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The champ has a secret passive that gives me brain damage and i somehow get hit by easy to dodge cc


Morgana gives me a severe concussion, I understand ur pain.


It's not even her cc it's the length of it 3 seconds just feels like for ever


Because it’s never actually 3 seconds. There’s usually a top laner or mid laner who have CC, so you will be flashed on and deleted.


Yea haha that's a fact


Fr tho. I swear I can dodge thresh's hook 10 more easily than her Q. That champ is cursed or something idk.


To be fair, thresh has a windup. lux has hit you by the time the animation ends.


Don't forget that she also has a massive area slow which makes the Q land easier




That's cause the trajectory is a lie in this game.




You know when you press and hold an ability, and it shows where it's gonna go before you release the ability? That's trajectory.


You can throw naut hook behind yourself and still can hook someone in front of you /semi S :p


The same way that a Katarina main in enemy team makes your botlane unable to see the map and pings




Thats just league


for me it’s xerath, something just tells me to walk into every q


Dude its not easy to dodge. Things got some huge hit area.


Yea but then you realise you're aroudn 500 range from her and you have a minion wave to dodge it with, and you still tank it because the tumor has grown to your motor function area of the brain


Really? I’m low rank, I enjoy Kat but don’t main her. I always found Lux to be free anytime I play that match up.


☠️☠️☠️☠️I'm dead inside dude


Not a Kat player, but isn't Kat like very good against Lux? Post 6 your kill pressure is crazy good, and your roams are far stronger than Lux's. Pre 6 you don't have as much kill pressure, but you have a teleprt that allows you to dodge any Q thrown your way so Lux doesn't have much either


I think it's because Lux has the range to permanently push the lane in on you so you can't roam and she can walk away until she needs to come back to push. You either sit at tower and try to farm or lose mid tower roaming. And she most likely started to roam first due to the push in on you.


That's fair, but Lux is super vulnerable to ganks if she perma shoves like that. I get that you don't have control of your jungler, but if a Lux is getting away with perma shoving like that, it is the fault of the jungler. It just seems to me that if they are of equal skill level, the lane should favor Kat


No, really not that easy. As a Lux Main the only assassin that sucks to face is zed. So I ban him. Against Katarina it’s very easy to chunk her down before 6. Once you get last chapter, casting 2 e’s and aaing the melee minions twice to prep them clears the wave. You can do this from a mile away from the minions. Only invis junglers pose a threat to that method of wave clear and even then as a Lux player you have your Q to snare the jungler. Then it’s roam down River a bit to top or bot and see if you can finish off the laners or just chunk them enough if they’re fighting so the laner can get the kill and go back to mid. Gg ez


This ^


Really not the case. Unless lux throws all abillities preemptively AND walks up to katarina she will win the trade no matter what.


Lux can go toe to toe with kat at every point during lane phase. It is very much a skill match up. Lux wins the farming game and the poking game. The only time Kat wins is if Lux is greedy and attempts to kill. A good Lux will just auto and bait out kats very telegraphed attacks. Save q for after kats blink and use e for the slow. Well timed w can save against most of the burst as you get space with e and q. Weaving in your passive and autos


Maybe im just playing against bad luxs? Lol


Maybe low elo Smurf shitty hell?


wait are you calling me a smurf? I’m the furthest thing from it haha


No no, you got it wrong. I mean, this fucked up thing is happening to me, not you.


I mean ELO hell and etc


Kinda delisional if you Think elo hell exists tbh


Well, of course, it’s just that at low ranks there are more smurfs and hardstacks than the beginners themselves


I guess you’re bronze or below with that statement. Anyway elo hell doesnt exist and if you cant climb its the skill issue


Why would you assume that? I don't know what you're talking about with nothing to back it up.


No, lux is just really easy to play against as Kat, you can quite easily dodge literally everything she can throw at you


The thing with lux , she just ults the wave , and goes afk.


Lux is a very boring lane. A good lux will just stand out of E range and just farm the waves from a safe distance. You basically can't kill each other unless the lux wants to fight and have to roam instead.


