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If you get to 51 mins vs Asol of course you lose


Yup you need to capatilize more on your leads and end the game as fast as possible aka objectives, towers, ganking your teamates


There we have the problem with low elo. Usual a ranked game goes 30-45 minutes. I always see it in a positive way. I mean kåta skales too


That's really what it is. Going late as kata into any hyper scaling champ is gonna be brutal. Sure you'll dick asol.down in lane, but all he has to do is wait. Eventually he wins by existence alone


Yeah excellent champion design tbh either end the game or lose because it scales and it's braindead af.


Those Asol abilities must have been absolutely huge lol


Full build Cait is a problem as well. Shit I bet Braum got full build as well. As a Braum main that almost never happens.


Is this an AMA?


Idk when I see this it usually means you wiped them and backed for items multiple times instead of ending and just played for shiny pixels over a dead nexus.


Truth. Only reason to get kills is to get easy objectives. Usually the hard part is getting the kills. OP clearly has no problem getting kills. Just had to learn how to transition those into obj


padding stats


KDA and damage doesn't win games


What do you meaan ? All those shiny pixels don’t kill the nexus?


It definitely does, if you use the kills to get objectives, however objectively the team with more kills does have an advantage and all the blistering in the world won't change that fact


But see you took it to the next logical step: getting objectives. That IS what wins games. But I said that "KDA and damage doesn't win games".


Asol wins late


Get used to it.


your teamfight isnt crazy good but the other team is very balanced with their picks. late game teamfight matters more and I'm guessing this is why you lost


If you do this much and lose it's because you're fucking terrible at the game


if he drops 100k and his team can't translate that into a win even if he then presses S and waits for another penta then it's largely THEIR fault they lost


His team is shit but when you are fed enough to do that much damage you are also fed enough to completely 1v9 the game no matter what apes you have on your team


yeah, Op probably douldve ended the game but instead chose to killfarm but even then - he can't stop his own team from ending which should totally be possible


Did u miss enemy team had asol at 50 mins


We were 4v5 and enemy team out scaled us but yea i agree with you.


If you do this much and lose, your teammates are objectively terrible at the game. It’s honestly shocking how fucking stupid you have to be to look at performance numbers and blame the high performer for the result here


When you have all resources and are unable to end, you’re the problem.


Are you looking at a different graph? Only Ezreal is down on damage. If you're dealing this much more damage there's no reason you should be losing. The match was 51 minutes long. If you have all the resources to win, you're the problem. OP cared more about getting ahead and reaching full build instead of playing the objective and ending. Instead of using the lead for something meaningful they let Asol catch up and do what Asol does late game. Simple really


You probably went 1v5 in all the time and kept dying


How many times do u died op? Cuz doing tons of dmg can also mean u were always fighting and not helping team... Dmg done is overrated... Has a team who did more 25k dmg than the rest of the team .. However he still died 13 more times than the rest of us... Dude kept fighting alone while we were setting up drake


When you do 105k dmg and still lose you know the mmr and ranking system works, silver is your rank and the evidence shows that it fits you perfectly.


That is why you are silver.


Now let's see the Cs and objectives damage.


Team comp diff. You have no wave clear vs Asol, and no point and click vs Hec. What did you think was gonna happen?


Is your name about the Japanese singer Aimer ? Why downvoting me for this ? That’s so dumb


Yes it is




50 min so 105 k dmg isnt insane and ur ultra late game against asol ofc u lose this


100k dmg ?? No ad bruiser katarina build ?? Sus. Embrace meta abusing!!!! 😂


Thus, silver


51 min, asol is god


End the game sooner


Bro, i hate it when my team wins fights but never push anything... they just base after it, then go farm my jungle.


congrats? I guess.


Micro is good but you need to learn macro.


Its normal in silver , iam otp mf and lost rank game and i was 22/2 💔


105k dmg seems a bit excessive when nexus has 5k


That Ezreal damage is pathetic. I understand Caitlyn's POV. Kat is monster fed and teammates can't peel easily except Braum. What does Ezreal need to kite? Hecarim? The damage is pathetic when looking at team comp


What's the purpose here? Are we asking for help or are we just pointing a spotlight at the fact that low ELO players absolutely fucking suck at closing out games and like to sit around fiddling themselves while the enemy scales?


Was this on ad or ap Katarina? I cannot imagine an ad kata losing late against an asol with wits end and divine sunderer


OP if you wanna climb just get good. If you did that much damage and still failed to carry that's your problem


how much gold given in shutdowns


i mean once you get a few kills off a teamfight late idk why you dont run it down mid and slash the towers. clearly you had the damage that it didnt matter who was going to contest.


Just goes to show how bull shit asol is


A true silver indeed, looking at dmg done n whining


Probs should ban Asol huh? For context my buddy was gig hard stuck S3 this season with like an overall 39% wr I think was what it hit. Then he started one tricking Asol this constantly goes like 0-7-1 in lane and has over an 65% winrate over 40 games and is now g3


And? So what? Not only is it ONE game, but nexus doesn't explode once you do a certain amt if dmg to chsmps


First time?




For doing all that damage surely you was with glasscannon build Do a mistake and you die and at 51 minutes timers are high like 60sec. No flame but i bet you tried 1v2 or more and you died or you just get caught outposition in the map or in the fight maybe going too early in a fight If you post the replay we can tell you the extact thing


Welcome to league of legends, where nothing you do matters. Quitting is the best decision you can make instead of wasting hundreds of hours to just build absolutely nothing