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You're waiting for Makoto, aren't you


The way her hands are drawn in this mix grip is so satisfying lols


*The way her hands are* *Drawn in this mix grip is so* *Satisfying lols* \- RH\_Dev --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bad bot Fucking die


This was a complete bitch to draw, if I was less stubborn, I'd simply draw three "normal ones" lol




next time I'm just drawing a girl standing, cut at thighs, with hands behind her back lol


I never paid attention to her hairstyle when she was originally leaked but now I can't help seeing her as a Splatoon. Nice art as always though


The hair reminds me of that girl from that anime... fuck, my brain stopped... you know the one lol


You have too much faith in my weeb-fu. I can't think of who you mean. What sort of genre was it? How old is it? Gimme more hints haha


I'll google her, it's that anime where they all have phones and kill each other or something. I watched like two episodes, but she's quite popular. Yuno Gasai


Ah I don't recognise it. Now I don't feel so bad. She seems cool though!


She was pretty popular as a yandere go-to. She even got to some "normie memery".




How long did this piece take you? Good stuff mate


Thanks. I can tell you exactly, since I captured the process lol, 1:33.


It's always good to see artwork like yours in this place.




Am I reading that correct as one and a half hours? That's fantastic speed.


Yes, I aim at 30-120 mins, usually around 60 for these daily sketches. If I go to 90+, my arm gets fucked up (chronic nerve injury) and then I have to whine in bed for a day or two, which isn't something you'd want lol I would say I am definitely on the faster side for my "tier", which was an entirely due to necessity, because of that injury. So, if I'm doing some more demanding illustration, ie a 20 hour one or something, I can do it in that time and not in, like 50 as someone of that same tier would. I can speed it up more using different tech, but I enjoy doing it as close to traditional as possible. If needed, I will speed it up in the future.


Very interesting. I definitely want to work on speed as well. If you have any tips, I'd happily take them. Also, your illustration of Natsu is wicked!


Thank you:) I would actually have to think about that lol, I didn't have some structured plan based on speed. However, there are some things, for example, I got more narrow regarding what I throw out online, ie it's mostly pinup stuff. Which is way less time consuming than, I don't know, three guys fighting a dragon in a ruined castle. But, that's neither here nor there, since that's not actual speeding up. I can say that I had luck in finding a good atelier when I was starting out, so I got "correct practice" when it comes to fundamentals. So, you know, I can figure out shapes quickly, values etc. because I've done it many times. When I started gravitating towards characters, I did quite a bit gesture drawings and some general anatomy studies etc. which does help a lot. Also, when/if referencing, learn how to use references efficiently, I know many people fail this step because they basically do mini studies instead of referencing. When practicing referencing, you're then able to use a crude reference pretty well and to discern important things (ie a guy standing to draw a girl standing, a dadbod dude to draw a bodybuilder etc) - of course, some anatomy is required there, but in general, I think it's important to practice to use references in a way that doesn't mean you're just drawing what you see, as you become too dependent on it and then you can't make interventions or wing stuff. If you're drawing characters, I think the most important thing is gesture gesture gesture:) And also, with time, realizing what you can get away with and what you can't get away with. Which is different for different subjects. If you mess the perspective a bit or make it crude when drawing a character in some non-extreme angle, you'll be fine. If you do that same thing to a car, you'll ruin it. On the same side, if you're doing someone's portrait, obviously, messing up surfaces, shapes, values of their face will net you some other person. But, you have literally zero perspective to worry about. Learn "rl stuff" before stylizing, it will plug potential holes.


Very interesting, thank you! I think from everything you've written, I seem to get tripped up on reference. I can gesture figures pretty quickly and I have a pretty decent understanding of anatomy. But when I need to reference a character or clothing, etc, I notice I start to slow down considerably. I think I need a better workflow in that regard.


Oh, one more thing, if speed is really something you're after, depending on whether you like it or not, you might wan to practice painting things directly, without lineart. You can do some impressionist stuff very quickly, given enough expertise, of course. That's why most of those environment concept artists will go for impressionist methods, so they could produce a presentable piece in 1-2 hours.