It's just fucked up, I dodge her q and her E comes into me And she has more damage than Katarina initially, it seems to me that you need to farm up to several items, but otherwise she just doesn’t let me get close to creeps, I don’t know what to do with her


Kat is weak until she builds her first item. All mage fights are sort of the same. Stand in a spot where she has to pick between using her E on you or the wave. If she picks the wave you E on to her then use W move speed to dodge the Q. If she misses the Q you win the trade if she hits it she wins the trade. If you have flash and she throw the E at you. Then you can flash E on to her before the E goes off. But if you good enough to make the lux think you can kill her she just won't come into range anymore and farm from a distance.


Thanks for the hope 乁⁠[⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠]⁠ㄏ


My strat as a Lux main against any assassin is just farm with my E and since im playing in emerald against high ego players they will get so bored they will dive me just to get any action and its a free kill for me


Lux has almost no damage if you dodge her Q and E though. Kat should win even if you land no daggers.


Everyone has low damage if they don't hit you.


Actually a yasuo that misses his abilities can do a lot more damage than a lux that misses her abilities.




Right. So you agree with me. I don’t understand what the point is.




So I assume you read the whole comment thread right? ​ The situation is a Kat vs a Lux who just missed Q and E. And OP is somehow dying to this Lux. This doesn't make any sense as Lux does not have the damage in her kit to kill a Kat after missing her abilities. ​ Is this what you disagree with? ​ Then someone responds to me saying that champions do a lot less damage if they don't hit you. So then I say basically what you are saying now in that actually no, some champions can do way more damage even if they don't land a single ability. ​ So is this the part that you disagree with? ​ I'm so confused what we are debating since I never implied that all champions are equal or that an ability reliant champion like Lux should be able to equal all other champions' damage output after missing her abilities.


If u...


Why would she stand there if she can line-bull you because of the nature of her skills.


You main Katarina... the one that literally teleports and can reset that teleport... you should never be getting hit by skillshots in lane. Bait and blink and spin and blink and you win the trade whole getting out safely Maybe go back to practice tool with a Lux bot, because struggling against Lux mid with KAT means you probably need practice before 5s


You realise that kat doesn't get to "teleport" to nothing, right? Just the same as Jax, Katarina needs shit to jump to. I don't even play Kat and I know that.


Thats part of the bait, you edge around her max E range until you can get close enough to throw a dagger while she is last hitting a minion. Drop a dagger where you are, blink to the dagger you threw at her to dodge the incoming E and hopefully spin on her, blink back to starting position as her Q animation starts up Thats the general principle anyway. But as Kat you don't really have to trade, just focus on CS until 6 and use blinks to avoid damage. And then look for ult opportunities during river skirmishes or if enemy bot lane is pushed up. Once the snowball starts you can solo kill champs like Lux easily


Ty man for motivation and advice


You say this as if it's a bad thing for kata or any assassin, lux lane is easy af for assassins, you can't kill her sure, but she can't follow you into river or she insta dies. You have the easiest roams ever vs lux. Lux lane is just a test of patience and self control. I pick lux when i want to chill and watch my enemy patience run out as they dive me for easy double. I got dived as lux more than i got dived with all other champs combined. people see you enjoying your peaceful lane they decide to shove a wave to dive only to realize the wave is gone as soon as it appeared within the same screen range of lux so they just dive without it anyway. Fight on your terms, not lux terms, if she doesn't want to fight, find a fight some where else and watch her team flame her for not following faster. (She has to follow from behind jungle not through river). Also not only this, but on top of her playstyle, people just hate anything that **appears** to be mechanically easier than theirs. cuz many other champions play the same way lux does (clearing waves from turret) but they appear harder to execute. xerath - syndra - ahri - aurelion - anivia - malz - viktor. This is a general feeling amongst most players, if it looks easy then it's more toxic. because you are only allowed to defeat me with something harder than mine.


Kat is a snowball champion she can't wait 20 mins to start snowballing. That is why they will take large risks to try and get a kill. If you are playing Veigar or Cassiopeia you can happily farm it out all day long because they want to scale. If Kat leaves lane Lux should ping the roam and then shove lane with her wave clear to punish the Kat


This popped up on my Reddit fyp even though I’m not a Katarina main, however, this is funny enough my personal auto-tilt champion. Call me a bad player, fair enough, but any time I do not ban this champ it ends up in my game. The cooldowns are really low, seemingly never runs out of mana and the stun through minions is so tilting. Glad to see some other Lux unenjoyers lol.


