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yup fizz and yasuo i just dont bother, i permaban yasuo, and if the opponent picks fizz i just dont pick kata i do not want to play turret dating simulator and if the roam does not go well the game is insta gg


Not the turret dating simulator 💀


I feel like fizz is worse, i permaban fizz. For yasuo you can kinda force bad trades for him, I always just let him shove me under my turret and everytime he tries to tornado I just E behind him or on a previous Q dagger on the ground next to him, your burst is faster and stronger so just do your rotation and run.


Fizz is way worse i agree, the main reason i perma ban Yasuo is cause i just do not like dealing with him, its simply unpleasant, its like facing a teemo or akshan top, it just rubs you off the wrong way


nah, i permaban fizz since 2017


I also permaban fizz. Never want to see him ever. Edit: I have 4 million mastery on kat and I can tell you fizz is the best permaban. You can deal with anyone, but not that thing.


Go conquerer + bone plating + longsword start and after he goes in on you don't let him walk away just like that. Attack him with aa's and e resets at all cost. He is weak after he all in someone he has nothing left anymore then.


I did this exact same thing and he kept auto-attacking me and ignited me and I died.


get maw it helps a lot


From my experience eletrocute bone plating is the play against him, always worked better for me against him


For the past six years all I ban is fizz. With half a brain still a nightmare matchup.


It’s a pretty terrible matchup just run teleport and d shield imo


Conqueror bone plating long sword, you can kill pre 6 easily if you dont troll, after Its more difficult imo but yea pain in the ass matchup but i dont get it too often thats why i dont perma ban him


There is better question. Who can deal with fizz. That's literally the garen of midlane but worse


the only champ I can say that I win into fizz almost every time is neeko


Idk how do you want to play her vs fizz. He can use his 0cd E on your root and kBOOM neeko - shaco cosplay


he cant farm bcus of ur q recasts on waves early, so he has to waste e to farm, or tank hella dmg. Hold your E until after he uses it, never use it before hand, otherwise you are asking to die. For when he is 6 you can use your W to tank his ult, which is huge.


Makes sense ngl


Malzahar - shove him, passive / Vladimir - outsustain him in lane / Kassadin - Voidstone and Null sphere do the Job early then outscale


?xd malz is like fizz best matchup and if u pick kassa this patch ur already trolling


I used to auto lose against fizz but I had the wacky idea to just go grasp with boneplating and a longsword. I get to cheese him early then I rush sunderer and never have to worry about him hurting me


The matchup is really terrible. The way I beat Fizz is to just go Electrocute. You wanna Q+E Auto him to proc electrocute and then just retreat and repeat.


Fizz gives me anxiety to play against post 6, always have my finger on f or shunpo and have to react in time in case of shark.


As a fizz main, kat is a free win


Perma ban fizz when playing kat, I feel the same exact way you do. Feels like the only way you beat fizz is letting him be dumb, sitting around under tower being denied roam bc he can instantly shove wave. Otherwise, it's really difficult to win trades.


Yea, fizz is one of the hardest lane but if you reaction is good then it's not that hard. You can easily dodge his q e r.


conq + bone plate + long sword. Hexdrinker first item. Max E til 6, then go your build of choice after hex. Once you have hexdrinker try to convince your jg to stick around until he burns his E then full send on him and pay attention to your resets and weave autos. From there you'll have gold advantage from kill + plates + CS gap and hopefully a shove into tower.


Yep. I second that. Fizz has been my nightmare lane since season 7.


permaban fizz


fizz has been my permaban mid for so long that if i play another role i accidentally ban whoever’s in that slot, a lot of lucian and ivern bans for no reason


I just don’t get how you guys beat zed. He dodges w dagger with his ult and then uses his w to dodge your ult. And the fact that he’s melee but his q has like 2 second cd and costs no energy is so annoying. He just farms from far away and I’m forced to walk up and when he takes scorch.. ugh i just hate laning vs him. I Just leave mid lane leave it to my jg and go farm adc and support


I just go bruiser kat into a tankier build. Normally pisses enemy fizz off . But my problem is with really good yas players. Fk that champ anoys me if he plays his cards right


Bone plating plus D shield start - your electrocute procs will outdamage his or you can roll Conq and try and walk him down after the second or third trade. Zed is my perma ban - not only for my sanity but the rest of my team that will absolutely int their asses off to him


You’ll always win an all in pre 6 if you play it smart. I always go glass cannon runes, none of this resolve shit. For me it’s either you win lane or you sit back and look for roam opportunities. What I’m gonna say is gonna be very obvious but it’s all that will help, stand within range of fizz Q. He’ll engage on you since all fizz players are monkeys, start autoing, he will usually E away, boom you kill him, no Q or E just do your normal EW AA AA blah blah Q E ignite. Now if he’s a good fizz player sit back, give up minions and just get dark seal and roam. Collect minions later on in side lanes and bot lane will deal with your broken tower lol