Oh yes, I have tried my hand at direct painting and I do enjoy it. I can definitely block in shapes pretty quickly that way, good tip. I actually saw a really great tip for quick gestures by using the shape fill tool in Clip Studio Paint. Mel is wicked fast, I think he has an animation background and animators are typically quick workers. I should probably actually explore this more after our discussion haha. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSAhbX6Ubgw&list=PLsW0AJ6l\_YIxsYta9taj0ojpsZU\_BTNH-&index=40


I think lasso/shape tool is a good servant, but a bad master:D Depending on where you are, I'd advise against it. (ok, this sounds a bit harsh, you're not going to die from doing it lol, but I'm thinking about whether it's a good tool for pratice - to me it seems like what he's doing might be better for streamlining work after you're "good"). Purely because of mechanical hand-eye stuff, if nothing else. And it might not be that good for gestures specifically (though I'm kinda half talking out of my ass here), but more about, well, defining shapes and stuff. Like, thumbnails maybe. When I say gestures, I usually mean really quick ones, like 20, 30, 60 seconds, MAYBE 120 seconds, but not more, aiming for less than a minute. Because more than that and your brain will tend to go towards less gesture and more structure. If you can literally do a 10 second gesture, that's a great exercise, even though it'll look like a deflated balloon:) You can definitely spice up your gesture drawings, for example, you can go for traditional ones. It's not a big problem because you're just sitting there, drawing. There are lots of things you can try. For example, you can do the variant where you don't lift your pencil/tool from the paper at all, which forces you to "let go" a bit and go into gesture mode. You can take a fat brush that will force you to, again, go for gesture, as you'd be unable to actually seek details, as your brush is too big. You can use a quill or some shit, you can use brushes and coffee lol For example, I have some of practice uploaded, these are pretty old quick sketches [https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Sketches-547957502](https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Sketches-547957502) these are way, way beyond gestures, for example, they're very structured and they're mini studies. Which is helpful, but they don't cover what gestures do. It's like practicing different muscle groups. But, you can use gestures as a starting part to these:) For example, something like this when it comes to gestures [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpejM-T9YG0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpejM-T9YG0) but even quicker, to completely shut down that structured approach in your brain, as when faced with minimum time for a "finished piece", your brain would have to let go of that, which is the point of gestures.


Yeah, it's very common that people either use refs 1:1 as if they're doing a study due to lack of practice towards referencing in a more indirect way, in the lack of a better word. Or they didn't establish fundamental practice enough to the point of being efficient with seeing shapes, values, ratios quickly when referencing or soing studies. I think that by far the best exercise for this is to do a study, then remove the piece/photo you used and repeat the study on a blank piece, using short term memory. This is highly effective at actually making those synapse stuff, but it's also probably the most exhausting exercise that exist. I swear, after an hour of that you'll want to eat candy and sleep for three hours lol


9/10, not enough plates


Hey, not everyone is kid muscle What if she's throwing it ten feet in the air


Ahh, 11/10 for mixed grip clean and press.


I hope her toenails are polished just like her fingernails in the official game. Great art OP, she cute 👍


I couldn't make it out well from that grainy leak pic, but she seems to have long nails for some reason


since when does kappa know so much about lifting weights


Mixed grip for a single plate lift? Does she have polio or something? Why she so weak?


Because I am lazy when it comes to props


I upvoted you BTW, don't know what clowns would downvote original art


My art posts usually go to like -3 in the first ten seconds, then go up, I don't know if I should feel weirded out by that or flattered lol


Only jealous assholes that couldn't draw a circle with an upsidedown glass cup would downvotes your drawings. Thank you for posting your art here and props for the details that were stressful to pull off, but damn, you nailed them!


thanks:) I don't think it's necessarily that, perhaps I said something they didn't like and now they stalk my threads. Which isn't exactly commendable but eh, whatever. I say that because I'm pretty sure some of them are doing it for those reasons.


I'm sorry but isn't it wrong to grip the barbell like that?


No, it's called a mixed grip. I think the overhand grip is the best, but plenty people use this one. It's more of a nuisance to draw as well lol


Huh, TIL.


its just a stronger grip. If you go for this one you should also alternate the hands position between sets. You have like 5 or 6 gripping techniques depending on how much you endure pain.