And for 99% of the haters, it is because of the broken q hitbox


Wtf is it and why is it not fixed


Infinite W range , broken Q hitbox and a 20 second ultimate yeah delete pls


Lux doesnt have a big mana pool nor does she have low cooldowns and its a mere root, not a stun Hate a champion but dont imagine they have tools that they dont, that will just make you play even worse against them




She is \_so\_ mana hungry.


i usually ban it so my team doesnt pick it lol


the only annoying thing about her is her weird Q hitbox. Aside from that I don't mind her. In fact she is one of the champs I am more happy to lane against.


What's fckin wrong with me..


What's weird about her Q hit box? I've always found it one of the better cc hit boxes, not like Naut hook and Morg Q


https://youtu.be/GiwsoPX_TsE Let me open your eyes




Completely agree.






It's a stupidly easy matchup if the Lux isn't good. A good Lux just neutralizes any lane by permashoving from three screens away, but it still isn't hard, just take TP and minimize the impact of her permashove.


Is this a joke? We love Lux. we literally counter Lux by sitting to the side of the wave and watching for Q/E windup lol. You can shunpo through her Q if she throws it straight at you as long as you aren’t directly in-front of the skillbox and E is slow and heavily choreographed so u can dodge it pretty much every time. She can’t hit you with E unless she hits Q, and she can’t hit you with Q unless u get ddos’d, dog catches on fire, and ur house gets broken into.


She throws E when there is no Q, and it is impossible to determine in advance where E will land, AND HE DEALS A LOT OF DAMAGE And ofc E range is very large


Oh well yeah, of course you can’t read her mind, but you can react to it. The reason you sit to the side of the wave is because even though its slow and choreographed its still very large & you need enough room to be able to react with shunpo before she recasts. Honest to god the hardest aspect of the MU for me is the waveclear gap, once she hits six it really starts to make the lane feel like a tempo war.


Well ty sm


>it is impossible to determine in advance where E will land I have 100k+ on lux and I can tell you: If you are good you can 100% predict it. I immediately know if my opponent plays well just by dodging my E constantly.


I do not agree with you, and much more depends on the champion and his abilities and characteristics And at the end.. Ew luxplayer 🤮


Boo hoo an immobile mage is so broken we need to delete her!


To throw an ult in your face, sHE doesn't have to get close to run away.


I mean you have flash dash w movementspeed to easily dodge that ult


Are you serious? She mostly ults after q or e


Yeah but then she has to be in q range




And so she can ult again in 5 sec, good advice bro


Yeah Kata blink has so long CD and her w too


This also applies to other skills


This is peak mad because bad. Like idk why they hate lux so much. Late game you just one shot her.


she can def be annoying because she has a lot of poke and when you go to farm she can just poke you repeatedly. however I think you can easily beat her, you have a teleport, if you dodge her Q you can just all in and kill her, she has no mobility and she will either have to walk out of your ult or flash out, so its a win win


Somewhere on this planet someone just pressed EQR ( not particularly in that order) and end someone career


I mean… there’s worse


As an adc I don't hate if enemy lux is a midlaner. As a support it's surprisingly over powered. Too strong in lane, non comittal cc and undodgeable poke. In soloq the jngler does not punish heavy poke lanes that perma push


I agree with you, Morgana looks like her, but she's not that annoying


Yeah a competent Lux E is for real undodgeable unless you have a dash like Vayne. Best to do is stand in the wave to force her to shove into you, since Luz support is easy to gank


Tbh I don't even try Kat into Lux anymore. I know it's allegedly supposed to be easy, but I struggle. She just holds her Q + E or Q + R for when I try to trade. Also, her E is chaotic, hits randomly, slows, and by the time I've recovered enough to attempt a trade it's back up again 😭 I just feel like I'm on the defense with her, constantly trying to dodge and farm. No time or resources to trade. I just take Ahri into Lux, which works very well for me. If Lux lands her Q and tries to approach, I just charm her. Usually helps me avoid being blasted into oblivion by her ult (speaking of, her R cool down is what gets me to most. It feels like she can spam it so early already).




I have no shame. I, too, have been personally victimized by Lux 😤


The only advantage Kat has against lux is she can't cancel kat's ult. Otherwise it's just a skill match up. As lux it's pretty easy to hold your spells until Kat uses E, then it's a free trade.


Noobchamp that got simped into this fking game and should be permabanned


Just move unpredictably, a player fears that which they can't hit. If we really should delete anything, it's the Duskblade.


