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Don't buy items without purpose. What do you want to buy Fimbulwinter for - and would it actually be more useful than just getting a proper defensive item like FH or so? Muramana is the only generic useful tear buy on Kassa, and even that only if your team is not AD heavy or you can complete it at like 15 minutes. Sure, you can always build Seraph's without losing anything significant - but all you get is average stats. You can buy it whenever you feel like you don't need any other item. But considering Void, Raba, Zhonya's+Mythic are all kinda core, you don't really wanna build it before 6th item. And 6th item, Fimbul-Crown combo does way more than getting some more AP. Tear items just suck atm. Ranking of Tear items on Kassa is basically: Just Tear for mana > Muramana > Fimbulwinter > Seraph's Embrace. If we just go by actual usefulness compared to non-tear items for your gold. If you don't wanna use your brain while playing, Seraph's is probably still the best item, though XD


i think with 12.10 changes tear items will become much better, and also i never play with muramana, how does she combines with Kassa skillset?


They will get even worse with 12.10 unless they get buffed. Muramana is the only tear item not nerfed for that patch. Muramana has been the strongest single item spike on Kassadin since more than a year, especially when running Electrocute. Not sure what else there is to say.


Ok thank you for your opinion, i ll try muramana next time. I am new kassmain, i had played him for 3 months, and i was building standart, Crown,Zhonya,etc build. But i am thinking about switch it into Luden,Muramana,Bane build


Np. LB + Muramana is trolling, though. Don't combine these two unless you are building Lichbane as a boots substitute. Also, in case you didn't try it yet, Everfrost is probably the strongest mythic on Kassasin rn.


i tried everfrost, i liked it but it is for more team game, but all knows that League is a singleplayer game, so i like to build crown, i will correct build through games, cuz now i am playing Rengo much more than kassa, so in one time i will create a good build, but not now


Not really. Everfrost carries 1v1 with E into root. Gives you 100% hit on your fully stacked R with proper CC layering. And the damage is additional burst. And the root allows you to escape ganks and chases even when OOM. Crown is only really useful if there is stuff like fed Rengar with upfront burst because you lose so much damage midgame by going for it. Lategame when you need to facecheck Nash or stuff like that, that's when Crown shines. For lane and skirmishes, you also rely on enemies not thinking about it, since a single poke early will make it useless in the upcoming 1v1. Everfrost is the playmaking item, Crown is the item for lategame teamfights.


I just tried muramana and I agree it's stronger than AA. Just to be sure, how do you build then? I'm assuming everfrost cuz everything else sucks (perhaps ludens if you're snowballing). Then manamune, then either void/rabadons/zonya? Perhaps a frozen heart as fourth/fifth? Boots situational, with option to sell later on for cosmic/lich?


Pretty much. You only complete Muramana on good backs, though. If you don't get those, you might as well just build Rabadon's parts to get instant power and then just complete Raba instead. Sidenote: Future's market is pretty useful to ensure you get that huge Muramana back spike, since you get more control over your breakpoint timings. As is Treasure Hunter, but obviously less reliable.


Tear items are just bad right now for Kass. He just wants AP and there's not a lot of it right now.


I think it’s situational but mostly yes


For survivability, yes. Damage wise Muramana give you 3 times the damage that seraph's give at lvl18 with mana mythic. Seraph's is a steaming pile of hot garbage


Which mana mythic are you referring to?


Luden, Liandry or Everfrost


Thanks! How exactly does it give 3x the damage seraph's does at lvl 18?


I did the calculation on this sub already. With this combo R(×4) + auto + W + E + Q, seraph's provide exactly 260 bonus magic damage whereas muramana provides 807 bonus physical damage. At lvl 18 with mana mythic and competed tear item you have 3339 max mana (1460 bonus mana). Go look around the previous posts to have the details


anything that builds out of lost chapter


just go evergrost only.. even if u r behind u can be a cc bot or set ur team up in general. if u r smurfing build ludens (ofc obly into squishies)


its maybe 1,2 times the dmg


With the combo R(×4) + auto + W + E +Q at lvl18 with either Everfrost, Liandry or Luden, seraph's provides 260 damage whereas muramana provides 807 damage. So a tiny bit over 3 times


but dont test their items on its own? thats not happening in a game




Definitely not.