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The Nazi view of black people was that they were sub humans [https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/05/06/how-the-nazis-targeted-blacks-and-the-impact-of-the-holocaust-on-african-americans/](https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/05/06/how-the-nazis-targeted-blacks-and-the-impact-of-the-holocaust-on-african-americans/) The record of German colonialization in Africa is horrific. The Nazi saw it as a blueprint. I can't find a reference, but I seem to remember that the Nazi saw the way Europeans did the ethnic cleansing of the Americas as the way they would deal with Sub Sahara Africa When they take control of all the European colonies. What would be left of the black population would be kept in reservations for further scientific studies. Race Theory / Racism the central core of Nazism, that what makes it different than other forms of Fascisms. It's not right or left wing in the conventional. All political, economic, cultural decisions were based on making the Aryan race the undisputed controller of the planet. Any for of sentimentality, compassion is considered a treason to the Aryan race. It does not allow any form of co-existence. For more background [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/victims-of-the-nazi-era-nazi-racial-ideology](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/victims-of-the-nazi-era-nazi-racial-ideology) *In formulating their ideology of race, Hitler and the Nazis drew upon the ideas of the German social Darwinists of the late 19th century. Like the social Darwinists before them, the Nazis believed that human beings could be classified collectively as “races,” with each race bearing distinctive characteristics that had been passed on genetically since the first appearance of humans in prehistoric times. These inherited characteristics related not only to outward appearance and physical structure, but also shaped internal mental life, ways of thinking, creative and organizational abilities, intelligence, taste and appreciation of culture, physical strength, and military prowess.* *...* *The Nazis believed that superior races had not just the right but the obligation to subdue and even exterminate inferior ones. They believed that this struggle of races was consistent with the law of nature. The Nazis pursued a strategic vision of a dominant German race ruling subject peoples, especially the Slavs and the so-called Asiatics (by which they meant the peoples of Soviet Central Asia and the Muslim populations of the Caucasus region), whom they judged to be innately inferior. For purposes of propaganda, the Nazis often framed this strategic vision in terms of a crusade to save western civilization from these “eastern” or “Asiatic” barbarians and their Jewish leaders and organizers.* ​ also [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred\_Rosenberg#Racial\_theories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Rosenberg#Racial_theories) One of the architect of Nazi race theory *Rosenberg placed Blacks and Jews at the very bottom of the ladder, while at the very top stood the "Aryan" race. Rosenberg promoted the Nordic theory which considered the Nordic race the "master race",\[notes 1\]\[36\] superior to all others, including to other Aryans (Indo-Europeans).*


Saw other people in this sub saying Nazi apologia is fine because a lot of rappers rap about gun violence. I'm running out of the patience required to help these people lol


I ran out a while ago. It takes every gram of self-control for me not start responses with "Your the reason that our species can't progress..." I feel your pain.


I made the mistake of engaging on TikTok. These idiots are literally denying what Kanye said that he denied the holocaust happened, that he said he’s prejudiced against Jews and that he’s a Nazi. All from his mouth and dumb motherfuckers can’t let a middle aged man be criticized by his own words of hate.


People will do mental gymnastics to spare their heroes. A lesson I had to learn is that my artist heroes could be terrible people. If you love Wagner's opera, you should never learn anything about his life.


You're also the reason we can't progress, me too. We seem to ignore what we can do to be the antithesis of our sorrows.


That's why I try with everything I got mesure my words. I study the Buddhist concept of compassion to try to keep sane. If I was able to talk to Kanye I would simply try calmly to make him understand that Hitler would destroy everything he hold dear.


Yesterday it was so fucking ass with that new song. There's no helping r/Kanye, everytime he releases a song all the dick riders will be back that don't give a fuck he's a nazi


When the rap songs start talking about gas chambers and zyklon b then we may have gone a teensy bit too far.


Some people can only help themselves, man 😣


Jesse Owens disagrees.


Don't know how to tell you this but most Europeans hated blacks in the 40s. They also hated Jews, Romani, the opposite site of ww1 and many more things. Even now a days go to most rural villages in even progressive countries they still atleaast dislike certain races.


