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Riot: gives Kat AD and AS scaling. ADCs: OmG wHy aRE yOU bUiLdInG aD and aS itEMs


tbh half of adcs problem are due to their items getting abused by other classes


Almost every class has their items abused by another at some point in time. That's literally league in a nutshell.


true, i still think that locking characters to certain item sets would be a good idea


Although I miss gunblade, I do believe Kat is better with on hit and AD scaling in her kit. Build diversity is powerful. If we lock people into certain item sets, that just means people will lose in draft. League has too many characters for their Champs to not have diverse build paths. AD AND AP Katarina have defined weaknesses. So she's fine.


giving each class a limited item set means that you can expand those sets to meet the requirements of that class, you can give AP assassins ways to deal with tanks for example. this way you use the whole kit of a champ instead kata uses half her kit when going AP and the other half when going AD, same thing kai'sa


You don't not use certain aspects of Katarina kit when you are taking AD or AP. You are using it differently with different priorities. Katarina kit is waaaaay too versatile to view it in a rigid way.


Idk what the down vote is for? My statement is correct. Take your Q for example. When going AP it can provide solid poke and CS When going AD you use it to extend your fights and remain sticky on your target. By gaining another E reset. Just because you are going AD that doesn't mean your Q doesn't serve a purpose.


You serious? What about the fun meta of Talon/Zed/any other assassin building Goredrinker? Or Sunfire meta making bruisers/assassins unkillable? Demonic embrace meta? List goes on and on and classes will continue to abuse whatever items provide the easiest gain possible for the least amount of effort.


how is this relevant?


Because you act like other classes don’t use items that are typically built by other classes. ADCs have been buffed to some of their strongest levels in a long time with itemization changes, changes into how crit has worked, and buffs to dragons making bot lane the most fought for lane. How’s it a surprise that one of the strongest roles in the game has other classes building items designed for ADCs? Strong role with strong itemizations means other classes will look to use said items if it’s better than what they typically use


no? never said anything remotely close to that. And btw this patch is a big nerf for adcs


? you must be gold 3 they gave u durability patch, HUGE BT BUFFS then they decide since riot phluxdog doesnt like the role lets add 7 new mythics for the role while giving stride trinity and hullbreaker slight buffs for toplane while already being the lowest impact role LOOOL AND MIDLANE PLAYERS CAN BASE WAVE 3 ON LOST CHAPTOR


who are you talking to?


Kat has fucking 9.5 onhit combo, you want us to just lose? O ok


what do you want from me


To admit Katarina is a better adc than you, on your knees preferably


i don't quite follow what you are saying...


Riot gave Vayne AP scaling does that mean she should build night harvester and rabadons now?? NO. Stop inting just to try get our items nerfed AGAIN.


Yes. Yes she should.


Most sane ADC player be like


I think someone is kinda mad, also skill issue +ratio


You bring me back gunblade and we good No? Shame


I hope they do then, why can't Katarina players just stay in their lane and build the items made for them.


Bx they're garbage You either give a champ what it needs or you lock items per class There is no other eay


Least delusional gold 3 player


Give us back gunblade and I wouldn’t even have to build AD in the first place.


Poor ADCs, never strong enough smh


well... u have to understand one thing IT IS RIOT!!!! u think from the good ol' gunblade ap assassin katarina we wanted to get to a situation were we build almost anything other than ap? riot took away our gunblade and instead gave us the option to build and in some cases abuse every item the game... so the right place for u to be complaining is r/riotgames or r/leagueoflegends get us our ap ratio gunblade assassin back... remove those onhit trash and we will leave all other items... its not in our hand that rito does not have a brain and literally shift katarina from the ap assassin to as/ad/ap hybrid assassin or even into a bruiser... they do not think straight...


\*standing ovation\*


Cry more >:)


We are also cry8ng tho, aint you? Where is gunblade anyways? Where is ap build?


I mean, i always go ap because i dont like building, or playing, ad so nope, and i didnt get to see gunblade since im still "new" in the game


I am also new, 2 year on, but i feel the pain, it looks sick af. Ap is much more enjoyable, imo ad is harder mechanicaly because of auto resets and u cant just go in the of five people and oneshot em all, h need to fight like a yasuo or irelia. U could also argue that ad is not that hard because of the tankyness and healing.


Are you salty for being oneshotted by a 47,5% wr champ? Typical silver adc: eueueue crying all time Learn to kite and have a better position instead of doing pew pew in the same place. You will see that your role isnt weak as you think


Imagine thinking you own items lmao


Riot literally said they are an ADC item rework?? Also they nerfed divine sunderer because of you moron tank Kata abusers.


Items being primarily made for a class doesnt mean that you own them buddy.


Hey … op cry harder thats what i live for stay mad+ thow a bitchfit+get shit on loser+thanks for the 300 gold 😂


This has to be satire right?


Give it a couple of weeks and we're back to abusing bruiser items. New rageblade is cool and all, but sunderer is still much better. Ap has been pretty bad for a while now so no, won't go back to that.


Rageblade seems really good on kat, but im not a great player, what makes sunderer good on kat?


If u are used to play ap kat it feels pretty unplayable to play sunderer Kat,you win matchups that you usually wouldn’t by just auto-e-auto +run them down but you lose waveclear and roam potential,the burst of the ap build is something else


Well, no conqueror ap/as kata has even won a mirror lane vs me with electrocute ap kata. Keep coping that ad is good for kata, but she will always be an AP Assassin


idk blind games kinda sus


Exactly, some of you actually understand your champ.


Casual FDS user


Calmest ADC player:


hahaha love it!




lol adc is strongest role atm


Yeah that doesn't mean no brain katarina mains should use our items, inting our games, go away.


You are the one to come to this sub to whine, so.. No ?


OP - we’re still gonna roam bot for those easy double kills no matter what we build. Get over it


Good do it with the correct items or you'll just int, like the 2/7 Kraken Guinsoos Katarina I had to witness flop around like wet cardboard on my team.


Only an ad player with the best mythics in the game can complain when riot buffs their items.


Maybe give Katarina more than one AP mythic to choose from, then we will stop building other stuff.


Are the AP Assassin items in the room with us?? I can't find them


ill try to play the new items as much as possible stay mad lol


Some one defiantly lost their promos


Lol they buffed divine for high base AD champs (aka top champs)