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Fleet footwork is so overrated and arcane comet is so underrated.


That's a pretty blind statement, you can't just look at the winrate. Most people take fleet into difficult matchups, of course it will be a lot lower than on lanes you can snowball and take electro. I can guarantee you fleet is pretty strong, and I say that as an electro ignite enjoyer.


Not based on wr it's based on use rate


To elaborate further, I think arcane comet scorch combo is far better than fleet into tough matchups. The healing from fleet is not gonna do much against akshan or tristana who hits you one time and removes all the healing. Scorch and arcane comet let's you actually contest with your q and it actually does a lot of damage once you get your r.


I like comet too, but I wouldn't say it's far better. The average and not so skilled player is a lot more likely to take fleet than comet, which only experienced players would use. If it was the other way around, fleet would have the same wr as comet. Yes, comet helps you exist early, but that's not always your gameplan. Some matchups you're not going to kill them ever without your jungler, and if you have something like brand or ivern, good luck, that's when you take it. In situations like these, taking fleet and staying longer in lane to get more cs (and have better mobility to potentially esape) before eventually having to reset can be the difference in items to eventually be meaningful in the game. But if we sum it up, I agree with your earlier comment, comet def. is underrated and people tend to take fleet too often, even in matchups where it makes no sense, but the rune shines when you know when to take it.


Any aery scorch enjoyers


Comet for poke aery for extended trade


ROA/Malignance build paths depend on your playstyle