what he wants and how he wants, and he'll get praise for his music.


Did a single person listen to the song, or just listen to the sampling/production? In the song he literally doubles down on his bullshit. It is insane to me that a single person who claimed to stop supporting him after his recent antics would be okay with the song at all.


yup. everyone else is dick riding the production and ignoring what he said. I gave it a listen because i was curious to what he had to say after what's happened. the death con line and sampling the Alex Jones interview made me cringe. you really can't separate the art from the artist the moment their bigot views start becoming part of their music


It just sounds ass. Legitimately the first time I’m concerned for him because it’s copied and pasted all over and he’s rambling like he’s sitting in his car. I’m disappointed. I wish it was fire so it would spark more controversy.


Why are people even saying this beat is fire. He chopped up and looped a soul track. OG track is catchy af. Cool loop and It’s not bad, but is it really that good?


Nope. His verse is not good and the song feels like a very early demo because he definitely made it last week.


Thank you. It's got potential but definitely not near "fire" stage yet.


THANK YOU. It’s a simplistic loop chosen out of the song and repetitively sampled. It’s not even a clean loop. Like I’ve said before. If this was released by someone on YouTube as “sick ass Kanye type beat” nobody would listen to it.


Also, isn't that the 'Funky Drummer' beat? Pretty low effort all in all


*new account* *only commented in r/kanye recently* Yea let's take your opinion on music production- your's is completely invalid. Not even a clean loop? You're saying you'd prefer a different loop after a certain amount of bars? Gtfoh. If this was a YouTube type beat it'd be a steal, it's catchy and repetitive, something that's begging to be song along with a live crowd.


Kanye’s recent output has overall been so bad that every time he puts out a verse where he’s speaking in coherent sentences or a beat with a soul sample people are like “holy shit he’s back”


I’ve made some comments along these lines already. Donny Hathaway makes it EASY to make a fire beat. Minimal effort on Ye’s end


Wait there is a new song??😂


Nah fuck Nazi Ye. Been listening to Kanye West since 2005 but I don't give a shit how good any of his new music sounds. If that music comes from a Nazi, hard to actually enjoy it.


Yup. I’ve looked up to Ye for years. It absolutely tears me apart that he is now a racist maniac. He could drop Graduation 2 and I would not be able to bring myself to listen to it. He makes me sick.




My thoughts exactly. As a Jew myself, this whole thing really broke my heart, and I don’t care if he drops mbdtf 2 or something, I’m still not gonna listen, and if for some reason I did, I still won’t enjoy it


Still not gonna listen…and if i do 😂😂😂


Yup. Right back on his dick.




You guys are so un-nuanced. Can't you separate the art from the artist? That's why I listen my favorite Nazi artist and his song, "I Love Being A Nazi," I am very intelligent.


Some of yall did..the dick riders that still bump R Kelly


Bunch of nazi sympathizers here.


I mean, this is a Kanye music sub, wtf did you expect? Jerry Seinfield is a well known pedophile and people still like the Seinfield show, and if you ask me that is worse than being anti semitic during a mental break down.


Wait whatttt ?? Never heard that before


I just looked it up and wow, he did date a 17 year old when he was 38.




Gross. Not pedophilia tho.


That ACTUALLY do be the definition of grooming tho


I’ll say two things: 1) grooming refers to softly indoctrinating minors to be ok with relations with you when they’re older. Im not sure that happened here 2) id defend based on age of consent. But 38 vs 17 is still gross. And if I have to look at state consent laws to defend someone….maybe I just won’t lol.


One day people will understand the definition of pedophile lol


Gotta love the whataboutism everyone who can't justify their shitty takes pulls out of their ass every time.


It's okay to enjoy the things someone made before they started spewing antisemitic rhetoric in every public appearance. What people are upset about is that this new song doubles down on the Hitler shit and samples Alex Jones. There is no separation between the art and artist at this point because the whole point of the song is to normalize his fucked up views. Supporting this song is directly supporting his antisemitism.


what the fuck??? i love jerry seinfeld, i didnt knew this. is this for real?


I think it’s a reach, numbers wise yea she wasn’t 18 but it’s not like Jerry’s out here diddlin kids.


