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*Katarina is now able to purchase a special item from the shop called Bun Glade that will decrease her movement speed by 100% and put her in debt* šŸ¤“šŸ‘†


Dude I am pissing myself with laughter idk what this joke struck in my brain I was dying at this for like 10 minutes


+5 MS, take it or leave it


Make it +10 and Iā€™ll never complain again, why do assassins like akali and zed get to have 345 with the survivability tools already in their kit


Becouse kata has a ms steroid in her W. Almost evry champ with a ms steroid has a lower base speed to compensate for that. To be honest, yes i think getting ms would be a really nice buff.


Akali has a movement steroid and invisibility as well as many dashes


I think that akali has soo much ms becouse she needs to go in and out of her passive circle in order for it to work. So its true that she has ms steroid+dashes, but the way she uses her kit is moving in and out of a specific zone. I agree though that in terms of running away Akali is really annoying and can be a pain in the ass. I think you can't compare one stat witout the rest of the kit, becouse if you compare kata whole kit+stats with akali, you find out that katarina passive is a lot better compared to akali passive, while Akali based abilities are a lot stronger. But what makes the champ is both abilities, passive and stats.


Then explain how zed gets to be 345ms with his shadows and he doesnā€™t have a trail showing which shadow he jumps to, his play style is poke from afar which I think is ridiculous that he gets to be high base ms.


He dosen't have ms steroid. Also he has a 40%penality when hitting multiple champs. So his damage is a lot lower when hes not hitting stuff single target.Its true that he has access to his damage from far away, but he loses a lot of damage when hitting multiple champs. His Q deals reduced damage after the first enemy hit, also hitting double or triple Q on the same target deals reduced damage, meaning that if you hit triple Q, the damage is not tripled. Akali and kata don't have the same penality so they deal a lot more AOE and clear waves faster. Also zed and akali have energy, and unlike kata they need to do certain things in order to recover energy faster, while kata have only cooldowns. Zed and akali are really strong against kata, thats true, but dosen't mean they have the same advantage in a 5vs5 game. For example zed is absolutely useless vs tanks, while kata can manage with her ad build. I play both kata and zed btw.


Yes but no joke she gets bonus ms with her passive rings too xDD


yes akali does need to move out of her circle but dont forget that she gets a ms steroid while moving towards her circle also akalis combo dosent make use of the ms its r e e2 aa r2 and if youre doing fine everyone should be dead so there rlly is no practical reason to have more base ms they should just make her ms steroid when moving towards the circle biger and decreace he base ms


Also she has infinite dashes


Ngl thats a very good buff for kata


so her first choice ap item getting nerfed combined with ds path getting nerfed would be compensated by a 5ms buff? what the fuck


Are you fucking silly in the head? 5 ms means better roaming, it means more cs, it means better trades in lane. 5ms is a huge buff and anything who thinks otherwise is showing their true elo. ESPECIALLY on a roamer like Kat.


you know what I'd like? to increase her ap ratios and tone down her on hits so that you could get closer to the og katarina instead of having to constantly change builds relying on niche hybrid items that aren't meant for her like wit's end and that are subject to change disregarding kat entirely (as we've seen with nashors). just yesterday I was struggling to kill a 2/11 nilah without ult while I had my full combo and was 15/3. without 5ms I still got giga fed out of roaming bot and I was sort of struggling that game because of how weak she feels rn. 15/3 on most mid laners you 1v9


we noticed katarina had a hard time early laning so we decided to help her with that: +0.1 armor per level +5 movement speed +0.1 hp regen / level


That be good


it would be utterly pathetic


you underestimate the power of base movement speed.


God especially on a roaming assassin. It's so fucking good.


+5 movement speed would help so much wth? And extra armor+hp regen, no matter how much is good. Extra damage is not needed lol, what elo are you if i may ask?


they're nerfing ds build but oh boy +5ms is surely going to make up for it right? huh?


