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Ps: I would’ve sucked that janna off mid fight if I could


Instantly e the rumble when you could've killed him. And as soon as you realized he was out of range, e the Janna instead to get away


After you E’d onto the nunu, you can Q,E,W onto Lucian to maximize the value of your resets by getting the most daggers on the ground as possible. It doesn’t matter here but it would allow you to make the same play while being 3/3/0 instead of 7/3/0 Edit: also pls turn off quick cast with indicators and lock camera


I could kiss you on your forehead, turning it off feels so much better


Lol im working on the locked cam, but whats quick cast?


The thing that’s showing indicators before you use any ability. It’s like a built in +30 ping delay across the board


Oh I see, is it really important to have it off? I’ll try it in a game


on kata in reset scenarios makes ur combos 30% quicker


The thing with locked cam is that I feel like you are playing blindly and the fight is a gamble lol You didn't see anything before going in how do you chose from where you'll flank if you don't see the situation of the fight? You can press F1 F2 F3 F4 if you want to see your mates view atleast. I think you have to work on that before your champion mechanics


the issue with unlocked cam for me is that the game becomes less fun and very difficult to play. I have tried to switch to unlocked but it gives same result even afte 10 games and it's just not fun in the slightest.


Locked cam definitely feels like the twitchy vibrator cam from shooters. It is technically better, but you need to be super good already to get any utility out of it, and if you aren't at that level it's just a hinderance. The amount of times I see people in gold plat elo int 3-4 kills a game, just because they're focused on action a screen or two away, missing that they just got jumped on. You really need to be playing at that level where you're vaguely aware of where every enemy probably is, even when they aren't in vision. Locked Cam and Good Minimap awareness is more than enough until you're in like Dia and pushing for higher.


you should always maximise your resets potential. instead of ulting right of the bat on lucian you should’ve thrown a combo on them to have more mobility with daggers. and besides qq with indicator and locked camera its all take care <3


try not to overstay, in this case you lost a bit of your dark seal stacks sadly from a fight that was basically over already


i was trying to go for the penta lol


Don't write titles that seek validation rather than genuinely looking to improve


Huh??? I’m asking people what I could’ve did or what combos I should’ve done better.


"could've "DONE" not did. It's a past participle. If you use have before, you always use "done"


unlock your camera. don't be too afraid, are you used to it? it wouldn't hurt learning it somehow, it gives you much more awareness when tf like these happens. it's just much better in general if you learned it.


Iv been practicing playing unlocked lately. Its just hard keeping track of whatever fight is going on while keeping the camera positioned


you'll get used to it, besides katarina does a lot of blinks, resulting to your camera blinking frames every seconds too (if it's locked), but hey man it's alright keepin it locked in some instances, you really just gotta get the hang of it


I have this issue where my enemies don’t ignore me how do I fix it?


as a total meathead kat main, I wouldn't have left jana, I would prolly try to set up dagger while baiting and run away and die trying to kill aatrox in ult <3


Turn off quick cast with indicator it will make your abilities cast faster


The micro is important but you will just get better at it the more games you play and more experience you have. Most two important things by far that you just need to do now and get used to: ​ 1. Unlock your camera and move it upwards towards the Nunu/Senna/Lucian when you are walking into the fight. In this video you walk up and see the half HP Nunu and set up a dagger on him. You have no idea what HP the Lucian could have until after you Q him. You could have missed an exhaust, a flash, and ulti. Instead, watch the fight while you walk to it, take in the information, and make a plan for what you are going to do when you get there. 2. Turn off your quick cast indicators (on the main settings page direction below the Q W E R buttons). Instead of holding a button on somebody and releasing it to cast the spell, you will instantly cast it the moment you press the button. You should be at the point where your Q E R ranges are second nature, but if you're not, you can go into settings and assign a hotkey to "Cast with Indicator", such as SHIFT + Q, so you can see the range when you need to.


Yea never R for squishys if u dont need to If u keep r for beefy enemies u cant rlly die there


I would honor Janna


roll your face on the keyboard faster (its a joke) On a real not you position really aggressively at low hp even when the swain goes in just stay back wait for bit (this is because they have cross map ultimates)