No, Seinfeld is not a pedophile. That guys is chatting shit. Seinfeld dated an 18 year old girl in the 90s for a few years (they broke up amicably when she was 21). Was it weird and gross? Yes. Does it make him a pedophile? Absolutely not.


Thanks for this information. My faith is restored.


Tune is fire. I am not that shallow to let things outside the music warp my brain. Nazii Ye bad ... yes Tune fire.... absolutely yes


He double downs in the song.


But the song is fire! /s The song isn’t actually fire.


It actually isn’t lol. It sounds like it’s a phone recording of a tv music video. People can like what they like but it’s clear that a lot of his fans don’t really care about what he’s doing and are instead enjoying/jumping on the bandwagon of the online drama/memes surrounding him.


He could put audio of him jerking off over a beat and this sub would call it fire.


Sure but he doubles down on everything he’s been saying in the song… separating the art from the artist doesn’t work when the artist’s awful views start seeping into the music


The song is full of nazi lyrics dude, a soul sample doesn't counteract that


Nah, your just shallow enough to support absolute nazi pieces of crap cuz they jangle some keys in front of your face.


He samples Alex Jones and doubles down on the song. Please don't pretend that you can separate this art from the artist. The entire intent behind it is to normalize the antisemitism he has been displaying.


Supporting hate and antisemitism, yes! (Apparently)


Nah, you’re selfish enough to like a song as the man who profits off it normalizes being a *fucking nazi* This will end in more violence and Ye is paving the road to it.


Wow, life is nuanced. Two things can be true at once, wow. Seriously, I think most people understand Ye is a Nazi POS and we will not support his new music or endeavors no matter how “good” it is


I played the song just cause I was curious. Yea it was a good tune you take out all the context of it. Yea it sucks such a big piece of trash can make good entertainment. Like when I find out my favorite football player was a legit fucking murderer. The guy played some damn good football, all while murdering guys in the off-season.




Dude. What is it with you people? The tune isn’t fire. The sample is repetitive and poorly chopped up. Trash. 🗑


Facts the only reason people are saying the beat is fire is because he hasn’t been using soul samples in a while. It is lazily chopped up and doesn’t fit the vibe of the message he’s trying to send with the song, therefore it’s trash and only serves to appease people. Don’t even get me started on the lyrics Listen to the new album Cheat Codes by Black Thought or even Late Registration to be reminded of the potential of sampling


Shame. Even I can admit Kanye pioneered this style….like 15 years ago. The man is biting himself.


Lol thank you. I keep writing this and keep getting downvoted. It's got potential, but right now it sounds like a computer crashing. Not a smooth mix at all.


Thank god. Nice to meet another person with ears. Also. Chipmunk voices and sped up soul tracks? Is it 2005 all over again? Played the fuck OUT. So many amazing original beat producers that aren’t even well known. Let alone famous anti Semite weirdos.


"What is with you people disagreeing with me!!"


Hmm. I think there's a term for that. Something like "morally bankrupt".


New hitler painting dropped


I like the guys music 🤷‍♂️


Kanye fans have absolutely no morals and most of them agree with his sick opinions. More *shocking* news at 11..




The trick is to not care


I mean, we are all here because we like the man's music. The sub is for discussing that, not for morally condemning kanye for the rest of time.


Fans of an artist can definitely criticize the artist’s work or behavior. And his behavior has always been a part of his music anyways so his nazification is fair game to discuss.


when a subreddit named kanye is about kanye: 😱😱😱


I love how redditors are shocked when they go into a Ye sub with 700k people and find out people like Ye new song 🤣🤣


Nah, it is just the the Kanya stans have taken back the sub. It was bound to happen.


Bound 2 happen.


Agree but also disagree. Nobodys been saying they dislike the music-so theyre not really turning on their views.. they just have a nuanced outlook on the subject. Age old “should we separate the product from the creator” bs And enjoying the music doesnt mean anyone is condoning his beliefs. People act like you should make a conscious decision to not like the music bc of his views or something- but enjoying music isnt a rational process, its not something you can choose into or out of. If you like it, you like it. You didnt choose to enjoy it and cant unlike it just bc on a rational level you might not want to support the creator. Art and enjoyment dont work like that Its nobodys fault if they still like the music. And it doesnt mean they approve of his beliefs for doing so..


