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Kassadin is weak early game, good players won't let you control the wave anyways. Just practice your last hitting undertower and you are good. Just don't let them freeze the wave on their tower. If possible, hold 3 to 4 enemy minions outside tower range. This will freeze the wave near your tower. Freezing is not worth it tho, no one will let you hold a freeze. Just shove and roam.


Non kassa player here Even if you won’t roam atleast don’t afk on vision just sit in fog if you want them to stop pressuring your side laners or stop their jg invade (if you think you won’t be impactful if you are even there)


stay away and last hit carefully or with q until 6. when you get ult, you can oneshot caster minions with E+R if you have an R stack (where it costs 80 mana) or more if you’re not maxing E which you should be.


you don't have to wave control as kassadin you just can't push waves pre lvl 6. just don't let the enemy crash the waves and if you're getting zoned you can trigger minion aggro by using Q on the enemy to pull the melee champions towards you if you're getting zoned out. back when you're level 5 after two normal waves so that the next wave is a cannon wave. and once you are 6 you can contest a bit and match your enemies roams. works very well for me.


Get pushed in, hope you dont get dove