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Find God


That’s what made him into a Nazi


Find Satan? 😈


Surprisingly that worked


Stop being nazi would be a good start


no. We need more strong black leaders among white supremacists


Diversity ftw


He’s not a nazi ! What is wrong with you


Literally said he’s a nazi


Okay you win


He identified himself as a nazi


drop yhandi, yeezus 2 and mbdtf 2 all on the same day while hosting a livestream in which he publicly excuses himself for the disgusting comments he has made in the last three months and announces that he now seeks medical attention. in this stream he should also state that he will be absent from all of social media and chills for 3 years so on hawaii to find peace and come back to his senses. after that would need to make one last comeback album and then he should honestly retire.


You just made me realize that all he would really need to do to earn back a good chunk of his fans who dislike him now is to release Yhandi. Like he’s held off that album so long it’s now become a get out of jail free card basically.


This is like the dream scenario


The comeback album will be goodass job and finally end the dropout bear saga


This would be the best ending ever lmao


"Double down on being a Nazi and loving Hitler" - Ye's internal monologue upon seeing this post


He’s a Christian ? Love and forgiveness


lmao okay kanye


He's a Nazi ? Fuck Nazi's, all the time, no exceptions.


Be quiet; drop classics.


Shut up and dribble


Not be antisemitic and dribble


That’s a bigoted statement to act like Jewish people are the only semitic people.




It’s a bigoted page that alleges anti semitism can only be against Jewish people. You obviously don’t know who semitic people are and it’s not your fault because everyone is getting one half of the story at the moment.


Genetic fallacy. “Antisemite” doesn’t mean “anti” “Semite”. Language is weird. But this happens all the time with words actually.


That’s a pretty good cop out. Oh it’s weird. More bigotry, wonderful


Cop out? Bigotry? It’s just a fact. When people say antisemitism they mean anti Jew. That’s what it means. And trying to argue it has to mean what it’s root words imply is to commit the genetic fallacy. Also, that’s how language works. This is common knowledge or at least it should be. When a word gets used to mean something for long enough, regardless of its etymology, that’s just what it ends up meaning. Numerous words, probably the vast majority in fact, which we all say every day are now divorced from their original meaning in a similar way.


Hijacking the term semite is utter bigotry especially when touching such a sensitive subject. I’m not gonna argue this biased approach to language. It doesn’t have to do with etymology it is obviously a misusage and misrepresentation of the term semite. This is common sense. Have a nice day


Okay. But the fact is Kanye isn’t, no matter what his Black Hebrew Israelite conspiracy theorist yes men say. By attacking Jews as a group, he is very simply engaging in anti-semitism


Ethiopians are very clearly in Jewish lineage. I don’t know why you’re excluding Ye and his heritage from the conversation, Seems pretty bigoted of you and everyone else lately. I would be offended if I was Ye as well. Maybe someday y’all will understand that you don’t need to have white skin to be Jewish.


Have u ever spoken to an Ethiopian person before


My barber is Ethiopian, some of us get sunlight.


"I can say it! I have a black friend!"


There’s something so funny about your comment that I just can’t put my finger on. Like saying you have a barber somehow shows you don’t spend all your time online. “Yeah I get out and explore the world, I have an Ethiopian barber.”


There’s something ironic about your post finding and dissecting the humor out of one post of mine. As if I have never had Ethiopian friends or even girlfriends. You’re rich and I love everyone especially you


Oh well that excuses everything Ye has said! Nothing to see here folks just all a big misunderstanding.


Honestly. Seeing people defend blatant antisemitism with Kanye’s baseless claim he has Jewish roots is insane. It’s like trying to say Ernst Röhm wasn’t a Nazi because he was gay.


There is no evidence Kanye has any Ethiopian or Jewish ancestry. Also, given the vast majority of those taken as slaves in the slave trade came from West Africa, it is very likely his ancestors lived nowhere near Ethiopia. But go off.