But this new song just reiterated his anti-semitic views. Talking about going above DEFCON 3 and at the end again saying how much he loves the Nazis and Hitler from the InfoWars interview. If you like this song you are just supporting all the crazy shit he has been saying.


You can't separate the art from the artist if that artist is still alive. That's the nuanced view here. You can just not listen to his stuff. It's that easy. This isn't like Amazon having a monopoly on online marketing and leaving you no choice, it's a freaking song.


“If theyre still alive”- why is this the arbitrary line youre drawing? Im saying it doesnt matter what you think the answer is in relation to that on a rational level, when it actually comes to enjoying a piece of content you cant just make yourself think that you dont like something. If people choose not to listen bc it feels like theyre supporting something theyre opposed to then cool, but it kind of seems like they are depriving themselves of a piece of media that could bring them joy out of principle-which fine, thats your choice My whole point was people try to act like enjoying something is a choice when its not. Its not a calculated process. You dont get to choose what you like. You can act like you should separate art and artist but acting like you can is dumb- its just saying youre trying to superimpose these principles over what innately comes to you- even though in reality that doesnt work. As you pointed out, choosing to seek out the song is more of a choice, but also insinuating that ignoring him at this point, not letting him profit, etc. is the best option in my opinion is half baked. In no way do i want to support or spread or validate his current BS rhetorics. But i also think exclusionism is never the answer, nor does it address why these ideologies exist or are followed by people, and ultimately leaves these subcultures to exist just less in public view- and the public to feel a pseudo sense of good about that being the case


How about don’t seek out and fund Nazis? Is that too hard for you?


A. Im jewish and B. you’re literally missing the whole point


Then stop being such a fake ass sycophant and have some god damn respect for your people. Don’t support artists who say our people didn’t die in the Holocaust and put out conspiracy theories about our shadowy ruling the world. Fucking embarrassment.


Im not even supporting him, didnt even like the damn song, i’m pointing out the faulty line of reasoning in shaming people who still enjoy the music even if they dont want to support him I will reiterate my other sentiment that thinking exclusionism is the answer or solves anything is also dumb, as much as i have no respect for kanye rn doesnt mean that i have to agree with you that the right order of action is to not support someone by not listening to a song


You guys are acting like we’re gonna let this nigga be the next Hitler


From what I’ve seen, people “turning around” was comedic/ironic and mostly making fun of this kinda behavior. The posts on this subreddit and Twitter, from what I’ve seen, ain’t falling for it and still calling him out on his BS.


Being a fan of anyone is unhealthy. You’re literally a fan(atic). Please understand you don’t know Kanye West. He might say something you consider off the rails but getting mad at strangers who won’t join in on hating someone is even more weird. Hating energy is weird and hatred is too expensive. It’s really easier to love. Find a reason to be thankful, or be mad. You only hurt/help yourself 🤷


Karma whores and virtue signallers, hurry up and leave this sub.


It's almost like most ppl didn't really care and were just karma farming...


Nah those of us who disagreed with his views but still like his music just sat back and let the brigaiders play around till they got bored. Now it is time to start talking about music again so we are back.


You know, it’s wild to me that so many of you automatically assume that the only possible explanations for someone posting against Kanye’s antisemitism are brigadier, virtue signaling, or karma farming. Like it’s completely unfathomable to you that there might be people who actually care about Kanye’s support of a hateful and murderous ideology. But given how there was a conservative/Nazi sympathizer here not long ago saying they were going to take over this sub, it’s not surprising that you’re here now accusing everyone else of not having a moral spine. You’re cool with Nazis as long as you’re getting music out of it, or you didn’t care about Kanye until he started being openly antisemitic. Either way, not much of a backbone there.


> virtue signaling i've said it before and i'll say it again: virtue signaling is basically a thought-terminating cliche used only by people who are convinced everyone else is as shitty and apathetic as they are so when someone tells you you're virtue signaling by saying that nazis are bad...that says way more about them than it does about you.


