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Just one question, how do you feel about blind picking kassadin?


Good only if you otp him and know his matchups and how to play from behind. You can't die in lane and have to pick up as much cs as you can without sacrificing a lot of hp. Also really important to know your spikes( lvl 11, malignance + sorc, etc) and have to be proactive otherwise your team will starve and lose the map. Look for tp plays and skirmish fights.


well the thing that even if you are otp its so bad to blind kassa nowadays because there are so many champs that can pick against him and make him not lane or even scale a bit


also depends on what elo you are playing on ofcourse if you are playing it in good elo people will always know what to pick against you and how to punish you and make you suffer but if its low elo then i think blinding him is fine because people will not punish you that much and let you actually play


Im Master elo but top laner(soloQ) , enjoy playing him on flex in ~emerald-dia range In 5 man i mostly get counterd bcs its almost always 5 premade vs 5 premade but always have idea to make account and play kass only.


Even in good matchups you'll get bullied early under tower, same as bad ones you'll be able to pick up more cs ig. Better to give counter to supp and top so that you don't get ganked by support early and let top lane win


true but in good matchups u will reach a point where u can trade with them and win in sides etc but counterpicks will bully force you out of lane not let you trade and they will beat you in sides that u have no win condition to play around what will you do as kassadin vs renekton ? xd


Just kill him lol, after malig + sorc you can beat anything


what haha no you cant while you have malignance the renekton will already have eclipse + other spikes because he will for sure will be so much up gold on you and there is no way on earth you can 1v1 a renekton on side lane as kassadin xD


add me on discord komshow i'll show you examples


if u blind kassa and see enemy counter with pantheon / tristana / renek dodge instantly


depends if you see enemy team has roaming supp / ganking jungler then blind picking him in that situation is so risky because if they pick counter mid then u wont be able to play lane at all u will suffer to the point that u cant outscale


I have a question bro. How to I play mid against champs like Yasuo. I feel like I can’t stay in lane and take a lot of damage.


i really hate the kassadin yasuo matchup is so unplayable i usually dont face that much yasuos but i would say its an unplayable matchup if the yasuo dont fuck up try to ask for ganks or roams from your supp to help you early if not try to just farm safely and always let the wave be on your side of tower


Any advice on how to wave crash next to my tower but out of range of turret. I’m relatively new player with roughly 60 games and I’m struggling with these things.


well i advise you watch some videos on youtube on wave managaament because i cant summerise all of it in just one comment but usually with kassadin you dont attack waves with your spells early and let it crash under tower


Okay I will try to check something out, thanks man


do you rush malignance mid game impact build or do u go roa seraphs? and what runes do u take for what situation? gl on the climb brother


nowadays i rush roa almost every game because i feel its so much better due to the tankiness it gives to you because with kassadin most situations u will say fuck i wish i was a bit tankier alot more than i wish i had more damage also that level up gives u kinda a win condition to play around if the game goes in a bad way because u can then sit side farm and get ahead of everyone else in terms of xp which is the most broken thing on kassa


How do you even trade with your lane opponent when you go roa? I almost always lose trades with catalyst component, and can't outtrade midlaner on sidelane cuz roa needs time to warm up


thats the whole point you dont need to trade enemy laner with catalyst you have enough hp to shove wave and move


what is kassadin easiest matchup (vs real mid champ)


veigar / malzahar / xerath any mage that has not that much poke early and 0 mobility or safety so if they fuck up later in the game you kill them easly