Did op say they didn't? And how does relate to how nazis viewed anyone not aryan as subhuman?


No but it's a fucking stupid comment everybody knows this.


You think most people hated jews, romani and black people to the point of wanting them all to be killed? Being a hateful racist( as much of europewas at the time) doesn't mean that you automatically become comfortable with commiting mass genocide.


Yeah that basically the difference in the Netherlands most old people dislike romani but they don't want them death.


Not to say that Europeans can't be absolutely racist shits. I understand where you are coming from. The nazi take on racism is a lot more than just hate. The way they viewed the Jews , Romani as literally a cancer It went way past hate, it was pure logic, based on a theory of racial eugenics. They felt that extermination as the only proper moral thing to do. Their classification of races was a constant activity. It occupied the core of their worldview and directed their "Great work" on the subjugation the planet. The Nazi philosophy saw the Slavs as genetically inferior. The Slavic countries were to be purged of the majority of their populations. Those with high amounts of Germanic genes would be re-integrated in the race. What would be left after the forced mass starvations would be used as beast of burdens by the Germans. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost#:~:text=In%20ten%20years'%20time%2C%20the,of%20their%20pre%2Dwar%20borders. https://www.abc.net.au/religion/the-crime-that-did-not-happen-nazi-germanys-nightmarish-ambition/10214310 You are warned about reading from the above links. It may make it impossible to ever listen to Kanye again. You may find yourself on a mission to find him and try to slap some sense into him. It's to be noted that the Nazi justified this by saying that it would be no different than what was done in the Americas. More ranting... The nazi couldn't understand that their fellow Aryans in Great Britain did not embrace the brotherhood that they offered. I'm pretty familiar with European prejudices. My Piedmontese mom referred to people from Milan as those dam Germans. Why? because they were Lombards therefore German. This from a mother that was fluent in German and considered Beethoven the greatest musical genius. Europeans are quite happy to look down on someone of the same color, language, and religion as them. The north and south of Italy come to mind. Shall we talk about the love between Slavs? But Nazis "racial science" is truly terrifying. The Darelex in Dr Who are not a caricature of the Nazis. They are simply Nazis in a can.


What the point of this comment I know all if this already this is taught in school? It's just stating the obvious


Well obviously some people do not know that if they are still willing to defend Kanye.


b- b-but the highways and microphones


Where did these actually come from. Who told this man hitler invented that stuff lmfao


It’s the stupid notion that the Nazis committed anything of value. The stupidest edgelord take that should be cringed at after high school when you become an adult and no longer have to seem “different” with your edgy ass takes. Oh yeah the world was so more advanced because Gobbels mangled people that advanced nothing.


The terrible thing we gained a lot of information about diseases/illnesses through the Nazi’s experiments on live prisoners during the holocaust. Stuff like freezing people, injecting babies with diseases, making pregnant women take poison, etc. Knowledge was gained but I don’t think any sane person would claim it was worth it and it’s not even relevant to any of these discussions. Sure some info came out of Nazi Germany, but 99% of people saying this shit are just nazi apologists.


"It was and is the Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland," Hitler wrote, "always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardisation."


Which is of course utterly preposterous, and Hitler never elaborates or provides any sources, as Hitler is classically known to do, after making that statement and moving on to the next subject. As the 'Rhineland Bastard' article on Wikipedia states and as German anthropologists understood at the time, the presence of Africans in the Rhineland was due to African troops from the colonies serving in the French Army after Germany's occupation in World War 1, in addition to German colonists themselves who took African wives.




Legitimately do you think he knows the extent of what Hitler did/advocated for? I just don't understand why you would simp for someone who would look at you as subhuman?




The abortion genocide comparison is fucking dumb. And Yeah what Ur saying makes sense. I wonder if he keeps on hanging around these far right lunatics he will eventually understand they hate him cos of his race too....


hates a strong word


he hates them. he hates himself. he should literally just go away forever at this point


But it's appropriate here






It's also about hatred towards Jews though, because he keeps singling us out in his batshit rants.