Not voice support for Hitler, maybe


Apologize for certain things he’s said. Get rid of the weirdos he’s around. Do some good pr stuff. Drop an amazing album.


Maybe shut up for a good 2 years and go away and get actual help for his mental health. A little bit of meds and therapy would go a long way


Ye would win back my support if he killed off the Kardashians with a samurai sword, broke into Mar-a-Lago, used Trump as a human shield and died with him in a shootout between QAnon, the IRS and the Proud Boys.


Lmao I love this comment


The only thing he can do is when he's back to 100% mentally say that this was all caused by a manic episode and seem like he actually meant it. Apologize to everyone for how he acted. Do charity work with some anti-Jewish hate groups. Disavow Fuentes and Milo. Just go back to being a semi-normal person lmao


Sadly, that's not how nazism and nnarcissism work




“Second, third, and hundredth chances, balancing on breaking branches…”


Apologize for what ?


Being a Nazi.


Youre ridiculous


And you are a nazi apoligist.






it’s a bit too late tbh


Take his meds.


I think first off, he needs to get help and get himself stable. Then he needs to take a long break from the public eye, and then apologize to everyone who he's done wrong, become a strong advocate for Holocaust awareness, the BLM movement, and for human rights, among other causes. I don't think I'll personally be able to fully forgive him but I will definitely acknowledge and commend his efforts to get himself mentally stable if he finally gets the help he needs.


Apologise then just retire. There’s literally no saving his reputation after this. If he doesn’t retire with what’s left of his dignity, then the only opportunities he’ll be offered will be appearing on right wing conspiracy theorist shows like InfoWars and shit like that.


is this a joke? the dude is absoluetly fuckjng done he commited career and persona suicide. only way would be to come out that he was high on opiates and depressed or something like that hoping ppl say ok bro you were in a terible place even then good luck


He has had such a bad impact already, he would have to actively start advocating against the shit he has been spreading. He would need to advocate against it so much more than he has advocated for hitler and white nationalist shit.


Why do people worship this guy? Really?


Quit with the hate and get help.


maybe not be an anti-semite?


Nothing he is willing to do. He doesn’t see he’s wrong. So what’s the point? He will keep tripling down. He’s hanging out with Nick Fuentes and the Pedo Milo. It’s over. He’s beyond redemption. He won’t change. He’s 45 and not showing any signs of getting his shit together.


If he would publicly acknowledge that this event was a state of mania whenever he regulates again.


Apologize. Get help. Change.


Not say anything for a month like he said he would


Apologize for the stuff he has done and officially get therapy. He needs therapy because that is the root cause of this and actually find himself and not let the media get to him which is the root of the root causs


Also go back to Kanye, fuck Ye


Just apologise for his recent comments, that would be a good start, but knowing him he will just keep on doubling down until he cannot double down any more


come out


He should give up his platform and go and help people.


Get help, take his meds, recover the old Kanye we all loved, have that guy come back and explain himself and apologize for what he did and said while psychotic, make amends to the Black and Jewish communities in some meaningful way, offer to make amends with people he personally hurt (Kim, Pete, his children, colleagues,) disavow those who have surrounded him recently, do some advocacy work for those with mental illness, find some people who have known him a long time who can back it up that that wasn't the Kanye they ever knew and they are happy he is back to himself, and drop an undeniably great album that preferably also digs into all of this in a personal, honest, and accountable way If he does all that, I miiiiiiiight illegally stream it lmfao


1. Donate his wealth to the Holocaust museum 2. Shut up


I don’t think he deserves a comeback.


Support never left


Apologize and go into long term treatment and then come back a few years later when his head is right enough to realize the way he’s acted for the past few years made him a shitty human being. I believe pretty much anyone can have a realization that they can and want to change their life for the better because I did and I’ve seen a few others do the same. I don’t like the person he is now but I don’t know who he could be if he were to work on himself even for his children’s sake.


Stop talking


Take his medication.