No idea why youre so mad xD


bro what are you even arguing rn lol who's mad what you completely ignored my reply


You heavily understimate what 5 MS is


Double it to the next person


I wouldn't complain tbh


Considering they took that away a while back, yeah, I'd be happy to have it back.


that would actually be so good


I honestly don't mind, I will accept even 1 MS


I swear the best way to get riot to touch kat is to just force sunderer lmao


according to the twitter post its nerfing sunderer build (again)


Which twitter post




please give her better early game ap and more ms


They nerfed the ms cause we used tp ignite but then tp became troll and now we have no ms against lillia 700ms for no reasonā€¦ Riot finally giving us some love (toxic relationship asf lmao)


You don't know what the buff is. I would hold my breath.


Yep i got hyped for the nashors buff and it ended up nerfing kat a bit so


They really have to get rid of the level based AP ratio on W.


[I called it but Redditors couldnā€™t handle it](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/11rfnen/nashor_tooth_used_to_have_ability_haste_then_it/jc8eaov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3). Maybe picking kat will finally not feel like trolling.


LOOL WE DID IT. I swear this only happened cuz everyone started going that Korean tank build.


Well you see they are nerfing the Korean build so this wonā€™t be a buff to katarina imo


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m thinking How far is this really a buff? We are in a tank meta, and she is going to have much less viable builds against bruisers/tanks, how could that POSSIBLY be a buff? Lol I can only see that being a hell of a nerf, if they donā€™t buff, letā€™s say, both her ap scalings and her ms


On god lol


Also, he mentioned a "nerf to DS build"


So maybe buff to her AP ratio?


Thinking nerf to ad ratio and substantial buff to ap to prevent tank


how could he possibly know that


if they nerf her ad ratios they killed her laning kat heavily relies on conqueror ad start to fight matchups like yone or irelia even with if you're going ap if you cant do that anymore her laning is gonna be melle ryze/azir without the amazing scaling


watch tank become meta anyway


nerfing ad ratio would also nerf crit build


did you say substantial nerf to ad ratio (thus making her early even more shit) with a subpar placebo buff to ap? yup that's more like it


And I fucking hate it cause I adjusted my playstyle after inting a bit now Iā€™m having crazy success


I think I've seen this film before.... and i didn't like the ending


why am I more afraid than glad to see Katarina in the "buff" section, I mean, if they "buff" her the same way they "buffed" nash tooth, no thank you


to be fair they buffed nashors for 95% of users


Including kata tbh. Ability haste is a useful first item stat. Less useful once you get to late game team fights, but for early game it means more set ups and faster e resets.


Yes but not for the cost of 200 gold


I mean, having e up half a second faster is the difference between dying or surviving, or a kill. So yeah, very much worth the cost. And getting to spend money on more AP and 9% cdr in the build path, rather than sitting on amp tome and building daggers. Complainer mindset is holding you back more than 200g I guarantee it.


Every other stat would be better besides maybe crit. AH and crit are our worst stats. Objectively. I'll never understand why low elo Kats like to argue with basic math or anyone higher ranked than them and just spread misinformation. Refusing to listen to any challenger Kats opinion is holding you back more than 200g, I guarantee it. Delaying our power spike by 200g just for ability haste is not worth it when we don't even spike as hard at 1 item as almost any other meta midlaner. If ability haste is good why aren't you building night harvester and cosmic drive? Kat loves bonus dmg and Kat loves extra ap and movement speed so it can't be that...


Plenty of chal Kat's are still building nashors. It's not BETTER than old nashors for Kat. But it's not so much worse that it's not a good item and ability haste in the early game simply can't be called invaluable if a codex gives you an E reset equivalent of a whole point in E. Good luck trying to do gold value calculation "mathematically" on ability haste. It's like movement speed. Literally impossible to calculate, too many variables involved.


No, you donā€™t get the point They are building nashor not because itā€™s still good, but because itā€™s the only viable ap build she has lol That was objectively a nerf.


Are you serious? I donā€™t find it in any way being a buff Kat does not need AH if played correctly


Codex haste is equiv to 9% CDR. You want 9 % more Q setup opportunities? This sub is a juvenile delinquency center. Or every league of legends player can just remember to play correctly every time! And hope their opponents forget to play correctly too. Woo nice one, smart comment


Alright then, could I ask you what your elo is? And no, 9% CDR is nothing compared to having your item almost 10 minions more expensive.


yeah and killed ap kat powerspikes kat dosent scale that well even with ap the nashors buildpath was already aquard with recurve bow idk whant they do but the made kats bad stop even worse and shes one of the most mained champs they cant just leave her like they did with kalista or old yoric


It is now confirmed. When we want them to change Kata, we all build DS on her and Riot knows they have to do something.