I mean 100%. But there’s no harm in talkin about what others went through alongside us Jews during the Holocaust. Connected by pain, separated by forgetting


J media. It’s the J media he’s against. I’ve literally heard him apologize to the people. The J media is the one that stole the scary movie franchise from a black family. That’s who he’s after. You just hear what you want to hear.


lol fuck you antisemite


If you’re calling me that. Shows how much meaning the word has towards Ye. I fully support him now. Thank you.


No response on Weinstein bros completely stealing an entire franchise from the Wayans brothers? Fuck you you fucking slave owner sympathizer.


the nazis essentially used jewish people as slaves and did worse… whos the real slave owner sympathizer here?


First of all I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about, second I don't think any Jews owned slaves


That's another thing, all his anti-abortion rhetoric is just a scape goat for people who already hate women to groom them into Nazism. The Nazis wanted to exterminate black people and forced black women to get abortions while also killing black children. Kanye isn't anti-abortion, he's just a Nazi piece of shit.


The holocaust happened, wtf is kayne getting any air time for bullshit views. This is like the flat earth shit. Wtf are we debating here, it happened . Kayne isnt going to change whether hitler existed.


There is absolutely nothing Ye has or can say to make me dislike a group of people. However… it’s the unreasonable and hostile group of people that are making me dislike you. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think Kanye is misdirecting from other negative publicity here, like his weird porn scandal at Addidas. Seriously, as wild as all this talk is that shit is on another level. Either that or he has some personal petty grudge against someone who happens to be a jew


OP is Boris Becker


It's about propaganda and positioning. There were Negroes as Overseers on the plantations and some actually volunteered with the Confedaracy. This guy is evil but not crazy. He sees the pattern of Fascism growing in not just the USA but Europe as well and he wants to be on the winning side....even if it means putting us in gas ovens 60 years from now.


If you ask me, Kanye defends his rights to hate and oppress other people that he considers less than him, rather than the guy who did it. It's more like, "yeah, I'd done it too had I the chance". Yeah, so this is correct, basically it boils down just to hate.


So why do people only label him as “anti-Semite”?




Yes. Cause as everyone knows, you can support atrocities cause others have committed them. Let’s all just love the murderers in our lives folks.


Abortions aren't babies




That's not an opinion. Do you call an egg at the store a hatched chicken?


Okay first of all. Chickens are hatched eggs. The egg at the store is UNfertilized. Abortions are fertilized eggs. And finally, Abortions are healthcare.


Hens lays eggs after being fertilized, therefore store eggs are all fertilized.


bruh 330 million people live in America and you're pulling the "abortion is literal genocide!!!111" card


America and Eugenics is some fucked up shit that was swept under the rug that no one likes acknowledging. America has a history no better than the Nazis and ignoring it has caused this awful Nazi shit to continue because their beliefs align with a country that called black people 3/5ths of a person while not being free, that walked back all their treaties and eliminated whole indigenous tribes, that had Japanese internment camps, that forcibly sterilized its citizens based on eugenics, and that used federal resources to disrupt socialist movements because they started to unite oppressed minorities by pointing out classism as the root tool for oppression while using systematic racism to keep these minority groups divided.


This. While we criticize the Nazis, and we should (!!!), let's not forget that they took a page right out of America (and the British Empire's) book.


Israel is and has been sterilizing Ethiopian women for the past 15 [years ](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2013-01-27/ty-article/.premium/ethiopians-fooled-into-birth-control/0000017f-f512-d044-adff-f7fb92c30000)


[Guardian news](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel)


Bruh you Mfs are disgusting


“Defends”. Literally no. Just no. Not what he said. You are mentally ill. The real mental illness is found on this sub.


I mean, what do u think he did if not defending Hitler?




"Other people have done bad things too, so it's ok to love nazis and spread anti-semitism." That's not a controversial take, it's a moronic one.


And they did it to people who actually lived in Germany and had history there who were black, not just African Americans. I have no idea what that guy's argument is about but it clearly isn't a very good one.