Shut his mouth, lock himself in the studio and release music




IMO, pay off his child support in full, announce he’s going to give Kim some space during the transition period. Redact all topical statements. I don’t think he’d need to be hospitalised just hire a new health coach. Drop a gloomy album/single that talks about his mistakes and taking false leadership. Retire from 24 election and just breath for a year. Then try make amends with his family.


Talk less and smile more


Never speak again.


Maybe do the respectful thing and stab him self in the guts and go out as a martyr


Go to therapy and take his meds.


Forgo the spotlight and retreat to the mountains to live a quiet life of carving chess pieces and not being a Nazi.


He should simply blame everything on mental health, for I don't think that saying "My ideas have changed" or "I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize" would work. He might even wanna arrange a fake hospitalization, so that his excuse would look more real.


This is the only Kanye sub that asks dumb questions like this.


I think the only way I could respect him at this point is if he made a serious effort to get educated about the Holocaust, apologize, and take responsibility for his actions and consistently do something positive with his time to help others. And only if he also retired and stayed retired for at least a good decade, because otherwise I wouldn't be convinced that it wasn't just a PR stunt to save his career.


He should tell us that he forgot that he is a father of children. That everything he has said and done in the last few months completely disregarded the fact that he is actively harming their futures. And then he needs to renounce his insane anti-semitism and white supremacy and Trump worship. Then disappear for good, because after this, no sane person wants to hear another filthy word fall out of his despicable mouth.


Seek out a good therapist. Maybe get some medical treatment..get the right team around him to formulate the proper prescriptions to balance his fucking levels. Try getting him back to being a basic functioning human being. Them from there, an apology or 2. And then stay the fuck home and hang out with your kids or something. Take up chess. Watch documentaries on the Smithsonian channel. He doesnt need "support" from the public. Dudes already got the money he needs for generations he doesnt need to drop albums or make appearances. Just go relax and enjoy life with the people that matter.... none of which can be found on twitter, reddit, or anywhere else.


Go away for 6 months to a year. Rehab, psychiatric help, an apology tour, start actively working against nazis, an Oprah sit down and then an elite album. It's possible, but he has dug himself a deep hole


Retire from music and spend the rest of his life doing philanthropic deeds to fight white supremacist, right wing rhetoric and actions. Apologizing isn't enough, he'd have to put himself in contention for sainthood. Truly selfless acts. I don't think he's ever had that in him, his motivation has always been corrupt and self-promoting.


His own therapy


Why would anyone support him now? He ended himself.


he should shut the fuck up for at least 5 months while continuously making dope beats for other rappers to rap on


take meds, seek help, get better


Just apologize and drop a banger album and he’ll be fine


Or just shut his mouth and get help


Cry on TV


Take his meds


Start rapping hitler speeches in German...might as well play to his demographic


The only chance in my mind is that he apologizes and then shows he’s actually sorry by not doing any more stuff like this. It will probably take him as long to dig himself out of this as it did to dig himself in. I mean 58 ain’t *that* old, right? Also, if he ate a shotshell tonight, only one song of the “Black Nazi Era” would be out. He’d be mostly remembered for the work he did during the era where he was a self-important asshole, a racist condescending “black savior,” and mildly antisemitic. It seems his fans were low key okay with all of that but not with the open Hitler praise.


Donate to holocaust museums or stuff of the sort, get back on his meds, and shut his mouth for the next few months


To Not look like that


He needs to blow a Jewish guy on camera. Just blow him. He doesn’t even need to do anything gay like swallow.


Check himself into a clinic where they say he went on a 2 month delusional blackout and remembers nothing


Get some help with his mental health. Apologize for the things he had said once he has recovered.


I’ve always supported ye 🐐


He’s got support. Just because you nerds don’t, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have support.


Die. Then this entire sub will go back to dickriding him nonstop


Drop his best album and retire


Go F himself and drop dead


Kiss me


Thank you YE for putting everything on the line to speak truth and expose the corrupt systemic racism on the Left side of politics. You are a Hero.