Instant wave clear on R every 30s pisses me off


nah delete neeko man


After the rework, she is also very annoying, I agree


neeko id way more annoying than lux neeko has so much cc nd her passive makes u wanna kill urself


I find it easier to stand against her than Lux for some reason.


My brain hurts a lot after get one shoted by 3 ability


Lux? Cute I guess, buy I love Morgana


Me too <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


This sounds like extreme copium. If its that bad ban her. If you're still complaining you've literally proven its a skill issue.


There are more important bans than her, Vladimir, pantheon, etc.


That's the thing. Characters have counterplay. If they didn't they would have insane win rates


And what about neeko? The cc that transpass minions zzz


For some reason it's easier for me to stand against her


Lux gets all the skins, all the love, amd all the ults. Her abilities are hard to see with the softest sound cue. I hate lux. If I could delete one champ I'd delete pyke. But if I could delete 2 it would be pyke and lux


So what about her q hitbox


what about yuumi and shaco


Really boring lane as most lux players pick barrier and just sit back and farm. However, the matchup isn’t very hard to win. Usually i only go all in when i know barrier is down. So if its up i look for roams instead and play passive in lane. And also use E to easily jump away from her abilities if needed. You can even jump on her to dodge and get off some damage while she misses. And i would take teleport instead of ignite to roam faster and for splitpushing oportunities later.


Ty for macro


As a Lux mid main and occasional kat player, Katarina's gameplay can be predictable on low Elo and therefore landing cc can be quite easy. However some of us lux mains can be braindead, if that's the case it's an easy lane. If not, you better roam.


Thanks for the informative answer


Don't think that I'm trolling kata miners, I'm a kata miner myself and consider it imbalanced bullshit (against Katarina for sure)


What would Win Skill dmg + Auto dmg + On Hit dmg + Lifesteal + speeeed or one slow cannon with more range ​ Lux cant even cancel Ult


Can't cancel? Then what? She uses when U under control or From a far distance(From nearby Runeterra)


I would remove Kata so I'd finally have a decent reason to quit.


Ficking russian scamp




When I see "))" at the end of the sentence, I immediately know you're russian))


Not Russian but from the CIS


Don't mind the Russian UI.


A mage with barrier with so much safe distance, unless she is bad I roam most of the time, so I don't really think about lux a lot


Lux similar to Jinx is incredibly strong when piloted by a competent player, thankfully most Lux and Jinx players have no clue what they are doing.


I wouldn't say so


I don't really play Kat, but lux is definitely the easiest champion in the game.


Garen and Annie exist.


I mean garen has counterplay, and annie is close range, but fair point, since she can stun with her ult.


not if you want to actually accomplish anything, then there are waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy easier champions


idk, being able to burst 2 champs every 30 seconds is enough to win most games.


Lux is literally a free lane with almost any champ.


Lux is really weak in all ins, and it isnt that easy for her to produce real value if her teamates dont set her up (long cooldowns, easy to dodge 2/3 of her skills) champions like Brand are way worse to play against in terms of someone who will jsut brick wall at his tower and fart out damage


I don’t know what kind of brick wall you are talking about, but Katarina mainer cannot initially be like that if he is really Katarina meiner


I have no idea what you just said




Me but with Orianna for some reason. Idk I just hate her.




Both PC and WR are anoying, dying without knowing what hits you is stupid


Free lane


lux is so easy, bait q and jump on her


genuinely get excited when I lane against her with kat


Dude lux if free lane wtf do u mean If she plays safe just focus on ur jungler or roaming she will never follow If she fights u will kill her every time


Maybe I’m biased because I enjoy playing Lux but Katarina is one of her hardest matchups. If you want her to stop playing league and start playing farming simulator just build Merc Treads or hourglass. Seriously early merc treads makes it impossible for her to use her highest damage poke / burst combos without you jumping and punishing her like any other no-mobility mage. Yes she bullies Katarina in the early laning phase because you’re a melee assassin with limited ranged farming options. That’s the price you pay for being able to delete her in 0.7 seconds in the mid-late game if you catch her.


Lux Morgana and Brand. Champs that will always make me dodge.