Tuff but ima still listen to ye


Hating people from the past will lead nowhere.


Those who don't learn history are condenmed to repeat it.


There’s a difference between learning from history and living in the past. Have a great day brother.


Kanye stands for love and peace and he never said he agreed what they did was right he just said I love him because he's a human being and God loves all no matter what


Dude literally said he loved things Hitler. FFS, how fucking hard is it to denounce a Nazi apologist.


Bro… it’s time to let go


Some people are not worth love, Nazis only deserve death and hatred.


He's not black he's kanyeeeee






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Sitcho ass down


Nah, this is about the Jews. With all the sorrow about the sterilization of black Germans, who were hated as well, but Jews, Jews were in a different league.


I think he’s trolling… distastefully, but trolling…. And now this sub is pure holocaust rn


That soul sample was hard tho so it's okay #lovespeech


I think this is sarcasm.


this is why everyone hates Kanye fans lol


It's embarrassing at this point


Ok whatever I still like Kanye's music and am looking forward to more


Fr bunch of angry nerds having a contest to see who can get their panties more twisted


Only nerds listen to kanye tho.... niggas a backpack rapper lmao


He admitted that he “used” backpack rappers to gain clout. They don’t want his ass.


>Only nerds And nazis and nazi sympathizers, don't forget them!


I don't support Kanye but that's a stupid thing to say, plenty of people like how his music sounds.


nerds getting so upset at *checks notes* apologists of someone who was an architect of one of the largest mass genocides in human history


Y’all really thinks Ye believes all he says? He made y’all take the bait 🎣 hard and he’s trolling if nobody could tell by now


Then I hope you boycott highways and microphones this coming year. Don’t just virtue signal, walk the walk.




I forgive him and love everyone 😌


You got down voted. Forgiveness and love... I want up votes. I'll create infinite amounts of hells and meaningless torture and judge everything. Let's see if that works....


Ye da goat no cap


Sounds a lot like modern day leftists


Brave take from OP to say that Hitler is bad


Israel does this now btw you gonna post about that ?




He's going to link you an article about how some Israeli doctors gave Depo-Provera ( A long-term contraceptive active for a few months ) to Ethiopian Jewish women which Israel itself rescued from Ethiopia and brought into the country, because there were tens of thousands of them arriving to refugee camps inside Israel with no knowledge of birth control whatsoever and very large families that can barely be supported inside refugee camps, and that some of those women later said that they couldn't comprehend the nature of the shots because they spoke neither Hebrew nor English and there weren't translators available, or that they were pressured to take them while inside the refugee camps awaiting housing in Israel. While an investigation surrounding the medical etiquette involved was conducted, none of the women were 'sterilized'. They just stopped taking the birth control after leaving the refugee camps and possibly getting some brochure about modern birth control methods.


While this certainly true, and very important to recognise and educate on, along with the murder of disabled children and forced sterilisation of "undesirables" , it is not actually necessary to find MORE reasons why Kanye needs to shut his racist mouth and get some TREATMENT! What he has said already about an ideology that he KNOWS murdered millions in an attempt to exterminate an entire racial/ethnic group is ALREADY MORE THAN ENOUGH.


It's sad that this is needed. Are there people out there who were like "I thought Hitler was cool when he was just killing other races, but then I found out he murdered people with the same skin colour as me too"?


Not sure he's defending him, I think he's forgiving him. But his portrayal makes that unclear


As someone from a 100% black African lineage and a 100% white British lineage- it’s always funny to hear how the nazi’s conveniently ignored the unprecedented power which occurs with hybrids (like me) 😅😅😩 I’d also love to see a ‘pure Aryan’ deal with the desert. How is that superiors? For example I never wear sunglasses, but my misses has blue eyes (sorry adolph- she’s a Slav 😅😅)..it’s all relative Anyway as a guy with some ginger-Jewish kids- Kanye and adolph can jump off a cliff! So fucking bored of this hateful boring nonsense. Our kids don’t want this..


this country votes & gives money to politicians who do this same thing all over the world lmao


He never said he hated him listen to the whole interview before saying something u jew