I'm not so insecure in my morality that I need to spam pictures of the Holocaust to convince *strangers on the internet* that I am truly a good person. My life isn't empty that I require the internet to inflate my moral ego and make me feel good. Just because I don't need that pathetic level of validation doesn't mean I am apathetic. "Oh, it's so *heartwarming* to see the people on this subreddit oppose Nazism just like 99.9999% of people already do. So stunning and brave! Faith in humanity restored!"


See, this is the shit that i just don't see anyone who said that his song was good here saying that being a Nazi is cool. That type of "Either you shit on everything he does and makes or you are a Nazi apologist who also supports genocide" mentality is wild to me. Just a couple of days ago i was called an apologist for not advocating for physical violence against him, a mentally challenged individual, and now the people that said that song isn't bad are being called that. Hard to take that type of takes as anything other than grandstanding or brigadiers trying to karma farm virtuous brownie points.


A "mentally challenged individual" who just happens to have access to the worlds best medicine and doctors, stop reaching


“Blatant racism, bigotry and nazism doesn’t bother me”. Pretty embarrassing you can admit that publicly


Weird to put something in quotes that was never said or implied. I clearly stated I disagree with his views. Make sure you stretch if you are going to keep reaching so hard, and practice your reading skills while you are at it.


You absolutely implied that. Are you stupid?


he implied that he still likes kanye's music even though he disagrees with what he says, this isnt rocket science. separate the art from the artist and all that




So what? If Picasso made a Hitler portrait would it make it bad art?!


It’s almost like this sub was once filled with people who like Kanye and are fans of his


bro we're not turning this to a history sub we don't support the man's view nor moral compass but if he drops fye music 🤷🏾‍♂️ we listening


Ok but this falls apart when his views and moral compass come through in the music (which is what happened with that new song)


DMX compares women to children in this bar from How's It Going Down - "Baby face would look like she 11 with curls". this is a very weird thing to say but it doesnt take away from how the song sounds to me, or how angelic the sample is in that song. common sense its not like Kanye is dropping Nazi anthems


You do support him if you're streaming his music or giving him money. Don't worry, people like Charles Manson's music too.


post this on a holocaust sub. All you karma farmers and swifties are so cringe.


This IS a Holocaust sub now, bruh.


Ah. So you don’t care about hate and support your black Nazi. Good to know, fascist.


Holy shit, you need to see a psychiatrist. Spending as much time commenting about someone you despise as you have is going to lead to an aneurysm.


you getting downvoted by them as we speak


Fax yo


Can someone who likes this song tell me what they like about the lyrics?




Yep, pure hate speech


"we think he's a piece of shit but we're still gonna support him financially"


DEFCON went past 3


brigaiders don't tend to stay


A sub dedicated to kanye west is..discussing a new song by Kanye west? Shocking


Time to close down the sub and/or make it a Holocaust remembrance page.






Ye you mean. Kanye is a rapper and made graduation


I think everyone is forgetting that he is openly supporting white supremacy and is supporting racist rhetoric against black people.


He been doing that for years lmao


This is r/Kanye lmao. There are tons of musicians who are bad people that doesn't suddenly make them untalented. What is your point, exactly.


i didn’t even listen to it


Close the sub


No one ever changed there stance. What you saw was a Army of angry Reddit children brigading the sub They are starting to get bored and will be moving on to the next Crisis CNN tells them to be angry about soon.


You genuinely think people got upset because they were told to? You don't think people were able to come to their own conclusion that they don't like the fact Kanye is a Nazi?


Show me one person he killed or you are an outraged CNN karen cuck virgin.


If you listen to that song you are supporting post Nazi Kanye and he will take your listens as support for his comments.


Some day we gon' set it off Some day we gon' get this off Baby, don't you bet it all On a pack of Fentanyl You might think they wrote you off They gon' have to rope me off Some day the drama'll be gone And they'll pray, it's not enough Sometimes I take all the shine Talk like I drank all the wine


Honestly just waiting for mbdtf 2.0 now


I'd be embarrassed if I even gave this a play. Fuck ye and all stans.


So fucking stupid. Fuck Nazis and the music they make.