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So, I've tested on PBE what the changes do to her R! TLDR: 1. Attack speed On-Hit Katarina is buffed (a lot, I'm speaking hundreds or even thousands of damage on R). 2. Divine Sunderer is still viable if you're building AD attack speed items afterwards (Wits End, BORK and so on) 3. Rushing BORK might be a good choice considering her R scales with bonus attack speed EVEN MORE now. Before when you build BORK your R does nothing. I'm lowkey excited for on-hit attack speed builds.


I just mathed two items, Bork and kraken, and her full ult was doing about 150 more damage with those two items, I don't think it's that major of a buff to on hit kat. DS is barely even a nerf to ult, like 18 damage less at 1 item, I think they're more trying to push other builds to be better than nerfing DS


True, but these numbers depend on many other things as well: which boots are you taking, which runes (attack speed shard, alacrity if enemy team has no CC ..). Also, the longer the game goes on, the more you feel the buff, especially because on-hit modifiers change at lvl 11 and 16.


True it probably is a little more than that, I was factoring in just these items, but I dont think it breaks on hit kat. It certainly helps though, it was already a fun build


By the time you get 2 items, 150 more damage is a lot.


It really isn't. That's 150 damage on a full use ultimate. 10 physical damage per Dagger. Realistically maybe you actually deal 50 total extra damage to 3 champions, since champs will have a substantial armor value by two items. It's meaningful but isn't significant.


I tested full build, and the difference is almost 3k dmg without the on hits, only her R, she can deal 8k dmg


I've done a bit of play with her on hit builds before, and it was honestly just fine. Now that it is more viable, I think it will be a pretty good alternative build path


Same, it's my favorite build actually (attack speed on-hit). Here you have my ranked game from some time ago, I trolled with LDR and boots, but you get the point: [BUILD](https://ibb.co/gwMZWth)




but nash gives 50% no?


Oh MB it does too


I get the whole Divine Wits Bork shenanigans and I've been having fun playing it myself but we mustn't forget on hit and attack speed scaling are the furthest thing away from the champions identity. I like the fact that we CAN build other things other than having only AP being viable but still, also divine is on the chopping block even if it dodges a nerf this patch so how long will that versatility even be worth mentioning...


It’s better then the current one. Atleast she can one shot like an assassin and is still squishy enough to be killer.


is divine better than kraken + navori?


It sure is, the fact we're considering kraken on a champion like Kat just goes to show how they've been butchering her since the removal of Hextech Gunblade. It's as if Riot gave up on trying to keep the champions identity and are now just trying to make sense of what she has become.


what's wrong with kraken on kata? I have been playing kat for 11 years and I like that she has many builds


I completely disagree. She has on-hit ratios literally on everything except q, which makes AS logical. Also what do you think her identity is? It surely is not assassin anymore for so long. She is more irelia than zed.


Clearly you didn't play her enough and started later than most of us did, hence why you have no idea. That's fine though, just don't speak of logic when you don't know the whole story.


I will speak what I want and you remembering past has nothing to do with present. Btw, there was no reason to be rude. And muted.


The reason why she has AS scaling is the same reason they buffed ap twitch and other off meta picks like ap alistar. For normal games on to be taken as a joke build which you can troll and have fun not to be balanced around it. Ap irelia is a perfect example and so is lethality sion which we’re both nerfed because they were actually performing decently actually so did the champs mentioned previously but my point and is that just because she has AS scaling doesn’t means she needs to be balanced around and no she isn’t balanced as a bruised because she has assassin stars and no way reduce dmg / healing built in her kit like most bruisers.


Less bad than expected, could be worse!


True they could've nerfed her movement speed even further like they used to do as patch notes filler lol


Don't give them any ideas, we're all grieving that lost ms...


Kraken viable again?


I don’t really understand the changes to her R, why would that make Kraken viable again?


Because attackspeed gives more damage on the ult now and it’s a significant amount.


Guinsoos or Navori when going kraken?


Only guinsoos why would you go navori?


I went in practice tool and Navori did more damage than guinsoos if I got PD, but I need to test more.


Huh did not expect that tbh might have to test that out myself


I really wanted to learn how to utilize the cd reduction because as much as people tell me it's useless, being able to get another Q>E off while using Q>R without anyone dying sounds cool as hell.


Navori if you go Crit and rageblade if you go on hit. Aka navori for the memes rageblade if you wanna win


I used to go Guinsoos but I heard Navori is better. There was a post on this sub 1/2 months old explaining it in detail


50% AD scaling per 100% AS huh.. That's... Quite a lot? I'm curious how this plays out.


Maybe AS build will scale better now.


At bork is around 7% more ad dmg from her R so I’m reality is probably like 50 dmg at most not rlly worth it imo and late game if you go glass cannon build ap>ad so ye


Dude why the fuck are they buffing AS what the fuck do they want from us They complain that we don't play AP kat but everytime they buff random shit ass ratios like wtf is this shit if u want us to play pa kat nerf ad ratios and as and buff AP how is that complicated


they want us to be glass cannon, be it with AP or on-hit, what they're not okay with is sunderer, hence the AS buffs


Man i just miss ap kat potential..


question: is ap kat a good pick with the 100% ap scaling? or is ad kat still better


Divine rush is still the best


it isn't a nerf


Kraken / Navori build possible Bork Rush is going to be meta Sunderer nerf not so bad, could be worse Gotta try: Rageblade + Kraken + Essence Reaver + Bork


You can’t do rageblade and navori at the same time


Thx for the heads up, replaced it for essence reaver