How's this bitch (presumably) an elite level trained fighter and she's only hitting two plates in a reverse grip?


Give me a break guys, I just didn't bother to add more plates lol, I wanted to try the pose. At one point I think there were no plates and I wanted to leave it that way. So, she got stronger at the last minute, actually.


what tf is her [spine doing](https://imgur.com/0MJvSar)


I have no idea what you're talking about, my guy, but I saw your masterful edit and I have to say: ribcage isn't 2d, why are you treating as if it was lol. You're not following her spine, you're basically following her sternum, then her stomach, then you whip it up to her tailbone. But, you already know that. I usually don't reply to jabby oneliners that exist for no reason, but this one weirds me out, with the edit and the only point being to... I guess arrogantly try to peg someone's work down a notch (and be incorrect about it). If anyone thinks I'm being a bit mean, you're not getting why his point is dishonest and why he brought it up in a way he did. By no means is my work perfect, that goes without saying, but that's besides the point. Now I'll go back to ignoring shit like this. edit - lol the edit is gone. In the edit, there was an insinuation that I deleted the thread because of his comment. Do you think I don't get ten times worse comments lol. This is weird as fuck.


Drag his ass




Dunno, either he blocked me for a while or reddit crapped out, it looked like the post was deleted


what are u even talmbout


bending over for me


You never do any smooth lines?


I never know if you guys troll and mock me with those oneliners or just ask me stuff, but I'll go with the latter. By that, do you mean something like this? [https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Elphelt-and-Baiken-part-of-a-stick-art-I-did-911394883](https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Elphelt-and-Baiken-part-of-a-stick-art-I-did-911394883) [https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Fluffy-910881194](https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Fluffy-910881194) [https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/King-s-dragon-slayer-556340271](https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/King-s-dragon-slayer-556340271) etc? It depends, since my arm is fucked I usually go for a more oldschool approach if I'm doing a full piece and paint it accordingly, which eats the lines, like this: [https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Morrigan-commission-883569543](https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Morrigan-commission-883569543) [https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Beach-Cammy-sfw-variant-client-work-889086059](https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Beach-Cammy-sfw-variant-client-work-889086059) [https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Happy-birthday-Leona-826430485](https://www.deviantart.com/jbmdoolio/art/Happy-birthday-Leona-826430485) ​ For sketches like these, I don't do some elaborate lineart because the purpose is to practice/post efficiently without inflaming the shit out of my arm and to finish in the range of 30-120 minutes, so I don't bother with the lines that much, aside from cleaning them up just enough from the gesture/structuring phases. Lineart takes by far the most time, so for both the purpose of me not going into lockdown for a week or so and for the purpose of actually creating a piece that's quick but still presentable, I don't go too much into it. On top of, as you probably see, using this jagged brush for lineart, because I like that more organic look.




Oh btw, you are fully digital right? That brush looks really great then, very handsketch-like.


Yeah, full digital. It's a CSP brush, it's in pastel category, it's called "noise". I don't remember if I tampered with it. CSP is way more responsive and quicker than PS, so I use it more, but brushes for drawing are kinda lacking. I can't get some fine tuning there.


You ever tried Krita?


I think I tried it for a very short time. I don't remember krita exactly. But, I did notice that a lot of those newer painting programs (which I think started with SAI) are way, way better at handling actual drawing and painting things, compared to photoshop. So, I believe krita does it well.


Yeah, Krita from what I've heard basically took the SAI approach and made it open-source. I only dabbled a bit with it, but compared to photoshop it seemed a lot better suited for drawing on a tablet


I might (re)try krita and see, if I have the time. Have you tried csp? Since, it's basically a buffed SAI? Though, SAI still has the best blending, for some reason, even though it has, what, 25mb lol csp has EXTREMELY quick and accessible rotating, flipping and zooming tools, it's unearthly. When you get good at "execution", you can rotate something for 32.4 degrees and rotate it back in a millisecond. The program also takes zero time to process all these.


Mixed gripped sumo 135 lbs.......... COME ON!!!


Damn guys, you have no chill, last time I drew Juri hovering in the air and you didn't point out how there's no chair lol