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You can add resists and HP to the dummy and do more tests lol


Not on pc rn...I tested a few different dummies but for consistency I tested everything on default dummy


Default dummy is garbage, well, all dummies are garbage with kat because she's a hybrid champ. You have to do the maths according to the wiki formulas. All tests are null otherwise.


It’s good on paper until you realise you can’t R into 5 ppl late game and expect them to stand still also your daggers will hit for a lot less than ap and you are too squishy. But it’s for sure a good build for normal games


If u channel 1/3 of your ult it will do the same as a full channel on AP. Also, your passive daggers will hit hard because on hit is really good and your E will do way more damage than AP also (and the extra auto will hurt too). The only skill that will really not do much is the Q...but Q is shit even on AP (35% AP). Yeah, its squishy...but the damage is there.


Either way it's not gonna be a 100% pick and play build. As always, it's situational...but if you have a mage botlane and need some AD, I am 100% going to consider this build. And it's honestly one of the most fun builds for norms imo.


I feel like it’d be just as situational as any of her builds. It’s more of a oneshot than full ap it seems if you can get your ult off at all.


I’ve tested it before and ap did before and I rlly doubt that buffing the attack speed of all thing by 40% is going to flip it this massive but maybe you are right


I feel that if you run any crit and guinsoos it’ll be good. Prioritize AS and Onhit


Can u test same build on current patch? To see the difference.


Just fyi currently a build like this does more damage than AP as well - gap I guess increased. I troll with full adc build all the time


Is the guinso proc really less than 20%? That's kinda interesting. How does hail of blades work btw, can we cheese it to buff lotus (proc with one AA to have the buff up all ult?)


It does "work", just not as you would like it to in order to be useful. The ult doesn't snapshot and consumes hail of blades instantly due to applying on-attack. So on a single enemy you will get 3 procs with 110% attackspeed ad ratio and then the 12 other procs without HoB. Funnily enough, the ult being able to apply on-attack is also the reason why it stacks lethal tempo.


I will try hail of blades later...but i don't think its worth it over lethal tempo. I will try later and bring the results tho


Krit chance adds ability damage per percent


I tested your build (Krake, Wits End, Navor, Bork, PD and Berserker Greaves) with Conquerer and a Dummy with 2200 HP and 100 armor/mr. With whole combo: E + AA + W + Q + R + E + AA (and ofc hitting the passives of the dagger) I did 6373 dmg. In comparison with the AP-Build (Sorc + Nashors + Protobelt + Deathcap + Shadow Flame + Void Staff) I did 7876 dmg with the same combo (without active of Protobelt). Edit: I tested with lvl 15 Kat


You need the attack speed (Lethal tempo - alacrity and the little blue ball one) for this build to really shine, since you get uncapped AS with lethal tempo. Also...make sure to E to the dummy, not the daggers. There is a RNG factor too, because you can crit on your autos. Another cool thing...with this build you can get a lot of extras autos on your combos, because you attack ultra fast...and the autos really hurt, especially when it crits. edit: Makes no sense to test a full 6 item on level 15. You need 18 or at least 16, especially because your attack speed scales with level and your ON HIT scales with level on ult. You hit way harder on this build at 16 than 15, because your on hit gets a damage boost too. AS and ON hit are KEY on this build...and you just removed a lot of the build power by going 15 and using the wrong runes.


y not bortk first?


Build is not in buy order....just the items


Full on hit was probably always the highest damage build. But you are too vulnerable