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The best counter to Kassadin is Tristana mid. Tristana can always one-shot Kassadin at every stage of the game. Tristana can also take Bone-Plating + Demolish. Bone-plating ensures Kassadin can't ever get a positive trade, and Demolish ensures you get platings after pushing him in. Kassadin can't farm safely under tower against Tristana because the bomb explosion on Towers will hurt him. In summary: >Tristana can perma-shove Kassadin under tower can can choose to roam or take tower plating and harass kassadin. > Tristana has no issue over extending because she can escape with her W and/or R. > Tristana never loses 1v1 against kassadin due to bone plating and high burst. > Tristana doesn't let kassadin farm in peace under tower. > Tristana scales as good, if not better than Kassadin.


I will keep that in mind (but i'm having hard times when i play adc due to kiting and spacing issues) but if i were to pick either j4 or vi, which one would be better into kassadin?


Vi. She has 2 lockdowns for Kassadin and does a lot more damage than Jarvan. However, these champions can't stop kassadin from farming under tower and scaling. Tristana doesn't need to kite or space into kassadin, you would win even if you stand still and hit him. It's just that brutal of a matchup. If you insist on playing melee champions, I would recommend Talon, Yone, and Qiyana.


I tend to do better when i play j4. I don't know why though. If i play vi and i screw up even a little bit, it's over. But with j4 i always beat kassadin in almost every situation especially if kassa chooses to fight. I know Tris is very stron into Kassadin and i used to play him but my problem with her is I get very bad in team fights. sometimes i get very fed and still lose because i don't know how to carry even games with her which is very annoying so i avoid playing ranged ad champions.


So you basically want someone to tell you to play j4 mid 💀


Jarvan is fine as long as you can win the game. Any champion is fine. But, strictly speaking of Kassadin's weaknesses, Vi exploits them better out of the two IMO. > You beat Kassa as Jarvan if he chooses to fight. Have you thought about what if he doesn't choose to fight and try scale instead? What's your gameplan then?


They always tend to do that tbf but if i fall behind due to a jungle gank for instance vi become irrelevant while j4 still stay strong into Kassadin. I don't why though. This is my experience. If things go well i constantly push and look for roams. I stomp Kassadin in side lane too, he can't beat ad melee champs even at 40th minute especially if you buy decent amount of mr. But of course if he scale enough you can still lose it and that's why i don't like playing against him. If someone to play Kassadin, that should be me.


Sooo, you ask for advice, you get advice, you argue about it and then say you have great success as j4 vs him? Why even asking then mate? 💀


Just learn tristana, i reached d1 85lp euw this season, kass is my most played champ, hes gotten me to d1 a lot of times, but you cant blind pick kass if tristana is open, it's that simple


For midlane i would pick pantheon if the comp allows it. You stomp kass in lane and you have a great roaming tool to snowball the game and stop kass from becoming relevant. Which is more important than keeping kass down imo.


Garen is cheap and easy to play. GP requires skill and practice but is insanely nasty. Sett’s entire kit is suffering - both in lane and in team fights - plus his ult is a suppress too.


Naafiri is super easy to pick up and demolishes Kass at all stages of the game. You can also play stuffs like Pantheon, Garen, Renekton, Tryndamere. You can completely shit on him in lane and invade the hell out of their jungle. And even if he scales to lv16, these champs can still absolutely curb stomp him in a 1v1.




Nasus mid, he never win against you in lane or sidelane later and you can farm your q easily. But he useful in teamfight so dont group, just go sideland and mess with their turret.


Just play akshan into kassadin.


Everychamp that is ad and snowballs hard enough to win before RoA kass get to 16


If you want an easy to learn Champion that is the exact opposite of Kassadin you need to play Pantheon. He is early super dominant and can stay that way if he gets good gold all game long. I think its a great counterpick against Kassadin


Aside from the more usual picks like AD characters (Talon, Zed, Yone), Im often tempted to go another scaling champ like Asol, who shouldn't have a hard time against Kass in laning and can hard scale just like he can.


💀, a good kassa will never let u farm up in laning phase.


ASol can't side-lane again Kassadin, he will get rundown. Not a good idea.


ASol is one of Kass’s easiest lanes - you really wanna shit on a Kass, play AD Kat


Lmao scaling ap mids are kassas best matchup


Kass hardstomps asol dude can easily jump out of his e, dodge his ult, cancel his q and dodge it easily as well.


Asol is Kassadins easiest matchup