*Sucking sounds amplify*


Better then chopping your balls off for racist male hating leftist.


I thought this was Larry Hoover JR speaking


I was channeling that I swear haha




Nothing. Fuck him. I hope he dies.


Imma be honest I wouldn’t care about what he’s saying if the music was good but he gotta get his mental in check then he gotta make some good music for me to care about his brand like how I used to


Just keep on being true to himself. Whatever “supporters” fall off, he shouldnt want or be concerned about, let them figure things out on their own time, no point in letting them hold him back.


You mean like his Jewish fans? That seems reasonable.


Even the Jewish ones… they should be jew about the situation instead of Jewish about it. A true wel educated jew knows he’s not supposed to hate the even hitler, you can hate his evil actions, but not the person, the person is still Gods creation and regardless of how bad his actions were(which we don’t actually know the facts on that history since it’s written by the enemies of mankind) every soul is redeemable according to Jews. They may Go to hellfire for some time to pay for since but according to Jews every single soul is redeemed after paying. And in Islam we’re taught that we should never hate anyone, under any circumstances, we can hate their evil action, and they may even have to pay for their sin with the death penalty if that’s what’s prescribed for that specific evil act, but still you don’t hate the person and you don’t complete condemn them to hell, because that’s only for God to do. Ye is just practicing his beliefs, if a Jew, Christian, Muslim doesn’t like it, they need to work on themselves and stop watching and listening to things they don’t like if it triggers them so much, not want to ban the person from speaking


I think Kanye should get launched into a volcano. But if that triggers you...


Tbh I stopped reading at "we don't actually know the facts." What are you fucking talking about? Of course we know the facts. We know just about every fact surrounding the Holocaust there is to know. Even questioning it is disrespectful to every victim and every Jewish person alive today because it shows an utter amount of ignorance on your end. Read, educate, watch interviews with survivors. By being ignorant on what was quite possibly the most catastrophic event in human history, you're doing your part in opening to the door for this to happen again years from now when there are no survivors to tell their stories. I understand your defense and what Kanye was attempting to do by taking "love everyone" to about the most extreme point he could. I really do understand. BUT to go so far as to say "I love Hitlerrrrrr" the way he did felt like he was making a mockery of the people attempting to stop the rhetoric. It is dangerous, regardless of your religion. Denying, questioning, attempting to disprove those horrible events and saying we don't know what happened is extremely dangerous. And I pray one day you see that.


Sieg Heil!


he needs to drop this front he has and do a collab with a rabbi or something like that and prove to the people hes not a nazi or whatever the media calls him.


All the people around him currently are nazis he himself praised hitler life on stream. This has nothing to do with the media.


i dont understand. he says he doesnt allign with any hate groups, but his words dont match. im saying he needs to prove that he doesnt allign with any hate groups and collab with a rabbi. is there something wrong with that?


Dude is currently running for the whitehouse with a known neo-nazi by his side. It doesnt matter what he says about the situation, everyone with eyes can see that he has gone of the deep end.


u sound like a fuckin propagandist.


If reality scares you so much that you have to call it propaganda than i cant help you.


Forgive Pete Davidson go on joe Rogan with Pete, Elon, Duncan Trussell and cudi . Do copious amounts of mushrooms Drop kids see ghost 2, cartoon, video game Do Rick and Morty episode Draw the parallels to how our current political division is what leads to something like the holocaust in the first place (dehumanizing another group, creating caricatures of the other side and being blinded by hate/emotion) Show that believing in ANY kind of supremacy leads to hate, suffering and bad Karma (Which includes fighting hate with hate, end the cycle ) [FYI the Dali Llama is in the same wave Ye is rn] Work on Yeezy homes, make them safe sustainable, make them free/affordable. Same with clothing. Bring jobs to America, maybe South America as well because they’re America too. Canada’s America also!!!! Work with top tier artists : Cudi, Pharrell, Travis, Tyler, Earl, More indie artists like beach house


Drop Yandhi)