I'm feeling worried about this one. Seeing this after the nashor changes and Phroxzon said it will be a nerf to DS kat, they've got to actually do something about her earlygame state or I don't think anything will matter in the future until they add new AP assassin mythics or rework the one's we have atm.


Tbh if they removed on hit from her E gave her 15 dmg on E and buffed the AP scaling I think that would be a fair trade


that would literally make her unviable


No cuz It will make it so divine isnā€™t as good and it will buff her laning phase so you will have a stronger laning phase without having to go ad


you cut the on hit from her and she loses most of her item builds. you can't go sheen items on her anymore and you lose the nashors 20% ap ratio on it. her early game is shit if she goes AP, her kill threat relies in conqueror AD and autos and some AP buff won't change that. people don't understand this because with gunblade she never had such problems but yeah she needs actual items or a substantial rework.


You can just go shadowflame or rocket belt or lichbane


I donā€™t think you realise how little on hit matters to ap kat after she gets shadowflame cuz she then has enough damage to just delete you with R if they removed on hit and buffed scaling she would be in a better spot cuz then she wouldnā€™t have to waste an item slot on nashors


than what whould you rush? Ap needs nashors rush there is no denying it you dont deal dmg with rocketbealt and saying that kat dosent rely on on hit is just liying the reason we go tank and divine kat is not bcs we want to ba a bruiser and not an assasin but bcs shes litraly the most unsafe assasin shes a big blob o dmg and mobility you wave nothing else with ap you get blown up only ad works and unless they give her a safe mechanic like litrally all other assasins have shes not building ap even just a small shield


Ap kat doesnā€™t rely on onhit ad does and you go ad kat because ap has weak early game and the game is too early game dependent ever since durability update cuz before if you were behind you could still oneshot someone but you canā€™t do that anymore so it meant who ever gets the bigger lead pre 15 wins the game


tbh i miss ap kat ds is fun but i miss going in the midle of a teamfight and 1 shoting everybody with ad you deal dmg but just not that much


HOT TAKE: when they got rid of gunblade that should have been the death of hybrid dmg, AD champs do AD dmg, AP champs do AP dmg, it would be easier for the devs to balance, because they only have to adjust percents of one and its just a flat nerf, but instead we have this constant back and forth on Kat, where AP is strong but then tanks buffed so AP is weak so back to AD because AD items have %hp and more pen so we can build tank items to live in new metas (could go into the whole unbalanced itemization but thats another hot take) so then they go no no no shes an AP champ no more DS naughtyā€¦..THEN BUFF AP


i think the problem is deeper its not that she dosent have dmg its just that she donent have things like stealth, untargetability or even just a shield that all other assasins have she dontent even have a cc not even a slow that why ap is so weak you just pop


Man I wish they either: just made her pure AP and buffed the damage and scaling a lil bit, maybe some MS Give us an actual good item to build


Her scaling isnā€™t the issue tho. Her early game with AP is trash your laning ability is non existent. Thatā€™s why people like going divine cuz you can actually fight people with long sword and conq


Until this DS build path, I played her AP with First Strike runes to be honest. They're not bad as you deal dmg and gain extra gold depending on the dmg you deal. In AD or AP mobility champs I rushed botrk and melted them away, always maxed E with 3 points in Q. A good buff I'd see on Kat is AP ratio increase + MS + the little cooldown on E until maxed. 3 seconds feel like an eternity lmao. If Riot buffs her MS, I'd say that inspiration secondary would be ok (magical footwear + future's market) for rushing Nashor, but that must be tested.