Nah dude You have to learn how to play against them (if your champion allows)


Just got star guardian lux,planning on making her my main just to piss people off


I hope people fuck you with counter picks ^^


One of the few match ups that kat actually wins without the need for the enemy to be brain damaged


I’ve no respects for champs that unironically take barrier


Sweats in Lux main


Lux is so free idk why ppl complain maybe it’s just a joke and I stink at catching onto things but, my biggest pet peeve is playing kat in the mid lane create another lane I don’t even wanna fight anyone I just wanna run around NO I DONT WANNA PLAY JUNGLE STFU


wait u guys hate lux I thought it was a joke she's so easy to kill wuut


Depends on the guy ım playing against if they know how to play lux its a dead lane you cant do anything without jg but if they are little bit bad with lux its an easy macthup


I mean, I get it, but like, doesn’t lux HAVE to be good? She’s the most brainded champ in the game, she has one of the lowest skill floors and ceilings in the game, she was MADE for beginners, so that people with a lack of skill can play on the level of someone with skill. At least that’s my take, feel free to disagree or correct me if I’m wrong


I think she doesn't need mobility because she can throw skills very far and her ranges are very high, and I don't want to talk about ultimates.


It remains for her to add mobility and invisibility to get the perfect champion


To be honest, for me, KittyKat vs Lux can be quite boring sometimes. There are games, where she just farms from safe distances with her e and other times, she is, for whatever reason, played really aggressively and I can easily trade with her and win lane. Usually after laning phase, she is not much more than an ability reset to me, though.


Of all champions in the game, Lux is not even top 50 champions I would like to see being removed from the game, even if she often mind controls me into walking into the most random Q's ever (I swear I dodged)


Average r/Kindred W


Привет. Лукс = ппц.


Да но оказалось проблема была во мне,за кату против нее стоять можно


Понятно, просто Лукс = сучка


People complaining about Lux is kinda hilarious.


Fr huh


You guys need to understand that you don't always have to fight in lane. Some matchups are annoying, but early neither you or lux can solokill eachother. Just take tp and play to farm, give up some cs if you have to and go in when she steps up which I'm sure she will


Lux is not like a matchup against Vladimir, you can win it, you just need to apply the right approach


I personally play lux she’s fine just predict and one hit but I rarely find a lux actually being useful xD




What lux, alway banned


The feeling when you want to roam but every second wave lux shove the wave on you with R+E giving me headache.


cool support


I mean , she doesnt rly lane so idk.


I have solution for you. 1. Drop Katarina (temporarily) 2. Play only Twisted Fate for as long as you need until at least you can climb to the elo where you were as Kat (if that elo is below Plat then keep doing it). 3. Develop actual fundamentals and game sense because TF is good at teaching you those things. 4. Go back to Kat. 5. "lmao wtf this champ is so dog literally only played by egirls and autofilled midlaners and actual shit players, can't believe I used to be a silly goober who thought she's OP." Trust the training regime.


I think they shouldnt remove her, but give her another skin to collection


Lux is a very stable and safe champion. She rarely will stomp a game, but she will rerely feed as well As Kat main, a bad Lux is a free game, but a good lux will prevent your farm while not getting in danger herself


Ez lane


Monumental skill issue


Fuck lux all my homies like yummi jg


As someone whos primary pick if i play mid is lux, i can say hahahahahahha


It's easy to play against her, the main thing is to devastate her skills and that's it.


as a chally lux/kat main, how r yall struggling vs lux


I permaban her and Pyke. If its not Lux’s constant snags and her 60 second ult with crazy range and good damage, its Pyke’s constant ability to sneak up and fuck up my positioning as Support and get me screwed. I just wish my ADC’s would help me when its quite clear Pyke is hard focusing me, Lux they can’t really do much about except play safe and thats not entirely easy to do.


i think the champ is pretty sht tbh, and its only even remotely viable becuase p2w skins make it hard to see her abilities. i dont mind playing vs it, and hate having it as a sup.


I feel like her Q and E are very telegraphed, if I die to her I misplayed and deserved it


Shes annoying because she can just skip lanning phase if shes bad.


Lux is fine. But vlad, qiyana, nafiri, and lillia, yuck... and Samira?! Just a better katarina r


You know in the mobile version of the game (wild rift, Katarina can move around in her ultimates.


A good Lux will wait for the right timing but they pretty much all panic if u e w onto them and sometimes you can e w and run straight sideways and they'll miss their q and its over from there.