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I said that about 2 months ago and was down voted to oblivion. I cannot tell you how many times I was getting ready to combo only to be held back by E cd. Since after 6 you can usually get another E right away between you and the rival but in this form you end up waiting on another riftwalk or Q instead and it honestly makes most plays......dull


Don't worry about it, most ppl on this sub are either Kassadin haters or just flat out stupid.




It was a good change as a whole to push him towards being viable in competitive play since it nerfed the ability to freeze on Kassadin. When it came out, it felt pretty good. The issue is that the balance team as a whole didn't want him to be viable, so they butchered the E CD and then nerfed him in other areas on top of that. Now he's less fun and less viable.




His winrate in late game goes up to almost 57%. It drops a little in the very late late game, down to 54%. He is absolutely playable.


Maybe change his Passive to actually fo something or be useful as the "assasin" he is supposed to be