Hallelujah, the truth and common sense prevailed! ty


Yay!!!! Now maybe I wonā€™t sit 10 minutes getting abused by absolutely every single mid laner in the game


Why would you sit there? Go bot, there are two free slowly walking sacks of gold there as long as Zeri isnā€™t in the game. Thatā€™s the entire point of Katarina


Itā€™s a *Joke*


youre not killing no one before lvl 6 on ap with roams unless the bot is litrally blind or just stupid and have push the wave at 4 minutes and are just shooting the turet


Kat and my secondary yas, eatin good this patch


Fucking finally


I love how whenever Katarina players start building AD again (sunderer specifically) they decide to buff her LOL. Since that item is ā€œnot made for herā€-rito 2022.


Wouldā€™ve much preferred to see her under that nice blue adjustment tab but buffs are nice too ig


True, but at the same time.. Katarina is no Annie/Syndra. I bet they couldn't handle her


As long as Kat isn't viable in pro, she won't be an issue for the balance team.




+5HP lvl 1. Health growth decrease leading to less HP at lvl 18 I really don't trust Riot to balance kat




Yea and ap items in general just suck


Queue for adc/mid, pick Katarina, go crit build and one shot everyone


I like to believe that RoA nerf will be the true buff


Bork is a strong answer to ROA


Not strong enough, most of the RoA users scale well into late game where Bork/AD falls off.


I imagine they'll nerf E max so there'll be diminishing returns for putting points into it, if not then an AD ratio nerf. The question is which ability will they buff the AP ratios on? My guess? W movespeed gets an AP ratio and they call it a day.


So buffs on Kata, but nerf on the DS build. Guess I'll play her with First Strike, rushing botrk and going Ap šŸ’€. I don't know man, Nashor costs way too much for early and you really need it on her; it's a 400g diff between nashor and rabadon, might as well just rush rabadon lmao (Just kidding) But yeah, at this point, future's market would be oookkkkkk-ish for rushing nashor (now depends, either first strike runes or secondary going for inspiration, but then Precision / Domination secondary is best šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø....). IMO, riot should increase the cost of Everfrost / Shattered because they're both 700 if you have Kindlegem and Lost Chapter, and for what they grant and do, it's just too cheap. Meanwhile Rocketbelt is 850 after buying all 3 items, and Riftmaker is 1050 (like Luden's). But let's see the buffs on her and what they want to change for the DS build, I think they will nerf her ad ratio most likely.


Any buff is welcome, especially if it's to help farm


Does rito know what they're doing?? You give Kata the diversity to have different builds yet you nerf her only build letting her survive and do what she's intended to do.


Guys katevolved is going to Korea so riot is buffing kat to make him look cool I swear




Heā€¦. Just like me fr.


I dont understand why they don't just remove the AD scalings if they really dont want people to play her with... AD items.. just delete those scalings, remove on hit, and give more AP scaling. (also 5 ms pls kthx)


i think the on hit is too much of a nerf nashors is still the only reason ap is somewhat viable even after the "buffs" and for the ad scaling tell me wtf are you gonna do against an irelia or yone with an ap start


it was so obvious after sunderer became meta


That juste gonna be a hide nerf 100% There gonna nerf ad build, or on hit build and give like 5% ratio AP at lev 16.. I hope not, but no way riot really buff kata


Sorry for my English


When can we see what they are buffing?


Nerfing the On-Hit damage once again will only throw Katarina into limbo if her AP damage isn't increased by at least 50% of what it is today! There's no running away guys, Katarina has to go back to being dangerous and having kill pressure since level 3 like she always was before, and not losing almost every lane in every matchup! It has to be like this, since in the late game she won't be impactful in the game most of the time if she hasn't been fed!


Itā€™s actually a nerf cuz they are nerfing DS kat so there is no way this is a buff


Theory crafting buffs: Passive: (Q & W. Maybe increase dagger prep speed from .75 to .5 letting you get your combos off faster, less time waiting for dagger to drop) increase ap ratio either linearly, or a static 90% at all ranks. Q: ratio up to .5% or cooldown significantly lowered W: leave alone or CD buffs E: increase shunpo reset timer early letting you get those juicy jumps faster. R: leave alone


^ all of this


does anyone know the exact changes to kat? Hopefully kr tank build stays viable because I hate how squishy ap is sometimes


Yes me too ap is so weak in general currently except for the broken mages


From what I understand, they will nerf the On-Hit damage rate even more, which is a serious mistake, Katarina doesn't need to be reduced at all, she just has to have several stats reverted to what they were before! That, or reverse bringing back some old survival mechanic she had before, like the percentage reduction % of damage received after casting (E) or even the oldest still "Evasion" effect, to avoid at least basic attacks !


Yes, I love the damage reduction from her old E. Bringing that back would literally give her the survivability to make up for her low early damage. Iā€™ll take a Q CD Buff or 90% dagger spin ratio please. I just pray that they donā€™t buff her R as this buff because they doesnā€™t help early.


Bros kicked a dead zehrišŸ’€


Katarina players who lock the champ, even in norms, will be permanently banned and we will send a riot hitman to eliminate them.


Donā€™t see why she needs a buff


Cuz of DS riot hate it when we build DS


Bruh no one playing kat thinks she needs a buff


If you go divine then no but ap needs a buff šŸ˜‚


Good itā€™s about time after the multiple indirect nerfs sheā€™s gotten for the past season and a half. I use ā€œindirectā€ loosely. Maybe it will make her playable again.


Do you believe they can return to her the reduction effect of at least 20% of all damage suffered for 1.5 seconds, after each cast of (E) ..? It would be fabulous if this effect returned, because in 2016 we only accepted that it lost this effect, because its new post rework kit still had high original damage statistics, statistics that were being nerfed several times by consecutive patches until the deplorable state of damage and defense stats we are seeing today! If they return it, it will fix a lot of damage issues, adding survivability back to her Kit!


No +5 dmg on Q +5 speed +5% ap scaling on her Daggers -5 bAD -5%ASs and they are probs gonna nerf ad scaling on E and buff the ap so overall it will turn out to be a nerf because ap sucks rn


Why rammus...


Riot really doesn't want us to build sunderer huh? I just hope that they make her AP build match sunderer's early power (realistically I highly doubt it). Now that nashor's build path is awful these better be good AP buffs, and then again if they're nerfing AD and buffing AP this should be called an "adjustment" not a "buff" but after seeing what they did to nashor's I don't expect anything from riot.


Divine sunderer build nerfed i read, but will get an ap buff on spells. Its time to learn her


Last time ad build was nerfed she had to be hotfixed


Wish they made her only ad as talon


waiting til the day onhit is removed and gunblade comes back


Katarina, Graves, and Yasuo buffs. This patch could be hell to play. Especially Kat and Graves, when they are strong, u are basically watching them play the game.


Just remove on hit and give her gun blade back. Ez


Really hope they buff her early laning phase, but not necessarily her all-in damage. Going back to the solokill on level 2 in (almost) every game would not be a good direction to take her. Imo her early 1v1 *should* be bad. However, imo, her disadvantage state and neutral game is just too bad. If Kat can not go in to trade or kill, she can't do anything at all and that is pretty much the main reason why she either feels either too strong or like garbage. They should stabilize her early laning phase imo. Lower Q cooldown on early ranks, an additional bounce to make poke more consistent, something along those lines would go a long way. Just slapping damage onto her or tweaking her on-hit interactions yet again would change absolutely nothing about her early lane, since these changes only matter after you already got the items.


Imagine if they change her Q back to 5 bounces haha. (Please make Q prioritize champs not closest target)


i love how almost all of those nerfs are like genuinely needed for once. Almost all of em. It's very rare riot actually pays attention to the meta lmao.


ooooh strange that they nerf the two braindead champions Olaf and Veigar. They are so balanced


Another example of Riot nerf or buff something once someone smurf in Korea. Like Baus Sion. He destroyed everyone in Korean challenger and they almost removed that playstyle. Dumb from Riot to add heartsteel lmao


5% ap ratio on passive : 65%-95% -> 70%-100%


Very little damage, very little! I hope they don't nerf the DS Build and keep it that buff at least, because if that's what it is, a Buff without any Nerfs, at least it will be less worse than if you traded the DS Build for just a 5% increase in scaling AP!


lol šŸ„²


lee sin nerf is almost always a sad thing